FAQM FOVH "Keep Smiling" Men, you will certainly smile,' it you buy a pair of our shoes. All styles, all size, wetted sole, al $7.50 These are special values, ami last week our sale proved lhat the public knn-real value when they see II. Family SHOE Store "Shoe Outfitters to the Entire Family." "Mall Orders Prepaid." BRIDGE AND ROAD BUILDING STEWART!,'" ' Bear River Fill Finished and Bridge Will Soon be Started Hyder-Stewart Road Building Commenced Rock fillinsr on lh Rear Iliver in readiness for I be building of I he new bridpe ha been com . . ... . pieieti ny tins j-.istron, the con-Irarlor, and an early start will be mnde nn the- bridge in order In have it completed this .season. Major It. M. Taylor, district pib-ic works engineer, reports following a recent visit to Stewart. The fill on eilher end of tbc bridpe totals 1,000 feet in leneth and tbe bridpe will be 300 fet-t Innjr. The work on the bridge will be done by day labor and tbe limber and iron for it has. already been delivered. Major Taylor also reports that workhas been started on the new HewarJ-Hyder road by O. M. Wal-Mn & Co., contractors. Good proress is hemp mhde and the jh will be done this season. TEA AND SALE FOR ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH COUNCIL OFFICERS Aid. Si D. Macdonald Is Re-elected President For Ensuing Six Month's Term Officers were elecled for the ensulnp nix months at the meel- inp of the Trades and Labor Council last nipht. They are as follows: President, Aid. S. P. Mncdon-nld. Vice-president, J. J. fSillls. Secretary-treasurer, T." Ross Mackay. Wanlen, Harvey Fraser. Statician, W. M. Brown. WOULD WITHDRAW WHEAT THIS YEAR American Farm Bureau Wants Government to Finance 200,000,000 Bushels WASHINGTON, July 25. (Ilyj Canadian Pres,. -The American Farm Hureau Federation intends In press hard for the adoption of its plan to have 200,000,000 bushels of wheat withdrawn from Ihe market this year and financed Ihroupli Ihe. new inlermedlalo credit banks which were, authorized in jbe last session of Congress. Two Hundred Million Surplus 'fills Is the plan which (hp president has been urgeij by federation to recommend and which has been urged on the secretary of agriculture. Il is contended thai, lira 200 000,000 hunhels will be the surplus this year and If il is not held off the market, wheal prices, already low, will be ilentnraliieI, with great loss In the farmers. On the, other haiul, it is denied the plan contemplate indirect government jsuhsidizin? of wheat or subsidy e expense of Gray Silver, Washington representative of the American Farm Hureau Federation, holds that there is no other way to protect the interests of the wheat jrrower and that unless this method is followed, there will be almost irresistible demand for the fixirp of thefirice of wheat by the jrov-f rnmenl. Mr. Silver points or' lhat tbe farmers wiM need no action by ConpTess, by President Hardin? or the Department cf Agriculture to earry'out the plan. He says the farmers are simply proposing to do what the law en-title thern to do and to use the credit machinery which has Hi- ready been provided for their benefit. Credits Obtainable Under tbe law be points out. the farmers can obtain credits up lo 75 per cent of value, tlirouph I he intermediate credit 'banks, on wheat ami other apricultural products. As be views .it, ij is now up to the government to po ahead and carry out tbe intent of Con- press wnen il enaeieii lasj , se sion the new credits legislation. As Mr. . Iliireau farmer would ,,., . sell . , his . praii . lo . lake a receipt for the praftf bttffij il WriltKI in Ilia fa wmt.n I Will drive by and by your stuttering away," says Dr. Swift, substituting for M. Cone. Slow and steady grinding out of words beginning with "g," "pi" and "cl" nill belp, loo. he asserts. Why not subscribe " for the Dally Xews and have it sent lo vour home regularly if Tomorrow H ID tnai Untht to H C ITt raBvn Coutipatiea u BO- Bfl B9 mniu nd mp V gftw al iretrTfaocUon 1 ll CKes off the W Block y&BV m JURIORt- i Mil Utlto hi m I lIlliBjk Oatblrd tb no- ! 3Egr7w m.. m ; t Ww tini locntfimts. tbca ttnir mm. rors". I nee B or thUirmm mm BV I j COLTS DEFEAT WHITE SOX JN INTERMEDIATE LEAGUE BASEBALL GAME The CnUs debated the White jox iiy a srpe of 7 In I in last Intermediate " " Leapue Silver explains the .Kami ..tiiliasi'tvH'matclK i r Uinsis , enl T with V t-i. Federation ii,.. proposal, i th' .recent J1 , , , , pames lhat haxe bHn Pleasant Affair Took Place Yes- l.t- .r..v.v.i(.. ... tV."'1 tl " leapue. Mrs. W. C. Orchard A ver" pleasant lea anil sale of home cookinp was held yeslenlay afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. Orchard, 700 Musprave Place, by the Women's Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Church. The sum of t?P.35 was realized. Mrs. J. H. Pillsbury poured and wa-i assjsleil by Mrs. O. White-bead. Mrs H. A. Phnipott, Mrs. A. R. Niholls and Mrs. A. E. Uaz-ie-Jones. Mrs. C. C. Mills had charpe of the candy table and 3trs. J. Itarnsley and Miss Francis Cross presided al the home, cookinp- tables. TRADES AND LABOR wt .ria nn. iur assnciaiiiin lvoniii 1 pood and If plil There was a snml UiMil'h the brand the play with few er all of pranary, the association woubl).0:' f .nfl l""? V!"- Hren take the receipts and hor.'": '7,,,m,l a h.lt.n row from tbe inlern.rdiate credits ,r".1 "'""fvith -.. ... aml "'-ori'd four runs nph noun ifii tile i1 1 rili Ul llirill. The prrtceetls of the plan would be distributed to members of lb.? ro-operatie association; in proportion lo wheat furnished. With this arranpement made, the wheal would be marketed pradually, when prices were favorable, and not dumped on tbe mjarkel at once. WHISTLING AS AID TO STOP STUTTERING ItOSTO.V, July 25. WhisllinK stops stutterinp, acrordinp lo Dr. Waller H. Swift, who has opened a frep cJinic for speech correction at Ihe Weiitworlh Inslllule. He says the peculiar action of ths mouth muscles durinp whistlinp aids correction of vocal impediments. "Whistlinp and vowels for an hour a day. Sport Chat end ball in Hie p streak t off the bat. I.ambie, the White Sox burler, held things down vcll thereafter until the seventh when the Colts scored their olher three, 'fiie White Sox scoring was well divided, one in the third, one in the fifth and Iwo in Ihe isevenlb. Hie pame went seven inninp. I.ambie had eipht strikeouts lo his credit and I). Frim-ll the Colts' pilcher. four. ( S. Hazzctl-Jbncs umpired and the learns look the field as follows; Colls C. nudenicll. c; I. Krix-sell, p; J. Sims, lb; T. Fraser, 2b; C. Clapp, ss; X. Chenoski, 3b; II. Hibbard, If; S.Joy, cf; Albert Palmer, rf. . While Sox 0. niylhe. c; W. Lambie, p; O. Howe, lb; J. Martin, 2b; H. Wendell, ss; Dido Ourvirh, 3bv J. Mc.VuIty, If; II. Vcirerk, cj; A. Smith, rf. Seine by innings: 12 3 1 5 fi 7 Colts. ... .. ioonon 3 7 i White Sox ... 