n 10" T7J1 DAICT JHWS mn ftto I Hurn liv.-f il wa- -mil he w.v limiMn in llrlli1i Golumhia ami n - ..i.ii ( in-- n i ,. ,. Mpprtailljr nil Hi front icr where Will Id ll.w rcrogniftcd Mirk- ihi rc,l liloodoil men anil women! i' till' higllir! in iil,.n.,.l,.i,,.,. werr- neolei, Ilo linil t1 udloi .i t fervor. Iliiiniii ,. I wn ni-ii . . nmlil miv- li Hie !privinee, in ri .1 1 rn-4 ill atli'li MACDONALDS poem- I,. I nnn'lrt atul oilier nmnliie ami I ..in OMianlPr" n ml Holy he r imiIiI cee llftil projrren wn W Hi! PrttJTPr." The Wt.rM ,. ln'iiW made here. With the po--iiiililirn ilo win Incoming loo r-.inial nii'l re.onree ronUfrtl-'ii' .;iil Hio .iti. iini not iiMHHit. l the raliVay and ihr .vil -1 ,. 4h. i K. f. -ll .ilM. Il Wft ,Kfv wan iw reawiti fur ny-iltilntr in --aiy In ! t;r. k ti Mi, .nn-ii, rlieorfiilln ele lull -- The .if uifrli Itiinn- wrote. a' iiin of iM,ri - m Hie1 II II n III "Ootid' Holm-day BRIER dl'frli't trrrnl "inlerlor "ii!i he ..III. WtterP It picture Wall liriMiali Hscrieiilllire wiih xlnek .fl of life a II all.Midi lie rniFintr n- il IikKI.im litiUy ' Pil Till- Wlirld lodiiy -.I(,1 ,(., Ins iiliniitii for. Iriiii'. Ilupeji nil a miii ikIi n- liiii-n- wImi wan nviiler Uiiit wlirn 1i(. caiiie W ;nl, l" tl Ihe iirople hark I.. iH'j-e firl. TliK" jfotliidalinii for ;i f.irni of iiii.ilnii riml lihrniini now ial inviyen i ll'll' Which W i lllll.ll l.i . iitot while before il had lieen ill -II . d inraely peiinWon. There wa Thorn McClrmont i..nind 1 he rivalry m a new 1't liiintorously opening iiM" 1 . ilililry hill eo-iperal mn wn 1 Il ll U.l- I I -I I f I.IJ !. Ill f..,. Il - -ubjcrl, the tons In "Hotline ili-n4rfii.l ..i i..-iiiul New n'-emry. There litis;lit lie attempt K...i Iniiil," llim MrClyumnl rourajfi' hnll iv laki-n nn-l in injure I'rinee llnperl hill the oijlli had always token said In Would concede two "iii.i' v IhkI alri'iiilv wi.ii'il s.i inilli.niM of ilnllAf "in f the things. I'll-'. Sr.illuiul U.ii wa a m- -IiomI.I win' :i lit I ! line imnlr ! tic lwtt in ami ..iirr. Sir ll-iir I .in 1 1 in mulli and no srcnler lKly For those Smokers ii- Imrd m'li-fl Pitted one out Willllil VIM In-!.- ,( all eould h.Jirtieil tyjfi mhiIIi IImiii who like their tobacco 80 - Canada's Best Buy - II rUnLUfilnfcR III well I" moH Ihe rviuvli Nuwl of Ii.miI dial xiiiii-tlniiK ..I iii'iicfil if lialer hmiH romo to llie Cut Fine or who URATE IMMORTAL lid' lull, aerond. lliere were hct-jer uml. wcrii from I hid iil. If nnrlh. In nryt'i" rt-operalion. roll their own THE ECONOMY PACKAGE roimtli'- t.i hc hihI . I.,llli he roiifiled mil. lhal properily in WI'IT IfTll'I'll, il.l nol MCDONALD'S fine Cut ifcnada wii- one of Hieni. Usnade Hip twnun dock lw i I for for tto part of ll.O. iHiit jro-erily (Also Procurable in Packages I54&25i) for llie wlnile of Hie jVro-lnee. me wn n lniiviT r.ninhy fr ain. iliuiiillina tfriiin? Tvio ittttnt rial Tl pliirnlly nti.l Dial iry fp ihhiIi- i r..n.