iy XuKsM . 1023. Tfli UAIEY "inffWB FADE FI VI ns OgtfSFi, Rll jour pipe ant irrrTf NOTIOL Auction Sl of 0n-niot T)n or .Vllln. B.C.. mill lie iti aui u .maun lain. ut I " hundrnJ lM id Aiun nn milium vm im. nrirmi lur iim ,'iu ui Miia no wd rn iui' urh imiiruvriitiu lnat I IU lllll. ! UH.rilHHTIH lUfftSMC COURT OP RITIIM COLUMSIA. in noiiTt lis .r ll.- - a a a vp iiaii Miuriiii ns-n ( n t rrlnm llupfrt. D.C- this Jnrt TIIOS, W. IIFnF. I'rlnra Ilupert. D.C. RAILWAY TIIS. NEW HAZELTON Lal week tv heavy wind -ltlcw on I the front of Ihe.f.fiiilli.lljtrft Ion Hotel. Itcaeue measure were elfeeled iwfore any further damage was done. A daughter whs horn recently ami Mr. .1. II. Hewill jiI Victoria. James. Dunbar, ait old timer of district, arriei from Pre . tj.r ,, W(rk u ,,1, Um or iny further inform.- ar.lialrilances al Skcenu Iximrtiuroi ut Uixlt, Vkioru, Injr. -ew Ilaiellon, llazell.tn. e-.. fkwa and millier. II, lillll.Al SuprrllileDdrnl ut LlDdi. 1 I.. .lessen, of lloyle Itros.; Has RUPtRT LAND DISTRICT. I . . .... . . - ,, liirrixcl In lake charge of ilia I nTTi laiMMnH niinnr . .1 1 . .... 11.10 tiMim iKiriiiuriy rrum A posl-olllce lias heen esluli- rurirrr ui i.ijk iuud. aiivii'.v i i....e 1 1 .. . i i . ... ...:n. i . 7 . ill rniiiii iiitci'iiitii wiiii 11. miik or lUon intrii.ee, throw J. Saii.iir ill rharK1. - iKirinwr! iruiii iw rinxiin, U!mtiiu h hi- HirsMrrij mv iiiaiit. muio wi urfK illlll it'll llll llllllllll iwut ui luimitriuciireui, aim i...rt ,.., ,.f II. l.il.(..n t. n 30 icrft, more or leinK ",,ft for 11 ,m,r t llilhlllfi vin hit nr jiiiv. mi II, B, Dibtntlon. Atenl. TERRACE NOTES Messrs. 'INiliv and Harlow were 1BT3. Irtter of adtiiinutraiion . , e-t i . . 1 1 lit inmiiaa w iirtii. iirririai 11 i i' ulli 1 . .11 ..... ifl irn mmilh.t in m turn iiia " - nwinr moiify. 10 ora wm- ... ,ici. timerl on Y . av. t itrri'iiT rrn imi 10 iijit 111c - ' Miss Churn of Ihe Ohaulaipia lias heen in town luaktuir ar-ranpeinenl for I heir visit here, Anjriisl'-i.M), 21 nd .2. 'i 10 nurriiine ihrir Tin rrumre-i .ir. iiaiuweil siienl . several 1091. I'.rlln. .Itliln. In hpnilllr . ... ... . .... .. .. 1. 11111 .1. iiiiiiii... 1 11 a ii'iutL i"" miiwiy iiinninr iiioiiki nnii' , , wim Nr. v. II. nraut. onifr.l; -- I. lllllillt Illd J'siii.i.II -v Si t llltt! iiiiiMin,, Mtiii'ihii. vu,' 011 or I'1'- UaiiKon,nf Hie 'Dominion t wmt, mitt s 1 1 1 1 1 ri 11 11 if'ii im 1 1 1 m 1 1' 11 1 Mil I 1M inrtiimniiont tIm lortiimi of . , - - . ., ' ! tun wnirn iiin ti ir in ih it ivn .! -iii" rtlA Vltut .P tit. ilmnl IV:. I -I I.I. 1. 1 . .... . 1 . Hlhcr MWI, of hoWii. Aifirii " V , " V,. " " ii" luitst bo iinxtucml nil Cn- li"M i" .iiirn .trill. Ilxiial i.i,,,.,, W. II. (JIHNT, ' Ounrrnl Tie AiimiI. tANO ACT. nlinllon lo Apply to furchin Land. . 1 Mrs, Donald has Immmi .spend- 1 Ittur a few days in lown visllin Mrs. (ten, Dover and Mrs. Dan iMcKfnniin. I'ti-w iiiSri. Luusie .ii Mr. Harkrp enlerlained a 'vi I'm. 1. . 1 1 .... ..f r..in...ia 1. 