Specials This Week Only. Regular S75 and 10 5U Shos. Ilrowi. or Rla. k All ue. anl shape. Oomg at $6.50 & $7.50 See Our Men' Window. Family SHOE Store "Shoes For The Family." We Solicit THE MANAGEMENT OF PROPERTIES AND COLLECTION OF RENTS The Satisfactory Services given others, Justify us In soliciting yours Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C. Stove WOOD We have just received i car load of up river wood, guaranteed seasoned and dry.j k' cut to order.' Also Kindling In Sacks. For Prices, call HydeTransfer Phone 580. Heme and Quality our Motto. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 6S. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sap.f find Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture, Moving. EDSON COAL . ., . Jl n. , We can now Supply our FAMOUS ED80N COAL in any quantity. Prince Rupert Feed Co Phone 68. KING GEORGE CAFE First Class CHOP 8UEY and NOODLES. Furnished Rooms to RanL Pricey Reasonable Phone Blue 471. Second Ave. REDUCE HIGH C08T OF LIVINQ. Kliinlnnle (lie draught around your windows and lixn leu coal, SEC OUR PATENT WEATHER STRIP For Doors and Windows. fllaM and Mirrors, of all - kinds. T. ROSS MACKAY. Phone Bue 166. eveninf. r JV- ANNUAL PICNIC OF CALEDONIANS " yr-lerday on JHgby Iland was a rormlt urr from every rlandpoinL llie weather was grand. Ihe boat wvr safe aii everything had been done by tb-committee to mfek (he day nn of zrral enjoyment to I he 250 t sO eron4 who joHrnerl aen lo tl pirnie iland for lh orra inn. Thr lmai lrlM lo lea lown at lOJlrt in Ui roorninz ail ntade -vntl trip. Arnour rafl ued wre the Oh Itah). X.M. A R. No. 1 and Mary R. R--frrhmrnl wer rrvrd in zner-u alxjndanr and a good pro. ?rarn of jtortit iHMnie. All th ptenirkrr wre afHy homv by 1 J0 in tiie eenins. The romniiU in rharse of tU ariair ronajinl Jaiifc- ini"n, ".iivcnr. f!rortre Fracer. Jam rfhnr. W. IioM ami J. Anlrew. 1 1. C luarL Jo Hrown and A Claprrrton had eharcre of the ,port. Winners of Races nir wtqoer or ur vanoc rar- 'awl imK -eirfrt' ;wrr a follow: , Iloy. 2 lo I It. Rohb. X. Ta. ie and I.. Jarkon. liiri 6 lo 8 Joan Arthur. Kvelyn IaI)TMrfo and Ila Itnil-y. lUy, K to Jfl Carl Smilh. William Melan and I. Oyan. OirN. 10 and undrr Asmet. yan. -Mal"l llixiian and Mar-?arel Clapperton. Ito. 10 14 12 William Mur. 'ray. Ilih Irine and Kil. Srnilli. rtirl. 10 to 1 Apnea Cyan. , Marparet (JapKrton and Klla Sleen. , ISoy. 12 U It Harold Mac idonald, William Murray and Hol Inine. ) fiirl. 