0 0 1 0 1 0 21 n . h The Hoy Scouts' waler gala postponed from last Thursday will lake place tomorrow afternoon at Ihe Salt Lake and will Any Touch of Indigestion Your Food will Feed you more Until your various digestive organs are in order your food, instead of properly nourishing you will be liable to clog and poison your system. Your blood will be poor and impure and "your nervous system thoroughly run down. Take immediate steps to secure , the healthy activity of stomach, liver, I ake and bowels. To this end you should Beecham's Sold vtrywhtr m box Pills tm tit t TH1 DAILY H1WH Wednesday, , I BRINGING UP FATHER 1 r?0 MARO thLLe 1 WHACT THE OHtrM COINC OUT SSR1 OHED riTuMMC, OEcV?WW tEELfOU UATEBft i be followed in lb even ins: b a reet dam. The pntyrant wtU Ix just a planned fur last week and the management i hspiax that inclement weather Mill ai hinder Ihe holdia? of the eve' as U ilul aj week. Kry ef-t t Ux been made to make tbe affair as all rati i as p,ii,t. arvl U slumld be alrnurd by eryUMy in lh cUy havtatr the interest f ,e t.iys at heart. Apart frum thai, llre is . te a tine bill of water prls wbkb wdl reward Ihe lime anl eiMns f 'he many petpe who, it H expected, wUl er the harbor '.MnVrow afleriHwtft. Tlie street 'lance in I be evening will no fess of a feature than I be water !on in Ihe afternoon. A fast and frequent tiat service to the Lakes ha lcn arranped for anj il will te inrreaeil if necessary. After a tans tkt mvifilw.n years, horse racing will be re sumed in California on .N'ovcmher 3 when the Pacific Oiasl Joekey Chili opens Tanforan. Ihe new-race track near San Francis,. Ilelween 5IWI and COO horses will enter the races and they are coinimr from'evervj part of the I niled Slates as well as frrtiu Hawaii. Prominent owners who will have California stahles include C, K. (i. Itilliugs, Tlwtinas Fortune Ryan, Harry Payne Whitney, Sain Hildrelh and A. h". Mcnmbe'r. "New York; .1. A. Widener. I'liiladelphia; Frank J. Kelley, Chicapo; C. A. Hartwell, Honolulu; A. II. SpreckeN, Rudolph Spreckels and llerber' I'leihacker. San Francisro. SPORT STANDINGS Senior Baseball W. on of Canada .... 5 (iils 3 Grotto Intermediate Baseball Cotfs 5 0 While Sox ( High School 0 Junior Baseball Falcon 0 Hoy Scouts ( While Sox 3 Stuart Shield Football sV. Ii' 1.. S. of K. 2 0 0 S, of C t 0 1 Grotto 0. 0 2 Qllhuly Cup Football BASEBALL Senior July I.. I 3 I Grollo no S. of F. 0 0 0 S. of G :.. 0 0 1 SPORT SCHEDULES 3 While Box vs. 8couts. Pel. H3.1 500 0(10 toon o'o n ,000 f07 500 333 Pis. 4 27 Son of Canada vs. Grotto. August 2 Gil's vs. Sons of Canada. '.0 Grotto vs. Oil s. 16 rSons of Canada vs. Orolti. M Gil's vs. Sons of Canada. 30 Grotto vs. Gil's. Intermediate July 30 Colls vs. High School, August 7 While Sox vs. Colls. 13 High School vs. White Sox. 21 ColU vs. High School. 27 While Sox vs. Colls, September 4 High School vs. White Sox. Junior July 26 Falcons vs. White Sox. 31 Scouls vs. Falcons. August 3 White Hwc vs. Scouts. 0 Falcons vs. Whte Sox. m Scouts vs. Falcons. I V While. Sox vs. Scouls. 17 Falcons vs. White Sox.. !( Scouts vs. Faleons. 23 Wlill Hot vs, Scouts 2 Falcons vs, White 8ox. Jl Stwjls vs. Falcons. rltl Heplcniher. TOO L Li bEE.Me RKHT WOW COM CK HERE. FOR SAI.K-Gasboal "Princess Pat." 05 feel; 05 H.P. Frisco! Standard engine. Freight and it- passenger boat pel; built 190 iMiat. Will sell taken al once. fully eijuip- I.'vmaII...,! I..... at bargain if) Arranpe for terms. W. (I Waters, Wran-ge, Alaska. Foil SAI.K Coinpile driiiiituer's outfit and trap's, also xylophone and set of I ley an le. Cheap. Phone lllack H(5. 