PAQS TWO it Nugget" Them it makes white shoes stay white. "AiJGGET White Dressing iCArwS BOOTS CCSJy t .4 substitute uiil dUppuini you. The Daily News Fit INCH KUPEHT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, tbe Prise Hupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. f'ULLEN, Managing Editor; lamou. t Mailt Uted For Improper Purposes. ' " Through the mail.. yesterday came an advertisement of "art lndie. hathoig girU. and leaHliei in epia and lereo, half williool allowing forei?ner lo end out material of th kind mentioned Thi i an age when we are getting away from Ihe prudery of Ihe lad generation with good Veull loit at Ihe ame lime we hould be foolinh lo allow advertit'ing'of thi clas to come in and the only way it can be stopped i through action on the part of the Pot Office department. Ratepayers Are Irresponsible The municipal inspector fay that ratepayer are not the responsible body lo pa on expenditures. The city council should do lhL While Iilaw have lo be referred to the ratepayer. mol o(.lhoe who vote know little or nothing about Ihe merit of the question and mol of the ratepayer? do pot even trouble to vole. They cannot have a full knowledge of the condition connected with the passing of bylaws. That is why it is so neceary UisH men who have a knowledge of hiisine affairs should be placed on the city councils and especially in Ihe mayor' chair. In some cilie they have ratepayers or property owners as sociations, formed for the purpose of studying bylaws and their ef reels on thrf eily. Usually their efforts' are used tn defeat by-laws rather thou lo forward (hem. Such, has been the ene in Vancouver duriujr Uie past few years. Almost every bylaw passed during the lost few year has. been vided down by Ihe rale-payers. Thne opKised have been well organized while those in favor have not bothered themselves. Value Of Polytechnic To Any City. The lime, fia almost arrived for the reopening of the polytechnic ejassej. Young people who are thinking of improving Iheir position are planning their courses and considering how much time Ihey can give to evening study. With the smnllest posible cost to the city. Ihe cl.'isse are lo be coiilinued this ycaraud Ihe experience of last winter will be extremely valuable lo the director in organizing and carrying on Ihe work. If he can make il icceeil, a he doubtless will, it will prove of great value to the young people who iie the classes and indirectly to Ihe city as a whole. Any institution- which induces vonnr neonle to become more efficient and lo do belter work is worthy of all the support luzeu can give It. "BaOdsBonnieBabies" If you want your baby to be bright and bonnie see that he gets his Glaxo. kha AtmU It Ctuill MhU F. RHthL A LU, ftUCul at, Imto EMiiiiiiHii3i?.iii!l lnilA AMflttM A AM MUUilflULAOL j In the Utter Boxj , nullM Slanyer for Inal and 'manlei him for cu-tMy in Sinither lock. up. Rail wt ap-lliei for. IhiI wa refoe.l. PROTESTING TO SCHOOL BOARD City Council Describe Wag Seal at Unfair and Outrage to Taxpayers The i-ily couneil al nislil pro- tele. acaint Ihe action f the chol Uianl in paying 'fi5e an' hour for common labor and other exre4ive wasce on the ground that dointr o wa unfair In Ihe city council in il effort to make end meel. There wa not reenue do work and the coloring. Par .Salon. Ilresderi nude pictures etc" To ( " neee,ary pay-thee. ro;Je are .,ppoed lo join a cluh by filling mil a form n ,"f ;urh wa a" OM,rajt-and emliug two dollar to a city in Oerm;.nv. ls ,!a,,'V , . . The aUenlion of the Pot Office alhoriie, i drawn lo, :u'f- l're-.l hi thi an it doe not ee, filling thai Ihe -Canadian mail- should ",,r,l"n tn ur a , T