1 M-rnpiiuoii iinih-rv man. ini.ii.n cnJovalile lea Saturday afleriiniin ixTiiiiMiiin id iiiiiTlinie mi" ulHrrli.Hl . laiiil.t ri.i.i.ii-ni.lna' all anidi on iim.iouih iiH.ra.or c.n. Mrs. Lilllo enlerlained n num. ZPPXn I'"'" i'" rreml-.l len ai,r-me ri.iinir ,,ore l0 pIil(.. of ,ay lii honor of .Mrs. Morrison of '"Jt , ciiitlaliiltiy forty A,iwoni, (). AV . J.JEFKEIISn.N. '" luly, igiiT f Arp"Mnl' Bobble Ilcnwood and Tom If you lollyour om r7a(7nrprn mm FDCflll EOT Marsh spent the week-end Pacific. at Orval .Ketuiey spent III' week end al IliifiHtl. Mrs. ('.harlie Ilaeu of LakeNe,' has Jiwii in (own I In pnp of Mrs. . 5. Orelioan. lie erhool. YANDERHOOF I.. K. Wells. M.A., formerly of lluriialiy. Iim hwii appoinlfsl principal of Ihe Vaii.l.-iliiMif puh A new Calliolice niiurch is he inir huill at Ston Crook hy lint Indians tinder lhe siieniiou of I. X. Iejie. (iforpe Osloii has heen nom inated hy the Hoard of Trade to take lie conlracl this wilder. Mrs. llawon jnd Mrs. Cecil Hurl ley are visit Injr in H. .). I.isler of Prince .Oenrfrc- has joined ihe local slatT of the Canadian Hank' of Commerce. 4 Mrs. .1, Al. Johnston .has re. Innied to Vanderhoof afler .pendiur a inonlh..l;iing.al the coasl, s 0 Mrs. .lames -11. Tnnnock of Fort Fraer has left for Finland where she will spoiid sis months visiting .with relatives. Mrs. K. fi. Mcdeachy add son Donald, left last .week for Ontario where they will spend an extended .holiday visiting vvilh relatives ami friends. It, F. Campbell has severed his runner I ion wilii the Canadian Hank of Commerce uml expects lo leave next veek or California where he will join his parents, Vlie C.N:lt, i liuildiiiR a fine. Iwo-slorey .slaliou.al iFurl .Fwiserj Mr. ami Mrs. il). Fraser havti relumed lo llnytfporl nfleij spetulinur a holiday al Stuart Lake. HOTEL ARRIVALS IMnoe Htfpert W. 1'. illiuiis, Ilalmoral Cain nery; il.-C. Spencer, port Kimp. sou; A.-C Knifcflil, A'ani'oiiver; .1. Ilerdmau, Anyox; M. Fldlaml, Seal He. 'Central E, II. Workman, (1. ill. .Ijvw. wnce and Itoy Workman, Slcwarl lHIbI HON Mil (Interior Districts .Will Send IDIsplays Equalling, If Not ex-Mlllng ThoM of lttt Year W. F. noberge, director of the Xnrthej-n B.C. Ajrriculliiral & In, riiislrial Association,' who has been on a Irip (n . Inn 'Interior in Ihe interests of the forthcoming exhibition, reported al Ihe meeting of I he Fair Hoard lal nigM that all 1 districts lHwern here and Prince George were planning lo ftrtil fln collections In Hi" fair equalling if nol eelip. ing those of last year. The Prince fJeorge Agricul tural Association is set upon re. falning (lie challenge cup which Dial district won for its display last year ami nlan are alreailv well finder way for litis gear's how. Vamlerhoof, Hums Lake, Smilhers, Tclkwa, IlaieHnn, ami .New Ilaiellon districts are also going In send displays. .Terrao will aim rnm,e in it 1 expected ami Mr. Ilnberge intends to make a Irip Ihere al an early la(. Local exhibits will" aln b good this year ami Hie industries will he represented including the Tnks Inlet by-products plant and various canneries. The Royal Hank of Canada has presented I ! ; association with a silver nip for the cannery exhibit competition. PRESENTATION MADE GEORGE H.MCNICHOLL Prince 'Rupert Club Remembers One of Former Members at -Smoker Last Night l.al niphl al Ihe Prince Un ix-r I Cluh (leiirge 11. McNirln.ll, seneral pasenxer apenl of the Canadian .National Itailway was Uie recipienl of 11 nice present from his former cluh members as a token of their resect. This was (he firsl opportunity thai I hey had of inakin? the preeula-lion owing In the hurried visits of Mr. McXiclndl on former ite- ensions. 