II SALADA E4M is always delightfully refreshing. The coolness of the mountain top is in every gl&ss. So easily made Try It. The Daily News Pftl.YCK RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA fobfibed Every AfUroooa. eept &iauy, the Pnnce Rupert Lteiiy Xew-, Limited, Third Avenue. II F. PULLE. Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: I Oty Delivery, hj tcaii or earner. Tr month If.0r By mail to ill part of Che BrrUb F.art and the lait State t . .4 ...... . - wil To all other eountrie. ta advance per year TELEPHONE IS Member of Audit Buraau of Circulation. DAILY EDmO.1 STORM WOKE JAP WAS KILLED IN STARrUNH AFFRAY fHwter of a .liafciag afrar a tuiTWK a htuMtry HF wirfiiar Ja a a ua run .mr,irii wy w ... ...... ... .. . Wi 'irfaii. a ! rirruoMlaary. w - ANNUAL CHAUTAUQUA ENTERTAINMENT AT lat ttainAw m tk H--, :rfcai 4a4ar a tfc lixUmii?, UH m4 7i nf2ai7 Tun ii. - ' ; I V Ur MUIHLKD AT BUCKLEY BAY - Pltturetqua Electrical Oltplay Pmtd tinny Sight to Realdectt Thr 'tan WE EX AT "THEATRE SX. Caiiwg Ontr mumj Paalurrr. - yia f a&4 TTifcr aAe?ri a t Ab-am yixmtr Tb "Ialker Pa a-Tr l (W Iay rratay m4 Cantor itijr maim. riUaaw Fw preai ?JI Cnm. Vr .U- lNma. rasfC"' - aj i Traniient Advertising on Front Paf? per in ' Local Readers. pr mMrrtioa ?.V r l rnfrirP at iinLTT C3ajfled AJertn?. per interiion, per LUUilI Ut MU1L Leg! ouee, efh inert(00 .". 5r pr a?ile riirrprp Eiinpra naa mm.1 a- ' - "f a, a ' - Week End CartW." hmtuiM am '. iaMor(al rawuiir mf AlM-t lr ftaaa an4 komir iri at lay t-mm uaaHwz a: nmiwi MM Ifc aa h mrm ist a j!riawi afanr. Mr. Foe ka f l all f i fa. ;ar fiiLaliMi an4 draaaalir aalitl aaa hnllt? akMatUy faat aa;' TW affaWU-rf . tfcyljarj fa lis f- raid 2MM ta If r rjp a olw w ..iaffair f K4aa4 iMa-. a a. f iw nUA m aVMt rtefc . ,. , . . r' um. rrrviaz la Jaiari .-i-ja. a aa arKv. bad orb an t, ,1 .. irfar WrKar Tb. .r?nf wa! arliir-of jnM r- duno fV " Je -f ,! inUfTr "'i.l. j''" . ' PiCORD WHALE CATCH -COPPER DISCOVERY MADE AT ROSE HARBOR - MITHF.R. Am. 20. A rop. CofiKIlJaUJ Whaling Co. Re-.jr W""it lia lUnrrrri cle Fourteen Sperm and Jat fw Crr-i. I,i MMin.aii.. Ten Finbacks In Four Dar A rmarl.ab1 yrttnA wa re-Wiltf made at Ibe jlanl of lh fVntofMaleif Wliaflrr Co" at' n l'tn 'fietm wale In itAMUm U len finbaex inere re ceived ln foijr iJayi. Iy Ji Urer-r. It ! mb an nrfnU VTaiW aal u rearbeil frirr( Oui'W lX way of Oie Iionw MmmLain traiL WARM WEATHER Tbe IbcrniornHer al Hie Ixirn-Inlon llr(wroJ5fai liureau r.n-dueleij by II. O. ry.l-ri-.l orf Thureday of Uf wek, 7J - if j-ai;if .ibe inral frowijon Frl1ay and 71 On Saturday. Ut ftitiwl 1beln fanned onil'lie wrre nol Ibe brvliel read-an ordr, from HrilMt inlereljiijfiif ibe year, however, for Ibe for r"nijiij,ij.( (n huh of Ui"!fi-rt-ijry wiil u lo 78 arly in eoloniet). iJnly. YOUR BOY and HIS FUTURE NO one ktirtlr.g out In life ever expect to lafl. Youth It always hopeful, hut hope alone cannot brlnj succeu. If your hope h to ec your hoy a tuecc4 In the world, securing Independence and . comfort the vWcn 61 so many, yet the attainment of to few adopt a rcjuLr savings plan for him now, and teach him In ' hit tender yeari the value cf savin; kome-thlng out of every dollar. THAT WAY LIES IflS SUCCESS. