c+ PAGE TWO SLIPPERS for Christmas Gift that is practical and always Why net a pair For Mother, Dad, Sister or Brother Select Yours Now While Our Sises Are Complete Box 1584 - Phone 357 appreciated. + eer sorts Siecyaan Summa ckesine Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limitea, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor DAILY EDITION cei Bin- Saturday, Dec. 3, 1932 A SATURDAY SERMON Life Set Free From Care (By Very Rev. J. B. Gibson, Dean of St Andrew’s Cathedral) That part of the Sermon on the Mount which centres around the injunction “Be not anxious” had no home, no business cares seems strangely out of teuch with our modern mind and temper. He who | having a healthy body as well as a , he secial responsibilities— what could He know of the problems and burdens of the man of teday? Yet even here Christ has a mes-® sage for our time. By the place He gives the causes and cures ;}Outwal ince to of | d appear: to the supreme things of the spirit. History proves worry He cates it is something | th try He indicat ani a eee 8 jat every turn that men and women lat is @ver present w s s-| pective of age or clime and that it} “%° have their thoughts upon the , " coer > ava Le rs 2S ave is a real menace to human life. Our ae eee ron values oe - en > ris ‘ ‘ rersity experience corroborates that view,/2°®" @0/e to mse above adv ; iby The chief enemy of human happi- | *"¢ Setrow and to find peace. When ness is worry. More characters are|“® ‘himk of John G. Paton ae wrecked. chreers rtiiined. homes 8 beside the grave of his wife in blighted by this than by any other “¢ New Hebrides and praying God that island tc think of Wilfred Grenfell leavin his friends and home in order t bring the message of the Gospel Labrador Assisi thanking Ga erty, we understand something that can worry and feverish peace like our Master's And again Christ summons us t view lives in the perspective ernity. The rea! life > ; to save single cause. Not responsibility but . anxiety saps vitality. Not work but worry kills The mere injunction “Be not an+- xious” would have been worthiess if the Master had not shown us how to attain the serenity and peace of His own life. He calls us first to trust in the love of God. He who feeds the birds and clothes the lilies shall He not much more feed and clothe us, even though we be of lit- tle faith? In for that lift us fea Mh our the face of injustice him, when w out of of the scul e x ‘ to when we see Francis of his pov- there is : lL and inequality we are to believe ir lies beyond these fleeting years on this Divine Providence. The larger /#" im the love and serenity of experience of humanity confirms the land to be. We have swung tor its reality and bids us believe “God's far from other worldliness ti an in His heaven, All's right with the 2/most total neglect of the thought world.” As some one has put it of the future life when you trust you dd not worry Listening then to the wores of and when you worry you do not °U" Master we are set free from trust care and worry through confifence Christ calls us next te itivate | God's love, through a life of the higher powers of seul, putting SE ees © ‘Biing hope a heaven above. These are the sec first_in thought and-gurpose the rets through which we may shar Kingdom of God. We shal! find the sefenity and calm of Him who peace of mind when we turn from promised us His peace - © mee seman = CHURCH NOTICES — F!RST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister, Rev. W. D. Grant Hollingworth, B.A. Organist, John EB. Davey 1h A.M., Sermon Subject, “WHAT DO WE KNOW ABOUT JESUS” 12:15, Sunday Sehool 3 PM., Stnday Schoo! 7:30 P.M., Sermon Siibject, “ Westview School RELIGION AS A BASIS FOR BUSINESS” ST. ANDREW’S CATHEDRAL (Church of Engiand) Very Rev. J. B. Gitson, Dean 11-A.M., Morning Prayer and Holy Communion Subject, “WHAT IS THE BIBLE?” 