1. llejriuald Heatiuionl. presjileiii of Ihe cluh, presided ' ilhil ex-ireed the general rejrrel Ihe cluh fell hI losing Mr. McXicholl. lie said Hie, visitor had hlways heen a valmil member and while he was o Im .till in Vancouver and therefore in more or .less dine touch with llieiu they could not allow the invasion lo,pass s i I In ii I showinj; Iheir apprec iation of his membership. He referred lo some of Uie aclivilies in which Ihey had .heen engaged logelher and Iioim-iI they would ee Mr. McXicholl often. He llien on behalf of Ihe cluh presenle.1 him with it pipe .as a loken, of afood fellowship unit asked that us he inhaled Ihe frauranl .weed he would sometimes let ,his IIioukIiIs slray to the uld -associ ations xvliich had been so fdeas- ant. .1. H. PiHsliury, M. P. Mc- CatTery and D. 1. Slewart rtlso spoke along similar lines and said Ihey often me Mr. McXicholl when 011 Iheir business visils to Vancouver. It was a greal thins lo know Ihey had a Prince Hit Hrl friend in that city. There was a largo .gathering in the big silling room of Hie club, all of whom cheered Ihe compliinenlary references In Ihe guest. I'onislil Mr. McXicholl goes lo Anyox Jind iielurns to Vancouver lomorrovv nighl. (BOARD OF TRADE ISSUES BOOKLET Is Fine -Advertising Medium for Olty and District Descriptive Articles and 'Pictures The puhlieily booklet tipOu which (he commillee. of Iheillnard of Trade with such mailers in it.s bands has been working for several weeks has ntade ils np- pwirance and constitutes a fine adverlising medium for Ihe. city of Prince Ilupert and district. :ll describes the eily and ils shipping and industrial facilities, fisheries, mining, lumbering and logging,, agriculture, transportation,. water power., 'industrial opportunities, sport ami bunting and' poinls of interest in and around Ihe eily. landing a real interest "anil lone lo the publication arc .sev eral ifitic new pictures. The cover lepicls a sunset scene on 'the harbor overlooking the (irani lrunk Paciflo wharf, Other pic- Blind Man's Buff p VEN in this age df enlightenment soms (folks spend -their money iblindly. .They buy with their eyes shut. Hlhey grope in the dark as truly as if their eyes were bandaged. And all the time a powerful light is being 'thrown on the very things they need and -want! Advertising is a beacon 'to guide you in buying. It shows you what to buy where to buy and when to buy. .At the same time, it protects you against jraud and inferiority. Merchants and manufacturers wVo adoerlise deliberately focus thousands of eyes upon iheir wares. Their values must be honest and their prices right, or they could not advertise successfully. Don't play blind man'sbmff with the elusive dollar. Spend a few minutes each day running through the advertisements in this paper. Then .buy the products that !have proved ?up in the -light of advertising. Bringing In of Three Baseball Teams arid One Football .Team .Authoriied by Board Read the Advertisements. turns are a panorama of Ihe city proceed willi development work am) views of the drydock. halibut with 11. 