rant fob TBI tjjltlt nwi Monday T BRINGING UP FATHER "Bv Georce MrM. New Shipment of Inow tuvt wt'w 1 Men's Shoes Just Arrived. All .ill sh 1 1 .-- brow m. X,uui i-fit ii-.- 41 $7.50 vhi! ii-i t wfci 1 Tn. SWSML-. " I Mf f The-.. ,.. ...., value, SSL- - A ' k - fur w.'llril -h.io-. Your old shoes rebuilt like new In our Shoe Repair Plant. Family Shoe Store Third Avenue. I ) if Phone 357, P.O. Box 1C6S.I - . . ' JUTTT" -if : : - -- TT ; ' : ' r- olio llinn-nnd or Iwn thousand In i i . t ' i . r I :us iiSCHEDULE FOR - ! j in me L.ener dox . Serve For Honor x i i .1 News Classified Ads. i . - ' " Why ii-m t t lio mayor anil rily Daily Ittlllnm m . THE RIGHT PLACE TO BUY MRS. ROBERSON'S VIEWS council scrxo Iho rily for the YHIbl LhAfl honor And-lio salary? Xexer rest 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advortlxmcnl Takttn for L.. than BOc Shreowar.line. Sasoenos, in Vrr, """I " baxo Ho very yyallpapers H.H. ''. Victoria, B.C. ''n'" Prince Unpen rbruary l.dilor. Daily Xcxx:" ilH" prMiiee at the helm! It the WANTED I BOARD AND ROOMS I lk. X wiih u'rValMl t-oiilfil lake no inlrro.t in Iho poi-lixe Kitt fur Mio now (jov-ernmenl Ktimiil-i . II was Ih a rrirrrt ni ith w w ri ii. ii.n.. to i.. ,' 1MI MIVi:il HomMS, Third ' pnalrl irl. Mo ho" of Iho Hril- Imildinu's here and o- i i it. ti... ii.iiv v- ii.nl Indler fl h.i. An.I M i iikiii..; all e..in-ph'li-. Xxi-ii'i.- I;i! f..i liii.i rout,. iln ii)v cilv riinnril had not rr- WKrk iiinl in u"id -ndiliiin. U.K. Ilri.nl I'll'. jhhI l.nke. i. V !n.-Uili.r '"' mtrrrmr.1? Ihi l to ho turn-iproMlol would bo Pi.iiinii'ii.'.'it Mi is Mini, " l.linl Ihror or I'rino.- Ituprrfs Paints Will el ..r oMdiniiire fur Un luNird and mom. Phone aso in Mr. T. 0. I:in. ,n l'ninl for or ' V" mor. aoroaito. I'rinee Unpen property, Hllio 3fS. " KnluliU i I. Iran. Miporinlondonl of titililis; J'""!!!!-.. ItuportV history. , Sho rno.1 oar IS -lk x- K or plen.iire la"rtril,off l.y mwiio or I'jin-iMr. A looal ronoorl iirly known TUITION I1.W.V iMr. K. : WcvmIx, oily clrrk: ard boat. AUo hav lrno a,,a " 'wln'- Why ilon l a rlho iKiminoo gnw a very Valhall.i . Vamv, troasuror. Th oily lory. iMuit. iie Mini Mill. th" '"l ', ,r buino an.l uwerul.evneert In Uio lironm-laiHl Apply XORTIIRIlX WM.ri W7M.NIC In- Mei- . 'i-pmiIU i.r Iho oltion hoo.t tho rt?.1 Kiffhlh Axoniio Wol. Window !fooinp or Iho Jooplo on tho un- "" "'iMlot inn" in Iho (.1.1 Mrt Theatre Ul wr-ok. AmonK arior aiuiur of nr.. r,miuHw March 'iii-l aol of Iho lalo cilv rounril.'for r!-? If ny woll. llmse lakinz part wore: Mr. Xor-rinsrloa, :ummorrit. HimeitftM and i ia. vi Il.ul api.arcnlly, allhoush Ihoy pay WBk''' "l n" ,h" py noipl,. "Mr. H. Parker. Mr. WAXIKIl To liirrhe ue. iionontl hjlur.n.on. Itmrwuirlt. .W. v k Iho taios. thoir opinion in nol rtl ' -' i" 'u.ui i- Quayle. Mr. 1'. WeNh, Mr. 'ryiierlior, Itominrloii or I u- ly iip.lo.daie and prn.-li.