are also denied. .Everything points lo the city as Ihe natural place for the establishment 'of new industries and especially Ihe pulp City-Should Be Interested. Now, Jpokin at the question from Ihe. point of view of Ibe'saileil down the inlet with 0 ! T 9 PAanrwa TH1 UAILT HTW8 ICED ! "SALADA" is so refreshing and it has tkat superb flavor. Try it today. The Daily News HHINGE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Even1 Afternoon, except Sunday, the :Hu pert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F PULLEN. ..Managing Editor. Prince SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per mouth. ........... .11.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire aud the United States, in .advance, per .year. . ... . ........................ .SO.OO To all other countries, in advance, per year. ........ . . .17.50 TELEPHONE! Contract Rates on Application. All advertising should he in The Daily Nws Ollice on day pre ceding publication. All .advertising received subject to approval. Member of '.Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY .EDITION Garden Spots of Dominion but Difficult to Bring Under Plow are Queen Charlotte Islands vBy 11. F. 1'nllen; One of the common questions 1 am aked by thoe 1 meet, is "Now do-you like the Queen Charlotte Island?" or "What do you think of the. Queen Charlotte Islands?" At Mselt Ihry nskel, "Well, whal do yuu think of Maselt?" None nf Ihese questions ran be answered. Anyone who thinks at nil, thinks q much about all thv places that it would lake hours to tell it all. Just dropping into a place, spending a day and getting out again does not 'give one a chance to form much or an idea what it- is iiKe, or 10 give a correct eHumr m the importance of th country and i - - - to prophecy as to its future. etters t strictly limited. There is a charm about lliej Throughout the inlands there Queen Charlottes that is bound tojis poins on a tremendous intjle impress any visitor. After look-, handed unorpaniied fishl against ins around at the jrarden andinature, ami nature wins most of home it Is e.asy to agree will: ;thetime. A few people with thoe Who say it is the "f.arden'prealer advantage, belter adop-pot of the Dominion." Hut liability or jnoro determinutmn, nnd there must always be qualifi- win out and point with pride In cations in any statement or this their own progress, other rarry kind but it will be a long lime on and where lhy leave ofr some. before the whole country is i one else will take tip the burden garden. It is a difficult country until in generations to come man to settle and those who go there will be conqueror, the forests will in mnke a livintr from the land have disappeared, to a large e- nust epecl plenty of 'hard work. tent, roads will be built and the They must expect disappoint- modern facilities or civiliialici. intent and discouragements, foe will have removed all hardship farming in a large way Is still and at the same lime much of the 'experimental. Many who have joy or lire such as the pioneer en-lived there, howevec declare they J today. Kvould live nowhere cle, that no-; Those Who Should Co where is nature so lavUli, is I no Anyone who wants a luxurious Wednesday, .Vugust 8, 1023. cnmai- o congenial, and are the lif,, hHid not go to the Queen j future prospects so .good. C.harlott- Islands today. Anyone Make 'Prince Rupert Sandy Yet Rich who is not afraid or a onel life; Manufacturing Centre. ' Take Massett as an example, cf hard work, and w1io delight fij 11 was suggested to the editor or this naner recent v that There the soil is sandy yet rich the constant tight to overcome there was A.great advantage in using a terminal point as a cenlro and a glance at the gardens shows nature can go there and succeed, for manufacturing anything whether it might be lumber, pulp. Miat every kind or garden truck paper or any other product or the natural wealth or the cbunlrv. doe wonderfully well with any BIQ LUM3ER INDUSTRY AT Prince Rupert is the natural terminal point for the whole reasonable amount of care., north country to which point the best railway and steamship Flower bloom there in profo-' rales are obtainable. At any place orf the railway there is an'sion, honeysuckle lends its rrag-l extra tariff which increases the cost of the manufactured ar- tanee to the air, potatoes show tide. 