path! rora TUB DAILT ssva BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMan., Prices that beat "" OH 5 I O OVG A LOT OlON'T TEUUVOO TO iET ORCVbGO ? r-ov-t wih -rout CUT WHEN. TOO ) VOURE LOmj TO THE ArFMCASM MAViiE ; COtB HOMC GARLT ! IU OU TIN IN COMC HOMC the Mail Order Houses HUNTERS I ALWAX, NAIH KNOW THtlRt' j I r " - w THREE'S SOME AM- THC BUNCH! -OOCTf FOR sooorE: 1 ONE TOMICHT f. IN TME HOUMT - or ( ,. r Ladies or trowing i.irl Oxford, UVTBM TO AtSOTHEl? hlai'k ttr In-own. French IW "Jk I i trr-n Itttr nr walkinv,Jicfl .... , .S4.C0 ti rowing dirts' lilnck high lnrol Hoot v $4.95 Full range of fttir Ifnalily Men' Shoe, nil shapes, hr.nvu or black $7.50 Don't Forget Our Shoe Repairing Department. Epert Work man ship. Low Price. ' Family Shoe Store Third Avenue. Phone 357. P.O. Box 1668. BXSBSUBNSSEa SALMON RIVER jThe Coughs BUY YOUR AND ITS MINES and Colds Daily News Classified Ads. O 1 THE RIGHT PLACE TO BUY 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Adtorllxmnnl Tkn for Lae thn BOo onoes of Children! History of the District Outlined WANTED BOARD. fruni faUpapers In Official Geological Report Only Hi mothrr knows hnw hard It u tn km-n IK thlMw. fpun .k i ri v mLI WAfll. WAMT.D- To nurrha.e --f nlamto. .W Srond by Schofleld and Hanson f'""' und tlwy ltl art overheated and off H"7 when il wa an in. a Shoemaker Tjrprwriler. It'-ni i ti(ct n or I'n- ! Avnniie. Phone 137. If "igllifhuul iKlaenly. fl their rl mn, kirk orf the and inircrogulml "The development in llritih 'riothe at nifht. and do a Moirn.. and n;.)orl nnii todav when I In- t'nl- iItW'mm. rerml model, inii sewiimo "AMHERST" lhlni Ka nlluiai jnS sua i ' h- Imnrnln. X.Y.. I'xiluniliiii f mine fnmi a , . " ' 1 icrrfy of Whin:rloii minimKi- Apply Haily SOLID' LEATHER SHOtl i. .. I, ' ""HP- "r 1 LAIN PKWI.NU IhMie. prlr.- i rom &.oo. pi-oevl is usually a hnrg and their rhiMren mi rmiiivh l mtoAi. ciisily operation requiring nn fimdalo Ihe UioiiMiiwN of rUimnr- WANTKII. Men and Women la nnxmivbln. Pbnn llkie 7(M. "LECKIE" Dr. Wood's inff fan. 4h Tiiiie anion? ollter learn llnrberlnsr. Paid SOLID til lay of rapilal for beyond tlie while NURSING LEATHER SHOtl, "f I ho lliitiB nyi that t:iim lia n reined learning and tool free. Writi I mi'ans ordinary prrn- Norway Pine Syrup rorn i,.ou par pal. i.f whlUi iinv uililete miclit ORAIH AIK M'HKK. availahb. for liccliir, fiul Ilie iliwmery if (in . . . for catalogue. Mnler llarlwr Window II I. m.aianl an.1 hfr fi itm In t. Shoe Rspslelng. i'1-..niior Mine In Hie Snlimm ... . .IZ-i " ' i'" ne Col'etre. Vancouver. ll.C. dally vtil or hourly iiur-niic. iiiiP, I lie I nili-d Oil Oi.'w liae-ball Malignity iniriu a peeiaitv. IliviN ililriW tmd Hie IKdly ;lmrt iidw. Vunlen mriip in Ihp Alice Ann I Mrs. I. Wlln. Porla-e Lt pnlrle. Man, Imrii nnd nne of UK WA.NTKH. lllrl for general Phone Med 155. Irln rf iilfii-lder-t win. wer" ea-ldered lione-virk. Mr. S. .1. Mr-1 j GEO. HILL ilMrtef V-ved rltrsh-rly lU-l, X' lT' AUCTION SALES. ihe ftei in Hi.. Norlli-tvonl. 