1932 December 2, Thousands of People Read The Advertisements on This Page Every Day THE DAILY NEWS RENT THAT ROOM, SECURE HELP, SELL FURNITURE, REAL ESTATE; ETC; THROUGH A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT em me — nn — : B.C. Fresh Extras, cartoned 50! box, $2.10 to 275 Raisins, Australian seedless, Ib. .15 iB.C. Presh First, doz. 45/Metntosh Reds, bull fancy Iv 6¢ Raisins, Cal. seedless, 2 Ibs... 35 he al é S$ Local, new laid, doz. 55! per box 1.45 Currants, lb ; dt: Butter Fish Apricots, ib. ‘18¢ te 20 J oolerd |Faney eartonéd, Ib. 34 Smoked Kinpers, Ib. <............... 26 Apples, atied 18 ; No 1 Creamery, 3. lbs. 90 Salmon, fresh, Ib; , 15 Peaches, Peeled ds For rent, for sale and all ether smal? advertisements in this section charged at the rate of 2 cerrts Retail prices curre.t nere at pre- | Honey , Halibut, lb. j 4s . J5 Blaek Gooking Figs, lb. 10 a word per insertion with six insertions for the price of four. By the month the charge is 25¢ « word. jf sent are as follows: Extraeted Honey, per jar 29 to 30'B.C. Cooking, lb. 4 to 05 Citron ROO ci teeeennencnne BO Neo advertisement takén for less than 50c. Sebstatee Comb Honey 25 | Delicious, fancy wrapped, lb. 08 Nuts ‘Ss ’ = meet 5 taiors 13 to 15 lbs 25 Cheese , per box 2.75 Almonds, shelled Valencias .... 50 i a. 115 Ontario solids, new Ib... 1% Delicious “C” Grade, wrapped California soft shelled Walnuts 35 FOR SALE LOST 70 i; 4 a “ Ontario iy ature. Ib 30, per box 2.38 Walnuts, broken shelled ie a OR OIRO hes AS eel IE : DAIRIES ar eae ey | Stilton, lb. 38 Delicious, bulk, Ib. 06 wainuts, shelled halves. ........ * | ARY Heater finst- Gast con- LOST Gold ear-rimg. Re a E oe: 6 ti. 5 BCROm, | Be 4 ee : 2.00 Peanuts .... Entrar nr 5 Pnone Black 234. 260 = Pho 572 3 Sac ony All Our— Parsley bunch 07 RGD OEN, ee eee a ane ied “4 -- Toe s Duieiiae te 95 CoFeonzcia, Ib #4 per box 1.90 Wheat, No. 3 Alberta... 115 LOST Left hand sham ts pean : dy Sugar Wagner, bulk, Ib. 06 Wheat, Bulkley Valley .............. 175 FOR RENT with No. 3589. Pince: MilkandCream 2m sa ree. ee pe aa ‘pa i ss HrY Box 157 ult ; a 7 . Yellow, 100 tbs. 5.10 Grimes Golden, fancy, Ib 08 teen 1:30 wEWLY Renovated modern flat SHIPMENTS ; ; a P — ' = Lard per box 2.25 Shorts 1/35 Rand Block. Max Heilbroner. ti ' ais acan eaciiiniiiess Uiaieestataa a ee - Pure, Ib. 15¢ to 17 orutie Middlings 1.85 ‘+ cake t suaranteed ¥ v s Sweet Potatoes, 3 bs. Ho ides STORE for Rent Third Avenue, WANTED 5 ad i ; Hothouse Tomatoes, 2 lbs 35 rurkeys, Ib — 45 Valencia Oranges. ....f0z. 25¢ to go berks) , Le cioining Wrathall's. low rental w Le * Jaa a i VALENTIN DAIRY Parsnips, 6 lbs, 25 Fowl a i. Ib 98 Lemons, Cal., lavge 60 Laying Mash 7 McClymont. qf} PABSED—Small’ furnished house Ph 657 BC. Cauliflower, 20¢ to OO a i ee ‘“ Grapefruit, Catifornta, Se to jn Oyster Shell . ve 100 ———— -—-—- ——— or flat. about $25 a month. Phon one 6» Jnions. B.C. 6 lbs 25 Roasting Chicken, Ib. $ 36 Cranberries, lb o | Beet Serap - .. 