PAGE SIX. THE DAILY NBrvVB. Striking a new note in Xmas Gifts LINENS are always appreciated because one can nev;r have too much of a pood thing. We have an exceptional range which CANNOT BE DUPLICATED IN TOWN. Linen Luncheon Sets In colors of Rose, Straw and Natural. Absolutely fast colors. 5 pieces to the eL From $8.95 per set Pure Linen Towels .With colored ends of Pink, Blue or Mauve, at S1.B0.psr pair Pure Linen Table Cloths With napkins to match, or can be purchased separately in pleasing patterns. Sets from . . $1 8.50 to $25.00 Two Pure Linen Towels With scalloped borders, handsomely embroidered, at $3.75 pair Guest Towels In very fine quality pure linen, also in Union linen, from $1.25 to $2.50 per pair Napkins Individual Napkins in hemstitched Damask or Maderja work. Pure linen. From 70c each Handkerchiefs A splendid selection either boxed or separate, for every member of the family, at all prices. Silk Underwear A rich assortment of Camisoles, Bloomers, Nightdresses, Steps-ins, etc. All very reasonably priced. Gloves In Kid, Wool, Silk or Chamoisetle, from 95c to $7.50 pair. Hosiery Clove Silk Niagara Maid, in plain or fancy weave, from $3.95 pair Holeproof Silk Hose Carter top, in Black, Brown, While, Grey or Suede, at $1.85, pair Dressing Gowns A most acceptable gift, in Jaeger all wool and Beacon cloths, from $6.75 to $27.50 Also a large variety of Fancy Articles in Fancy Linens. Bags, Necklets and a lot of other desirable gift articles to select from. Fancy Gift Boxes Presented with all Gift Purchases. H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. Third Ave. A Fulton SU Phone 9. THE EARLY BIRD Gets the Discounts To relieve the afternoon rush we will give every customer who shops here in the forenoon an extra SPECIAL DISCOUNT. . Our goods are all iparked in plain figures at Prices to Compete with Any Store in Canada We are crowded for room and have an enormous slock which it will pay you to look over before buying. Inspection invited. YOUR CHANCE TO 8AVE MONEY. Max Heilbroner The jeweller. Cor. 3rd Ave. and 6th Street. Santa Claus Is Delighted With Our New Stock of Tom Smith's Yutetlde Crackers. All the. fun of the fair at the table uu Xmas Day. Every cracker contains a delightful gift and are imported direct from London, England. There I nothing else like them In the Cracker line and lliey are the rage of the British Ides. A masterpiece of art and just the thing for table decoration purpose. Also Tom Smith's Imported Toy Novelties filled with candies. The face of your boy or girl will register delight if Santa Clans is told to put one of thess in their stocking Ninas Eve. Purdy's Famous Candles in delightful boxes. Purdy's Candies lead in the candy market today. If you say it with "Purdy's" you'll say it right. ROCK BOTTOM PRICE8. Call In and we'll be glad to show you. Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Third Avenue. We Cash Cheques. Shockley's plaSiMi,,s Sole Agents for Royal Mills, Hanall, B.C , . , Lumber J. Fyfe Smith Co ...... ..... Hardwood Fraser Mills ...... . . . . Fir Veneer Dimension Lumber. Fir, Spruce and Cedar. Spruce and Cedar Shiplap. Spruce Planking. Sash, Doors, . Mouldings. Glass. Shingles. .Fir Veneer. Cedar Piling. PR01SE TO MARRY GIVEN Ottawa Civil Servant Jilted Qlrl and Is Sued for Breach of Promise OTTAWA, Dec. 20. Pending further consideration of (he pro vision f (lie statute of frauds Judge Wright, presiding over the non-jury sittings wf the Supreme Court of Ontario, with held his decision in the breach of promise action brought by Miss Desangcs Cyr, of Kaslview. against Augustc Dufault, a local civil servant. Exrepl for any provisions in the statute of frauds, which might cause him to decide otherwise, Hi .ordtiip 'said lie was prepared to hold that there had been an agreement of marriage, and that there had