T, be ,i.ed for adverfiwemei.l, f Ihi kind. There are already , "T Prineiple- thai he had main. onr.iKrl. ,..n,o. i,i;,,,r ir..i-a-iu-..... :.. ... tamed ince the firl of Ihe year. ""jej" - - (lef TTdin tw t f f He felt lhat . an hour was but a fair wasre ami, moreover. Ihe cily council had no riidit lo in-lerfere with the chool board which was al0 an elected body. Aid. Stephen said he bad no npolosy to make for interfering with the spendin? of th rale, fiayer' money when he fell (hat 'I was 1 win c wasted and especially when the council had to dijr it up. If Ihe school tioard pent money unduly it just meant that much less for other public work which were already sufftrinK through lack of funds. I'he report of protest, which came from the finance cornmjtlee. was adopted. Aid. Macdonald and Aid. Mackenzie voting apainst il CITY DECIDES T0 RENT SLOAN HOUSE Offer For Purchase Deemed Not Satisfactory and ar Rejected Tbe cily council last night adopted a recoiipiiendatiori from Hie Housinir Comntitlee lhat all lenders for the purchase of tbe Sloan house, built under the Sol diers' Housing Scheme, be reject ed and lhat lln Imuse be put In shape lo rent. Kxplaining tbe reason for the report, Acting Mayor Collar! stated that none of Ibe offers re ceiven tor purchase would com- penale the city for what it ilood lo oe. The house should easily renl for a good figure. Aid. Mackenzie was opposed lo renting Ihe house and thought thai it should he sold to a re. turned man on long term payments. Aid. Stephens was opposed lo selling Hie houi-.e on 'a basis where Hie payments would be less Ihuri rent, epeeially if back IMymeifts were not rdade. Aid. Macibuiald fell thai lo sell tin; bouse without ilcniandiuK Ihe bark payments would not be fair to other returned men who had inel Miejr puymenls. The report of the .conmilllee was adopted with Aid. Mackenzie voting against il. Bubscrlb for the Daily News INDIVIDUALISM id nor, IXaily New. Jack SUnvtr Fined on On Count . reeemtty eleeied I A :eualr and CommitUd For Trial on ha lrurk a n.4e ..f waroioa Another nhwii houM redout! cr lb be rnthjed w.tHJ He ma a I For' Yrk Oflife. ni'UNS LAKK, Aug. farmer Health ...miirxr . imded revolver at W. is a VieB.i I lemxrcr in S. Jeffrey. Jack sur, faraier;'! ibjags. .nini..r r tn4i Kale.: Although a eaureii wrier, be fini tin on nr 2Q .1st with i- lnitiiKoi. an.i coir- Ihard labor in Smither lock-up. hW thai tr raw is e?rod 'Ine ra'e wa heard al Hum in a few idea, and Kteals. r-iiji. nn Vn.uv ifimixa before ' hiking principles that arc of )Iasitrale Stephen H.Hokaf ISmither. and with L. S. Mr. ill. of Smllher. apianns for the de fence. Mr. and Mr. T. Jeffrey and W. S. Jeffrey gae nnlfare a lo the arened itsing abisr language and threats. In the fight to prevent the use of a re-vo!er by the accused it fell on ... - t . I . M....-n . ...I SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ..--. City Deltvery. Ly mail or earner, per month.., .......... .11.0.., 'rL, By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United Hlale ; , lhfWwl(0(l ... .u..,.v,, i"' ' I! V,. r.leal. and u"ti recited hr evi- To all other cmmlne. in advance r year ,,Ji0j.ienre at the trial in a ralm a! (impartial nunnr. Tr, TELEPHONE CMAMr mm ! Jark Slanjrr wa further Contract Rates on Application. VharxM "In thai he Ui. Mlaw- All adTertisini? should be in The News Orilce on day pre-fully, awl with inlenl to relt ceding publication. All advertiMnf received sohject to approval. jhi lawful aHrehnion. ,no-t a (rifle al lueftor Arlantl. KJ- Member of Audit lurwu of Clrculatkn. iJLP,-an.l Provincial ln.tal.le ir" t'lm hearin? the evi DAILT EDniO.1 Augul !H, 193. 