290 ROOM for rent in private home.| 98 298 « ‘inten Catia: > tence 10 Ham, sliced, first grade... 35) Quince Ib. ,Ground Oil Cake 2.85 ntrally located, Board if de- -lubbard Squash lb ihe 8 Hem, plcule, thet proce, JB. = Crab Apples 4 lws Tine Gat Chops tbe ved. Phorie Green 938 282 For FRESH LOC AL MIL K sie ale set aS, 5 Veal, loin, Ib. *s Noe aay PCrushed Oats ene nseeeeee PIANO TU NIG eee ee dn | Veal, shoulder, lb. 20 ; " 4-|Fine Barley Chops 165 re Spanish 1s, Ib | 30¢ 5) FORSALE ORRENT > Phone Red 608 or 953 SPavish Oni per ‘a (Beet, pot roast, 1b. Wt ocala eectareaatdia tek On. $$ PLANOS Tuned $3.00. Walker's M" pi aes Na j Se ere ee - Beet, boiling, Ib., 10c to oa doz.300 ig gg eeeereeeeesd alia ; Walker's ! DOMINION DAIRY Savoy Cabbage, each, 12 to 18! peef poast, prime rip, Ib 99 Pomegranates, each, 5c to 0 4 e HOU SES for sate or rent. F. wi we Stare ' Cabbage, local, green BS es. re es ““*|Casaba Melons, each, 15c to. 20° tart tf 8 Quarts er 14 Pints for $1.00 Hothouse Cueumbers, each See cena " to Tokay Grapes, |b 25 ¢ The Daily News can be pur- 4 H : ciel ts Gee ¥ atdicind Gk ““|Lamb, shoulder, lb. 0 : te (a on | * Chased at— “ The AUCTIONEER | ira gd Tas eto SL 2 Seas Graph 12 See es sen. CLEANING & PRESSING e | PAINTERS ee 19 | Lamb Chops, Ib. a eine —- a » Granville St.. Vaneouver. 4 Packing — Crating — Wrapping stam a tae e reais “ |Mutton, shoulder, Ib. a F “o * Karl Anderson, Prince,# ES reasonable. Benkendorf and General Furnite re Rer 7 A jpn taty- a ae Flour, 49’s, No. 1 } ’ 1 wheat {56 |e side. afiged. best grade = or Ne acs (oSenee 7 rd Ave., next door to Daily tink aant exnadin’ fit Pa Moller, Phone Hed St Sear, Me ihe ats to 50 (Pore Shoulder, Ib... 15 White Figs, 4... 12%! ®. W. Riley. Terrace. B.C. ¢ " a 7 Se a ee = PR Oe ee ee aust Ps ae tle ye ib | \Pork, loin, Ib, 22 Dates, Bulis. So. tO siti. 15) General Store, Anyox. ? GEO. J. DAWES—Phone Black 1 | DANCING . ascii uae ces ik sais /Pork, leg, lb. 22 Lemon and (#atge Peel ...... 29 * Smithers Drug Store, Smith- + he Eggs \Pork, dry salt, Ib _.. 20 Prunes, 30-40, Ib. 14|*# ers. B.C e H AIRDRESSER tAP DANCING igh’ v M i Alberta Seconds, doz 25 | ; Appies Prunes, 40-50, Ib undies wl wie > i ee Advertise in the Daily News eanor 7T Phone 20 ti Alberta Extras, doz 40) McIntosh Reis .wrapped) Ib. 07 Prunes, 90-70, 3 Ibs GB heh eee eee owes +46 UR “Ringlette Permanent Wat ee a ss _— a eI see em 20 ity Parlor Canadians Learn Canada aE PD Me ATE SS OES TRANSFERS | sERONS Tranter A Great Opportunity = —— ; oe For Any Liitle Gi! in the City of Price Ruperi Irrespective ef Age 1S RR TT A How to get one of these Dolls =| | TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Kent Rose. Cowan & Latta 224 ett Phene Cet an Adorabie FIVE DOLLAR Prince Rupert DRY DOCK Any girl in. the eity can 3 ee AND 7 dan: pamela his doll by, exertmg a r effort and doing a re” SHIPYARD a tite far the, Dally —==_ .Cws. Gel SX new suvse “vib- A 9h) Operating three Dry Deck A Be: uty 2 and colle Total capacity 