MOTS TWO TOT UAIUT K1W8 Quality and Charm SECRETARY-RELIGIOUS TRIAI MARRlAfiF PLAYER'S Distinguish city next Wednesday! 'NOT SUCCESSFUL It.a. . Iv Mallnwny. s.crelni'.vi Social Service Council Urgss NAVY CUT or It.'Unions l''.hiralinii for AMier-ln and llrillsli (lohlliiliia, will arrive Abolition of Custom Among "SALADA" in thecity from Vnnrnmer' Indians on Veilniny. Durtng his sl'ny., CIGARETTES here seerl ineol inl will lie OTTAWA. I'eh. I?. The so. liehl IIM.Ier Ihe ailpiees of llie rial service council in session : Aiixlienn, Hajdist, 'resh1erian here heard Ihe report of a rom-in fml ,lellio.lil r.hurehes wUn qre it I c on trial uiarringe nuninit' HMl nnilinu for the purpose of fur. Ihe Indians n follows: Iherinff pell&iou work among There ha been lnuiBht to Hie J "The most Delicious Tea you can buy' eliil.lreji, Mr. McLean will alo attention or the conuiiHiee tins uililres tlsi llijih School slu.l'iits year a in former yer. Hie proh-lein iin.l Hie llolary l'ib. diirinsr Ihe or Ihe 'eonliniinnee of Ihe vek. ami will lake part in the cjisloni of allowing trial nvir-riaae The Daily News er ices of all Hie Vhurches nevl lo lake nlaee on Ihe Indian 4 IMtlNCE IU1PKHT - BRITISH COLUMBIA' Sunday. He w'ill viil Port Smip- lesenes. When a trial inarrlajo! ou"eariy next week nml pro- occurs, no sie'lnl rile is observed' Published Kvery Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prinze, ntt K:ii fr.uii here hy rail vMI-ni evcept the coni.liiiH"tilnry ,ev-rhnnge ltuperl Daily News, LimiteTl, TJiird Avenue. imiKirtanl imu'iiIs in lh in- of gifts, and nnlhina is lermr enroute. done which Is calculated In give 11. T. PULI.KN. fidittr. Managing Ihe couple a realization of the m--li.ilily 'of their position. A SUBSCRIPTION RATES: SKATING ENJOYED irit or lrresniiiliiy is in fact t r -v i , ssv City Delivery, by mail nrcarrier, month $1,00 per in-nuraaed bv a rertnin publie l)y mail lo all parts of the Hritih Kiipire and the United Slates, AT LAKE YESTERDAY pinion which supports lie action in udvanre, per year. . . . t $6.00 of rouilis, who. aflcr livlns to To all other rountrieii. in advance per year $".r0 Oh Baby and -Private Launcheslpellier some months a nmn and Took Parties Across Harbor -i w iM. prow lireil of one another TELEPHONE 88 land -e4rnle. In enter perhaps Contract Hales mi Application. In sf.ili of Jlie enH win.I ves-lvery simiii afterwuril into new lerday afternoon, a niiinher oi iinarrluire relalmnsliips. I tils Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. riillin.iast cried Hip Imrbor r cnstuni fs Hie caue of nuicli Hie Suit Lake ami en;oyedllie locii(, nn.r pruflieaey aniorr UAILV EDITION ift-Mfwiilav. February !.'. I9S3. lokalinu. The bav nl Hie smith- Hi'Haiw oiv reervc. Iherenre; west corner of the law haill'ew reserve in i;nnaia viiiicii are Of -inc.Mi ice and .there were somi'iiree rroiik Hie menHce lo Ihe liuT Feeling Optimism coisl iiatrhes at the far end. The'dian race which such looen Is Growing Steadily. - lake Is shrltereil from Hip tvind ' nlltule. ihe coniiiH I e r The feeling of optimism in regard lo the. future (if Ihe'eily ind Ihe siwirt was much enjo.ierr.iHierefore iiunilled Hie following Greatest Value in the World' mt is steadily grow'ing. Very mmhi Mime of the Canadian National j he launch Oh Itahy made "Ihrw e-olulion: Hailway oicihI are lively to- lie here to look mer the ground lri and a number or private The Hesolfitlon wilh h view Id deriding how best to use Ihe "port facilities nud laiilicheM i-arried p.irtie iht.u., "W hereas we conceive Ihe oh. Pjckifr afO- 20 whellier improvements or addition are ncresary. There js !' Hiem beina Hie llnrla. ivP r and chinch being shown a, desire to make (his end of the road pay and lhi r'nnlienin III. anil the I.ois M. work nniomr ln.lins i.Im tlielr iW7L. tO - OOi