A" WOT F04 I Full Range of Hurlbut Shoes Fr Children and Misses. We nre now sole ngents for this cily Ask about our rebuilt Service wherfby we repair HUHI-BUT abocs and make them a sire larger. Family SHOE Store Third Ave. BUY A HOME Twenty acre tract, fronting on Fraser Riyer, one mile from railway station, with 5 room house,, barn and chicken house, five acres cultivated and fenced. Two acres slashed. Five acres with commercial timber. Hood school, elc. This home can be ha'l for $2,000.00 For Prices, call HydeTransfer Phone 680. Service and Quality our Motto. r Oliver Typewriter. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybfeavn & HansM Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C. The Home of Domestic Bread Bread Is your best food. Mat more nf It. Kept by the leading grocers. La Casse Bakery Phone 190. Third Ave. Prince Rupert B.C. Stove WOOD I We have Just received a car load of up river wood, guaranteed seasoned and - dry. bize cut to order. Alto Kindling In Sacks. KING GEORGE CAFE First Class CHOP BUEY and NOODLES. Furnished Rooms to Rent. I'rices Reasonable Phone Blue 471. Second Ave. REDUCE HIGH C08T OF LIVINQ. lOllminate the draught around your windows and use less coal, 'SEE OUR PATENT WEATHER STRIP For 'Doors and Windows. Class and Mirrors of all kinds. T. R088 MAOKAY. Phone Blue 166. BRINGING UP FATHER 4.125 nRi PICTURE 4 v-tn-a iorsdHT nt iE STATIC FARM LABORERS IN j ENGLAND ARE IDLE' Minister of Agriculture Says Much Land in That Country. Will oo Back to Pasture ! VIGTOUIA, Oct.. I Determined lo do everything: in his power to) bring British farm lahorers to Brilislf Colunihia 1n help to set-; lie up I lie vacant areas of this Province, lion. K. ). Harrow, minister nf iiLri-ienllin-,. -iu I..1..L- Kngland. "1 saw large number of farm laborers in Kngland who are finding it diftlciilt lo pet work and who are keen lo come to Canada," Mr. Barrow slated. "We ihould support any scheme which will aid this immigration move ment." The Minister said that lie did not wish to say any more about plans for bringing British set tlers here until lie bad pone into i-he Tiialter more carefully and conferred with his colleairues. "The agricultural industry in Britain loiiay is in a very bad condition," Mr. Barrow said. People who raise grain will not pay operating expenses this year. Wapes for farm laborers" are low and Hianv farmers, nre imh. ploying more men than they need simply to keen 'I hem from swell. inplhe ranks of (be unemployed. As a result of these conditions large areas of. land will be turned into pasture, thus throwing more. farm laborers out ofTwork. 'Large numbers of these peo ple, tbe finest type of settlers available, are ready lo come lo Canada, if proper measures are taken to assist Jliem. They are real sons of tbe soil and will not flock into the cities. TJiey would make splendid settlers in British Columbia. What we need," Mr. Harrow asserted, "is selected immigration. We do not need city dwel lers, but fanners who will stay on the land." 1 ICOUNH COURT UST FOR MONTH OCTOBER Seven Actions Set Down for Hearing In Judge Young's Court Seven cases are sel for. hearing this month in Hie local County Court before Judge F. McB. Young. They are as fid-lows: October 8. Boston drill vs. W. II. Burken, meals supplied, Williams, Manson & (innznles for the plaintiff. October I r. It. Cimiiinphain fcon.,'l.td. vs. B. Beunetl, goods sold and delivered, Williams, Mailson '& Cionzeles for (he plaintiff, l'almore .