-iin.ii. hml Ih'ch tiiiuli- io Hie 'Hie pniptn here mt i In- siihjerl Ihi" pAoi.lo timailMt. Mr. Mr-'"-it ixmnril in Hip hri. f lim ItAve rmirape and flay willi the ll'u'M Hum a k 3iro"U il--Urv Utort Ihirn- WiUuhv- linl iakn oflfc-c anil f iff 111, o net dark l the foundation of real ejeHlence nn.l the nimiher Major.'' ami "Fourteen I lay in ,.i .i.-i wlm hail Ifcwui flar1 on a plnnrl huljil"-' wi n- now timvlnu ;tiiilkm. Imperial Force true love for lliere wax I urn-It renle.i nnnll fiiiiTKr i.mu i- 1 lloardiin: l!nue," t.y 11. IV lit -mmle tlionalit Ihi-rc wi-r- olhi-r vmal im"-I in.iy ami iii'llv until a uri.pifii Ueplyina ( lo I lie loaM nf Ihe of a li'tnnluli..ii lo.av In be-. :..uauuii -.iiir nor ?iieiTiie?... .hit-. ;Jaine.- V.. . Vaithan... ...pavie. , wa t.in.1 in beautiful fo(hihi. e w the irai'l firm riini lii-i.iii niglil wi-i' from Mie "Imperial Korran;" Kx.AhL J. kutne eiiariie.i in Hie tirMerml... ... ,. - aceomnaniw. me m. a mi rem i. i ciniinif i ir-iiic in r-ii tut l !n eiMVaiion f all nlar lel In the wrrtl hilt he neyiHialHUi-. I'here wan im reo-won II. Kelly, said that 11 had twit Itllnlt Of life. lo..Hi.rw. uhh Iwr -..I., -.n-ii orchelra provided q spirited S;M'H fill ipii'fi mild hardly tie ilocei in the lo talie tio irhMmiy an a-et. been l"Wli. Hals or l'er1iinjf Kindled Socletle Manlonald." reiKimlinz to lliei election of Scollish air for the i - 1 1: :-- ilHHitrhl IihiI Mine raletiry a aepere, If thnmyti tlw-e annual wlro wm llie wtr imioh tm In re-pondins In th tat to'in.ilmil demand Tor an encore(opening I Hie program. ' W !... V l it -f MilL.n or IhiiHe. Ii lturn' leathering- new proaiterla niitrht two rniiHiinn fllow, "Jaekie Kindre.1 swielio," S. K. Par- Wjii "XVmiln- Throush Ihe Ilye,"! Al one o'clock Ihe jralherlnjr huniaiiKy tMil made Mm fcolmod t iu Ii.iiiiiiim i-iiitj il niHrhl lu IIm Hiere.l with Ihe sintfinar nf II Il.l'l lwi (l I Tar." ani'Tmnui)- Atkin." er, mrei-niijr uir r-on ons. k. Ikinillliel o were no ' 1 1 i. S. t h he wa nf llie world. forermim-r of weal in'hievmnnt v the Itmterlal Torre lhal Canada, told Mimlhinir of ili-i In. appreciated. Ivi nunmer I "Auld Inff Syne, and Ood Mayor Retpond mid (frewl rairerm for (he eMy. made lite html afe lo live in. jeel of Hk wariety which lie bein? "The Star of llohhie!Save Ihe Kintr." icued British Poetry .fler the loaat lo "Our City' llelioiied Uial a yeaC'lienre The ideal nf !! I'nion Jaek represented. In Ihi city they Hum," "ScoIk Wba Hae," audi. 'a; i in- nf iMluro I Mid feeen (trunk ami the imitir there nriioiil le otrv- mMerial AttoiiM be live. up ' and je.il- hail enleml ijnirouly and enc-cefully "Will He Xo Com Hark Apainfj PURE WHITE BEAVER i ile.) In- sermon, ;injr 1ia.l eiitliniali-lly ini. tievrinft oul nf Hie prnpweln nf nnIy tnalnlained by all ami. If into iwilside vimrl bul .V new and plendM eonfltination it Iininti ptry W'p're ller lleUe We're today. newary, Hiere wi, wlwayn tlat a prettier objel wa Ihe preservation were the iral duel or . K. CAUGHT AT NIPIGON Mayor Xewlnti rieHided Hon. T. D. Pattullo ilenl forre wtrleh aH We of Canadian ideal and tmplHll and Mr. II. 1.. liimp- ,ii 1 1 1 1 i -- mill i. jllere," ,i