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA 8. J. MACLKOI), Manager, I'rinco Hupert Branch. I iila with iMrrMiRz ixhi, re-i iralUu'i lAA mtntri nt it nmH! AT DOME MOUNTAIN, -,ar n- rn- i imb. ijgHw oaiuraiiy, eyij,i IB" pUtty tm il ialriiKie mrrilK. tiz ifprwd trllb lb dram- tir ilualion a wHI Ibe wvallli of cnn ambl wbieh lltef were e. Tlf apal to lh 1-yr and tli- rnolioiix ar irrti- fde, wbile llm lry in il-lf em. x-ll-d Hie rnol abortdi)(r BEBE DANIELS A'DANCER SUr hai Delightful Role In Picture "Sinned Wings" IS In a letter lo Ibe edilor. a cor-rejKiuJenl ak whether, in' "Singed Vinfi," liebeDaniel m a rnolli, a bullerfly or an an?el Mix IlanieU i neither. She i ii beauliful cafe dancer, mem-ber of a onre rnud and weai'ny Hianili family. The Mile of "fluffed Win" I laken from neene in Ibe pieiure where Mi Danieln, clad in a molh rolnine. jierforin a "Moth llanre." The roMlume I one of Ibe rnoul uni. ipie and rependenl orr ron-cejved for a molion picture. "Singed Wlnsr" will be oeeii nl I be Wenllitilrne Tlif.ilret lonielil. IJebe anie and (irbd X'i?el have ibe fenlrued role. TELL50FYlSITTl HAREM OF SULTAN 9ne Arabian Night Featuring Pola Negri Is Said to be a Splendid Picture "One Arabian .NixM," Marring, dial dyiiarnin molion picture, act re, pola ,Kri, i lo he featured at I lie- WVnllmline, Wed llt'Hllil)'. .Mi ,N''Kri play the part of a dnnrer of Dm Ieerl in Ihi at. traction. Ilcr nialcr, it hunchback, (he owner of a caravan TBI LLCTLT 51 '3 Movies and Movie People ! - I Devoted to the doings and savings f wbo f entrain ihe pcbiic ho: tm -V SBV-BjSBBSPBBBE 1 iMwsr -f Iwr. - s -En1 aBW V ttrmm wW fssK s at w fcr tasvl -. Iter MVm r ii .fst'it MWr 4f Sewn-. nr't tar fcr. ftst Imnti m' Wl U kt 'ill Tin -f U TV SMSfcrfiit - t'- Nr m xw x-!" a' 'uh. rw ta-i - f. tml . - nrrl aa momk,- a a - M- 'lua a a 'rl harria CHR1ST0 THIS WEEK , Xjtfla i tm '. -r --i : . Pictur Story cf Faasotia Duraaj !iar-aa. a-vl i ' a f Nel to t Skown Mar at l '!"! . ' rJ la MrTir fall- IA ttt-ki 4m. 'he i"vuf 1 ,lt 1 .j aac' ft arhaitt. Daitcaa for Lover MsJ 'a u.. . -fcr taw lti lum .-- fca aia t.aer iai- Tkp Man in iKa Mnnn SAYS. 1 HfJiK 1- a 11 rrl Mf la .arfaiM- to Ihr'a lr-oa ia WtTY i H ibte are i brearfti t prttm" tm iu MNirl lnsar?. Ha O frw Itfre pMfelie rwlieol- anrlbin? Ut do wilb lit IN )iilertiiiilbe. way of nlufe i ifJej jwzM ta kww why it i flli d not bite a freely a itiiiuilo or Waek KKKP yj eyes ien. BrMM VOLA NEGRI 'One Arabian Might" Keep the, sweet and wnrkwr Uw4 If y war tan) o - - ' rr4f aawl alw lie jrr t.. rt-,alir 4awrat, m aiNeB; ' TV a THE ra"n Irar r4e l.r.l.. ftrr nut rr la- 5 -r a4 iWm iwiUf. rt al r Mila.. ar. IW who hiai. j. . tnai1l lar Uy a laa ! Uo Ln -4 imntr la fn.alr f fa .U At ir oaalttr! TMK ftaaa arjaN haar km at SMITHERS PLEASING " - tL, w" .1 JLSTS tM. tfc taz llisf ai -" 'aai ia aisii narial m fi :r"' ' rfr T " f-v. anrr atlmtM the iUouM S r-rr " ' R I , . . . . . f.fci nir k m. rni Tli'llW IV tnkrarir . oppart JH4jr fa nAt i. rawn a ar aimMtf laminar, - IF Ifcore werrBtlsrraphr lluac af Ibe aavta lbre wfMild V l Ifc MMr wr4fbr wbo bate to Ibe matt ih a buini aVe. UK aware f Hte wnman wb j4a-ltn lli- taazer ritual i br bl. IF a man make money, be i rni in aL hut lie may arquire M. Nney r oihrrwie and Mil reiala bl iIHy. I.irn.K Maryarel wa lalkiri: lo one of a neirbletrinsr family of kitten, wliieh he onuKsrled eloey in ber arm. A thought, ful raue ratied Ler molber. your '' 'Hlltijr nar ber. In pay i al lent ion lo what wa eominn