1.. Clothier and William fishig fleet, court bouse. Pacific 1 Irwin in charge. The property Mills al Ocean Falls, Jrmil catches, ocean dock and Salt Lake. The booklet consists of 20 pages ami was printed hy Me-llae Hros. It was compiled by C. V. F.vill, secretary -of Ihe Hoard, aided by Oeorge Wilson, under Ihe supervision of the publicity committee consisling or II. F. Pullen, C. H. Orme and W. K. Williams. OUTSIDE SPORT TEAMS ARE COMING TO FAIR I,any is owned by Ihe Hercules iMinesi I. lit. or which m late nngauier-(ieiieral H. fi. hilwanls-Leckie was president and manager. Hoy Jones, . I he Kelehikan was in lown last week with his hydroplane, the Worth Hittl, The flight from Ketchikan was made in 2 hours and 5 minutes. Frank Howler, formerly of (tin Hoyal Canadian Mounted Police, lias relumed lo Stewart lo lake ja position with a mining corn- REGIMENTAL ORDERS 1st. Bn. North B.C. Regiment 102 Bn. C.E.F. Orders by Major J. AV. F.. The sports and attraclions,'icnou commanumg: j committee was authorized at last! . inuies tnnerty officer for night' meeting of the Fair week ending August 11, Lieut, n. Hoard lo bring in lliree outside Cameron. Aexi ror duty, Lapt. baseball teams and one football H. Wanl. Orderly Sergl. for leant iliirinir Fjiir Week. Anyox. week ending August 11, Sgt. Smithrrs and Ocean Falls will While. Xe.xt for duly, Xo. tl probably provide Ihe baseball I le. It. ilson. Ienni4. It has been sugg-'sled1 Mrengm increase ine roiiow- Ihal Ihe Anyox football leant also 'K Having heen attested, has come hut Telkwa lias a strong ng- bn. taken on slrenglh as front gnegation which has been clean- August 0, 1923: Xo. 88 Ple. Albert lug up Interior honors and it js. rainier. believed that the leant is desirous! Hand 'Hand practice, 'will l of coming here. '"''' 0" Fridays until further no. The mailer of annointing a.Hce, In place of JMonday?, as sports manager for the Fair has. heretofore. been left in the hands of the.1 .Instructional Ola Classes of commltle. Several applications instrticllou will lie- held on Mon. for the post have been received, ,'wy and Wednesdays f each STEWART F.aslem inleresls have aciiuir- ed control or the Hercules group near the Dig .Missouri and will weeK. All desirous or, qualifying for 'pronotien are requested to enroll immediately. , Drill All recruits will parade for drill 011 Monday, August 13, 1923, al 8.00 p.m. P. D. ASHDMDGE, Adjt. Stove WOOD " We have just received 1 car load of up river wood, , guaranteed seasoned and -dry. biie cut to order. Also Kindling In 8acs. For Prices, call HydeTransfer Phono 580. Service and Quality our Motto. Dr.FP. a. , Kenny DENTIST Helgerson Block. Phone .109 For, Appointment-P.O. Box 953,-Prince Rupert. KING GEORGE CAFE First Class CHOP 8UEY and NOODLES. Furnished Rooms to Rent-Prices Reasonable Phone Blue '471. Second Ave. i If