12 lo 1 1 Mi McLeod, l.Mix Mu and Mi Irvine. Married ladre Mr. W. It. Corn Mr. K. J. I.ar?e am! Mr. J. Jaekoon. Marrfel-m'eii Tom Iteatli", W. Sherman .Jr., and II. Cilrnour. MarrJI men. 35 lo loo John Murray arid Jam Inine. Fat men' rac 1. C. Kluart and JaiiK-t Irvine. Idie' lutr of war Married larlien won over iii(re. Men' tuir of war Hinrle men won over married. A. M. DAY1ES WON ROYAL ARMS CUP Beat W. Brass In Shoot-off McNIcholl Creek Yesterday W. M. Brown Won Spoon , For Day al A. M. Davie won Ihe Royal Arm Cup over W. lira in Ihe bool-off at Ih MrXiehnll Crk mi iff yerilny aflernnon. . Mr Davi made I t point in five f IidIb nl lb MO yanl ranire and Mr lira made len Hie winner of Ihe regimental poon for Uie day wa Will iar. Ilrowii wild a Kcore of 81, He va bandirnpped fourteen. The rorH wer? a follow 200 !W) fiOO Til W. M. llrown , . 29 2) .M. l.anil 28 2u j A. M. Davie . . 2J 22 R. W. Cameron 21 28 W. Urn .... 27 25 jll. K. lhidon 18 15) II. It. r.aMnv.iii .20 18 F.. Davlp .. '.. 18 8 2881 187 !8-4-,I 13 05 13-rtr, 22.' 5-1 . K, 0. Maiming, former dilricl fornMer here. Mailed for Vlelor! by.lbe Prince George Salurda Sport Chat (Creat Day Was Spent on Dlgby'wiH j, ,fHibly tBlrr.iic to mk Island Testerday ZbO or ore Persons Enjoyed It Tlie annual piraie of St. An drew's Society which took plat Fli vnnir football gain elieduld fir Thursday riwen i intita trrrr irain anoiu Anyox ami Smitttr baballr' roiMinsr. tiKir learn will lbi jar le rprnlil in lb way of ii V iff. 1 x F101 POO daily Mir,.!) I SHORT SNAPPY SALE BRINGING UP FATHER By GeorgeMcMrn.M of MP C CLEF" I'M tLAvO 1 a err llm-- ip- ke. jhc) Uii VOO ttcr I'M. CCM1HC TO ONHEO WERE COmNaJ ALL. THKT- 13 W1L1 TXJ POT IT HM-r or THt tiTOTF "Li I Men's rU EAT RRT- cunr? in WHERE. NO 0E VrtLL ce O ALU NCHT- fJ'C WHERE. 7bbbbbbbbbbbbm JH i CHINESE, JAPS AND INDIANS IN POLICE COURT THIS MORNING jSmi of Kiztand and the ciitu- Fin totalling 130 w im- imm in I lie twice rouri mi rr fn and il i eirtrt there rooming on two rrowp of ln1 van will t, a srreal InrnouL In Ihe drunk and their Japan and firf;fl.i'v4h malrli I Ihe final ".hiov opplir fixture of tb ." and. lvirr Vorrt'n wa fined jn erooiily. Ihe oulrom of the Cil- unlr the Imtian Art for intoiira. buly Clip romprlilion i t take tUm and fine .f fie earh were in il. If lb 5on of planl iniiHr.nl on Hrank Karri, peter win or lie they will rarry away Shadow and KlisaWlh Wiloti Ihrir AffORd trojdiy of Ihe ea- for imilar offnr. S. HaMRn, on. If I1t loe, !nfireer. all Jar-ai, wo u(ifdil llH'm. wa llre team will l tSd up m fird IM. AH wr arrll lb trophy rare and there will 'he nonunion Saturdav bar l If al ral two play-off erine by C.bIiWc Maedonald. ;amr. n to ay. both y'n Mn, J3iineM, wj finil rlub takinjr the nW Tburlay fr nt4yms JoTti will ! oil! lo win and will Held nshl. HeKay. IH r I h-ir trn2et apprrpation. Thi jramr. though the lal of lb atn. will 1 by no mean lb lal in importanr anl grn- ral inlerel. Hahall and football fanhae rrlainly rJion lo 1 atifil with Ih program