been a breach of the contract of marriage on the iar I of the defendant. He.however, said he would withhold his final decision until lie had reviewed the statute of frauds, and also withheld any amount of damage he might award. The big iioint at issue in the case wa whether or not there was an actual marriage contract, or only a promise to marry upon certain conditions. Mis Cyr claims ;.500 damages. Mentioned Marriage Miss Cyr told of bavin? met Dufault in October, 1921, and about 15 days later, he had first mentioned marriage to her. telling her he had serious intentions and that he had something lo say to her later. About four weeks later, she said, she had become belhrothed lo Dufault on the understanding that they would be married in May, ID23. The betrothal was, later announced to the parents of the plainlifl". who did not object to it. Evidence was put in that Du- Xmas Suggestions Do not wait until Xmas to do your shopping. Monday. Dec. 2 lib, will be the busiest day we have ever had, as Tuesday shipping orders will hae lo be attended to. Out of town customers will have the right of way and it will not be possible to give city orders the usual attention and care. We have on order more than -a carload of fruits, fresh vegetables, turkeys, poultry', nuts, candies, etc., to arrive this week. Place your order with us and you will not be disappointed. Following are a few suggestions: Fresh Fruit Dept. Fancy Apples, Sunkisl Oranges, Florida drape Fruit. Jap Oranges, Lemon, Grapes, liananas, Pears, Mixed llaskets Fruits. Fresh Vegetable Section llriigsel sprouts, Tomalos, Cucumbers, Lettuce, Cauliflower, (Sreen Onions, llad-ishes, Celery, Cranberries, Sweet Potatoes, Parsley, Hoot Vegetables, Squash, Pumpkin, Cabbage, etc. Nuts, Candles, Etc. Cocoanuts, Mixed Nuts all kinds, Chestnut, Layer Figs, Cluster Haisins, Mixed Candy. Mixed Peel, Drained Cherries, Almond Paslc, Ground Almonds, Fruit Cake. Fancy Hiscuils, etc. Meats, Poultry and Provisions Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, llabbils. Chicken and Fowl, Cooked Ham, Itacon, Imported and Domestic Cheese, clc. Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211, 212, 281 Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Blook, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hour, 9 U . Phone M. Open Evenings Only For Special Appointments. HEART WAS SO BAD HAD TO SIT UP IN BED Mr. o. C rilllrriM, lot Hg SI. SI. Thonut, ool.. rttrt: "In III rail f tt. I ( utrn III lih nijr brl. but did not pay nurb Urn I Ion lo It. I km on with my huubolt dutlrn, but ftid l become mor irJ orr, tnj finally bad lo rail In doctor, lit raid I n all run don and a a nrrvou wrrrk. t had a arvrr pain lo nijr rhei hicn ouw move orr to my brart and It be came to bad I could not ll dn. at orn I did I bad urh a moibrrlnr rrtlint I would nave to ill up In bl till it aay. I tried rttrral rrnmlir. but with i. rood rraulti. I'lnallr. 1 a liulumt t.i try Mllburn' Hurt and Nrrre fills. I took 7 bnxn, and I am now at wtll at I at io yrart ar, and I am now tj yart MIUura'i Heart and Srrr rill. r sw a bill at all druirlt or drain-, nr nuib-.t direct on receipt of prlc by The T. Nil- Durn iM umltrd. Toronto, Ont. fault and Miss Cyr had oerused a catalogue of a mail order house with a view of nicking out furnishing for Iheir future home. After a courtship of about six or seven mouths, Miss Cyr received a letter from Dufault, informing her that he could mil continue lo "humbug' her. and notifying her that it was all over between them, ami also informing the girl that Dufault had become bet rot lied (u another woman. Married Another 'Kindly send me my pictures and my song book, that is all I ask of you," was one of the extracts from a letter written by Dufault to Miss Cyr. Default was married to another girl in May this year. Mr. William