-jill H Nihil min'li ri4n.oiluonool ?ol In sii'iisnri or yon, and Ihoti Saiinder and lr. I'oHinpor. dorwo.H, rerenl iifnlol. inunl e.iiro yien by .Mnliried m-, MmIo -4aMil Glsss Whvuoro Ihov .IUmiod? Was ""r ,u"t l n'"' "oor xxill it II... bo iMrmin. Apply X.V.. I Mil) slni.tnrn. Hl.i.l prefmrid ..I I il llin.iiEh isnoranoo or por-onal VMttv ' P'-'VI fairly! SMITHERS. ry! iimoo. r pimn sh. ir fr rocnmiteii .UrHnrri Kdu-oalional. llrrxx - pio? ( v,n oorlainlv not in lh" "ol uraio t.o.aior Kntineoriflu and H I ilr xs K liiloro.u nrminmny! Wo cniinl '"' ,la "'' l'"'i"nl P'n-i.rr..r.l KAMIJI. Men and Women to liiniMrril o x a m lnnl..n : 1.1M1.I . . K PICTURE FRAMING lo I..-0 Iho soniroi. or llm-o "Tilinir nr or, and if.wo ih A reoorl i enrronl here 4IkH learn Itarberhir. Paid wMM I'tentlm i')noh eiHIlluefoil nl ' hin-X A speciality. .i l. PvoHlont nnhllo .orvnl.l J impr! Kir llono' Tliornlon the liranliy ('.onMiafiy i nofroli-.ilinir learning and loil free. Writ' Anroi nj PHhao Import, l or . Ilialla .- X Willi .lain. ('.run In fur lli for ratatoguo. Molor lUrl.er in NXay w liWe.him to urtar (Mtrllculark in' lOnee hoforo. If my monrory i nt V"' ait H -us of I 1 purrhne i.f Iho liablno linnanta Coliritn, Vancouver. U.C. plaxinx me UieV. xv. let Mr. "l"-"'e.i nun iTinte iiii-i J. W. Koplin, looal aitniil.! I oon.l-I .....,., .i t,: lieeeioi' rerl'ii MisiliilitiiH iwhu-h are in I no. . WAX I HI. Jlr Aiiii. nr.. I be 'IUrrHr. i:. I i. . 1 V V A wiim tin i. nun hi: I or wnniiin !.. i I. .1 . . .. . .. . SILVERSIDES r.i-i.i.lj,.l II.A uill. II.irl. eiitiriiiiuiM , w i' hue m id iiae iiihi , " with rliildren, iM.wa. i-rifire I ill port. h.Miilii. exeiiiiiu-. pplv ff"lH"l.r MiherihI Ml Alniena .li.Alolh inlor. r..r (.. Ihou.and dollar .lefioil! Mi. l.y Mrn. W. ir. Tohej-. .... . wa KmulH- ' nf I'rinee li-nrre. and .lioph luin.an. I Ihin'k. xva. asked to ru""' "nrei....ier pe. V lUralln run AlMinuienf". IMn me - K BROS. . ..n. i.:..l rtd ..i n-nu win.i be rea.-li.-H Itiif rri. - he, i Adolf KoiiiilHine were niarrio ! SEWINQ M Audi... Phone 22. P.O. Box 120. out lltal 'deririt liut oar Ii year lla l.ufini- iiihii mid 1ia m i.re inl! here lal week They will re.ide ; W A XT KM for K.-nerat SHWI.Ml I lone. prW 1 in.1 ! lo jilxe. Iml willing i help ir wo,, "ear l.ae.miho. Alia. huewir(. Apply Mrs. II. Ilan-"iii. jl'I.AI.V pnividod Uio wherewithal lo carry roamnablo. PIhw Mine 7115. tn- 4,.w.. x- K .... II... ..liliii... .....1 ivn n..ii.. ifl'on ir worm: i.xeii ieaillllill 6r 'J'ayltir SI reel. :ii a "ila. iamo '"' Vieloia j.a. lia.l a Mid-: A ihni'tkier wan Ix.en lo Mr. flllrrrinM ai re Mini 0-om the mmhvo to II.,- K irtil - W ''''""ro.Oioif and i a"d Mr... II. (' Mul. ll IhI week. AXTKJi, work''"" poinif I..; r""l other i- ' ....noil to spend an k.-eiM?!-. rJlv Vw i "'r f ,; I.O.O ... . t. I io MUlili-ill WTrfk lliis.vei.rf THE I'ourlji Vallial. . Efficiency and Courtesy I """" "'"V -i"'", Mm we ULTIMATE CONCLUSION ! The rily lol. phonJ. .leparlinenj. ',iel,,h ,",'r '''l'l" ioii .Irxd.H-k.j , DOIT Chat xHiiiiKfrs iu:i,i' wnnici. v-i I H. H. HCMMIflQS. Audio... . . ... .... if II.. ellien for m .Ihi.L i.vh..,. :ml .ni'iinn in nni.n in ua ..I.if.!..... n Hays One Circle. I'lo.n. 823 Third Ave, lajls)!,, s I.. . I Hack 33S. :IT Phones: Black 615; Green 471. Ladles Section SEND .Yot only arc JJie present Xew IT York liiauts liui.'s I'lAXO I'yMiinn Hi-i. - r -jiiioiir .r- ivxo world's