that the Fair ltard i arranzin? for ?Ixbibi- Weky, Jtdiltny .U.or. Iletrri Ryan ami Ifcivgl Haywarl hi Fill. Inn SlreH. tfi4rrl bain; lii mad by , Ivumnwn 0ntaM Walkinon aixl Spnant Mr-niinrb). Jodi WrishL rli, Mr Kay anl Iail Htyward uvre finl I0 ear h tor , intoikwlKKi. :,tr Wey and Jidinni Moor -Avrv aeh fnfil tii for bvin liittldla IM uu-... i Sk ll.lu tion wek. With lb rce.n Fall ' ' ' wa remaiidt ttntM tonwirrow. SPORT STANDINGS Prt Iban there bav ever bn; Senior Baseball at an exhibition in Ih fal. A Son of Canada 7 I far. alblelir .are ramrrmed, (itl 'i t lb Fair IfcMrd i ?oinp to mak irntio .. ... 0 1 lb wek tb biye.i of Ih yeari Intermediate Baseball in line with all lhir olhr plan 'Cof f 1 for tb exhibition and rarnival. Vliile Sox i Th ?am lhenile wil Hjjfh Sehool ft 2 pnAtably draw a larp nuinlr of Junior Baseball viilor lo town. Faleon A Hoy Seoul r.. I The Union Sleamhip Co.'. While Sox 3 3 I 6 freighter Chilliwark ha be-n Stuart Shield Football laid Up at Vanrouver for Ihe pal W. D, I.. month undenroinz liilr repair. S. of K 3 0 1 hut l extierled bark in erviee S. of C 1 1 2 Ihi week. Willi Hie Chilliwark nrolln I 1 2 off Ihe run. Die oilier boat of Ollhuly Cud Football Ihe company plying north have S. of K I 2 0 been manually buy rarryintc S. of C 1 2 1 freight raro. (irollo 1 0 2 FARMERS and FINANCE A generation ago the banking need of the Canadian farmer were fairly simple. But today economic conditions make it advisable for him to co-operate more and more closely with his Bank. In the Bank of Montreal the farmer of Canada have conveniently at their disposal com plete banking facilities as well as the personal cooperation of experienced men. CeruiVrr nr ntsrtst Bnnck your linking keJqurttri. Stviagl Dtfrtmtnti in sit Brsnehti. II. ST. 0. LF.H, Manager. I'riice Rupert Ilrancli. BANK OF MONTREAL Established over KK years 875 375 Oftf, 85" 200 000 667 500 333 PI. C 3 3 1 1 2 WARTKB JANITOR WAXTWl. Tr ait with janitor work al the li.dhl IIF.IXT.MAN PIAXO for Quick ale. 1350.00. Apply Ilox 137. Itaily News Oflice. J8 FOR RENT FOR RKXT. Al Alice Arm, pool room, barber hop and cigar lor. Living room uplair. Alo bd for rent. Apply Arl Hlaudin, lbn u, Alice Arm. (i. 1 0'J FOR RI-LNT. Modern boue. four room and balh on Fifth Ae. Wet. rnfurnihd or pnrlial-ly furnilie.. Apply Philpoll, Kvilt A Co. 100 TO RKXT Furnished ronn. with hot and cold water, bv day or week. Moderate, rale. Norfolk Room, 1'lione lllack 329. tf TKA.M Healed Flat for rent. Itesner apartments. M. M Stephens. FOR RF.NT Housekeeping room 110 Sixth Avenue Kast. Phone lilue 217. If M0DKRN four room flat for rent. Wentenhnver llros. tf BOARS. HOARD. The Inlander. 