Cyr. father of the girl, told of Default railing at his boue and having lea there on Sunday evening's, and on several occasions having seen Dufault coming out of the kitchen with his arm around the girl and exclaiming "Look at my little wife." He aIo told of the adventures of the pair with the mail order catalogue. He and his wife both fully considered Ihat their daughter was engaged to and was to marry Dufault. If She Pleated Him Dufauir story wai largely similar Initial lold by the girl as to them having met and having spoken of marriage about two weeks after they had made each others acquaintance. Dufault had told her they might become betrothed if every thing went well between them. He also admitted Ihat he had told her he would marry her in May. 1023, if she continued lo please him. .Kverylhing depended on pleasing him, he said, and that Ibis was the conditional understanding. In regard lo looting at the mail order catalogue, be said It had only been for fun. Later on he lold the court 1m: had really intended to marry the girl, providing the conditions were fulfilled and everything went well. He had gone with two girls before, one for three days, and Ihe other for two ami a half mouths. He admitted that be had lied in a teller he had written Miss Cyr in regard lo breaking olT (he conditional engagement. Memory Poor Homeoii lleiiudoiu of Hull, the young man with whom Miss 'yr had been keeping company with previous to meeting Dufault. was railed as a witness. He was asked if be remembered what Miss Cyr had lold him on the last occasion she had seen him, "previous lo her beginning lo keep company wilh Dufault. Hi- said he could not remember, which 'caused His Lordship lo remark: r'Thal is not a pleasant -thing for anyone to remember, any way." During Ihe argument of counsel, the point was raised on behalf of the defence, as lo whether or not Ihe provision of the statute of frauds, might not bar the right of action, as lo Ihe avlalnnta t nn f i -1 1 1 n 1 m f tfi i rrn ",; " " r jconlracl, part of Ihe provisions of (his slulule relate lo mar riage contract being renewed by a note or a memorandum wilhin the period of one year. . The defence claimed Ihat Miss Cyr had firet known Dufaull was not going to marry her on May 12, 1022, and Ihat Dufuull's conditional promise of marriage had Ktipulalfd lliq pair were not lo be married before May 15, 1023. Mr. Henri St. Jacques represented Miss Cyr, and Mr. Joachim Hauve appeared fur the defence ... v PROHIBITIONISTS NOW HAVE PLENTY OF CASH Funds Forthcoming For Cam paign In Ontario Says One of Leader OTTAWA, Dec. 20. Very solemn and earnest warning wa given here by Hev. Dr. F.rncst Thomas, of Toronto, field secre tary of Ihe department of evan gelism and social service of the Methodist Church of Canada, in respect to the prohibition Issue in the. province. Hev. Dr. Thom,as said that in the last (wo campaigns the temperance forces fought against an empty exchequer but they would not so fight this time, hut against a full exchequer. He was not prepared to say definitely where the funds were emanating from, but he was definite in his assertions Ihat the prohibition forces were in for a big fight against an internationally supported evil. Dr. Thomas declared the pro hibition furees would have won in Alberta in the recent fight If they rotild have got the facts across with regltinl lo the benefits in lry areas in reduction of crime, etc. PUBLIC SCHOOL BOYS Fi AS TRAFFIC RESERVE SAN FHANCISCO, )e, 'li. One Ihotisim! public school boys of San Fraociio, from I? lo 18 years old. have been or-sraniicd into a trafllr reserve force. Like the regular IraftV policemen they are posted on Ihe corners surrounding reboots where Ihey regulate Ihe progress of automobiles and see thai Iheir fellow- students rro the streets safely. They study Jhe city ordinances and are drilled in slpnals by traftle ofllcers of the police department. STATUTE OF POPE IIMHLIN. Dec. 20. A portrait and statue of Pope Pius XI recently have been completed. The former was painted hy P.rnst lleileutatm. the Merlin artist. while the statue i the work of prof. Tlieodnr Heorgi of Munich jilow the Crowd To the Farmers' Market if you would save money on Meat and Groceries. A FEW OF OUR PRICES. Jap Oranges, per box . . 