33J, l iflh Ae. Ka.l. ;i lliw an- in Ilriii1i . rlr, tvo ,,, oM , ry u ins snoemin, Gkss r.olumhin wtiirli ran tn ntade Id'mid lati winirr, hlrb I thont-ht n FOR SALE Conducted in your home or :(i Third Ave. "liar frmii Hie e-r root"' nnd'"P, "d mm "lr. Wnnd-" in iimij r-ur room. (I..,,,!. , ,!,( ; SMikiiiu f hi ltettall Opp, 0.N.R, Tlektt Offltt VOlt f conie in Ihe ralctt.ry SAI.K. Will clear hal otnnitxinn. I bo wit day; alo my taby, three iselii Hie Ihi innu" irojejiliin." " ... iaon lhepaer iMiunehold effivU I bn.e at H. H. HCMMiriGS, Aucttonesr, PICTURE FRAMING oiu, ,u ...u ;iay: "Al Ilie rl..0 f Hie twi-e ' llri aertlon I imnle in 1 lie n to him. It-rut and bnnta jip .. ... . , , grfNit naeriflc. iifrr ma-eliine. 823 Third Ae, j; A speciality. I lining Iluoin Suite, Phonnf fllark CK., n ,, . I -- v u I w ., iknoll of the Salmon Hiver 1 " nra- irt fur tiaokeMiall vvilli Ihe Child's full il bed, priinr. American Express . prlre shr and A0C a bottlr; put up only Knryht nf 4ilmiiliii and tie i nrxl mall re, all like new: CLOTHES CLEANED " -j - . .1. Sclmfield and O. Ilanun. bT i,n.Tne T M,iburn Liniltrd. ,,w rrlrar WM, nat tfam KnglUli idate mirror, Irt x n and preaed hy lnt-t 8TKA M SILVERSIDES liiinion (rovermnenl iiiimnKi' lieinw ("iiidere.l wIhuiI Hie rla witli land .'1.50: Hleclrw Iron lrT"Pinir proce. Money Orders en?inHr, whicJi lins jil lieen if Hie u'imr.l playing inlepend-nil "3.r.O; Plant, dl.lie. ami kitchen P ult rslhjd for and delivered, ' BROS. iue fnini OIIwa. WHIST DRIYE AND l.,i-lMll(iill in Hie city." uleni f,,f iiIiiki.i nothing. Phone 49 Issued on """I'll diovery of rich silver DANCE BY ORANGE Jack Venatilea, Kinud LINQ. The Tailor ' Norway, Sweden ft Phone 22. P.O. Box 120. bearins vein in tUn SnliiMii PREMIER OUTSTRIPS Hlock. (2 Uenmark at Lowe River id'trW-l in 1911 re-nwaken-e.l LODGES IS GlYEN TAXI MII.K for llreakfaot Wimimit ALL OTHER MINES IN Current Raics inlere.t in mininsr in hat Tulierculo. Ilornle. young Phone Number Changed to Ipsrl nf ltrilUli Columhia," the The Loyiil t Irani;.- l..Ml-e and DIVIDEND PAYMENTS Nanny, freshly erved by Heg. 67 report continue The type ofitlw Iiyal Orange Itenewilent A-' l-t rc Nnhian wijh her young (Call George, Rnaa) Agents for The Very Latest and Best In re deml rleh in native Hil-imciation enlerlnmeil jMintly laol: nciiler khl 21.00. Orale :.0 Five-pa..enr.P Touring Car Norwegian Anuriu llsi vei- somclitne aufountins li)iiiKltiit a iMiichlful vln.f dri."' Onipn; j mi .of Hip per iilaie 'txirn -'iv Pro4wt4- Day iwl Swedish Americas Lint Kane, lnveme. - NM hrtt.. l.Oou niineea lo ljir Jon waf noWiaiMl laiur. in tire Mi'tropide Hal!. if .In i.lend ia'Ueill made . Iiy Stand: Boston Orlll Third Avenue Scandinavian smartass MEN'S WEAR In Hriliili Odunrt.fei. - rJ'YYMMiHth alxm! 15 pereon n''""i" mm.