PAC1E TWO TTTH DATT7T HHWB L ., i. . i. III ' -i h .o IimH.-iI -I"'"' I" hiR'1 The Daily News . THE HORRORS OF ilin ileil iiiniiiier .1 i ii-rlninly noli Klic Iriilh and I refiile it. Who-j phincr nupKitr hiutisii Columbia - lever vv.i- i.. Hie Itootb.1 Published Kvery Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince 'SehiMVl i on-i i u, I .. ii w.i not a INDIGESTION E Uiiecos 1 i , , il 1 1; nil. wn a llnperl Itnily News, Limited, Thlnl Avenue.. lllili'll cm Illeil He iinilerltik- II. R IM1I.1.KN, Managing Miter, inu as we 'veil-. I'er.nHally. Ii Relieved by "Fruit-a-iives" :ir I aniltst over -eiendilllii I SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 'tin) Mr. .letters fnitetl tn keep ii' City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month. . . i . . ,1.0(l the Fruit Medicine j.iii.l when lltf reelMlsll'llelloli Indigestion. Weak, Uiirrsiion or n iii trerea, t hat is the only By mall In all part of the Hritih Knpire and the United States, of orfer of partial li(; "-nun f f'l. is oil eritieiltl we liAve lo In advance, per year ?0.00 tlie moi serious or .M-eseiii .lay him." To all other countries, in advance per year. ...X ,$7.l0 eomplaiflU t "Cfl me il is reoiiille j Qave Bast Service for innny serious tumbles. I Tesiie MrliinHii iwlnteil mil1 TELEPHONF. 98 foa ( inirr lnAigtitinn, 'Hint Hie vole on Hie iMvh M-hiwil nlmtul inntrUIJr ar IrtmhlrJ siiA had leen taken at a time wlienj transient l)iplay Advertising. ... . ft. to per Inch per insertion Khmmmti', Vn"w of tht llftttt there wan a mntpaien mi for1 Slnplrumitt ami etttuk .Vnfiwmm eeiiiniient bvilliliow. He tool Tranient AVlvrl:inff on Front l,ae. . . , .. . .$2.80 per inch "rrun-a-UveV will relieve always jvoled aminst il. The tiylavv Local Headers, per insertion. . . 2."e per line lnttifeslion Iterance tli-ei taUets l.livinu been li-eil, hnvvever. Il' ' Classified Arivrllinr. per insertion. . . . . . ....... .2c per word tnrnrtlicn tlie slomaeli mtiwlH, 'and I he rhairmnit lunl irivi-n Ihei, ' Increase tlw How of the difesioe jliesl service. 1 1. 1 1 1 tut'! irec L.egn I Notices, each insertion I rc per atfate linn Juices nn.l i'uriret('cnitiKllion,hirli for further iuvelii.'alion uf III. uauivlly aecoiiioiies Indication. Hnli had joriuinal Inn Ihev heeej Contract Hales on Application. SOc a tx. U for t:' .'0, triul sit IV. uu.iiccessfHl unit here lliey vvrej All advertising should he in The Daily News Office on day preceding At dslT or neut Kslld by heariim I lie n. of Dial hmiril. Cooked by Live Steam publication. All Advertising received subject to approval. Kruil--lives Ijiuiiol, Oliana Tliev were mie. m emimvliiiii Willi I lie recoil.) llli I I.Ml. If IIHMIeV Member of Audit Dureau of Circulations. Cooker LECTURES SCHOOL Savoy TtAVOR l.,,l heeu iliantere, or lllisiiji- in a DARDn fcKirft TU IC IS HE. u J-.11 mi.w a 1 1.J ,.roirinlet. Ilieii Ihev -liii. he SENTED BY CHAIRMAN, , i.,, hill lie .li.l iml think the DAILY EDITION Jin Tuesday, January .'in, 10i3. OVER EXPENDITURES ARE eitifcn t.elleve.l thai. If Hi. Doctors say "Cook porrmVe by ntcarrt1" DISCUSSED. ci,hiI lioKnt hnl not teeomlitioii-i It's better for you cooked that way tastes il Hie Hi Mil Ii Schiiol. Itien the ,ilv better, tool This SMP KnainelevI Ware Sa uy Truth Must colli limed fnuii (ijiue one council wmilil linve hint lo ,o i. Cooker cooks porrluife by live team. The Triumph Eventually. A 1,1. r.ollarl e.eil.I . , no Use of inner boiler is pierced with hole thro .ph Willi Hie coutiiiiuilimi of Hie xily-leeliilic However much Hie power that be may belittle Prince. Hu-perl. work. 