and will lend to make life much ; pleasant er for the people Ihcre. n hi i irn i K I. lTlflRh A M 1111 ll&ULJ A. K. GOOD SHOWING North Vancouver Section Pays for First Time In History of Line VICTOIIIA. Aug. H. F-r I In firsl inn' Mince il was conslrurl-cd Hie North Vancouver section of Ihe Parifir Ureal Eastern Hallway paid u prof i I ilnriiiK I lie moiilli of June, according to figure laid before Ho cabinet yesterday by the minister "f railway. While Ihe pmfit amounted only to 7(W for the niontli II I regarded here as significant Indication of. Ihe success of I tic plan for Increasing the cMleienry in i ic tine" operation for Hie revenue on Hie Siuaiulh section lo he increased by 1 0,000 during the moiilli jf June, the cabinet wan I obi lodny. FISHERY BOATS BE BUILT HERE John W. Allen, Engineer, Arriving From Vancouver This Afternoon With Plans For 60 Ft. Cruisers FOUR MONTHS JOB John W. Allen, xupei inlendeut engineer for Hie Ooinlniou l'isli. erles department, will a,nive from Vnnrouver on the l'rincc (ieorgo llil afleriioon luingiiiK Willi him Hie plan for the two motor cruisKTs xvhich are lu bo luill for the uoxernnveut hi Hie local Milnyard. The boats will be o0 feet bing end will be eugined xxilh seiui-ileisel engines. They will lake fhnut four inbnlhn to build. Tin loals are lo be used in fishery patrol senifo. JIMMY DEFOREST NOT TO TRAIN 'ARGENTINE INDIANAPOLIS. Aug. 8, Jim my Deforest, credileil Willi having developed' Flrno iulo a champion possibility, will not train Ihe Argentine for lb" boul in New-York mi Sepl ember M with Drmpsey, (I. Widmeir. FIi'Imi'k secrelary minounces. He said, however, llie're was lm break with Deiorest. WASIIIXOTOX. A ii ir. 8. A swelling tide of honors bore Warren (iauialiel Harding hack today over the road by which he came triumphantly to Ihe presidency two crowded years ago. For) him Hie urge, of ambition was ended. The compelling Mill.. of. ilulv was stilled in death. Amid ten of thousands tliriu came Ihe new president, bowed in grief that bi high of fire came at such a price. Also hi Hie procession there came Wood row Wilson and Chief Jus-, lice TaH who also held that office. Mr. Wilson was stricken biid so crippled by illness that h" might not give himself as he would lo the sorrowful duty of, the day. ,' ' lleblud these in endless arrny marcbed the great body of Ameri can cltlms. Military hand In terspersed in the columns played! II,- ..I. I .,1.1 litmus II. ill .Mr utu'J ,. .' ... .- ...... com Tort. No sound or moxcmi-iil came Ironi the ureal crowd lining the way until the fnteful burden flntM'cdrapcd. bad been lifted to Hie ratafaloe in Hie rotunda. There in keeping with the simplicity of Ihe man who lay, dead the funeral services were brier nml impressive.. The body will lie in state until nightfall white thousand" upon thousands file past Hie bier willt bent unentered heads lo bid fare well (o the upriuht Kindly man so soon tu leave Washington fur- ex er. Mrs. Harding wa up early after a few hour sleep renewed in her determination lo bear up bravely. determination which carried her three thousand miles through scenes of sorrow unsurpassed in l he nation's history. She was nlnne with the body of tier dead husband for half an hour at. one Heavily veiled her frail figure made a pitiful picture ami. I Hie splendor of pomp and great honor which by a full measure of levollou she had helped and In spired her husband to achieve. Canada wa officially repre sented at the funeral by Hon. Ar lliur Copp, secretary of state. FLAHERY RE-ELECTED KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HEAD AT PHILADELPHIA MON lltliM.. Aug. 8. James A llaliery of Philadelphia, wa unanimously re-elected supi-eni1? knight of the Knight of Colnui bu at the list annual couxentiou today, lie received SI0 Notes against t for W. J. Mulligan Connecticut, xxho .asl year xms unsuccessful caudidalu for sit preipe adxoeele. The full financial meeting of the Methodist Church for Port Miiipson uisiriei is in progress today at the local church. Thus In al tendance are I llev. (1. O Hacker, Prince lluperl: llev. J llcrdiiian, Anyox; llev. Dr. .1. t Spencer and Dr. W. Sager, Port Simpson; llev. W. II. Pierce, Port Essliigtou; llev. (1. Edgar, China Hal; Miss Haddock, Prince Hu perl and Mia Andrews, llcllu Ue.Hu. SOCKEYE RUN ON SKEENA EXCELLENT Sockeye fishing