-. ii Hie ,n.uni II3 acrei. .piHi.l four roiHtfi Line. Hlstorv of District aHendanee. Ihe w inner at the .Hiring f lie pn year thai liotl.e, ham. chicken home, MUSIC Oliver Typewriters il table of eard wr.': I.adie' . Hie I'rr-inier at Stewart i Bar an, wo wen, ien aero Safes Cary "The ewrly hiAfory of mining ltb Arthur and hi in nl-ninn IHvei ilitdrWH i in- fir-l. Mr. V. J. Hreei- on a i-nl jnway the mux! profilalde of riillivntion for lr, r will hV-irffanil Omhi.slra FIRE INSURANCE Seo my up-to-date Stock of - ... 1U.HI. 1 KL iwij.i - niein tin. ijiwi yeiic P"' exrhanye for I'ritwe Itupert iii.iiie.y im.uiiu ttji wiiii mai "I E . 1. L..t I. iA. M. DANCES, BANQUETS, Ele jiropcrly. M. fttelien. " ' Portland di.triet. il-Zl'V. a., j 3L7 . Latest Muslo Hansoj Suits and il i a fMH-l. The ineilIHfeniiil',:'ir".rr,T"i . l "r i t. I... . i i,ir ..I...."!- rt-'tn y"i t r iur 'ifi . 1 COIl rUM-. TlBle.l.'i CVunpuHtm Reasonabla Prices Dybhavn & NmraHer of Hie Porllaixl ('anal Sca( and PI..iih were xeiM-d nn.l then the daiieej The f..ll.ig dividend were Ilrantford Sricer. lllark 183 or 80. Third Avsnua mining district vm. fir I di- p It'dlr nrly new. lUtcgain for ...ninwiireil. Aillnir OreliehlraJpaid hy llrilwli Oduml.ia mine Prlnca Rupert, B. C. 'ovened ly a parly of prospec ranh. ruller' nroccry. tf AIAIL SCHEDULE - iirnibiiig Hie . niuic, I.ale for the vear I9i3' Overcoats tor in IR98, Ihe year of the Piper M. ltnnal.l called in and pro- Premier ohl Mln-vMed HAY KOll SAI.K.-- Timo shy, ;5 ruh. Kkmdyke gr.-al They were SW-...-: January, 1523.: nnlle ftr a Scliolll.rbe and. i"g S."5O.fl0fi.0fl ler ton. Wild hay, l per searching for 'placer depoil, Foe the East-Monday. I be. Highland i'ling execuled hyiHrow ,et Pa ton. f.o.b. Apply Hulall Mer-eaulih at Specially Low Prices. hut failins to find pay grave. John .Murray. I'-oal. (U., at fi'k.... STS.r.r.n.nn Oo., Iliihrtl. ll.r,. Wedneaday and Sif. STANDARD turned fh.r aHeiilion lo pwwi- Ab-x. Mcllae wn mater of Itehnonl Surf Inlet, urdny. closes at 7 p.m. pHcling for ipiarlx. Ihe Hooe. al &8..100.00 I'OH SAI.K. One pleiulld Hiird From the East reeemonie. Mr. Keith wa at Hie veil and other claim on (he door and Hie joint rommillee "-uri inn-i i.oiu iai Avenue lol neur MrllrMe St.. Monday. Wednesdays and Frl-lay, north fork of Ililler oiwk were nt a great bivaiii for chIi. 6.30 IRONWORK Thor Johnson eoiiiMi-i-d SV. C. Ileilh. Alex. Mulf.l 24.6te.50 p.m. nluked in 1K1HI and the Mountain M. M. Slepben. kenzie. Alex. Mcllae. Mr, ti. h 75,000.00 Hoy and American (lirl on American From Vancouver licit b. Mr. K. ,. Warrior and; I'OH SAI.K.I'urnl4ure and Hi.y Next to Glennle, Second Ave. creek in 1902. The Alkan Suvdays p. m. Mr. Prendegn!. IV.tal 3,28I,7H8.50 boundary lit Hint lime had not carriage. Phone lllue 390. Wednesdays f0:30 A.M. HUGH SMITH beep dcfincoX Mild 4be clmimn Hie jOinolilalcl .Mining and FOR RENT Kalunlay v.. A M were laked under Ihe l.'niled CP.II. Ian. I, l& ml 29. SDOVr rhy.t' 5 rSmeliins, lleliiKint Surf Inlet, Black. Klale law, blil were nSiHe-nucnlly rv' Sll,.f ,!,., ...i.i, are erpected to FOR HUNT. From February I. To Vancouver- mlthlnfj and Hr ri.lke( recorded in , ilt-cliire liirlliei- ilivi.l.