8upply South With 8eed Poutoet. llrrime the fanner in the ouh have no! hcn careful in the M-lc-iton ,f eed polaloe- and in keeping- out di.eae, Ihey are f.iw ftkm? Ut Ihe newer dilricU to provide the article. The .alley .'onjr the line of the (irand Trunk Pacific are wt1 soiled l growing lhi eed and it can be 'properly certified liy an exMrrt. A he -ufget, the le-t thing' to do i to discover exartly what b the ttl jilalo for Ihe district and ?nw it. al-mot to the exrliLMoti of all other. TranptiHatiori and marketing are important matter in connection ilb i-tUlo gmuiiig vand ilr. Tire, the provincial yovernmeol expert, nrjre lhat Ihey receive attention. The Aheruft i4alo leeame faniou without any apfarent effort of the grower lnl it will need co-operation and careful handling lo make the Bnlkley Valley or the Terrace potato? dence Ma?ilrale llokin com. paraBMunt imiortare. ucb a health and nvoral hafcit- In hi jlrmeBt we ps-eialue inleal tf facmg Urje and i.rad pro. kleiu. In tii opinion our race i doomed unle e lake up. in Ihe home. Ibe Iraflrinsr i e younv. by exantfrfe and dintian leach-m;. instead of leaviuz Ike work H tbe cburche. Sunday cbol. ainl the ;mernmesL He i nl a believer ta restraint by law and quWc many liiile which are' jmW enforced, altbMUh ap-peari? fr Ibe beiteriaenl of man kind. Where we make the create! of nu-lake.. i in forxeiling lhal uxliidual make hj communing. Our conduct, a inliiduaN. i reflfeieil in our vole and eon-duct of affair, al hme and and abroatL'We find the Kdilor Haily .ews, - finite in Ihe eyej- ht. twe neighbor; e faT to 'extracl lhe?bearii fnm lrrpticLjiet; e. .Many of u io, m ireierenre 10 chararler. -little rarin? for Ihe diviij? precept, which place our neighbor on the ame plane with our-lve in worldly mailers" II i ue!e In blame other for our hrtcomin(. We all hae a duty lo fierfonn lo our neighbor and lo oureve. lroerily and adjerily follow closely ta the wake ( giH.I mih bail deel. ani wonl. We are ail n a joorney nli eternity a Ihe iroal. There it nit tunilnsr back. In lhi witrld all mini go onward. We are hane.lcr. and Ihe world i our field of labor. A we ow hall we reap. Make Ihe home afe from Ihe in. road f in and orrow, and all will bwell with Ike nation. JSLANIlKft. F0RC0TTHI3 POUT If anything were needed to make the poor unfortunate nun in Ihe slreet remark: "lo Jericho with polities for me." "what's the il,... of anything, nothing," it is lo read Ihe announcement Ihe Hon. Dr. J. H. King, minister of public works in the Federal gov ernment, made recently in Toronto, and which wa display ed prominently in a front page lory In the Vancouver - "haily Province" of last Saturday's is sue. There one reads in glaring headline.; "Vancouver is Ihe logical wheat outlet. Smaller type: "Dr. King tells Kast of Vancouver' growing imorlanc as a grain port." Ifo we see eten a mention of Prince Huperl? I I row not. fine would have thought that ordinary political expediency, not to mention common courtesy, would have caused Ihe Hon. gentleman lo have desired lo be quoled a saying for instance, -ihat the Pacific eoasl ports, Vancouver, and in Ihe near future prince fluperl, were Ihe natural outlet, etc. for a large, share of Ihe vasl prairie grain crop," Had No Illusion This would be of course in the light of the Hon. gentleman's re. marks made in the course of his recent visit In this cily, some three week's nr so ago. True, none of il who were honored by having (he fellrity of IMcnlng lo Ihe augusl gentleman at Hit complimentary luncheon tendered him by Ihe I'rince Hupert Hoard of Trade, upon lhat occasion, had the very sli4ow of an Illusion, thai hi remarks were anything more l, an perfuncjory. Your