WAXTi:l. HiiMie Mine TAXI alors. xisilor lo Inwn renuirkiny r Moyal I'nrpl. S before you ro ' it ha. hascbiill rlui Millions (mi Mr-lira 705. .10 nn- Iho prompt ailenlion an, l. of K. ft" ""- lntr'iii ll.e w's Muerfill Manhattan :inb Phone Number Changed To Kieal rixilily slioxxn limn. Su. J, v"nf; FOR SALE Valhalla to the ! also is Hie lifn tiio rliaiiipion lesulls would never l.axo ..n at-1"1'1 "i. Awtrew's lnino.1 I hy anyone who xvas nol ". """ " r "" " I'v" of Ihe National l.easuo. lies, U.W.IIH T H0T for sale. :ir, x -i (Gsxtl Menijro ll.iss . llwknfc. k held in Iho hiMhest osle,.m by III.'""; U'IN- ' rtjy asei xxnu pile ycr of sefioyd division lull (Too.I idlti..n. 15-1 r, dp. r'lve-pnssenifer Ti.iirP.jt Car I.. O. il . xvorkiiiif-lafr. would (hex ? Aiwl.I rV' ,' .,'M''1',.y', U,r foiirMi.. ... i uile durinsr the I'ri.-.lnian Vejiiine, I he ensiiie. t ull rl ,of (rear. Make Stand:Prompi Hay and Nlithl Hervi'o Men's Section Boston Prill Third Laundry ill oassinc. one eannot lenxo ..,,f"r '" " xuunar l.iail- iianl bad the JiiyheSI pcrrenl-Mife 1110 an offer. A.O.KH IML l"X Avenue V f his xxifo! I'rinee llupert rannoUn!'1'' ' of any Iflfiii iff Ihe .Xaljoiial C90. - . MUSIC '. Andrew 1 Fighting Spirit l.eatrnv. hor a opau ftf forty ' r -g - arford lo los(vher--a woman of ' on of C.anail:i l'"P' real fithlinir SI-4ISOIIS. Hie m.iils xtirii i tiui FOR RENT Ikili Arlliur SOFT FINISH ll... hii,l.ol t-nh.e I., il... u.-hoi' and his llrclie.im Valhalla 7c per lb. l oiomunily. The illij(nl youna rplH,,nil1l 'm"':ir '" ,?liV aarhes and lt '?.iiM'J while lli.x Mill IM:NT.- SIpmih.honied, fur- He-orKnni'e.1 Oddfellnw. I I is also needed for Hie i.-l ermine lo on loTliol.l a xxiiinintr nmrffln oxer liislirtl DANCES, BANQUETS, Etc I'lll- i- pn-i'O. IH till tin years nexus. J,y .(.1) or week: i. ( I' xxhen shall liaxo every learn in Ihe lAwaw. wilh Latest Musli we awakynod lo or without leinrd. U..'iu.-l'Mokinr. K nf 1. uio-l - m i i r 1 1.-.i I "ii-liway. iei material, and Ihal with our ioali.e I hail only Iho best brains Also hnusc-ko.ijittf Reasonable Prices K. ..f I' best, rulers xxill come all Ibat i-tooTl II was forlv ears siko when Phone lllack IK:i ran head and lead a oily lo pro-perily! sulle. .Norfolk ll'ioois. I'h.nie ,.r 180. 'M V A. and prosperous Tor I'rinee the Xcxv York .National play.il Canadian sream Laundry Mr. Iiunran'w felloxv workers llup-'l't's el fine. their rirsl championship iranir lllack ntV. IT MAIL SCHEDULE Klk-Mi.u.c ' .hoxxed bow lliiieh they iippjeei-alo'ltheir .VAItlAX ItOIIKItSOX. . oil .l.iiilialiiu soil, Tliis whs lOII tli; '. The en Ihv floor Phone S. bead "who ould not Lnii May I. Jho simn llns- any iMirtion of il as iHvupie.i be Imimtil,"' Jind I be rest of the PRINCE GEORGE ions .beiiu Xew Yifli'k'e oiiImmi- by the Wanderers' Clilli. Sleam For the East February, 1923 1 SECOND HALF people, lliiii'i they Uid their host i-nl. It was ritlinjr 'Mial ihe 1 1 111 1 e.l and will make eluh 01 Mondays, Wednesdays nud , Sal. lo show (heir feein?s on the. sub. The Women's Auxiliary-nf Iho ttiants should slaH off with n Indue rooms. M. M. leplieiis. unlays, oloses at 7 p.m. nn ninrnifli jeel al