830 Second Avenue.. Phone 137. If AUCTION SALE. AUCTION SAI.H nl Mr. Slither- land' house, draliam Avenue, on Thursday. August 23, at 2.30 p.m. Consisting of din lug room (aides, chairs, arm chair, morri chair, Monanli iHiige, dressers, beds, lino tugs, violin, ramerns, eleclrii) washer, china and kilchen Ulenslls. Philpoll, Kvilt A. CO Srtoxd and lo d minor repair' Hi all mhI. A knowledge of arplry riirel. Salary!. learn barbering;. Paid while j learning ami looU free. Write for catalogue. Moler lUrber College, Vanrouver. H.C WAXTKli P 111 Y. Three or ftoir rMiii hnje. Apply Ilox I3 IWHy Xw tJllir 201 FOR SALE FRRSH VFUFn AIH.HS for Sale. . Th followinp eglable are for ale at the following prire fJ. Olarvale, H.U. Ureen P,, young and wv, tr. lb. Wle. lire Iian. Irnder and yoong Ier lb. lOr. I)ed, fine quality, jer tb. 3e. Ureen Onion, very gnl quality Cabbage per lb. 8r. .New Potatit. go.nl quallly, Pr IO0 lb. 11.75. A large rrwp of rorn will be. ready for hipmenl in a fw nii.1. l t..u- ...... II.., I wd turnip ami earrol. Apply John It. OH.per. Idarvale, n.C. Ak for brand and h ur of gelling quality. FOR 8.U.K. New hull. 10 feet ly 61 feet. Seine .at moilel. ii:ilnirle. of firnl ela material. Itargain. Ablre, T. K. Johnson, I'.O. Ilox 1 178. Krtrhlkan. Alaka. FOR S.M.F.. 1 hae for ale sev eral boat good for pleaure and work at exceptional bargain. They inul be .dd. Ap-ply X. M. Mrl.an. Oiw Hay. U 1 I ft aT i 8-13 LU Daily News Classified Ads. a CENTS rCK WORD IN AO VANCE. No AdrartlMmnl TWn for L, th.n (j ROOM AND BOARD I'ALMKR IIOUSK. IM Seventh) Avenw Vel Phone R1 llv.j Furnithed uit j MISCELLANEOUS. I.Ximi.mi pe annum. Apfd-Hvi'F.R T AiUil MA VT will M.i ! lion 21. 198 wiH b rmilrl Af-W. I. VAXCF, S.' WAXTlir)-Men and women to TAXI v j your ln.ik and roJlrrl ae.i rounl Vt HMMlerml levim.i Itox 138, Daily New. ll7 Tail ST PtMtoe, (Call Oeorgi or-Out Ross B rot Hera. It-! SeiMi-e tnili City. Anywhri.-. Auyiinie Iy or Night MASSETT. QUEEN'S HOTEL The Ideal Holiday Resort. IVir term ity prwpriirn Mr J. ii. A. Ininn. AUCTION HALSS. tommiion. H. H. HEMMinaS, Aaotlooeer, Third Avenue (Dei ny Allen's Old Store) Phone black 13 and Qreen 471. CHIROPRACTOR R. D. TASSIE, D C. Chiropractor 3rd Avenue. Pnnre Rurwrt, H.C. Hour: 10 to K l t: 7 to 8. Phooe Iilu 625 llenlenee. lireen 136. MAIL SCHEDULE For the East Mondays. Wrdm -dav. and Friday, rloee at .'to p.m. From the Cast Morolay. Jhtireday and Sl unlay. I:3n p.m. From Vancouver Sundaye ......P. M Monday 3' KM Wednesday 3 . I..M Fridays . A.M Friday .3 I'.M. C.P.R. .ugut 3, .. 13. 17, 21 arid 27. To Vancouver- Monday 10 P.M. Tuesday. Mail eloe al P.M. Saturday A.M. Saturday .. II) P.M. C.P.Il. August 8, II, IH, 25 and tV. To Anyos, Alice Arm- Wednesday From Anyox, Alice Arm Thursdays .. To Port Simpson, Alice Anyox and Arrandale. Sunday . 