'orlher talk on the umller. The) which the steam penetrates. The loil,njr eitv council here for bui-l the live steam above and vvn below cook Hie fact remains thai she has (hose things which must (Illier iiiemhers of Ho honnl water lies and iml for eleeiion talk. porridge throuph and through. No neeii eventually enmpel atleiilifin. The railway through 1 lie i xpiee.l (he opinion Hint Hip ac your passes A4rt. Meihen ul In- with Hie was sorry to keep stirring. No danger of scor h rr counts in richo-l part of British Columbia, rirh in il farm land and rich sclinl reconstruction eiiuiK-elion would liuve if he lolil hurl I he feelinir of any Boil it the night before. I.cave it to smiurr in miniiiK possibilities. The roal area have been proved but not lo Ih mel. iiieotiT of Hie cliil IiohM. All A Handy Pot and steam till morninir. Serve it hot f ;r developed. The niclaliferous mines are now behi(f developed Alii. S)eilien said he wmil.l like he askeil was thai in future e. Ma Is l mwf Cw.r breakfast soft as jelly, nutritious. i:.jref and are shipping ore. The fish trade is steady and the lumber an iiiiderstandinii witli Hie si fmul traortliunry ttranl wmilil not b iJitiU (kIMl NtrUf. ible, delicious thoroughly stram-cookrd t;y f If they wvre. he for one tMmm4 Hit: awsaM the Savoy Cooker. business to liai liojinj I'li'iirinic Ihat future trraul llwswr. sum4 csm seem likely mine k. I'o-sibly the Alaska trade woiilil nt ass on the evoendi- d Oysur. Sussm4 CWh. vvoiihl not be exceeded. will eventually be dune by tli route and with the filling up of itur's. r.t,r Ytbi. Ch-.V..k I a;.wttll No trouble to clean, either. No burnt (he vacant areas of the interior. Hie development uf the yuceu Mayor Newton Little Co-operation M. WViit Hs. lrm4 or dried meal to scrape off! Nothing sticks Charlotte Islands, the opening or the roal field, and the general "II eems lo uie." said Mayor AM. Mardrtfiiihl reirretleil Dial (Ms. Tool" srSkkla eisst. to it that soap and water will not remove. Newlmi' lhat il would not he r in lit lilll, I ion lMlwfAn llo n eii.nnniM Ask the hardware merchant for this ar.d ilevelopnieiil of the rounli-y, (hi line of railway will prove niui-h here loninlil unless I en.lore. it... lHMr, . M.H(( ,, ,.,. ,.llm,.j, other utensils of more valuable lo Hie rompauy and to the nation than will -the renliiiienls of Aid. Stephens ie. wit apparent. II was prematura line running through practically unproductive territory to Vancouver. run ncct ion willi Ibis mutter, I -to lo lay liny charge pendmc an in wish he in the iml lo personal The wealth is here. All that is needed is brain and vestigation, lie I.'! net pe nall.-r biil 1 feel that no public ,:.-., . ,hnt ,,, energy and determination and a' modicum of riicourrtgemenl I,.m) or the city responsible foriMnl.(, ,, nn,in(r Ml of M p&um WARE from the niver that be to make us a great ci(y, a great port, us ev-ii.iiiiircs ... me . cou.;H r ,,, 3,,v,,lin(f wn.nir. a deep sea shippinffpnrl, a coaling station, a fih shipping and -il has a rishl to simmkI mnneyi ,, ,i.i0,.i i. .ili manufacturing port, and a pulp and paper town. i-aiul. .priMWl. ...witli the .niacins.. - . o! ....... agree with Ho1 lecture that PTiftjes iiiiueiy without any i.-,, i,,. n... .i,.u,i i, Three finishes: Pearl Ware, two coats, pure white inside and out, .,. Grasping Hand ' .......nimc. , r. iiipiiiiieis Hmiiiflit Ihey ltnil .lone their coats of pearly prey enamel inside with Royal Blue edging. Seen Everywhere. qr the schoo hoard I i- true had ,.,,, , ,, H(lll, ,a lp and out; Diamond Ware, three Vancouver ha no real need of a drydock. A we have sail: ril Hie up Cmlersntloii., a certain of Hip.inl city hut emir-',.,,..I be -..