Iho election, xxoro horrified I'riiu-e lieorge Hospital Jias tlctory. aJlbey 'woii the iriime COMMMlHOI'ls I I.AT lo llent. From the East-- American Express l.y I lie new council fiiinif the seal oleole.l the frdlowinir nlHeer Tor from bev "Ibwl ;hliHUIna" Jiy a NVallaon lllook. Knlranco Tul-Ion Mondays.. WedniUy and Frl-dayst In Iho act or injustice eoininilloi the year: I'resblenl, Mrs. J. I). m'oio of 7,io 5. A Oiitw.losllm-aled Street, present N'oiipanl, 5..10 p.m. l y llieir predcesiTors! .lolinsonf rirsj, Vioe-J'resblont, a' oxer l.'i.OOO saw tile iramo 1 ' It. Moore. Apply Mr. Minns, Baikalhall Tim. T.hll Money Orders Serve us Right Mrs. i, fl. I'a; Second Vico-I'resi.leni. unions itii in m'(iij IfoiieYal V.H. Wallace's fllnrc. if From Vsncouvrr . .Hi naiiiuvr ui ww i n ;ily Clerk Iv A. Woods Is re. Mr; H. ii. Perryf Meant, who "pulled" continuous, Sundays .p. M. Issued on ported lo know more nf laxv Pecroyiiry-TVohoiiror, Mrs. ilrure ly at a Ion; black citr.i"r and ap-fdauded I'Olt HUNT.- Two etlro vfiirm Wednesdays , 0:3H A.M. February Norway, Sweden & Hi an man in Iho city ball, and will I'arker; H.xo'iillxo, Mrs. Matbio. generously wlienoxor Ihe ln.11.es; close n. One furfilsli. Knlurilii. ?...A.M. ii xdnnncs v- Kn iM-cason deinalided.' Ko. (Treat ed. I'bono (ireen tHl. art mo.I likely ho slid ihlliK in son, Mrs. I'inlerman, Mrs. :.l'.ll. i'ob I and SO. 1 4.11s xs. Illk- Denmark at Lowest I'rinee Unpen when bo in asked Ileenry Wilson, Mr, fiorman an, was the erowi) .thai some of iho SIKAM -lleuted flat ror rent. To Vancouver-Monday n of ( anaii.i 1 Current Rates lo route hack, as I reel mire he Mrs. 1'enwick. 1 players sold : their strU lo (Irnlivi 7 Mai.lo lii fa v- t' ''" lli'liort apnrlineuls. M. M. p.m. standees for riffy will". 1'hera will be! would seixe us rinlit Slopheus, Tuesdays, Mail closes 3 P. M. " .(ilollo VS. j.t Agente for if lie didn't come! Hut. nun ban I'rinee flcM-jrc won I ho flrfcl. wefe no, M,liili) u year' filuyirrs Thursday, Mnll closes 1 t.DU " lidts xs. Sons f i.. ii .i Norwecjan American Line always heard Ibat !oh bo and of a erio'nf t hockey (rallies I'OH ItluN'T. J-Vitir rnoined steam p.m. desjwilched Friday 11.UI. .... ... .. . ..r Swedish American Line Mr. -Amice have serxed tin) public from Ouesnel Inst week by a I healed Hat. Apply Sinilh and Salurilaya 12 noon. " imp. i. u.,ii,i. r ' Scandinavian American jmosl rai I Ii fully nud have dono "core of ft lo f. The Xew York1 leant played its Mallet. - tf S1.1 111 ilny. Mrnln) 7 P.M. " lilks vs. Coin iitosi excellent s first yiime iimler MrMraw's man work, and, Line. irwo :.!'.II. I eh. and 111. NURSING Oliver Typewriters jlbun that cannot he said of any Hon. T. i. I'aljiillo. rninieler naemeuf on July IV. Iiu I'hlU Senior Lagw Cary Safes iniiin. I'i'luro llupert wako up! of land-, while xisjtjny hero ro-rcnlly, aih'ldrU wms Xew York5 oppon-nil (lUAIHTAnJM'li.Si: avnllable for To Anyox, Alice Arm, Stewart W t FIRE INSURANCE I W hy will you allow the very looked over tho pros. and won by the ecnrc or 5 dally Mills or hourly nursiuir. and Premier fjfllle l! jliei.1 men ynft haxo working in,: tn ;i. M.'Mraw played slnirlslop Maternity nursing n i-4-inM WednesilayM . 