fnnn.iliiy, elevaJ-.11 hh an oul Nil i t tr vein. He wn In replvin In Hie Uwl f don't wnnl in fifrlit but, Hy Jin beller etlizrnhip. A treat need bell. Their first item wa "Yei KOIIT WILLIAM. Ont.. Jan. 5. in- mterprrpa- linrlinetk lo IhinV Hial llunr "fhir I'mvlnee." Hon. T. I. I'at-I an. If we do." al Ihe present time wsi for all Hank and Hrae." and their en- The -pelt nf a pure while beaver lie 1 j 'lie Word of!tkdtw nol Mtili ! it- rl 1 1 n v ii I In UI It hud een M firixi-lee J. O. Mrnd u?a4n excelled lo rt together l4i check the mil- core " Iml are the Wild aveu in poesion or a tur nuyer Iji -.-i . il u liiptt teTile mivht Ihmk. Vniwonxer to attend the- firl Hum' tlMliiteir ill mefiOnilinK to llie ico of (kinadian to the I'niled SayiiiK?" lla-inp made I heir here who housht ft from a trap- p n. iJ- of llrit. Wii- talking ftl'.'iil li-nliov our llnnnuel in I hi- rllv a ml ln liMfl to "ThP IJHe." The Stale. first ppenranro in duo, Ihe two per in llie Xipi?on dtlriet. Then ll" may liav.-li ill-V 'I.M'l I.IU lie I Mill Im--ii pre-enl eeral niiw. Thi vw IiIk loat. lie aid, wa a novel tonight A. W. rilae. renrenentinz the soloist will dimblle. be much i nol a trace pf color in the,pell, !( hi- predePe- Mt Wie tijteiuiitf of lii.' 1'iiurt firl, lnwevei wliere Hie lailie i! had leet year Son of Knjrland. roke briefly in in demand in future in a similar which i or fair size. While beaver Vk i!"1- were rrmii 'hmiee and there ne tliinr had tiern treni ami for dial ajro Hvi nifht. The (Mwer for a vein of dry humor and e'x- icoiiittiiialioii. OHier vm-al num i one of Ihe rarest skin brought lit lii m other No Uliey rmild p'l take awav. Ivwk- reaiHi lie Ihoushl. M w Hie voiMl mve-leil in women wa a preeil ttie hone that the epirit ber which were received willi in from the north. tyl i - .! bo-n written nice hai-k ..t Ki year if Hie inol enioyahle. Hi subject wr Hi inn itwl w inhrfi Hian rr coo.i Tenowsiup winrii nan much applause were "Hrnw. Si - tut Ha." i-Hv Iii-Iiii jm.'.V ;nri'- liad in.1 hilt to deal with in the horl iiocleJ I.hI Wlial Die w iri.l eu.Med Mi Ion? between the St. Hrnw 1Wils ' and "Ilonnie Prince E. W. Jacob, for ime time kiiiir rui'Ii a hceii niade vn iT neir'1' had mm' hi difMMal. Hie larked wa.' lhal nr love of a Andrew' Society ami (he Son r.harlie." 1iy Mr. William Mri- with Hie ilank "f Montreal slnfT 1 ... Maul tirt ii h.il.-() f"C ;i'il i.;il 'd and I mayor - .!lumn lo In- xmihI nwn for a rwod woman of F.n?land tnisbl continue. iar; "Aflon Wtiler," and ' Hear here. aile,i for hi home in V'i-,11 ;.i ..nn it I.-''Si s .. 'ii I I . iimi nde.l. There really wa under which all-drnVlillic. .ul.l Mutlcal Program Homeland," ly Mr. J .P. Me-' Vainwiver on the Irince Oeorge ' f Wil li . il - lis irf tn'.