171 'Oil SAf.K. Healer, eleclrio . washer, breakfast table, dining talde, rugs, kitchen chairs and rockers. Phone lllack Hi I. HARC.AIN for Cash If sold im-, n.edialely, Lot Id, map 1)67, Terrace. Apply H.. 12. Daily News Olllce. FOIl SAI.F.. Seven roomed modern houe, lurnt.ibeil. ?2,iMlo cash or lerfu. Phone Hlaek 17 FOIl SAI.-K. Piano; dining roim suir; bed; couch; rugs. elr. Phone Hlue J7. 176 WHITK HAHY HUOGY for Sale. In exce.llenl conililion. Phone Green 217. ROOMS ST. F.I.MO IIOTKI.. Hot and cold water in every room. Slenm heated,. Hates Phone Green 510. Avenue West. BOARD. reasonable. H3C Second HOARD. Tbe Inlander, 830 Second Avenue., Phone 137. tf II II 1 III I II - -- - - , . ROOM AND BOARD PAI.MF.Il I10USK. 106 Seventh Avenue Weal. Phone I led H. Furnished Suites. FOR RCMT TO HKNT Furnished rooms, with hot and cold water, by day or week, Moderate rates, Norfolk llnoms, Phono Illak ,32t. MISCELLANEOUS. tf STEAM Heated Flat for rent. Hesuer apartments. M. M, Stephens. FOIl FtKNT Housekeeping rooms 410 Sixth Avenue East. Phone Hlue 217. . tf ' MODERN four room flat for rent. Westenhaver Hros. If TO HKNT.--'lwu rixiinrd fist in Wallucu UliK-k. Apply store. TO HK.NT.--Tf "Ifing boat. Apply C. II. Doane, General Delivery. ACCOMMODATION for Campers. Stoves, and cols provided. I.aufear French, Hill Farm, Terrace, H.C. AUCTION SALE. AUCTION SAI.K on SATl'IIDVY 28, at 2.30 al slope next lo F.lerlric Hakery, Third Avenue. Consisting of ladles' coals, skirls, silk dresses, serge) blouses, hosiery, underwear! children's routs, elc. Philiot' F.vill A Co, f74' .SK VOL) CrN'T dj csel-velve: A. WORD L I W THATT WOMAN L Advertisers are reminded tltal copy for advertisements should be in tbe laily News oflke b-tm p.m. liNy to ensure insertion in tomorrow's issue, (f For the East TAXI Tail 87 Phone. (Call George or Gust) Rots Brothers. Five-passenier luurinx Car Prompt Day and Nlsbt Servl- -i SUiidi ?0,lon Qrl" Third Avenue' AUCTION KALIS, ondiicieO in yuur ur rooms. Good alo sold oi ummUslon. H. H. HEWMIHQS, Aoetloe-ssre, Third Avenue (Dei.nv Allen's Old sto.i Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, closes at 5.30 n.ni. From the East Mondays. Thursdays and Saturdays. 4:30 p.m. From Vancouver Sundny P. M, Mondays 3 Wednesdays 3 p,M. VrMy A.M. rfhlays 3 p.M, CI'.R. July 2, 6, 13. 1(1,80 and 23. To Vancouver Mondays 0 p.m. Tuesdays, Mall closes al P.M. Thursdays j0 p.m. Satunlays m. Saturdays m pj. C.P.R. July 7. II, "if, 2t, 5 ami 2H. To Anyox, Alice Arm W eunesdays ... . From Anyox, Alice Arm Ihursdays. a To Stewart and Premier rrmays a July .l and 2.1 Tn M , . niu.. n . . 0 P.M. By George McMa Daily News Classified Ads. a CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdrartiMimnl Tak.it for Lm lh Bo, MtAWTU WAXTKO.- Men ami women to learn barbering. paid while learning and tools free. Write fr calalofc-ne. Moler Harbor , College, YanciKiver. H.C. FOR 8ALC NOTICE ! QUKEN CMARLOTTE Ul0 oj " m it . In Quren Chart.. I ,irifi, nrconliiiK Di. ; Rupert, and siii.sk . Hay. Skidegale Int. u a Uurnl Isliuid, y j south west of ija . Take Notice that v IMurris. ot Vanc.M v nirainenremeit! r r Phone black 138 and Qreen 471 .H mtneneing at CHIROPRACTOR R. D. TA5SIE, D.C. Chlrooractoe 3rd venuc. Prince Rupert. IU1 Hours: in to 12: 2 i ; i 4) K Phone Hlue 625 Residence. Oreen 136. HOLIDAY RESORTS MASSETT. QUEEN'S HOTEL The Ideal Holiday Resoei. Fur terms ntir.lv nmnritlH... Mrs. J. c. S. Dunn. MAIL SCHEDULE : , n- Ifolhiwtng ilescrilii U."U menelng at a post tvv .GST.