-n.l . for Tlie entire flor or any iorl Monday (train) 7 p.m shoring Repair of s Let Us Advise You Hnli-li Colunlbi-i. The Hedcliu, "One of Ibe bcel tout fielder in Hie year. lion of il a oorupied by Ibe Tuesdays, Mall clohes 5 P. M. Kinds. (with a lifetime's experience which oinildlinrilly ecaie notice Seattle' enfi-pro baeiall ranks' - Va!idrer' (Hub. Sleiu henl-i-.l Thursday, Mall Hoe .:in in all branches of the u llie ouUMTipping up and now being called' the lel CtmP iiii r-T MlilP and will make Hull or lo,ge p.m. depalcheil Friday a.m. Wagon Repairs. I -! ' Huilding Trade). prominently on the mountain bakelliall inianl in Hie cilv " UUUI IllLLI mill I. room. M. M. Hleimeiu. Saturday 12 main. Supplies, otc... Out r ' ' la-Ark 1 1 .il,,- ,1 I,, wa firl KlaVed in 1898, i 4he way On. Seattle Times MAKES ITS-BEST Hal unlay (Irulu) 7 P.M. "-. ,iuoiitijr nu" " ' ' I'OH IIKNT Weain-liealed. fur- Brickwork, md b.T lapxod and been rel;ik- lecrilie iiarlie :ieinenlioii. j Trucks ano Delivery Bod'eil Stonevork, ed I0IIK."veral lime, the lat lime In Ibe former proinliienl alblele of, SHOWING TO DATE y Willi niluil or iin,without liy or week;Home To Anyox, Alloa Arm, Stewart Built and Repaired. Ihi rity, wImi i iiow e.lablihei I and Premier-Wednesday Concrete, etc. "Tbe mrlie! mention of pro in the xoiitliern inelroiioU. fill The vlrikc if 30 feel of 120 ore (looking.eilile. Norfolk AIo Itooiu.lioiiM'-keepIng Plioue 7 P.M. First Avenue, Prince Rupsrt peeling in Nalmon River district paying tribute to Olcin' alhtelle 'on the lino level ha iiiurli f fit 329. From Anyox, Alice Arm, Stewart B. C. Plan and Specifications I in the Itlack If of Hie report Minb.ler prowe tbe Time in a recent proled IIk' outlook fur Ibe iurf and Premier-Fridays Rsd 2f free to all our clients, of Mine for llrlli1i Oolurnbiit P.O. Box 190. Phone number run a long article on Unlet mine. uy tbe Mining an. I'OH IIKNT.--SI earn healed stor-iiu-i A.M. William Watts & Co. for 1001. where il U dialed .bat llis history ill sporting aAllvitl." I'.iiwillcei inn llecoid. Net eul llinx" space in Kr.lerul 1 1 lock. M. Mern. Harrl and Ilearlck of imiil iiImi inrtilitilie a big rul of.of KcIiimiiiI Surf Inlet Mine Ltd M. Stephens, To Alaska Points-January Builders and Contractors Ketchikan, kcaled six claims him Hhowiug hi inirly figure for S.