paper reported his speech most excellently, but hulled down. Kveryone realized lie: had said absolutely nothing, lhat is, of any vital inlerest. However, we hope he enjoyed his luncheon, and his visit generally It ut really prince Hupert- KlMalLIl VlnrHaV f( tM LADDER 'ttitCinM Uwl HM M Let LUX help'fyou 1 iles mil"! be geltliu a bit tired of banmieting and euferlainlnr. and IMening lo Ihe terrolype. remarks that we know so well. We are nd blaming lr King for; anylhing more than a lack nf diplomacy, laH, call II what you! will. He had the eh a ore lo do a 1 graceful act, bracketing Ihe name! of Ihe port of Prince Hupert, willi lhat of Vancouver, In the coure of Ihe interview in Toron to, and failed lo' lake advantage of it. Vatu of Promises Of course, we all know here In Prince Hupert, a elsewhere. Jul what value lo attach to promises, made by Ihe big guns of Ihe poll. Ileal arena, aneul any proposition whatsoever it is. but then think, how good we would have fell if we had seen the name of I'rince Huperl, In lhat story on the frnril page of the Vancouver Daily Province. Aifaln, how it would have revived our sagging belief in political sincerity and good faith. And at thai, II would not have cost him anything surely In prestige, or embroiled him In any way with his political coadjutors. However, "Are we downhearted? Not" Prince flu-pert is going lo be u Miming, busy, prosperous seaport in the not very distant future, and men may come and men may go, and political parlios arise and fall again, yet nothing ran slop our natural onward growth, as the country In general develops. Yours la th Earth We are reminded of a line In one of Itudyard Kipling's master, pieces, Ihe poem, "If," It runs: "If neither foes, nor loving friends can hurt yon," ronclud-' lug: "Your's is Ihe earth and all lhat there is in il." II is along, Ihe same lines as: "Protect us from our friends," Well we must leave il at thai, and inan-l fully set In work with renewed zeal lo work out our own salvation. o. k. rnr.MAuiucn Why not subscribe for Hit Daily News and have It sent In your home regularly! tf in hundreds of ways Here are. a few:, For washing youriyaittty thing For wushing chcriffied oolen especially babyV- For silken scarfs; for lingerie; for hosier)'. Then come right front Tthce dainty uvej To washing disle bowels, uprom.wood. work. x LUX gives splendid results wherever soap is needed. ;' Why this general goodiet? Simply thi No soap of the absolute purity of I , I X hus been - Commercially poksible until the I IX process of Manufacture was invented. The tatin smooth, C TivMic-paper thin flakes ore. fine soap Purest of tlc purclj, ' ' Instant suds for any purpose. , Ttiere is no soap like LUX. LUX ! Sold only in seated packet dust proof I v e--w-- r n . w ' m i r ' w ' j rw a. i -mwi w LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO SPECIAL trJ Ganong's Assorted Chocolates 65c, per, lb. These are fresh chocolates and r'guforlv re ' on. i nr. . - n. .... ikm l ih -fif M nrire of ( in order to make room for another ;'H'ul now on the way, l' L, ORMES LTD. f ha Raxall 8tors. Phones 200, 82 and 13. Srd Ava. and 6th. 3rd Ave. and 2nfl. We pay postage oit alt mail orders. Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE ri'hn Service "Ht6re," WE CASH CHEQUES. Agents For:-- N. and S. ENGINES Terms Arranged To Suit Purchaser. Phone Blue SI, Special Teapot Sale Wc hnve been fortunate In securing on mnorlcj fra.' of Old English Teapots which we have priced exc w iml low. There nre several styles oud hUch to choose? iroin- Prices run from (10c lo $ 1,50. They are now oh display In our window. KAIEN HARDWARE CO. P.O. Box 1046. 60S Third Ave. JtU