& Fulton .for the defendant. October 13, W. M. Mcl.enn vs. Hurry Lear and Isaac 'I .ear, goods Hupplred, WllliaiiiH. Munson & Oonzales for the plaintiff October 25. llnmei Vs. Ocnivia llivep A SmooW Quick 5have at his desk at the Parliament jFullon, for plaintiff, Buildings following his Irin to uc i oner sit. FURTHER LOTS SOLD tot . daict, nwi rictel I SP" Chat .rocr : ti. n... vi- vi..t Williams, Manson & Conznlcs for 1 1n plaintiff. October 2(5. .Tohn Mellor Howard B. Canitbell, sromisMiry note. William. Mansnn & Gon zales for the plaint iff. Additional Properties Bought by Private Persons Since Auction on Monday .... ... ...in iiini-r'., jiiuiik est club in I lie American l.eaaue land pennant winners this year Tor the third consecutive lime, entered the circuit in 1902. 'Hie team was established by Frank J. rarrcll and flieir dace in the league was made by the forfeiture of the Barflinore Oriole fran chise. Clark (iril)ilh was made manager and he guided the de. jtinies of the team until limn -Joseph Oreen vs. ;"' he resigned in favor of Hiirrj' nd I'earl Shougli, moneys advanced, Williams, Manson (mirales foe the plainlllT. .1. lit'. 11.. .. . iio I'.itcrnein. (.eorge Slallings look charge in Itfi9 and held on until the next year when Hal (.base " became m manuurer. r.im... 1i lllT -II. IMirr I"SIHT . , v.liar"rr Xick Carter, hoard and lodping, 1 w"" ""cceeded in 1912 by Harry "la Nolverlnn. "olvirliitl TIiaii Then im.wi Frank L-l. came Chance who led the club until vs.!11"' when be. resigned afler fHilmg lo make Hie team a pen- 'nant contender. linger Peck inpaiipli finished the 1914 sea son, lhe last .f the Farrell re Igime. In mis Cols. Jacob Hon , perl and T. - I.. Huston "I'M! IMII purchased t.. II II It-1 - AT flTY TAY KAW ""' vhlU l'a'ngsoinelliingarouni ni Uil in A ijittL it ti I f a million dollars for I 8, block 13, to W. M. Wright for 'he Yankee Stadium, greatest 11 1.90 each. Lot S3, block 13, section K lo W: M. Wriirhl for 13.' Lots il and T, block i'A. sec tion 8, lo W. M. Wright for M3.19 each. Lots ... 16 . and 48, block .r in, llllll A 13, "t P" seo- liaseball plant in the world, Was opened lo lhe public Ibis year. Afler some negotiations Colonel Illusion. half owner of lhe Yankees Mild his interest early Ibis year to Colonel Ilunnert for about ' !,' (100, t. iielUng . (IVIIf a gross ni".-.- lion , In W. M, Wright for 1 3.73 lprofil of l,00(i,nnu fn eight each Lids 17 and 18. block 19. sec tion 8. in W. .U. Wright Tor 25.93 each. Lot 9. block .38, se.Mion 8. lo W. M. Wright for HI 8.5 1. Lots 7 and 8. block 48. sec tion 8, (o W. M. Wright for 1G.17 each. Lot II, block 18. section 8. lo W. M. Wright fur '" no ennl. Above are upset prices in each case. Ltd., Mechanic's lien, Patnmrc Jk'ViJhy. Passengers booked for Vancou ver (in the steamer Prince deorue lllis evening include Dr. finnnm Fickling Hanson. Mrs. J. II. While n" Mining Co., Thompson, .1. w. Uraler and II. lyenrs. In Hie twenty-one years of American League baseball in New; York the Yankees have finished as folldws: 1903 1901 1905 1 900. 1907..:..... 1908 1 909;....... ! I it 10........ 191 1 . I9l2w..,: 1913 IM1 1915 1 910.. TV .......Fourth ....iilSecond ,....iSKIh ....Second ..Fifth ...Kighlh ...4.4 VI fHi .......LSecOnd .......Sixth ...Kighlh .......ISevetilh ..:...'.KIxlh ...:...iriflh .Fourth BRIER TV I Hit Hie I franchise, nlaver. ami lb fii n mi. Until this time the nukees had been "in an outers." Iiin.