- ..oh, whs, wntel, I.Uek rsan:rnr.rence ' K w luminous dial. Fimler write line .if nlii isln,i Hox 130, Daily Ne. 175 iwetity acres m r , WILLIAM ol.OHi.1 y jOf Malechi-ck Cref af Kei west or nf Ihe ..ti') . . ' M jQUCKN CHARLOTTE LAtJ 8ft. I iniui. Application to Leste fotn inivn mis mars i-aoou In Ouren i:iinrioi,- i u Jnel. Ileronltng Hi- ,1-nnce nupcri. anl yi : U.,,ue ,r oub ?.. MatenK ' , lia Mand. H C. Take Notir hf ) Morris, of Vanr.. V i(.atUa miner, intrr l t s ifor ierinUlnn t. Jse In i umttiK desert lie.; ' fii..i , ner txwt of Ixl t in t ehalns southeasterly ' chains norllieiiil.rt f ehains Itorlhwestrrlr Ih lowinir high lir , , . of commeneeineni a In IT in ian miiM ... YVII.l.lAM flVIUM.V M Ml 1 Dstiwt Mar gfi. t0?l LAND SCt. Nti r hiiMtiM u u Ill SkfOT&l liihl tti.iri, r . . f 11 irtTI Off PHHr. U...-M. . . k'lf t Ihe rv.rth mh r iiruimitl.'ca 11 B.C f'.f flrtfl.l..ft.M In u. uk.. .S I Kwrihm ln,1 Osi.nvrKtrr t r I'Lanlnt f rluin ! it- !srtiir r,f mi, Htnr i- ""I; inrtmi imilri f rlutn' . iinft fr i:finr r Allf th rcillntt-tn i. u ni.i i.M J i .; mmri r.l to prfs .ir row"' (""M, ml rnnuinlni to - ocn (if.Anra. hllxl Vy Itlft. UfJ. V.AMO ACT. Nelk f lnlMtl,n ( Sppi, . use, In IhMM. ......... . I ... ...... iii.iriri. nv"" Irkl tit I'rtnra Inh... n. wid -T '' ' at 'IK. m.v.u . , ill ,, rrHi i,f Hlllllirr1 j Tk loiir, ihst I, Mtrti fP" " lwnfl tt.C. , Ttnnrr. IiiIm.1 ' J f.r prniili.loTi to tiirrh " elanint il norlh. rniw f 1 ' 'i lrnre writ to tlutni: ih. n. . ' 2 lo rhaim to kiMumriliimi n' Minn in ihe Uke toutheittr'" Z llwitlh IS rhiliu tn nr.lnl f JW" nini, iid rnnuinlni ibout nH.re or Im. rr L II '' Piled Mir lOlh. IBU. N O T I 0 I. MOTirr is iirm nv nirrv itol 'I I'ltrtimn will lie imde by thi ' ' ' . imii win lie invar uj in , t hiifMrt t.i ih..i..i.i.ib. iit..B.u!r , T t w I - nw - .r h w 1 1 1 tt rt - f IFAllk ..9 fl .1 I . t. '..LuaIji tl 1 ;'lfin, fur tn rt 10 Iki mm!' 1 ' p.m. Muir Us-il Imppivfiwiil VH , . I(l,'' nithnrlllnjr lit ilkll 'f , 't law Nn ini liomv Htlnw ' 1 l l fiF bnrrnulnr urn. llun.lr.il ami F1'1' From Stewart and trtmii. iu.nnini m.ooo.ntt in.iurJ. w rremisp c.i.. I innir ,io par f'r it mnu ,.t Saturdays o p.w l.al Impmvrnienl. nmly, ! iJlt To 10 Alaska Miaska Pnlnt. Points Inr f feriiin rMi1wiji ith bffJ, tUl, nm.hins an.i i.m.im f July ?. 6, 13, 0, 20 and 23. flf ,fP ,nl, H"11- n1 "".'iiUr From Alaska Points- t .. 1.7' riullllnr ".'"JLi inu Vu.i. u',:, I..I.. ... ... l.t... ri V .... ii . .i,,h I i-'Vir'iiii''Pi.'n IiXi'hlllhNChD MA.MCUHISI i vifMiiiiu'i- . J'"y ' i. II. IH. ' 2t 2.1 ' nn" and o "" ui to ie ii n.iieri "" and Tn . rk. .. ; . menu r..r the rti of v fn,s Shampooiiiij. Residential work , ! Char,oUa '"' Points f"".irr Mid riyiiw, rf.,;hu''.'ie: ' 1 i d.rininr iml in u 11 ii. ... , July II ' ami 1 e. o the l . r4 1 a specialty. Phone Hlue 171. VJ: -1w -M- i ".nfirmlnr p-ii nJ,"lP7 From Queen ChiHmia .Mrs. Coleman. . . v " wnnowe roinia ""'""" r. M. kri mil HI ioctament idllrra M'n,i -.iiiiurr -.nnilrr uul ami rali.laltnr Tiiiiiiiinr oju bjlis J'",,.), t" "..nKll . ..... inter roiniS Tlnin.UL. anl lu (lie Municipal l.wil l'P?; P-M. set fer Imrrowln MH.ner fniii rrom Naas R ver Pnlnta t'e ""I of earrylns wil S!.Iiip,Iu. . f'xtinr IN nmiplelloii and for t -""" A.M. iTillonn In Hie ilite mm "k To Port Slmoson ailna l,m mmeM .f principal anB-lnteresi nyo and Arrandale. M bylaw ire io t nmi ia.vatt Sundays n n f '."' r"eni, V P.M. H"lru . .. tuud t th cily of Prima from Port Simpson, Alice Arm "if"' . . sol rllnp rnr mi. M'Pi""" ...irt Tuesdays A.M.I Nunlrlpillty of lh City " huptri.