next, "hilly," aid Ibe iiie jrirl. "I know your Utile brother and i.ler. and I know your mamma; hut I bate neter oeen "iir papa I 'r.eel be rnti.t be a iravrlinjr man, like daddy.'' Ten Years Ago In Pilnca Rupert August 20, 1913. Application from all pari of Hie province are rormng in for pare at the forlhrominjt fall fair. Vancouver, Fori leorae. Allin and the Oueen Charlolln (land will be repreented. I'm perl or In the Slm.liaiina srohl ulamiiede are aid lo m lakin? out three hundred dollar a day. MIm Annie J. WiUon, of the local rhooI learhinir lair, perihid in the Slate of IJalifor-ina wreck, il I feared. LANO ACT. jaii f lAUAiitii u ptr u ertM Uil. ta tkftn Lu4 blmrki, IWtraiof Pt-trtn i,l frlnr Mojrl, tnd miui J' fUlU Mulli.,l 1,1 H.ltui ti r. Hallway and eonuininr all or tirviu iiiand. filwf i.ur thai rrnk V. SvM.il, of WutMitrr, B.C, wriiwtum lDitruuu, ihK-fwI u an-ir for i-rmitkn it pur. rle ll folluvlnr d'rritMl lix): Cmu UM-nrtur ti a t-oi pi.iit4 on n w of P'llli Ui it fool Of Ct.h. rmbit.k. lieiil. thenra fullovlnr IIm lw.f Iim of am i.uikj in nni III ftiin.hrfiii ml liwlmjinr all of. Mid r?ll liliui ut. irVl Hie Hlbl of War of MW c1. luiiKiy, ant tiuiiua to ari, mort or !. IBA.IK f. BtDPETT, SiMN of Applifjnt, Anl for Irtnk f. Surdll, ir c wiifhoi, llrWrl 0. Hom, bitfd il.Silrui, Aur. 1Mb, llll. Gill Gold-pjated Safety Razor Price $1.00 Here l the birxrrt rator alue In twenty year. Throuxh a fonunau pur thiK, we otocr thU tJ(J plated trnuine rrude-hv Canada CiHctie at an unhtard-of price. Coav plete in every deuiL home clean Cut out the hejivy, heating foods of Summer and get back to Nature. Shredded Wheat 15 ready-cooked and ready.to-serve ve do the cooking for you in our sunlit, sanitary kitchen. If you eat Shredded Wheat for breakfast you will enjoy it for luncheon or dinner wuh sliced bananas, berries or other fruits. A hftht, wholesome diet of this kind in Summer means health and strength. Children like the tasty crispness of the wheat shreds and they fortify them against many distressing hot weather ailments. TRISCLTT i iLe SLxrtldcd Wheat c racier a ml vIk4c Lrat (ojm ttta with bulier, kiI( c!m; r nu malftdct. Shredde Wheat rf- Keep oui of the kitchen bbbbbbbbbbbbbbQb&bbbbbI I BBBBBBBBlBaV'SBBBBBBBBB ' BKGfal AffZtZXZSj, "Armt htut." Tkr 't rtunututorrJ tmuint t-J TWy It rrTraw (turM ibtm to K rrra mwrll 4 wViuiJm dt, ORMES LTD. . The Rexall Store. Phones 200, 82 and 134. 3rd Ave. and 6th. 3rd Ave. and 2nd. We pay postage on all mail orde-- To Viomtn Who Do Their Own Wcrk: Suppose you could tuive six minutes every day In washing pola and pans two minutes after every metL In a month, this would amount to a saving of three hours of this disagreeable but necessary work. This savlnc ran be made by using' SMP enameled kitchen utensil, as their smooth sanitary surface will not aborb dirt or arts. No rsplnr. Hilnf pMlsalac la ndrd mktn yoe u Ulamead or Pearl Ware. tp, atr and a dlaa towel la all yo ned. Ak foe SMPWWARE "A Face f rt,Uln nf rf t Si r T"r.f? nn'b'; Paarl War, two coat of prarlj trrr aawtl Inalde and ouU Uiamond Wrr, thrr cot. In" blue and white oataide. while lining Crjftal War. thr fuaU, pure white laald and out, with Koyal 1ft IHEET Mrrai DaAnnere .V.0 77 R t tn t o o ijj o W in n i pl o s?t Ever Ill Wareware Siore Ucal AgsnU-Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd., Third Av.