-,i,,,.,,.,, nf hJf ......i..... .... coats, light blue and white outside, Smut MrTAi Products tm'SZZ PM.rl, ,, white lining, Crystal Ware, three before, if the srlmol t.oar.l ehn.e If I SMCfJV.M CS. moved drydock were from here it would simply in lo spen.l away employees, lie .li.l not feel Hint jure the hus'uies or Hie government drydoejv at Ksipiinialt and and heyi.nd what Hie eitv council . ,.ri,i(.j.,m l;ey had reeelve.1 make the expenditure on Hie iwrlly ronipjeled second drydock vvn. rpule.1 tn have sanci..iie.l.,wafc aUoBe1(.r ,, ,,. U a resiill Hie eilizens Local AgentThompson Hardware Third Avenue ere.A,(11M Co., .rank foulishne.. Yeli Vancouver wnle'rlrflnt joTfrnal monies oiit driven into Krel est..i-e whiet. ,,, y M.,lfH,, t-Kir,,IH rll,,,,,Tp with a long screed about the need of Prince Huperl's drydock Ihey never ripnrove.1 and onlv ,ll(.ak ,1(.y ,,,, ,IUlp n Krencli viola?.:. Altrena produced in Vancouver. which made the meiiiWrs of ll ,., ,ia, aIil , proM.r es- duriiiK Hie Ifi.l.outi pnt scasuu. The Dominion government offered a" Jarge vubidy lo any year's school board personaHy jiniale at first ' yHlkui of wine, and taking-OHO Canadian National Railways liable ab-oli.lely. Kven what the Vancouver firm that would build a floating drydock but not one school board is lonil,t JlHr X,.won sii at if his into consideration that I l.uon.ii. ii man (here with capital had sufficient faith in the port lo go into i anollier way or practically .le- ,lriHMlmi ,M ,,ftrilh if (rations of wine ten over fetn wa- rtH,y ,1P fr rj. the business. They let the subsidy drop. They were afraid ot fyuist the people. If it was in my ' ,. w.,, ...:fmi n.l ,.n.l..u- lll, it is evi.lriU thai whatever Prince else Krnrwe be shorl ol it it. Instead of that they looked across at Naboth with his flourish Jurisdiction as mayor of Hie cilyji,nlM,4l,i ,.,, TiA r,... ,.,, will not he wine.limy Rupert ing little vineyard and eilvied him In little all and set out to "I woiil.l refuse- t aeknowt -.lire ,5,MMI(I ,,,, ,,B ,(n, Hr,,.p ( II is anlierpale.1 by lik-u y dei'l-. expenditures. However, get it. II was a mean, contemptible action and a cowardly one. h,,!,,,,,,,. r 3.ono had Wii rs Ihat a cul in the price ! DRYDOCK Ihoiiyl, .the school hoar.I umy ......i.. ...... ... It i difficult lo get word sufficiently biting to characterize it. have wrpnuly eontrnrte.1 I he ae. lw,r, hu ,.,,. i-.n.n- lliir.r.linD wine will he necessary In Afraid lo spend their own would lake eoiinls. Hie work has III.' surplus stock. money tliey from us what neverlhclesp IUr. pnlyleehnle. he had lieen AND we have. leen filirnie.1 ly eitlens. As. a , nn.lerlint that il was KubsCrihe for IU Itaily News. result it nricht be a hardhip to .,, '.i-- f,,llr(1I,..i ,,u tt(j ... SHIPYARD C.G.M.M. Vessels have them bel.l up while ,,,, Wn Ir ,.,, uns Overhaul Here. lion was befiifr tl.reslie. oul , ,,. h(, ,,, fH(,r rn,.4.. through les-al aellon helween Hie i,,,.,,,., ,i.. i n. .,,ii,.u Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock (Ui.M.M. vessel do not have lo go out of their way to dock cliool board and Hie eily council.: ,,,, mo(ion ,lf A,. Stephen and at Prime Itiipert. rhey call here ,i their wh- soulhwanl down III one lian.l I vvoill.l like In throw i,i Mal.k,.niP II... ..ccn....Is wvre makars, Founders, Woodworkers, Elo. the coast as they return from Hie Orient. It is hardly an