7 P.M. Mors of Canada i I jyour inleie.ts to o laken out ofj T I) r r. heHS"CH"! fur I lie (iianls, i;in.lel tliree Phono lied :i.',5. From Anyox, Alloe Arm, Stewart Intermediate Dybl lavn & Hanson ! trice and ruthlessly thrown on 1 i Ii W J Mt etbsr faiM mi ui. clianeo cleanly, and made one and Premleo IIU . r. I' I oik- side? Those men have saved' hit and senrcjt a, rui. MrMinnily BOARD. K. Iridays ..A.M, of C. ... Third Avenue ilhe oily thousand of dollars by and lioxxerr(iaa were Xexv York's IMiAllli. MrolU -Inlander. H.'IO Prince Rupert, B. 0. jthc hours cf "ovorlimo" not dailory, while "Ham" li.orK ,9111! Avenue, riiolie Keeoud To Alaska Points i:ikn Ii liamcd In thai Charley fliwiin al tended In I'liil- f up us Ihey ut t! Leaflue I'elu uaiy IS anil to. Ladles' nil done from tiioe to iur-. I.oolt udelptiia's nllchfnir ami caleh- 1 STRONGER THE BETTER From Alaska Points Maple raf 'nt Ho; results if you want p. oof inv inutile .lennlntrs. ut pre . I'eliruary '.' and Id. Adanain 'don't listen In the -eut its-uijint inauatrei4 of Hie -inn tin... .i.... ( from wssip ii7-ior were BfT At.0 aA-''M iioiiiu)r a To Naas River Points-Sundays Ixmeiis own xxho couldn't begin to kucw TEXPlirTONS Hiianls, jdaye.1 first, bus, alii) rsinsullillbui beside the .ei of Junior Leg Ill P. M. EPSON COAL wli-ilier I hoy were Htlraxaitaul or Irapluiiiiil tho I'hilliesi. man who was supixised hi In From Naas River Points Tiny Tims ii.d! Jlow ran wo judK U workl harborlnn n ilie.ieii hin-tnine. "from Pain with T.R C '." 'I'liitsihiys P.M. Wlui. Sox ,unless xse know III e biisineKs' Tlie yrealoVt nillnbef of vic "I belioxo," Mild one of Mm . ef rndins b To Port Simpson, Alio Arm lali'ini - i? XX , . ,1 p,,v Supply our ' i from A lo Z, eio-pt from results f j THOl'KANUS end found llirr tories rh itl Ihe niunls Jiavo laken siirjfeons, "that we sh uif.J wail Anyox foil I 'J, e have already purlei) willii do drite ut rbumlini, and all from any team I ope iion is ami' let Ii In) uet a iiiii siimU,.. FAMOUS Minda 10 EDSON COAL (wo k"h cit enviueers berause kimiUr psins. T.lt.t Vs rrarh the twenty. Mio Uini tnuu nf I(Ml I beroro cuHIhk Into him'." . .. . . . . .. From Port Simpson, Alice in nut qnsnfiiy . they seal of psju. for Iheir mtdirinsl pow. V were so worried Willi i(.-iior-uut beinjr Mio xcin. 'lec I en in k iieiorr um outer in n.nii. i ,w drr is rsrrirJ in Iht btsjd. IjUU at Anyox aldermen lellinit tln ni tuv. , druiKil'. r'rre sample Trmple baxe taken as many a Sixteen operators roiild ii'iily H.o i,iiii, Mi I Prince Feed Co juur in s,lay llupert 'heir woik Mhould be done1 One tun lurunlo. L.T.rLKT " VI.r "-l ToQu..n Ch.MotU Island Point. car that I know of. one of those Cmiji'j Standard Reond tor fait. ru.... ..iin ItlWUi ll I,-U.ill l.l.KI ln lllH- XX Hal fll '.rv lr I .. .. .....I il Phone 58. men did' the eiy sei'Minont I....I Jl.. l...-i . inAfil. . ' U) UBI v IOI.J .4 for ir'i.. mr iiitsuni irwtui i. ivulllie ur u lilll1!'-.-. I II V ln .) nn hipir1 W ay that a saving ol Sold by ORMES LTD. ami th f'blro team uf 1907 Honomiil From Queen Charlotte Points Februarjr t and IS.