20,000 tans to the papér and collect One ella from each. The sn’ scrther« receive the pa er for 10 weeks. the Daily News ef- ee the doll, Then : ny of the human hody. i. WOLK. thal the sébscriptions ‘ety dell, He “Raby, Betsy” legs and arms are of is & Very p} Shipbuilders " and Ship Repairers | for Steel and Wood Vessel Ti ul- T jesh rubhe r with atl the séftness, colo: Her tiful and she goes to sleep like a real aml ‘texture Iron and Grass Castine pee . vat Ire REMEMBEA< ; ‘ \ *\ sare Dei - | Electric and Acetylene Weldine to eyes are peau 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts } T" e) from the towns and villages of Canada sei sonal a pects } been bro t to the doors of mist We new ones, Gitts living out- habv. She ‘yes when her lews are } om Sawmill and Mining Machiners nté th 2 jor ett oe, and vic av je from he \") ec y awe ne . ; id tee peop! oo ie side of Pristce Rupert may get a aby. ohe crics n he les are pin- . = cite € ov ind ‘ a ‘ ‘ j ‘ > af rceguainte V ei f low-cl ~ , 2 ‘ . : ' Repaired and Overhauled t¥avel } been civen an onprecedented etus by |of other cities to a degree DP bly unparalleled dell by vending: fv -extee yearly malt ched. She is just the doll that every oir) CED CERETSNEERRRET me ONT e ee the p f the Canadian Pacific Railway In u n Canadian history by this innovation in railway u riniione aé $8.00. cach. « 75 he low rate b 1in. return excursion | 0] ym Distances have n annihilated by } ‘ . “bh weet mae feature into the company’s activities during the |these extremely low om the Maritime ONS Ran will want at Christmas. 7 current yé Since February t ar up to Provine to Montre itreal to the bor- G d November {0% We ast ses « figure of 65,000 pas-|to the anclewt city of Q Toca. sae A little extra work gives the winner of the doll a beautiful fayette or 2 pillow ul e to oe who heave availed themselves of these ex-/|and on to Windsor Chieago, and to and biatkets for the dell. cep pportunitic to familia t emselve core of intermediate p ere is scarcely @ ¢ dents with the Dominion noit het has not ber tito close toudh orrespon rhe » iful countryside of Canada in al its ‘with all other ‘ — = HA \ WONT @o BACK oo saan AND HE May \ THAT BONER ‘ J } ia for publieation but as # mat BUY Sit pegee |e 3 € aa es he 12 ANG GET - Foes) | ON THE f mY . ter of good faith and courtesy ON - He : 7 # DA SATURDAY- SAY ee | Suir ‘on ae Gan. Fl Team So ft T Lv a i> We All unsigned documents go | OUND ETE = a BOLe, Are you || PI GET IN THAT |. d Senksanaet sys oa Ki the waste paper basket. Let | STANOS (i ROVE wiTH | ; scrimmage HIMSE ° & p ” ters of a caustic character } t a ue A must. have the signature @p ry | Zi | if pended for publication \ a | hig Letter should be written on Hi | ’ one side of r only — ‘@z e the pape ae | Correspondents must ave’ py Yi 11 ~“<. personalities and the languak: ny ‘2 ‘ ,| Should be such as would be al- .egwcmener "| — ite _ — ie ic ¢ 22% Y ’ TT ——S : ate thas r “” : wee : wats Fie : ri reeset