on the Skeena River Is the best since the year 1910, according to some of the cannery managers. Boats are bringing In something like 180 fish each and all are earning good money and the cannerymen are happy. Cohoes have not yet arrived In any numbers It being still too early for that grade of fish. Pinks are not running quite up to expectations but next week It Is thought will see an Improvement. A good many are being taken In Chatham Sound. The Naas results continue poor. VICTORIA MAN IS APPOINTED H. 3. Hum Selected for Super- vlslnq Principal of Local Schools Martin Unable to Accept II. S. Iliirn of Virloria, has been appointed supervising principal of Ihe Prince lluperl public schools. This wa announced Ibis mnruiug by W. D. Vance, secretary of the school board. I'M ward S. Martin of Naiiaiuio, iii-on whom Hie first choice of Hie '.Hoard fell, has been tumble to accept on account of unforeseen citcunislanccs. Mr. Hunt has been on Ihe lalT of the Victoria Public Schools for smue lime aint conic here highly recommended, bav in ir rece veil the endorsalion of (ienrge II. I'canc, municipal in ftcc I or of Victoria, and oilier leniii'lnientiif Inspectors in that city. Other appointment to thtj local stalls derinllely. announced today are those of II. It. Lane of South Wellington, Vancouver Is land, and Miss Irene Stewart id Vancouver formerly of Copper City, as grade teachers and Miss A. A. Pierre of xaucouxer a L'liininerclal Instructor in the High School. ROCK WALL STREET TO ITS FOUNDATIONS NEW YOHK, Aug. 8.- fun h made In the reported con fession to federal attorneys by 11. Fuller and M. Mngce, confessed block buekelecrs, tire likely lo lock thu section of New-York, lo Its foundations, Carl Whitney, new counsel for two former stock brokers announced toihy f in siie.uiiT ri.imlrvmi-n irrooned along the wav he Passed in such stall'' as only the great dead of the nation may know and beyond Hit brief hour of ceremony and of sorrow there awaited hint eternal rest on the soil that gave him birth. ' With (icm-rat Pershing ahead of Hie marching escort thousand trd Hit! way lo Hie capltol under; the dunle of which the dead presi-: dent will rest awhile. Soldiers. j sailors, marine and citizen ol-tJicr alt were there and behind ! r ERITISH, WOHKMEN RUSH TO CANADA TO HARVEST GRAIN l.dXI M)S, Aus. During llo first sex en days oi Auyusl .),7U0 workers sailed by ' the Canadian Pacific sfeiimcr lo Canada ban est fields and an additional I .".00 bonked on I he same tinr hud lo be transferred lo auothe;-. 'I ne rusii wa too great for i lie company In handle lly II. F. Pulleii; The Idg industry of C'ucen Charlotte Islands at the present lime is Ihe lumber mill at Ituckley Hay which turns out about I7.".00(l feel of lumber a day in u shift and a quarter. This is without the aid of Hie new re-saw plant which is about ready for operation and which will considerably increase the output. The management is also con-ideriug pulling on a double shift, when il is hoped to cut something like 100,000 feel a day. The payroll of I lie company axcrages about $80,000 a month with about ioO men employed. The MasM'll Timber Co, Ltd.' (hat operates Ihe mill, control iii(il of Ihe limber on the lute!. if nly spruce and hemlock is hciny rut al pre.-enl. the cedar, which! 'nmes out xxilh the other lim ber, is -lured awaiting a market for the product. There i talk f pul I m;,' in a shingle mill but nothing definite ha been done so far. Eloht Camps The limber i taken out at I igbt different camp' in d liferent sections of the Inlet bill it is noticeable I hat a large quant lly of togs are left on the ground or standing owing lo there being no demand for the lower grades of lumber. To make the most of the limber there should be a pulp or paper, mill. Such an iuduslry wotihl make ,for economy of operation and would insure the rntisunuitiou of. all the limber. Waste would be avoided and the province would benefit. In Ihe operation of the calup between Iweuly and thirty don key engines are used and in Hie lolal operations of the company no less than 'A'l engines of this description are on hand. Of the lolal cut of logs ap proximately 00 per cent is spruce and In per cent hemlock. Then there 1 a modicum of cedar amount ing to about five per cent of Ihe other varieties; which, as before mentioned, i nol al pre sent manufactured. Method of Loading The mill is right up to date and Ihe camp I being' gradually Improved with a view of increas ing Ihe comfort of the employees The cants are thrown Into Un water and made tip in .small rafts id from 700,6oo to 800,000 each and Dure of these are moored lo Ihe side of the shl and loaded aboard at one lime 'llil- method of handling II is l n Hiieeili' li Mlixr thai eotibl be devised. A ship load id 1,000,000 reel can In Hits xvay be loaded in three and a half continued vii page twoi DUTHIE WILL SPEND MONEY Says He Will Develop Other Properties In Interior: .Buys at Home SMITHERsTAug. 