-- f qm ,i i"il f... aiiylllll tint op- lie overcome. It u nei-e-sary he niu-u al iroKram wa of Millan. and The Se4-eaut , ' lik mornin?. S v-tff f Mf h-M-MV fritf r--M inn in I -tfn- m m m m u m m m m my . maflBvaBB m m mm m a m am mm m mm i m m m We Bill Our Out of Town Orders at Same Prices as to City Customers. Your Money Refunded on Any Line That Is Not Satisfactory STAPLE GROCERIES FRESH STOCK BISCUITS. PROVISIONS CANNED SPECIALS SPECIALS Have you tried the XoMli-Wsl " i ' . print. VEGETABLES i.i-.iliulalei) Suuar, .'11 ill lini not up in 0 lb. Wooden 45c and 60c -ark $2.00 Huxe. We have rerotniifended I'll. Iini li-l.'il bel.fW al! 300 DOZEN FRESH EOGS Economy Mild Cured Bacon, 700 . bits. - are i i it it ii 1 lit ei Suar, tOO 111. ;. Qii.intily line lo be our besl traile, and llwiiilerl I linn lli-.iinl, and -a.-k $9.25 You run fry them, pooch them. Hi-, for quirk sale at 25c lb. I it pri Hi 40c. we imnsider thi pari ape Ihe . iniaraiilwd. I'ih'i's subject lo market r ramble ihein, or do what you Picnlo Ham. Just Ihe thine for '.'" m Imlk. Cilia-I ti)?g;esl value put on llie mar-since "... fiiie-t quality in Toiiialoeo, S' 'r dot. ... $1,75 mlvHiK-es or decline like Willi them, but you will tin time of year. Kvcry day. pre-war Willi when lhal family should buy one. FLOUR agree u we say ' i:.- L.r $1.40 per do.. $2.15 Rocky Mountain, per iox $1.25 llivbill lliei.l, lloyal Household, eamt iw one of Ihe cheapest Per lb. 19Kic. - $8.00 ami $6.50 l'iii))tkin. SV er dot $1.75 ilniham Wafer, pvr box$1.25 Lard In Bulk. 2 lbs. for 35c. l ive Itosc or Pui'ily 10 Ih. foo,j enmtnodrtfc you can buy t 'i. -li. Market price. Lemon lx)X -S, ier iini $2.15 sack $2.10 to-day. lb, for i. $1.00 Cakes, per $1.25 I l.r. Hlorftfo, Corn, 2 . per do $1.85' Wtld Hose or Snowflake Pastry While Ibey al we will sell Swansdown Cake Flour, mtte the School Iay are Day when 450 Standard I'ea -''s, iliu. $2.15 . 10 Hi. ark 55c 300 Dozen Fresh Pullet Eggs new price. Per package 50c. the kbhlie Mmie home Willi a )K ii ni Cheese, Hi. 35c. I'.arly June Pen, i's dot. $2.50 CANNED MILK at 3 Doz. for $1.00 Robin Hood Flour A Rolled Oats. real apieli!e. Our Oinyer Snaps .in t:tn'ese, nol mil, are fresh, wholesonie and inex-pensive. Sweel Wrinkle l''at !' Pacific or SI. Charle. If tin, Positively not more than 3 We have Just received a carload 38c I I lbs cu ll, Hi d..i! $3.25 lulls, vase . . $5.85 do, lo any one cub"iner. and of I'lour, llolleil Oat and il l,iiiliui-Ker. per lb. 70c ifn.iee llean '.''. d nz. $2.35 Kattle Milk, tin 20c you can rest assure! Ilfjil Ihi J"vd. Phone u for ijuolalion Hera Is the Proof C '!' Hi. 60c Cnildi-n Wax llean. 2' Pacific or SI. Chnrle, baby sie Fliecinl will be sold up Ions' he-fore on Hran, Shorls. No. I Keed F.very pourxl nf Oinger Snap an tl.. I'lieese. h :. 76c contain 52 piece. Wp well them lot $2.35 $3.50 Saturday nlrlit. OaU, tlrouml Harley, CnackeJ ' " f lu i lb $1.00 Sinnarh -', tier doz $2.35 i-ase SUNKI3T ORANGES Corn and W'heal. ? Ih. for 35c, 6 lb, for $1.00. liherse. lb. 60c TEAS Over 300 (linger Kmtp for $1.00. Spinach, SV. '! v , $2.65' Xow is Ihe Ibnc to buy oraiiKi. l'or a few day .we will sell Hi brli K $2.25 That is peal value. -J' do. $3.25 Itivi.in Ho-M 98 lb. llahy Heel Bulk Lines. wlien they have n real flavor, and Klmir, sin llr:rk Cheese, 111. 