'prospects of a wonderful crop and In the south mot of the industries radiate around Van- the quality of any tuber with .,,. .. .... h(, ,,ia couverhecause it U the cheapest base of supplies and the bet such a soil i bound to be excel- " p " shinning rates aife obtained from there. In the north Prince lnt. Dairy cattle do wonderfully " ?ai" B" . , ... .i i .. l li I -nll t..of "pr cntflrt C!ulft 'al,Pn f:lltln nn nn Hi ' euro similar cenlre. It has the same rales as "T.Z.I iiimari viiiliiiii ku ti imiiup i il i - 11 fin., iiim .:iiiim rtiimw :i ..... . . - - Vnncniivpp from the V.a t and has. pnicticlly all the advantages ;:-a.ural grasses pou.ry8,veH : - - - of the other cities. . jgooil returns as anywhere for the Vnr n new imliisfrv ry .ilinnt annul to to start start ntwnlinns operations, Prince l'nnce rtnner? unpen 'expenditure """""" " of lime " and money, ' is Ihe, natural centre, municipal government At large expeie the people have installed .P'P" Inereasn and thrive and , the , and street improvements mil .ill the fncil- jVn,y '"P11"1 afe,in1 U" t0" ilies which go with modern development. AdvantafleiOf Terminal iPoInt. Let ns suppose that -a pulp and paper mill is In ,iarf op- fnrc in haiilo- iifl.Of h nntior eiinnlv 9ml nUn in l.oii.o- nl.lo I,. par.eV sellled 11 S i uccess or Ihe .work dozens will rail and their failure .dlscournge others. Vision of -Future As I drove through to the west beach with Charley Spenc,e nnd Ilev. cuy. ii is easy io ee wnai an auvaniagc il wouio nn lo.iiave such ljnnie r.illelt in the mission boat an industry here. The townsjle is al present- loo' ig for the (western Hone I saw visions of population and the result is Jhat keeping up the slreels and pay-!hrjvjng farms, of piclursn.ue! ing ror oilier facilities Jiefomes a burden.. Add a few lhousnnd ,omes, of lowing herds, of bleat-i lo Jhe .population and Ihe burden, is 'more widely distributed nnd, inB sheen or villains nnd or! i.-.oiii i inii-f less jieavy. vv nni is neeoeu is population, (owns here and there. Actually, ;I Anything jhe city enn do lo increase population ' is -effort well avv Ihe homestead or( an occa-invesled. sional selller with a ifl tie, clearing Dnriosr ;a recent o .Massett Inlet it was policed that in the woods or on the edge of only About hnlf fhe limber on the ground was taken by Ihe mill, the Inlet. He was rowint? a few me pnier nan neing left in rol on Ihe ground or allowed lo stand nnlil Ihe pexl wintry gale cime along aud overthrew il. All this limber could, be utilized if there .was n niiln mill near. :II is potatoes, milkinjr two or lliree cows, keeping a idp oi two, selling a 'few eKtrs and oocasionally inar- esumnieu na jpere is a surficient supply.of timber 'In keep ;i kelintr a fat sleer. That was lh, nnlp mill goin judefinilelv in the neigbborliOfMl of Iaselt -In- man I saw everywhere. He eked nfr? 5f ! n gHl location for nk power plant midlie Inn lout a scanty livelihood, happy a n Hiver. close In Buckley Bay. AVIiat seems rfasorinble is for a ihe cleared an extra half acre or groipid wood jdanl Iodic established at or near Buckley Bny and laud, aildel a caw In his herd or for n paper plant lo be located nl I'rinre Bnpert at which the a pijr piir to to his his pen. pen. All All were hippy ground pnln would be ulilized. This would necessilnle the. de- veiopmeni oi one or the big waler powers in (he neighborhood, ,Some of Ijie limber ued in Ihe paper mill would be .secured in Ibis peUbborbood while the whole of Ihe adjacent country would be drawn on to help provide Ihe supoly. ... i '.NUGGET Is the best for canvas boots and shoes, belts, etc. Just try it! in A tubtttiut will dltQtpoint you. and hoperul, proud or the district, optimistic In resrard lo the fulu re, prurnbing a little at Ihe transportation companies, ihi pnvernmenls, and the unappre.' dative public. Wonderful. WaUrway I Mnssett Inlet is a wonderful' waterway, and, on its shores. Ibeie will some day bo thousands of fnrms and tens of thousands of people. Boats will ply in every direction, lourisls will come from' all parts or the world to see it and the whole island will be a, hive or industry. There Is iki doubt or Ibis. But today the Tew sellb'rs are lonely. The people live loo far apart. The method of scattered settlement seeing al- most crimiiinl. Trnnsporl'iJion ' is very poor Itecauso there Is not enough business to induce heller: The market Is unorganized and the practical knowledge of Ihe. BUCKLEY BAY IS MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL AND OPERATIONS ARE INCREASING. .Continued from PaBeone,. rallier ed. f s..... . .!...... i - v. i u.. , ..J ': -.1 rn ... 