8. J. F. Duthle who has just disposed of approximately a half Interest In the Henderson, Mamie and other mineral claims on Hudson Bay Mountain for over a qu?rter of a million dollars, declares that he will reinvest his money In the district for he considers It one of the richest mlneraf belts In the country. One way In which Mr. Duthle Is trylno to help the district Is by establishing his buylnn headquarters here. He says he Is making his money out of the Smith-ers district and he considers It h's duty to spend his cash here as far as possible. B.C. WINNERS CRICKET FINAL Beat Saskatchewan by 257 to 199 Runs In Western Canada Tournament VANCOUVER, Aug. 8,-Hrilish Columbia defeated Saskatchewan .57 lo I00 in yesterday's match in Ihe Western Canada cricket tournament. II. II. A. Cobbelt aved the coast team from certain defeat when he piled up a total of 1 18 runs before he was bowl ed by Cook. The play of Ihe Saskatchewan team was consist enlly good, Foster wilh'07 and O'llara with 10 being oiitslaud lug halters from the Prairie province. V7 WhM Yu Want A TAXIQQ mm P.R.FISH Phone MARKET 671. FOR THE PICNIC m a hurry 1 Jellied Tongues, Boiled Ham, Pbene J J PRINCE RUPERT Roast Ham with dressing, Fresh Sausage Dally. est Car and Best Service In tha City. Hates Reasonable Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Out of Town Orders Solicited VOL, XIII., NO. IH5. PIUNCK HUI'KIIT, H.(I, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1083. Vtrdr'i ClrftuUtwn 157S Strt telM S40. PIIICE FIVE CENTS PRESIDE i HARDING'S FUNERAL SERVICES QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ARE ATTRACTING MUCH ATTENTION TODAY editorial Thousands March in Funeral QUEEN CHARLOTTES Prince lluperl will do well In keep Hi close lourh with (lie Oueen Charlotte Islands where development are taking plaee rapidly. The Islands are larger than Prince Edward Island, which l itself a province of the Dominion and IIm clinialc is most salubrious while Ihe iial-nral resource are very considerable. Today (he Islands are nl-Ir.ielliig much alleulioii and Ihe people of the northern terminus cannot afford lt neglect so Kreal an opporlnnity u lie coe at hand. If they neglect il. oilier rihc yill lake advantage of Ihe business which awaits I lim. The announcement of the Mini way Company Mini a weekly nun fet'f-iirr is in in: i-suiijiisiii-ii i-nmmpiiHiur next week. is irood new both for Ihe people of the Islands und for Prince lluperl. II tints ii in much rlocr louch Procession of United States Dead President at Washington KING HONORS British Proposals Unpleasant DEAD PRESIDENT t0 Gerny says Chancellor Cuno Flowers from British Govern ment and Dominion of Canada Carry Sympathy WASHINGTON,. Aus. 8.- The body of late President IlanliiiK reached here at 10 p.m. yesterday and was greeted by a liuxe lliroii' of people who with Hie ollicial parly in reverent, silence emu eyed il hi tltc While House vxhere it lay in slale until the olticial funeral nervice a the : . . a . I. .f, i.iPiiiii iimih. .wiitin-i a mountain of floral tributes axvailing was a tall :rraevu' eafel of lilies of Hie valley. Easier lilies and China asters from the KrilMi Kin? in-cribed "In ieepel sympathy, (teirgi-, il.l " Also I here were big wrealh fron. his lli'ilauiiic liiajc.-dy's govern meul ami from the Dominion Canada. Big Lumber Industry at Buckley Bay is Most Important of all Md Operations are Increasing Vatican Looked to for Proposal UEltLIX, Aug. 8. Chancellor Cuno made his promised speech in Ihe Itciciislag today, on reparations. lie dealt par licnlarly with the proposals for settlement recently advanced by Ureal liritaiu. In the course of the address the chancellor said Ihe principles on which Ureal Britain had based her proposal. were unpleasant lo (iermaiiy. The government, he declared, could nol agree with the French demand that the government should suggest to the people of Ruhr that they abandon passive resistance. - j-'r-P''rHOT HIS OWN ,iiuit9 lunam srnirilirni. ui un til III' situation arc in progress , I Hie Vatican, says Ihe Daily eteraph. Charles .liimiarl, ad aiiollier loir.