hour .own the fc-auntlet to Hie school r(,r(rm , ta,.r discussion in out, or their course. II ought not to be a mile out of their way board in refusing to pa them hut. ,., r ,ie-M hole. t:iiuis r,-i ii... .mi .us..... - ai UIV.V.11IV, uaau icilC f T ClUlllg' Tor these vessel should all call at the (band Trunk Pacific orl, on the other, ratepayers hav Investigation or Audit li-iii.wiu-ft M'iiri,.. H ii -.i. i.e. performed eerlaiu works an.I il iIm I., earlm. mi i ..nil Our plant Is equipped tn handle avll kinds the only port the railway has of its own on Ibis mast. ; ,,,(,.( , w-,l(l, M,rp Mri.-ie. bimi i,uu'i .i.M.M.i ie i I ot would be working a hardship iii'lisriliii HI, u wi ll a. In hi.- i ,,., ,,p(. ,nk(.n v(,.w ,n All soils of misrepre.eulatioii is rife in Hie effort to influence upon them if Ihey were not paid. .... ive.iirtln. Mavor Xewlnu I..iar1l rll i..isrn.iiii It'll.1,-t..,ai .., U. , Marine and Commercial Work Sir ... . .laissl. VK III Im- rsi'lteil un I tiu. .., M Henry Thornton Older such eircum-laoce I lo remove the dock from this port. Sii , Kerirln II,:.I Hie oiirnar). lu ' i. J... -iiiii. . ,,i M. Henry po.sihly may remove the duek. but if he doe., it would not no know wlial vvoubl t- the I M.,,0),, )))W imllinir rr II.Mlrrt.H'litliM.slI Ptrlo (,: MoOi rrom 1t PHONES 43 AND 385 be I s.uiiiioii ami ii is a mauer lor ai-,vj1.P unj would be April u SOlh 4u; a i. guess Hud it will never.reach Vancouver. Prince llnperl ,,r.,isioii . Irs'l. Mral,. Were iieriiliHiie aclion. It not for nt,(,,. fr prU , ,..imi,es, people are hurl Ii. I l i-ii very even ai the suggestion lo rob her of auer circuuisiaiice vvouiu, .. (:0arMl..ulre.l to . Iresh Ullk. a one of her They feel so strongly that it is difficult nave no nesiiaiioii ill iiskiiik tlie i,..., I,vu. f ivoslen flnsei'. I Ii.. Irnli liar.H. vVrrlildM.ifKt l.ard. KEEP IN GOOD HEALTH King George Cafe lo convey lo outsiders what it mean. The dock was built under city council In repudiate lliesnne.LSJ,on fr Hlilj( TriB . Urn.Kuller.I. BY EATING GOOD contract willi the railway company, signed and sealed by the city, coiinis. me iea.1 we ran iik is ,p ;,,,., r,.,,,M t taaa t Ut"y were I.It. II.viu'rilaiHSMx I'rovmrmi. at (he the company and the provincial government. Sir .....i ..a imnr "nwaillnir eslimnles ns lo the ros J. ITI. Henry Thornton ftr tht flKtl NEW CAFE ' m iiio..s uini i worn., suif-ior real Vr Cns.nilag 1 at April, has staled that lie will respect iuveslieation. If (his 12S. . ROSTOV agreements and if he goes bark jrcsn niai a resoiiiiion i.e lasseo W(.,. , j(l.r(l ( j,,, )( k. Wa.hlna- nf llil.lin I on Ihi. one what are we to think? We do not believe he will lieina (he school board at-alnsl j k would be audited inslcad. I.. Coal f.r.w Slilps. Weterva the Beit CHOP ,.-.,K mi. sacreu coiuract. e l.clieve he is a man of honor sue,, men in me ,inure. , uo T.lw. park,.r (hoiilrhl the es- Is.r.n.ol.iainsil at imilsr Id api'lvlnr anil.all Inr.irniall.i In lis' uu.iei inai GRILL SUEV and NOODLES ami sterling integrity and will refuse to iuu ieei niai iiiescimoi noat.1 lias ii,,,,,.,. r,1P i,nuaiu.n ...lui.t iiriie.1. Ahi'llmm. for firin ar r,-iiu-l.