desire i. showing itself iu dirnssioit ,in parliament and in i n I II tela its 1 11 l"tisi.liun nil if Anjlilii JOO'tl.75 various other way. Everything poinls to a derided 'jnereasr OFFICERS OF GIRL i nd of interest in this jMirt and its improvement. "Whereas the homo i Hi . One drawback to Ihejilaee is Hie lack nC power wlfieh the GUIDES CHAPTER fiin'Ininenlal unit or uaiional life,' mTm rily has to offer llioe wlio would rome to establish industries HMMsMIBMi in the rily. There is mi great surplus such as needed flirl fluides i:hanler. Ini-rial "Whereas hopniA in domes.! for a paper mill or for any big eoiieern. This . j something lie rlalionship on Ihe Indian re-j Order Daughter of the Kmpire. w'hirli will have to be provided for and which the city is nut Cves s rnusing much coiiiitii " elected the following ollie on iir a position to undertake. The eily has its hands full at among many of the mi-siomirie, ((, Saturday afternoon: H ;( m present in keeping down lax in order that the owners of ..r Ihe various churches -i.gaB,s , lrs. Honorary Hegenl, r. II. property may lie able to continue to pay ami keep thier properly. DuVeriiel. m Indian uork-. nnd If some big concern eoiilil be induced to come here and Honorary' '-Vice Itegeiit, Mrs J. 'Whereas much. of tliUI.wii.e- tend of iiluclon or formaMu-hyde. develop-fine of the big waterpowers, it would take this matter r. Uitrhic. i ne ha its roots ill Ihe trial out or the hands or the city and they would 'do' I lie rustling for llegent, Mrs. It, Itlance. oinrriatres niMle. by the na-ti Lust MoihIji)- evening Mr. Mae. customers to the , T - .'s. and use power. Mrl Vice llegent. Miss S. A. "Whei-e.s 'Kay picked up lh Slelller ll.el. lininornlity iro.hiee Milli. rt St. Loulo, Mo., and not nlv Keeping Fit Is A . t U 4 iCMpP. ldl'siefll diH:lv nod ran. .... j . vl1ensui-er. Miss fieorsiina 'Alepeneracy, was the orcliolia diluirll and Important Matter. J Hunter. lieapl, but Hie xoirrs of t li.- Are we fit or are we flabby? These are questions we Secrelaiy. .Miss OwVhanee Me-Mullin. have"Whereas oome Indian agents daiicr and een the enle Klld- may well ak ourselves. I here is n tendency in places like already ren.lrcl excclloul illK of Iheir feel could lie heard this to forget our physical development and get soft and mil 'of lho S"eerelary, Miss Jlar-arcl service in (his mailer in Ihejr own ill Hi" hiir auditorium nearly condition. I hen it to back. e?encies. is difficult get fsUmer. three thousand mile. away. While Hie facilities for exercise "lie it herehy reoHeit Ihol we are not lis .good here as Many Interested I'jlucalionnl Miss Secretory, in some places, there facilities, ami lliem repN'lfiilly Misgesl to the deniil) are .even wlfhoiit I. I'illsbtiry. Wilh the ndaidphilifv of ,e everyone lias a bedroom or at any rale a iiarP of a bedroom. iiey -ndenl ueneml of Indian radio thus conclusively esinh- Standard Hearer, .Mi Louie Affairs that a, feller he sent oul There the physical exercises may he-aken every morning or l'iher. lihed a numlier of eilu.-ns e. Ms few rmmt In all Indian agents. sijns evening or imtli. Ten minutes a day is lillle enough to .give town are now- ronsiderinjt the to setting up exerr ises in order lo keep flnhbine' avTy, ' lorlh l far In and asking theiii .......1.- . t ". i. ... .... ... to u.e Iheir inHuenc trsuade Women Need Setting Up - . - ' The Man in the Moon llie ,.,..i llll.lAr thAlf. An,. ... lertttfnment and luisins. IhAirrtl.l ,..