7:30 P\M., Evening Prayer and Picture Sermon Subject, “THE CHRIST” (Hofmann) A eopy of the painting will be given each one attending the service This being the first Sunday in the month the Sunday Schoo! wil] meet at 2:30 pam. THE DALLY NEWS LF PS RRM RE AN SEIT RE NRE nin g team, told of the necessity of 5, Ritchie 2, McLeod, Da- vies trained mind. Football was the fin- Comets Morgan 2, Smith 4 est kind of training and the pro-| Johnson, Steen, Tite. Dietkens per balance of sport md education Jntermediate League was the biggest asset in life Although the game the night be- Ald. Macdonald ore did not prove enuous af Ald. 8. D. Bincdonald “was ele’'t air it must have taken a great attend the annual banquet once} na 2 eee . a es ; more. The senior ranks were being | ae dee 1h aay dike a well supplied by good players fro: Ce eee ak eee the Junior League and they were |? 2¥¢¢ nice ball agd, if they keep 1p the good play of combination acquitting themselves with credi nf urate -shodtine they wit) The Trades and Labor Council we ubt be a hard tenn to beat always keenly interested ir pty : vhysical welfare of the children « Junior League the city In a fast snanppy“wame the Jap G. W. Johnstone of the Sons inese teok Rovers*18-8 The bay Canada congratulated the associa Mayed an interesting game an tien on the successful management well wor watening of the Junior League. The old timers Japan Suehire 7 Kishi in athletic were being replaced b moto (4), Nakamot ! Conde promising youngsters whose pos Ybat 10 Sibilities were unlimited Rovers Williscroft 2. Greer 2 J. A. Morris of the Elks thanked tvarson 2, Armstrong, Bremner 2 the association and added words c McRae, McMeekir congratulation. His oreanizatir Reforees—Currie, Johnson, Tr was always glad to help the younge: ine, Skinner brothers oe 2 le Mike Colussi delighted thov« LEAGUE "STANDINGS present with his piano-accordio Senior League solos W L. Pts Following the program, refrest NRA 7 3 l4 ments were served by a committee Grotto 5 4 7 of the mothers of the plavers. Mrs. Kaien Hardware 2 7 W. W. C. O'Neill being convene: Ladies’ Lengue and assisted by Mrs. S. V. Cox. Mr Cardinal 7 2 D. Ritchie. Mrs. L. 8 Eby, Miss FE Amazon 7 3 A. Mercer and Miss S. A. Mill Somet 0 9 A hearty vote of thanks to the mothers, the Parent-Teacher A Intermediate League elation. the Board of Schoo! Trus- Tux! .2 4 12 tess, Miss White. the referee nd ‘ Merchant 6 3 12 the sneakers was passed by accla- | Warrior 2 7 4 mation Guinier 1, Seg oR as Meteors 7 0 4 We must harmonize the machin- Boy Scouts 2 5 4 ince with that of produe- Rover 2 5 4 consumption. —E. Meyer Japanese 3 4 6 —_ : Tom Andrew HAS OPENED Andrew’s Cash and Carry Bread and Cake Shop Third Avenue next to MacLaren’s Music Stere P. O. Bex 416 Phone Black 667 A comptete line of superior quality Bread, Cakes and Con- feetionery. Order your Xmas Cakes and Pham Puddings now a 4 McRAE SERVICE ia} ERFEU ’ ‘ATION THE THRIFTY Rr > wy A POWERFUL COMBINAT THE YER w } aie, RECOGNIZE ILL | | % , 7 f d 7 ¥ | See and hear the new Bi-acoyss; t ‘ Vict Radio, whict ok " arGs. Ol TaAGMw Value anc nr | | D IS PL AYED IN Ri KE — om a ae - : - Discuss the differen ” mode i. concsliitilint with our friendly an periene | . i ; : a ‘ people. ASK 48 many questions aco Annual Banquet of Junior Football; Grotto Defeats ©.N.R-A, and Still Test Mate) Between Australia and, ike Bo n't teal ans obi . ye \ inti ; ’ > 4 . : : : ” tO0s hilly i n buy Association is Held Has Chanee For First Half England is Continuing at We are interested in rac Or be —— Senior League Honors Sydney | point of view The Junior Football Association | _ | One of the Virtors you will see-here eld its annua! presentations of Senior League—Grotto, 23; Ca- SYDNEY. New South Wales Dec.! is the R-54. It a i10-tube B istic ;the Rochester Shicid and medals nadian National) Recreation Asso» 3 —When the stumps were drawn cae ower te nbedyir ul the le . : lates Vielor in ivemer i fat the Booth Memorial S¢hoo! last |.ciation, 18 iis evening after the second day’s aie $190 ind an be yt : : vening. In his introductory re-| Ladies’ League — Amazons, 13: play in the Australia-England crib-| Our Hasy Terms - ‘marks, the chairman, J. 8. Wilson, Comets; 6 ket test match. England. had. com-; welcomed the guests and expres- Intermediate League—-Merchants, piled 252 runs for one wicket to B THe A) th $395 (Hf) sed the regret of the executive at 52: Tuxis, 21. Australia’s first inning score of 360 bi oe . vUVe absence of the donor