7 From Port Simpson, Alice Anyox and Arrandale Tuesday To Stewart and Premier Fndny 0 Sunday 7 From Stewart and Premie Saturday Tuesday To Alaska Points Augiisl 3, B, J3, 17, 21 From Alaska Points 9 P.M. Thursday 10 P.Mfl I August 8 and 52 . 5.30 P.M. I From Queen Charlotte Aligns) 6 and 20. To Naas River Points-Thursdays, o From Naas River Point Saturdays is ' I ni '.. I -MS turn TMWrr S M I mm rn " aje, na sr tmtt-i iwr-n fw ivi H-t ofriM. r tUnd: Uotton Orlll Third - ruii r aw rr HOLIDAY RESORTS yirstmT I I .WTO J. I MSB ' nai ir h (rftralloi will k IM''- .. t i iff luw v AT al Kr liuii.'it-u in your lioine or nl !' trrw IfMiftrswsl ur ttw ' tsi ll Mmtv jtrt a4 ttt t ' lawn vm nan IM ff Umrummt OTItt ftlt 1 1 ' tm- Ik raM r '- InTiRr H wf ' win. la lit X)IHrl of iiivnr' r' t t tm - . -x -t ' ' I I J trltrv .to pr '"f U rt i l( f trrttls r4iri cm h flM Ar M Ht. tT mtlrr tit f. I J I H tn two ti ;MMit f.s Ih - jf'.r mmmtr hi t id i' st i!r t r- r- :.mn t 4il fiMMfii . OStMl SI l CII- IT... 1 I III. ! at Jan. . , ... Msiiejitwif f rr Kntrv SJOTICt IV THE JUTTta Ih Imh T ff'y) alrli lfl. Umb ' UU Sutxttiiri t t'A mr-nin Ut). T"n ri. SilUfirlorT tmA Ortini t Tiiw r. v. iMiier tn 'au- t Irtlltoa l WHS. Sll'r month frw ih i"- tr 1IXIT mm hi in LAND P.M.! k.iIk si Ifitinllon 41 .Mnlrll. TM ontirai ' ' d.oxi th Ittn A'.r ' imbrrrd ItllSl. i.m MntiT "ft ! lit Aariit, 19 it. r m S-r SCTf .i j . . .rl-jS 1 J:nf j TV - 1 M 1" ''M- i t.tvl PMrlc rf kfni l-. . . i .... ii ! ' x :t. inn r itiiwt ""7',"( , v ' .am Bin tiiir. in - . A VI trnn., vrlinlllnn l;,u ....... .,,s IO II'PIT lor f Till. reluct aueiar lno dut- QUtCN CMaL0TTS ISLANDS ,""S rsrkinr OsrpiBV f "'Thft t stTly for prmi" ' tt poliil II '" 1 ,t "tfrsit in noriBri n"1" ' . " In trthrriv rtlrr low tir mirk r -o nilhwrtrly iikI '""m." . i 8 PJII. tr mir 18 -ni w-y ' Arm P.M. Arm - A.M. . , ... . ,.M in, , i. loss. tinr B thrnc noiir"ny . 4-sr--. tf... lO 1 1MT ft MM. " rtmulnlnr 10 srrrl, fn T l.-f. twtnl IMS toth tT of r . ......... .tiilrl m rx.. or r.oii' ' 'Uln. Cove, Inrnr ' 'Plh i ehin 2 August n, j. ih, 22 and 2i). iHvorei ,nore ihnr ,n'nrt roiiof r"'i"L".,i" ini; "i f"J' n m .... . . . . . iconimrnrmnu mm i,.- ' vuoon nanovie island POInM riM.re or !. . . ..rrraMiV. P.M. i . it . fa- Tl nolH- mil '."" ,in. IH-, lt. CMAaLOTTI tat Points i intxi Tin inir. - "Z, ii. . .urn,!1 1 AND r.l. Tdll.. I11MK . .nnii ttx Minuter irop''l fur nut. A.M. I.1,,1., ittnitf.1 cm .'rt PI? . lUwl. B.Ct Crmunrnrlnt '?Klh,t I 1. .... .....i...., mrtirf I" r .. nei" i you iinn you cannot get Ih T,,v.nhu l Hir prMiiii-". ' . dally News ren,f, BU ,S ,i subscribe for It and have il de- mnfnnDi. .v n jjcxot"1" . . u' 111 mwnA I ..I Auctioneers. 189 u juur norne. li rum liiy it.