-....1 I.m I.. As Much As Men. SAYS: i Ward and to adhef. Iv! advertl.lng means Women need celling up exerrises just as much -as men. In. rJ."l coutlpuous advertl.lna. :nadian l They gel slout when there i no need of ii ami lliey lie their .ws :,n. comely form because they do not keep themselves in condi I SIIOI'I.I) like lo ask if it s i'cachinir eoneerninK marriaire. ies upst assssshiht district, tion. . true Hint mammn's hoy look cd.!f"p furpo.e of preserving and .votii K 14. lisjimv r.FvK.t Han iri on Ihe ice yeslerdayr infproving (he race." ZY'Tth: r.J's... I lieu there are the thin people. They'cfln fill oul Iheir ma.LnlAu I... ............. .... A.. . J , I r nvnia Oirl n.l "i-ublir sn,,i. sn: i.t, .i..m-i t-M-n-i!- nun in.iKe inemseives more pre- . : rtiN'iii(f ill .iiiiiftt rittt r.if Hi. Will Save K.r. is made for skuluiir PAnTfi ( Hours of on. iiuiri r.i.inri tn iw semniur. memiiers oi society. Kvery irir tikes to Iimk her best KAUIU tillHUjlAol W 'n Al-o men like to look their bet or Jhere is something wiring for wakiriz indi;reslihW for , IT'T nii .uu-ir iiiciiiHiny. hp nrc nil memner or -mid children and those who think, ft SMITHFRS R ANfUFR T,:r 5a". ."...'.? X'.t h i line cacn society owe ' ' a duty (o ourselves and to our neighbors to look our hct. " Imperially themselves young, for mixim ,1 ,;';..;& Year A ' is this Irue if we have aspirations lo succeed. No successful with, drinks, for placing on fddl. . . . . L i.V "n""'T sB jokes so Ihat tliey keen I-"" P "' ana JOIIX riYHIMVt. may businessman ran afford lo go around looking Ijke a iiirft nf fi I'Aiirt r li.'ti-Iftfl Wisdom From Distant On slouch ami Hie Tiiinircessful' need sprucing up fveu more lli.'iii freh, and for placinsr jusl .is the successful. I'hysiedl development is one of Hie needs sen My in the interior parr of aj tees, Gathering It From of Hie day. WiNerpipe in nriler lo prevent Ether 2iS water flowing Ihrotigti it Ice 4s II is not lo turn necessary hamNprinjrs, In play b.ukelbali Try this simple test. Take or Iq climb mountains in orifcr lo keep fib allliouirh each of (Mf for spruwliug on. Itadio for farmers Is Ihe latest Tistasw sail x aaao. hnameled Ware tea kettle, like anSJJP the these spoils is a good One. Steady sysl'emalic exerci.e eacW idea. Near Smilhers a set Is be above, ami TMK first Ir.uch of cold makes ing uv'd Wilh Sr.lM Tfmlrr. o.ll Itr n"-l-1 by ir an aluminum or other all-metal inoming or eveinu? in me neiiroom lnjrnrc retiring for Hi good effect, ae. Mfhi'irr if land. n.n Itirr kettle of same size. Pour nil the two inglil will leml In Hie world akin. II makes cording to life interior Xews wait ismsi on irw iu day ur u.rrn, keep sparkle in the eye nml Hie glow to quarts of cold ii.riur ,jrnw' f.l I irru- tflw, Ml rui water into each. 1'lacs Hie complexion. II is something uo( to be forgollen or everybody crowd around (he which tells of it as follows: S.Stv.VOll fffl r Sfiriee. nUr Biol llrm over fire at same time. The SMI kitchen stove.. I The radio Sinn.' si an ti.a a.lj.uli.i TlmlM-r negiecieo. set now rurnisrung t,lrrun. mip. fumh.a imn, yii.i-n kettle will be singing and bolliiif Women sometimes 'iiiiiii 10 nix rancxi nome oi Jach il"tr'n'r i" iiiri-i. iy lliey gel enough exercise doing ' srs m sm .ll..rl fuf re- merrily when the other is merely Hie work of Hie house. So (hey may, bill mot of them do not BURNS LAKE only Maekay.r.rovidinir near Himthers,enlerlntnmenl is n"l 1 ...'"'Iher i r,i iih.W.lnrlinilwi of the r.Mrf l'.n.. simmtrlnjr. lliey eercie some of Hie muscles l.ul not enough, of Idem. ,fr trtntU. a.i:., or lntri.i lorcur, There is perhaps more lemleney for women lo give up lhari from the world ft great artists and efiwr. imirt. w.c. The SiJP Enameled Ware kettls or men. i i.e .omniums under which the work in Ihe borne ..The i .. i lliinis.... . Lake. and Francois. . immediate dissemimilion of all' nasta sais xasis. beats all othera for quick boillnjr. It are such ns lo become moiiolonoiis nml Hie y.em need (he iMii-ki-y iciiiiih mei iaj. week tnmorlanl world news, but it al-o fnMI ThmW rw),M h, will save you many mlnutea every toning up thai comes from rnMnr e.ric. Hie