65c Jieef from 6c up Leg of Pork, per lb. . . . 25c Shoulder Pork, per lb. 17'c Veal Slew, per lb 8c Veal Itoast, per Ih 17c Choice llulkley Valley Tur- kevs, (ieese. Ducks, ami Chickens at the very lowest price. Strictly Fresh F.ggs, dox. 55c lloueless Hah, per lb. ,. 35c Swifl'M Premium Ham, per lb 0c Swift's Premium Macon, per II 50c Spices, any kind 10c Pastry Flour. 10 lbs. .. 45c King Oscar Sardines, 2 for 35c Try Farmers' Tea, lb. 65c Harvest Coffee, per lb, 50o .1 His. for $1.35 Xmas Candy, per lb. . . 35c Xmas Nuts, per lb ... 25c All Kinds of Fruit and Fresh r Vegetables FARMERS Market Phone Blue 428. Many a good stove gives poor results because it Is supplied with the wrong kind of coal. CON8UMHHS COAL Is picked for stove use. It is steady. heating, 'jriglil-burning coal freed from choking impurities, Try CON 8UMF.I18. gee how your stove will "behave." Consumers Coal Go. Ltd Phonos 7 and 311. I Phone 376 The House Thursday. Dcctnibft !0 of Quality Xmas Suggestions FOR THE FAMILY. Nothing Will be More Appreciated Than Footwear For Grandmother- Fell lfoue Slippers. For Grandfather- llooK Slippers, llnhher For Mother Dre Pump. CuiIcm or Oxfords For Father Slater Hoots. House Slippcrv For Sister Hancing Pump-, (Suiter, Ovfonls ,; -r.. Moots. For Brother pat-iil Pump. Drc Moot urSl. For Baby- Drc Moot. Slipper or Itubbers. GIVE THEM ALL FOOTWEAR. IT'S A SPLENDID GIFT. UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Mail Order Prepaid. Phone 370. Sal sfai In n r Mm? h WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Thursday, 7 and 9 GLADWALTON - in "THE TOWN SCANDAL" The ta-te-l moving coined) -drama tin pref -ever appeared in. A fnl-ixril. tailor-made New V a girl revue. Beautiful daming nymphs, old fog purity l-agiie turning young again in the fn 1 the village boys playing stage door Johnny. She w ( : on Mroadway. back in the old home Iowa he j i j "The Leather Pushers," De Luxe Edition, Round No. 3 ("Don Coyote"). Comedy "Bum Grsflsrs." FOX NEWS-GAZETTE. Admission 35c and 10c. XMAS GIFTS REASONABLE PRICES. Tie. Snirvc. Suspender Set. Sweaters. Dre J'g '; -I uderw-ur. (Hove in all lle.. cr STEVE KING Phone Green 8S Third Avenue A useful GIFT is a wise buy We hate a slock especially bought for the U : i liifls which on will b" pleased lo select from be' ? a useful kind at a right price. We will be glad to exchange after Xma uili g1 -" shippers, shoes, stockings mid shirts which ou In; not sure of sizes. The slore will open evenings this week and next M' t. day, D?cember iMtli. Choose a Gift From the Following! Fancy Handbags, from 50c to (Moves Kid, Hucdo mid Woollen, all length and nil from $1.00 to $4." Umbrellas for Ladies, llaiitlenieii mid Children, from $2.00 to lland'kmii'iers, Trimi '. 5c to $ 1- Handkerchiefs, from 35o to $3 .50 Fancy Towels, from $1.75 to $4.50 per ' P Pinrl Necklaces, from S3.B0 to 5-- Dress Oovvms, from $3.50 to 5i- Ladies Silk Hosiery. Penman's, llolepfoof and K '"'l'$4j5 woollen nut silk-and wool, from $1.00 lo'5o (ientleineii's. Hocks, Cashmere mid Silk, from 75c to Silk and Knitted Ties, from 75c to Shirts, from ,'75l0$,v oi Slippers for everybody, fell and leather, in a big J .., styles, from. 00c ,m IF YOU ARE IN DOUBT A8 TO WHAT TO BUY 0UH TOY DEPT. WILL 80LVE YOUR PROBLEM. A biff variety of Useful and Substantial (ilfls for 15c, 25c up to ll.50. Jabour Bros., Ltd. and 7lh- Phone G45. Cor. 3rd