'Hide lo get .a freauent leamerieant to San advantages is in favor of the: place, already established. In the a'.. n.. ik. :n .i ... with the clearing or the land. It ini iiitir- iui (lie cm u iui iif3 uic jiiiii ii in Jirur Ml I h I a i uivt iii'( i tiiti v these racilities, greater or Ies extent and they are very colly. Also there is an inr or .heep is that they get too fat. Vhy is it then with all these advantages that people do not cu lo the district in larpe numbers than injured, il is claim- lie inn immersed in salt water. II will keep monlhw with out injury. This ha been prov ed on more I hair one occasion and jio -urii or ltrelo ha been een. There are at present three Mid, that the country is today :o (steam schooners iinpos-jlrausporliinr service with mails and other ad vantages? The chief iliffir-ulty is and lere is no expense to the company-in providing ""n ,a ,Z " I I i Z The employees are more contented when they ?nly '"rin ? ',' !.K, have city advantages, and there is less difficulty in getting an '" 7i,np" I t ,n abundance of lalmr. I'rinre Ilnpert already has its municipal ', M 11, . i. , . ,- . , , . , ..' lollct amlJiiirn , , , , In ft roots. , It Is u government, its wafer and. light, streets, library and reading, hParUhraUill(r joh ,n anyonfl room, its healre and educational facilities ,, establishing .vwho . , not im,re(, (oi, nr w,,0 new industry m the wdds all these have to be provided to ',,.,. in ,inPl, ...,, I:i,mi. 't can be done, nnd is beinplnne embargo on all supplies in the way of increased freight charges (hp '. 0 aP,wmpnt u and the racilities for shipping out and marketing to advantage, , wllf,n neM ,an(, s s.P,ei 'am and t great t trop, .but Tor one who make-i ensraed in the luuiher and Pedro. Tboe are Hie . HI Ciculo. HI Olro and T.I Ahelo, I he Spanish names joeau- linx respeclively TJo Hemlock, TJie ( It'll a r ami The Spruce. Kaeh or these schiuuiers carries I,. nnn.OOn feel and il lakes I hem 21 ilays o male the round trip. There is talk r larger vessels for the business hul so far noth. inir has-been done io provide I hem. .Company Official iThe -chief officials of Ihe com. pany are: ileneral Manager, I'. I.. I luck ley. AssiManl lieneral Manager, fi. P. Ilale. Local Manager, II. II. Marlnlt. Logging S'lperinlemlenl, A. 'It, Pleas. .Mill Superintendent. filiate. Supplies, (i. II. Slevens. Slore.s, C. II. Shrisrley. .Medical Olllcer, Dr. Hrifffcs. Chief Arcoiinlanl, .1. A. The cnmpnpy is oxpinpr oh .i new lownsjle on which .11 is planned lo erect 0 up"li dale houses ror Ihe accommodation of Ihe employees'. , preseul most of the bouses. ire huill along Ihe waterfront. The recenl fire which threatened Ihe existence or Ihe mill and lownsite has made nn elfeclive fire break which will i he a protection In Hie I own fob years to come. The woods all around the lownsile were burned but only one house was ns in the couriairralioii. As soon as the new lownsjle Ill "f iV'slabllsiied a 'new commutUty i'rail'lsYt"nh built. At present the hall over Ihe store is used f'ofl.iiires,rliurch services and. public buiMiiiKs it nd there Is a. hallover the poolroom which 1st In he used as a reading room and athletic hull. , rudio phone is If,: be Installed so thai Ihe men uuyi hear Ihe lalet concerts and news j from the outside. There is also a tennis court; planned. Hie phylcul difllcullies In! making lowji are very -apparent at Buckley. Hay. The industry l comparatively a new one and up. lo the presejil Jias been more, or ; less evpcriliM'iital. It is usjiik a coiiuno4iy - which otherwise would lie I here unexplniled. It is providing .employment for hundred ut men who otherwise would not be .as well employed. Mechanics and .laborers .arc .able to live I here nnd save money, whereas if they lived in a hit industrial centre they could save lillle or nothing. .Lao, .of Transportation , The yr-ut eomplainl from everyone at Jitu-kley Bay .and) everywhere oo jueeri Clunlollej Islands is (be lurk of lritnsMir-talioii, A boat onei a forlnivrhl lo and from Prince Jtupeii is not enough, it is arirued. The opin ion e.tisls everywhere Ihut at least a weekly service .should be cslahlishe. Then the people could keep in elo-cr touch with Ihe 4iutide uud lire would be less monotonous. Outdoor recrealhms are almost wholly lacking ut Buckley Bay except boating, fishing and hunl- ing. There is. no athletic Krnutid and indeiNl il is dilllcult lo see how one could be corivlrucled. There is no hope of wiling one in Ihe immediate future, it would seem. The people might easily have a gun eluh, a tennis club, howliiur alley, u