result l.elna n 3 all draw. answers the rpieslinn often asked Mimab-r ol Luuli i Vlrmrl. i,i las-r .time you use it. Think what this I'he line-ups' were as follows: inc. radio was e.latdlshed: "Will would mean In a yearin time and Hums Lake - ). Carr, T. I".. Ihe nrmeraii.ed mountain Inter. fJu&' money saved in fuel bills I kissrx-k. I.. Mellon. I'. M. Imeson, I ere with the sound waves to a " O" a.i br ,r nrrrrrt Severe li. II. McNeill and ii. H. Wood. jioiiii uiHitiriK ine raniu impossi.,V TB rilsrMM ywt lalafula fc I alul,uu4 lllrkl.for rt- W,th ordinary care, this SP Kidney Trouble Francis Lake T. Jeffery, ("5. Me in (he IhilkMy Valley?" They .'? f iinitr. Enameled Ware Kettle will last si Drennan, W. JefTrey, , Long, C will no. slates Mr. MVu'kuy, who ur, vvtorta. .c, r in.uiri' iuttTi'r long as you. All SJP Enameled Wars Mrs. F. Rlnekart. fimn. llickey and J, Jeffrey. nightly reclinen ju Hie Comfort of t'i2!ie?tluS.'a , isdurablet And pure! Easytocleanl bellville, 6nt., writes I 4- his own room, and tups the ether; timbsw sals k ts. And Inexpensive! Ask your local "I had Iroublt wilh my lid-neyi Mrs. II. II, Kerr has been unt for his choice of programs belnjrl !. Tn.ii.r" Tu bi trrtitm by h hardware merchant for and very frequent urination. ied to I'.ercnf, Alia., on aceouul broadcasled from all imnorlant .".'''.JiV'4 i,:.t,"it: "" .''" Thi wai followed by paim which of the er'tous illness of her " ... Illf. Ifllllllf'io. 1.Iti. lur IIm ...(.ui.-liax of llrrur. itS I" rul .nj,(n.H fwj ,,t ,rur. KtU' at timet were very levere. The mot her, From Various Sources llri.luri aiHl Haltani. i.u an arr linainj SMP&WARE ... llie Will Arm ut Si. I tlr, rilrrilla doctor laid I had inflammation Nol only has MacK'ay picked up Hi. Iiam, 3. '...! lam in.irfi-i. of the bladder and that an oper lieiirvi. OuIkmio. and Johnny Hie n...'ii,y hroadiMsling station limtal To of( sill lr allusea f. r, ation might be necenary. To this Oaehen arrived from Delia ! of Ldiiiutoii, Haftfarv ami Vancouver, iurilu-r raitlrnlars i.f Hi r hif iv,r.. ThM flaLhes: Pearl War, two coats f I refuted, and began uiin? Dr. I j week ruajiing Hie trip over-laml I,uf he has heard con. w-r.I'rfn. VtrbHia.lii.j.Ti ii H.r...r, r.l.irlci i,iiu.r" pearly rr.y namtl.lnild.andout; I)ianoi hy of Ootsn Ijike ware, thr.s roaU. light tlus and.wbita out-ski. w-ny Chate'i Kidney-Liver Pills. From cel, leeliiies, HieutMcal plays timsir sait xaass. BlU liolnf; t'ry.UI War., thr the finl few doiei I felt iin.l i.ll II... ,,......-..1 ........ I ii... roaU, whit Royal the " S'OCIMI ... ,n. v u. T.IMlara mil I,. I. pur. in.idt and out. wltk benefit The pains left, urination l'roiueta pulioe ofllcerii seized nay rioui uii .aits of Lanmbi and uinitr .r vt.iiTia. nni uw ih.u Kin aJflm, was corrected, and 1 have had no rM ix-Hver skins at llousiop re. the imied Kltll... on Janu. J3 "iffi.", recurrence of these ailments." elilly. Iwo'ilays pefore llie sea. ury & he heard Ih.ldiy Kurns ron. J" , .....Xh..; .m T Sh.t M.t.l Pr.rfu.ti Co. ti" ami opened. A man named Sid-ris certs ui f.uigary, Minneapolis 'fiia au.i hu.... S.r, ,,, .m Jim,: MMhS TORONTO W.onlM Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills has l.eeu rharger) with liav-tiiK r.nd at Moscow, Idaho. l.ich nivhi .'J."':.. ;;.?;. V '! . 'I"'i'iv ......n llmMUn C.i.ari ' - -.niiy .lf,.i,ri Liil I1IB. a... . . . . . Hi. in unlAwfiHIy in his .m.. it... i.u. J : : nl pos. a hair-hour biclurn U broad.takl- v ...."t iriaucia mun nif. illl d.wa. i1, m Ui, All dralrrt, or IUImaiiMa, session filri ed from thii statu Agricultural Tn if. ars will Iw sllottrsl p.f r. Co.. I.ld,. 1'iininiu mal i.f itHilvr, Advertise In the Daily News, jfiollege ery lnlereiing.uf Tucoiu.1.says ThufH MarKay,are frtii ujf..r Hiirl,i.rilriilara B C H II Clu Subscribe for 'The Daily NeW