60c liiilloti t'atup. ll to rase, $4.25 Our Own Hlend, per 'lb 60o when prirc are within everybody' sacks $3.85 Pure Olive OH. Angeline Draml. 'W Cheese, lb 40o I in. sl Orange PKKOK Tea, pack-. reach. iMbin Hood Hour. 40 H. Italian. Compare these price. uinl .a id, bulk, lb. 17'a0 FRUITS whiJj the lowct have CANNED mi in !i Hi. iin $2.7 Arrived Lat Boat sacks $1.35 arc wt I ard :i s 76c IMiiu Hood, lt quality, llolbsl seen in 8 year. 300 Dozen Sunklst Navels Harll ll Pears. ;', doz $3.25 PROPRIETARY BLENDS. r. $1.25 nark Ouart Tins 95c. '4' du. $4.25 Mnlkin s lie!, per lb 65c"" Special Price 13 for 25c. Oat. lb. 50c. III- $2.40 rtobin llxsl. 1st finality Rolled V I'rallon Tin $1.86 lllue llihbou Ten. lb 60c "Looks Do Not Always Count." ?(l's $4.50 Crawford I'earhe, S do. $3.25 per Oat, 20 lb, sack $1.10 liallon Tin $3.50 ' In 10 lb. lids $5.65 Here Is the Eiceptlon hi s liacon, lb 40o SV l $4.45 We have no smaller ize tlnan I'lu- prh-e nppllr on whole Apricot a. i'. ,,olt $3.25 Xiibob, (I recti I.hIm'I, per Ih. 60o W hae just received a hip-incnl JELLY POWDERS They are always: quart. mdo) jii'a iloz,.... $4.45 N'ali.ili i.'reen Label, 5 lb. for $3.00 nf No. 1 Russet Apples, in eaon land very handy New Dates In Bulk. Per lb 16c. ui Ham-, lb 35o Nabob. 3 Hi. tin $1.95 wlix'U look would Im hard to in cane of rwrjretey. Wliy not 2' il'Ji $4.25. 3 lb, V agn III lo 12 U. each) SlrawberrliM, llnlgv.av' Obi Country Hlend, sell liul Ihe flavor is there and buy n ikiien nnrlM. You for 40c. t'lr Ham.'- lb 22Ho liiinnlMTrle. ?'. do $3.75 per Jb 85o that i- what count. will wave money on n small 200 Palls Purs Raspberry Jam, t. (miinn or Hum lloyal A line Cherriea. t' :i Hi. tin, each $2.50 Our Price . .3 lbs. for 26o investment. Niagara Falls Jlrand. Special ikitM-iirk Ilaron, lb 65o doz $3.85 1.1).Inn' Pink Label, per lb. .. 75o Per Half Box $1.40 Mathln's Best Jelly Powders. 100 thi week, per pail 75c. Palls in ii .' uppliei on wholn MhiiImii.I Plum. JH' do. $2.76 i;iiipresva, per ll 65c Por Box $2.65 Kvcry pack air full weight. Hamsterley Farm sidfli Crahnpples. 2Vd' d)... $2.65 Japan (iri'en Timi, per Ih 75o THE FOLLOWING LINES ARRIVED Flavor: Slraw'berry, Hasp-berry, Orange Marmalade Heg. 85-. SOAPS Xoi: We will areepl order al Sole Above price are subject LAST BOAT Iinnn, Orange, Pine. Spcthil this week 75c. above price for either canned o change without notice a t alifnriH4 Celery. tMde. Itainnns, I'urt, Orape, Canned Tomato Special 7 tins m''Hve. ;i fur 25o ra iv vcf"'tallies uNHitrted ten market is very firm ami puces California Head I.eliihvp. Cherry, WinilU und PislMiliio. for $1.00 n iMire CllUle. 17 on. fruit- rusliMiier. wilt surely advance. I aliforniu Ou'idoiir llliubaHi. II fur 25o, Per ilo 95c. find ournelve ulightly ar nieh lo suit 20c overicked in (hi line, and we utter the followltiif special. wlilK-t a Uinited quanlity laU t tin Tomatoes 2H n. Ittif 20c The Table Supply Company Mrmght. 3 tins Tomatoes Rupert 2 . Ittir. 8 for 35o. Combination 7 tins for $1.00 P. 0. Drawer loitiWy nol more than one hones 211 and 212 1712 lot lo purli ouvnicr