-pleriiber ipiarler were $15 I, 5, and 29. P.O. liox 823. Phone 482. -o.npoinK Ibe Silver Lake group nnd well-known niile In Hie Hhd.iU, Ibe bent howing nwide by HTHAM llemted Flat Tor rent. From Alaska Points-January Bqat Owners and Meaner M. M. (bat Ian aparliiieiils, located Office: 1017 3rd Ave. I,in.blorg uniform oMhe h'niglil nf i- (be mini' for nonre time 5 on.I 19. Jobbing Work of all Kinds. four claim on Ihe Kurnmit of iiiii.)U bakelbiil I earn of Senllle Tbe Tonopah llcinront ('.oiii- Stephens. S-e I - I Ilar Hlver ridge between Silver ( wlihrJi lie bioj ten the slarr- papy, wbich control Ibe Surf In FOR IIKNT. Kour roomed steam To Mass River Points I 8H P.CHANDLERY, l.ako group ori Saliwm river and ing luemlii tbi winter 'let Mine, i a I no in luck, having heated flat. Apply Hinllb and Sunday 10 P. M.I ROPE, CHAIN, the Americtan group on Jleur 'fotiini in source nf ore In Hie Mallet, if From Naas River Points COPPER PAINT. jiiver. In Hhe report of 1911 il Jlc-ir i dling linn a n real Hrliin.m Mm III Tonnpall Nev. TucMilay P.M. i CAULKINQ COTTON, Don't i- -lale.l that the Dig Mi-oui'i Worry! -u- uto Hlaked in 1001. TUITION To Port Simpson, Alice Arm: Stork sHardwareLJ I Some of ihe cUiinm now owned NORTIIKRN POI.YTFCHNIO n- Anyox by the l'rcmler Oold Mining lilnle of Kngiiierrlng, Sunday. 0 I' M. Phone Black 11' v porrhcr From Port Simpson, Alice Arm nave Inland jtj.iiipany were lake.l In June. Comineirial, Household and i n Hi, ii vm. I ill wort li and (JeiuMiil Jjluva1ion. Thorough. Anyox WOOD jliiiniinjr Iti... but il was nt ly up-lfi-dalH and prorlicul Tuendays I' M jiiiilil (be vuminer of 9( that W. cour given by (luallfled in- To Queen Charlotte Island Points Dry Hemlock and Cedar jl. Hoir fnund liigb-gitde in-.' COUGHS AND COLDS BtrUtflors. SllnUllla l.r,.iur,..l January 0 and -0. EDSON COM I !Win a Inn In gold and silver for recognied standard Kdn-i ,'rom uttn Charlotte Polnta Cut to Your Order. on HiPfce eamm. The diwmeiv A few doaaa of Daliamc a and T3ALSAMEA, although powerful laitlonal. i'iiUii....i a.,.i J. nuH y 4 and 18. irextved lnlriil in lln- dilnet coufhs and coldt diaappear com. u in action, U free from all harm, Commercial 1 and Ihe well-known ru-h of 1915 ptetcly. lUliamts loo.mi ibe phlegm ful drugs. Cbtliirco lake II willingly mu in lualion We . an now Pupp''' and clean lb lung and bronxhial becauae il I attei good, Kveniiig i-liiMaai condu. led u( EDSON C0t HydeTransfer and 1911., during which FAMOUS tube. Relief guarsattcdoruooey refunded. Aiijntu and Prince Rupert. For1 all aMiil'Hlilc ground was slaked. rurtiher purllrutar in anv rjuan'"v pro I.oct in? and developing of I BUY A DOTTLE TO-DAY. upply Phone 580, J. W. Irtplin, lor a I atfent tf Hie-e efciitn eoiiliiupvl In Hie' ORMES Prince Feed Service and Quality our LIMITED Auyox, ll.C. or (be lllreil.., Rupert Mo(l6. iilme Hi ra vu iceol.. i.-nlly i Pioneer Druggiite Prince Sweeten Rupert The Rexsll Storti Wulbiee lllock, pnnee Hun. t BS. mapped, in 1920. j Phone ll.C. r the Stomach