pymhasium ami a hiking club. People situated as hey are in Masse) t lnle have lo adapt themselves lo circum stances and make Ihe most of the privileges Ihut present Ihem selves. One by one Ihey will obtain .racilities which wilt bring I Bern in line with other places. Kvery .place has lo be developed nipt all cannot be done ul once. If a pujp milt were established, development would come much ipiicker than otherwise would -be the case. . ' WaUr Storage The watershed of Ihe Ian Illver is well adapted to storage pur poses ror a power plant. Ilecords have iieen kepi or the water supply and while no oflicial re. port in rejrurd to Ihe result has been made il is understood that it is satisfactory. At the lower end of Hie first lake there is a rocky gorge through which Ihe river flows and a dam could very easily be constructed .there ut ji very small -'os( This -.would flood -lb lakt And mueh of the surrounding country ,'atul .would enable the storing or immense ipiuulilles of -water. There H undoubtedly u.s.ulllelent supply lo ope rule u .pulp mill .and it is claimed that it is large enough even for a paper mill. If you find cannot .kcI. the daily News i regularly, call iinaud HUbrile'ior u jtiio -nave n. de. Ilvered to your home. If f 'V- '4 FREE 10 finer shavesUsefihe coupon The Hr st Shave Repays'You quicker, easier, cleaner Kvrrythinf you wight nam in. 4 stutc it orfrrrd you here. At left t our pf-of the sJuvuuc rrram which ludiy saves lime nJ ikin irritation (or million of nun. We Ifxnt 18 months nukinir it perfect lor you fiit aiktd, I.UiO iifQ tat a tUavinK cream tliould be, then conducted U0 Uboralorr experiments. But .we hav producetl. in fatraolive Shvinjr Cfcam, the $ ure to cleaner, quicker, eao'er hat-ing: It multiplier ittelf 250 time in uuriou latber. oftent Ihf inott bouhtvilc leard In .one minute, ilhout icJioui rcittin( in." lather Jil, cttamy, moot, rich, fur HO.mioutet on your face, if neeenr. itroopeU' ailed bubbles helj each lair erectfor tay. clean, clofe cutting. Finally, the skin it Irft soft .ami soothed by the cartful blend of palm and ohe, oik V. wilt, value your judgment. Thai's vby we ak you to make the test millions of men hare already made. You stand lo loe notlnnir, or to gain irreattr lin comfort Jilail the coupon. rtu tor your 10 . (rre shaves. TIIE PALMOLIVE COMPANY OF CANADA,' UmUad MmumI Twtumm WUil httld In Coiuuia P A;L MiO LIVE SHAVING CREAM 10 S'H.AWjE.S 'FILER Jul Ul lT r.liM4., fmpt ,f '44. U4. Use Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert s DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating O. T. P. M,00 Too Floating ry Ook Cnglnaare, MaehlnlsU, BolUrmakera, iBiaeaemltha, fiuc maktrs. Fouruisrs, Woedworkera, Sie. lElectric and Acetylene 'Welding. Our .plant la equipped to3dU alhllnda of Marine and Comroercidl Work PHONES wU 'ARO SM Coast Steamships Sailing! from Prince Rupert SJ5. Prince Rupert and Prince George FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, 8CATTUC, IntermedUU -Points, WkinrJay, Thursday, Saturday, 11 p-m. FOR AN VOX WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. , FOR STEWART FRIDAY, 10 p.m. 8.S. PRINCE JOHN for Vanoouver, via Queen Charfottt Islands Aug., 8 and.24 PA83ENQIR TRAIN, DAILY KXCKFT SUNDAY. te Prior hurt Jslljr ifpi snt) it S.4J pjn. for I'rlnr 0r, Etmonvnn. Winrriprr. mct renniiMiki til tmiatt Lssicrn Csnads sivl Vnt4 SIMM. Ccnorrtloiu tl rorl Arthur tnd Ixtlnih uh Aoofn tUM k strsnirrt vii orrsl uiet. ,enr 'Ttstst ort it, sit Tfeirat,.viM net. tt. 1 CANADIAN PACIFIC .RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings! rom PrinceHuoert 83. PRINCESS 'LOUISE, S.S. (PRINSMS ALICE. For Vancouver, Victoria and 'Seattle, 'August 1,t, 11, rIS, 12, 20. -for' Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and 'Skat way, August 3, 6, 13, 17, 24, 27. 8.8. PRINCESS lEATHtSC For Butedale, Swanson Say, itast Ball Bella, Ocan Falls, 'Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell '.River, and Veq-couver, . every Saturday at 1 p.m. . .Agency for all'Steamshlp; Lines. A Knit information from ' W. C. ORCHARD, General .Agent. .Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupsrt, 8.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OFiC LTD. I 8ilmi I roia l-rlnff ,Huirrt, :!0,'5I!fVI,, V,CT0"'. " rn.. .rvsi aMMn.asr. Tusssr,f'PM-ZZ'ZZZ :,ll'.cl" " HUBe. eM.r e ... .s imi.Avtwia. K..Hir,mu nmri, ac ; Prince Rupert MS SW "The Service 3uihj.4' WE CASH CHEQUES. Agents For: N. and S. ENGINES Terms Arranged ToSult,PurehMers. .Phone tBIue SI.