of the Junior League — Japanese, 18 Sutcliffe scored 116 and Ham- shield. Mr. Rochester had asketi.) Rovers, 8 mond: 87, both net out, for England him to state how sorry he was at Grotto defeated Canadian Na rene — epee aan his ability to attend < » Con= | Henn} — conurtatte axt . Inability to attend and to con-|tiona! Recreation: Association: las Bad : T oa 2 vey to the boys his best wishes for night 23-16 to give fhem a fight min on ourney ‘ ae 7 an enjoyable evening and a suc- | jne chance for Senio! League hon - (YY ) » U.C VU cessful season. J. Campbell, vice- ors in the first half. The game was Held Last venimng a president, also sent reerets and not up to the usual high standard _ wished all-a very happy evening of senior matches, some of the Miss Polema Camero ad Wi ; ‘ Miss 5 : e The presentation of the shicld regular players ‘being under the oy oe — | : a ill ae eee ae Bryant Ave Winner on Prince was made by Mayor C.H. Orme, who weather The first half was close Rupert Clits ‘Court ‘ : = ; i's Courts ° ° P Ru F ie , ¢ > ” n) .2 + sens a" } congratulated the High School 10-8 but in the se ond, Grotto . The Fish which made rince pert amous team on its success. He congratu- enlarged theiy Icad to 28-16 ‘ i ; : . ie : “ An interesting American tourna- lated the losers, too, and empha- Grott Menzizs, 2 ment was held last night on th : ; el e fas held las > | Sized the value of healthful exer | “urric, Morrison 21, Wit 2, Plores 8 _— ad is courts of Prince Rupert Badmin- cise. The lessons of football wer: Gurvich 2 ten CNG: tn “ther Seiten Sa) éé 99 . r 7 e «U 5 re of value in meeting the situations} C.NR Johnson 5, Kelesy 5, ,, here were 22 couples in the com u ert ran “ ‘ ’ inere were 22 ct s ~ of life and no lesson was more ne- | Styles 2, Stalker 1, Morrison 2, Nel- : p ‘ ‘ i petition and a goodly number of cessary than that of “carrying on son In receiving the shield on beh Ladi I spectators was also on hand. The PcelV » s ennai: | , e 1 ¢ ’ eee winners were Miss Polema Cameron SMOKED of the High Schoo! team, the cap The Amazons again took Comets , , T) ; ae : : stele aR alee ind Wizner Bryant. The tourna- tain, Aubrey Ivarson, expressed th: 3-6. Although the game was ; ‘i 2 ment was in charge of Ernest Wild- Satisfaction of the team at winnin: ; rough in spots, it was not one ine ' it and their appreciation of the|sided and. i the Comets could “ iB Py d and, if the Comets coul Following the play, refreshments ntchncednthnenant work of the executive of the Jun lave sunk more of their many : ‘ ; : : were served under the direction of | lor Association hots, they might have been vic- ; : Miss Alice Pillsbury Bert Morgan, who presented tt ors medals to the members of the win Amazons Boddie, Harvey 6 | Vancouver Wheat Prepared Daily By | scons mm” Canadian Fish & Gold Siorage Co, Lid | exchange today PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. | Estabilshed 1849 LAMB’S RUM AGED, BLENDED AND MATURED AT THE LONDON DOCKS MACKENZIE’S FURNITURE SPECIAL MONTH-END EXTRA “Lamb’s Fine Old Navy” PROOF OVERPROOF Old and Good! Ask the British Navy! On sale at Liquor Vendors or direct from Governmient Li quor Contro! Mail Order De- partment, Victoria, BC This advertisement is aot pub vered al ‘ h M . D lished or displayea by the the best value we ever give at this pric $118.50 Liquor Control Board or by Extra Syecia the Government of Britist i Phone 775 Third Avenue Prince Rupert Britiah Columbia {DENTISTRY December Prices My office is eqnipped te handle the most difficult dental cases offered. These prices will prevail fer this month only. Cal! at my office and gel Low PRICES and the best material new prices on al! denta operations. CROWN - PLATE-WORK .-. BRIDGES Extraction of Teeth Included I have made a special study of the PAINLESS M ETHODS use ing this month will be completed at the low price set, You must start now in order to tik: vantage of this offer, PHONE 525 For Your Appointment Evenings or Sunday Special App’ts. Dr. Maguire - The Dentist Rooms 7 - 8-9 Smith Block d. All operations contraeted for du! ud BEST MATERIA! Used alt branches and all work GUARANTEED REPAIR PLATES 3-Meur Service Bring your broken parts