-' important ludience wit li the Pope. Former chancellor Wlrlh of iermaiiy. and the Ceruian minis- ing SWEETHEART 'reach ambassador lo Ihe Holy ee. arcoi-ilins to the nexvsoaiier. Toronto Man Phones Police Tell- of Rash Deed and Threatens Suicide TOLD TALE TO DRIVER er al Hie Vatican have been in! onslan! c-niiiinunicalion willt1 TtmONTO, Aug. 8. Four .ardinal Oasparri. papal sec- j'""1' aftPr "eorge King. 25 years ivlarv of stale. Powerful politi- a'- "wl and killed Erie John-eat rorces in Cern.any are look-' &m' " seventeen year old sweeting lo the Vatican to brins about ,'cal1- n ,,,e veranda of hei. a weakening or the French hold I'onte. he was arrested today on a ' 'l'.r. on Ihe lll.ine, says Ihe news- - - -4-9MeiUsuoiUhiKtKutg-jumiM'd bUperr'" inlof an auto ainl entered a To IRON INVESTIGATING FRANK OLIVER MAY BE COMMISSIONER ON thing is given out for publication! following the cabinet iiu-cllng j here, the rumor thai Frank Oliver of Edmonton will bo ap pointed to fill Hie vacancy on the Ioiuinion Hoard of llnilwny Commissioners caused by the death of Dr. Ilullierford becomes more tn- rhtcnl. LEAGUE BASEBALL . . National Leaaue Philadelphia 7. Pittsburg 5. New York (i, Cincinnati . Huston 5, S' lands 7. American League Chicago Pbiliidelphia 0. St. Louis , New York 10. Cleveland S2, Washington 2. Coast League Sacramento .12, Vernon 2. Los Angeles 2, Seattle f. San Francisce I, Portland i Sulk l.ii - to, Uaklaud 2. ronto 'restaurant. This morning be phoned the police he had shot DADTV VICITC UCDU "wceineari ami inienueii com. lAIUI VbJlIJ llCrVL milling suicide. Officers bur. ried to the cafe and found King Dr. G. A. Youn? of Ottawa and epp-tri-utly demented but uiiiu-HIs Men Were In City Today iur"- K1"- Jumped into -Left for Nearby Islands lie , ear and at Ihe revolver point .. . forced il owner. Archibald Kelts, ,. r nil....-,, Dr. O. A. loung. oi Ullaxxa, . .. , . . .. to drive lo lorouto. During the who is heading Ihe geological i i .. .... , ., .., ,, , , ,. ,, - wihl ride Kelts, with the revolver surxey parly working t ,, year r r on he coast de- uf , , poils or iron ores for the federal ani, nimer and provincial governments, ar-, rixed in Hie cily yesterday "Her-1 - -noon on the Victoria gasoline lH U M A IM Y -VIII boal Limit which is under char- AUUAUIiTUl A IT IliU ler lo lite parly. The party lias liceu for several weeks on the (Jueen Charlotte Island from whence it arrived here for sup plies. This morning the boal pulled oul for Port Simpon where an engineer will he picked up. From there the parly will proceed lo Pill and I'orehcr Is lands. Dr. Young staled BOLSTER MARK That Is Announcement of Minister of Economics; Johannes Decker HEIILIN, Aug. 8 Dr. Johannes that Decker, minister of economics, K they would be back hereon Fri-.reported bx the Yo!sic!ie. eilung day of this week. , as saying that Hie 'government Three members of Ihe parly docs nol intend to abandon papcj sailed from hereon the Cardena 'currency ns reported. He deS last night for Alert Hay where dared thai the government was" investigation are also being resolved lo do everything possf-carried oul. They were C. Svvan- bio to support the mark niul sou, II. Hayes and F. Osborne, 'xvould not cancef the measures al- leady taken toward this end. I Marks sold in New York today l-l i . , . ...rill ci 9i-t'iiit-i'ii tfius a iiuiiiuo. DOM. RAILWAY BOARD PORTABLE MILL OIT'AWA, Aug. 8. While no FOR VANARSDOL John Ha"en to Establish 15,000 Foot Plant Machinery Ar- 1 rives But Site Not Yet Selected John Hageu, formerly engineer at the lloyal Mill. Hanall. is making iireparalions to eslali-llsh a small (uirlablesawmill at Vanarsilol with an otiipul of 15,-000 feet or so dally. Mr. Ilageu holds limber liinfl In'the neigh borhood of Vanarsdol. Some: machinery has arrived for tlio plant but a site has not yet been local ed. - BIRTH , A son was born al the General Hospital In Mr. and Mrs. K. II. Fbnrne. ?IU Fourth Avenue East, today.