-il ,e beguiled into any In lle .i. riiiUHr Uis I.mii r linn. i,n dealt with justly ill the I such action at (he belie) of Vancouver. Us pa. . ,, ,M.r ,,,. , whirl, ihsy .h 1m Inslir. Opn Day and Night. Car. 8th a.d JZbJ Af and so far I .In not reid any as- Tlis l.iuri.1 fir ai.v leiwlsr .y.l ns.' Hi the biiildinir or Hie school. What ar.'r.Ml. 3rd Ava. Phona 467, that such iiielio.l will Plione Blue 471 surance Wl,,, fimnrn nny ient (sirnwi) ii stiv isii. not continue.' Naval mrr urn-el II.VI.c. Ihs-kvanL I uimall, H Dr, Kergln Replies Hfl Jauiiari. Win. "I PLENTY OF .WINE IN Avoided an Operation rMalinu Ilial il would be hardlv fair b,r Ihe school hoard It. res I FRANrF THIS SFASllN DENTISTRY; X-.Ray Service Appendicitis Disappeared" under His Worsliip's remarks. The only reliable and scientific method of knowing Dr. Ivcrwiu piinled out (bat Mr. jtmu vreiu, udora, Ont, writes: Parker. .Mr. Casey and Mr. .Mont, May be Cut In Price to Move Surplus TIMBM AL( X4476. exnet ennditinn of the leelh and iirroiinliii(( Stocks; Algeria Also Sea lnil Ti'iupr will lis lei'ivnd l. li, lony structure. "I look a aevcre pain in my iiniiiei-y had not been member or VllliUlsr "f l.aisl. al VlrK.rla. iwl Ui.r iai Hoard ml he Ilia ii imhhi nn Uwi ji,I .lai nf l.l.rua... right tide. It was bad vac uiulil IAHIS. J... ;n. The amount very 11, rur I lw- .iir.-lwc nl l.nnu.' X4 .',. at timet, I trie J oili and table! lefl oi, i.r Hie mailer nlloyellieivof wine pinduceil in Km nee iu In r.U .liS,limi fer of Smire, irtar. DR. BAYNE without gaining any relief. The "I would point nil)." said the doe- lli'J eteeeifed I hut of.ltlSl by .4.Ilellilerk III.' NiHitl ail.1 l.alwai.l.Am. uf ltd Hl an Ukr.area Illsi-lle.iliiiil...l Office Honrs? 0-U. doctor pronounced it chronic lor, nun in llils M.M.I Ii Nlioi.l.mme than riftv i-r cent. accord.J la. liamre 1, i.,a-i I.awl Plairwi Tuea . Thur.. Hat. Kvennig Tsu ' tsara Mill Is- allnuml for is IJenlal Nurse appendicitis. I dreaded rousiniciiou. uie school ImiiiiI, hur lo the official fiaureii imh al nf llnils-r. Alwnyn in Allctidnnre. an for the flrsl and only lime in Hi IM..-, 1122 ruroisi i.annulara m lis- ' liter Ii.ii- Room 4, 5, 0, Helgerton Blk. Phone 10' and r.eenlly. operation a friend adviied -The crop lr. lli'l'Tia, H.i;., at ii.irlri turmtrr. Dr, Chaie'a Kidney-Liver Pill. History of Ihe eily came l.aek to produced l.r,;i,50().no Kallmu of frliii-r liurrj n.C. I uied them and not only obtained Ihe eily for more money. wine. a .uupured willi tl'JO.OflO,-Ih.urjrlit timbir aati x aa. relief from pain, but I Hiat we bad coiimi bee mui ,,, ti.-. In million lo Hie M.-alll 1lldra Mill l,s fveslvvd hi- Ot touiulit lo exnlain un.l assist Ma.t.lrr tt LamU. V li-iiiMa. in,. Idi oiun and believe it liai completely freed ' iiisiU nil Ills ml. ilav nr Mai ill. llii .. FLOUR me of appendicitit, vve appareiilly came In r.-ceive a me purniarr i.r i ii,in x nil, in . m PURITY at it it now dresnir down Which wo have PRINCE RUPERT TIDES J.K'iI.iii.u rer of Mriirr, f.r.ln ami K. Flour over a year iince I have had ami l.cvt.UM.. rret i y. ,f Pastry " certainly irot. Am far as I am con- IiIImI a nit Hurks.1 1 riK'Ur. ra-ilar aixl Hni any of the old ivmniomt eerned. I do not intend lo come ' Wednesday, January 31 Ink.Souiti siluMIe Insinilaiir ihi nf'an I'.l a if a Ilia,a.ljiilniiik shan.i'xi lie Thai quality la avlwaya of tha aam" Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills here for miicIi. Tlie school board,1 lllirli U K a.m. IK.5 ft rial. Ourrii lliarU.lli laiul lam! na high etatndard. All Grocari Willi Ihe approval of the eouuci. I:' :;'5 p.nt". i'l ll " iri'i.Iso i. yrari Mill l allusrij f..r t PURITY and n. A K. IMtODUCTS siiirle.l a joi wlui Ii il coiiH) l.ow fi .JH tt.lil. 7 1 " lienal urlliff r.f ilintiar.i.arilriilari nf Itis flilrf lf.ra Brackman-Ker Milling Co., Lt luinlly esliuiale. f ynij say Ilial ll:0t p.m, ?.3 " Isr, Vlrlorra, H.C . fil.lrln t'il'r. I'rlii' Hupeil, tl.C