- Thr. ilv linu ..ntiT...! In iltiliiierl itnil tliiMl,t in....li-ini.. i... .... ... ... ...... iiitiii. Mining , it- 5,ii9l.fiJ as a result of the an- van building up with new play-minl tax sale. Since the niiclion'crs. Bill. Donovan ta onndoved fon -Monday several more pur- h manager. His club iu three chases at the tinsel -irices have seasons could do no better than been made bringing Hie total io fourth, however, and Miller Hug- 91 lots bid in by private persons Kins was placed in cflarge. Iliis-and 157 rcverlinir lo tbe cilv. ton and Ilunnert continued I heir ' w - - - f f The list, will be -open until Snltir- generous outlay of money for day of this Aveek nnd il is ex-.sliU's. Babe Iluth, who had win peeled thai several more lots fame as a pitcher and hitler wilh will be (ticked up'. Hie Boston lied Sox, came lo Besides the list already nub- Now rk. With Babe came luck. lished the following properties ' 1121 Hie Yankees won their have been turned over: fBrsl pennant. Iluth set a new Lot It, block 9, section 1. lo all-lime record for home runs I). B. McDoiiPall for .,7"..1u. Willi 5t that year. Afler their Lots 2Ct to 32 inclusive, block -l''"se on the grounds iu Wash- 50. section 7, lo W. M. Wright H'Khts expiiwl in 1913, lhe for l8.4i each YankeeM shared the use of Hie Lot 2d, block 30, section 8, to ''"J" grounds wild the (Hauls for W. M. Wricht for H3.2.'. IHine years, but afler their un- Lot 35. block 13, section 8, to usually successful seasons of W. M. Wriirhl for l 1 .22. t2l and l22 the Yankee, owners Lots 3fi to 38 inclusive, section 'billed lo build Iheir own nark. i kO UXSH'T CO M THAT Ulfi HLlNtD-rv.rv Twir .1 uttt v-: -" . wvi ir 1 l . ivr-, fVL- Tt THE WOKW PCVOKC I UVEA HEtrtO ML I'M CONNA itll M r- FOR SALE APPLY lo JOHN H. COOPLIt. (V-darvale, B.C., for lhe following: PHICF.S DOWN Two ( 2 ) Ions only best grneri tomatoes, while they last, le. lb. Six (Ci Ions nuly Irish Cot- Ider Polales, .50 per 100 lb. or 22.00 Ion. Beets, good (Quality, 3e. lb. 2.ti0 100 lbs. Turnips, Kangaroo, excellent eating. 2c. lb., n.7fi 100 lb. Carrol s, half long, Sc. f 2.50 tOO lbs. Cabbage, Klldouan, green. X. U3.O0 100 lbs. 100 doz. only Corn. Midgeli. 15c. doz., "O.K.V Jfie. doz. Note. Wrap (lie tomatoes In paper nnd place in a dark plac,. and I hey will ripen. Prices F.O.B. Cedarvale. Shipments, Wednesdays. ' 230 FOIl SALK. Four rooms of fur niture good as new, consisting nf bedroom suite, fumed oak dining room suite, MrClary ft hole range no, 1; rims, kitchen caliinet, kllcben utensils, sewing machine, child's full size crib, also singing canary in cage. No. I, Sleebj Block, Phono -iireeu 2Ut. 28i FOH SALK. V.ighl roomed mod ern house, stone basemen', furnace, bathroom. Part cash, balance Under Soldier's Housing Scheme. Mrs. Kelly, corner Sixth Avenue and Tallow. FOH SALK. New house., .four rooms and bathroom on corner Int. Apply I 111, Seventh Ave. and Bowser. M I10USK FOH SALK. Four rooms nnd bathroom. Apply 1B, Seventh juid Bowser. 230 FOH SAL'K. New Axminsler car pet. t x IO?. loo large for room. Phone. 30. .'ir, I9I7 I918 IPIO 1 920 ,192 1..... 1922 1923 Sixth , Fourth .Third Third First :Virst First TOO MUCH LIFE NKW YOHK. Ocl. 1. Four ndulls, five children, fifteen pigeons, Iwo cats, one dog and two cniiary birds are loo many lo live in one four-room apartment, Magistrate Barrett told Sal vol ore Crivello, who recently answered a henlih deoai'lineoi summons nfter fellow tenants had cornilniiieil thai a nocturnal cacophony from Die apartment was unendurable. Cl'iVello w.ih fin,.. i f,, i..... ...... . i , . . i 1 1 il I lug pigeons in violation of )be! Minitnry Code. advised him menagerie. If ymt find you caiinol gel i,e dally. News regularly, call u ami HitbsJrllio for It and have it de. livercl to your home. tf O BOAItl). The Keuond Avenue. Furnished suites R. TAXI Inlander, 830 Phone 137. ti ROOM AND BOARO Taxi 67 Phona. (CjiII iorg5 or Gust) Roaa Brothora. Best Service in Iho City. Auywhero. Anytime. Day nr Night Stand: Boston Qrlll Third Avnu ftUCTlON 8aLCS. .oiiOutied in your home or at out. rooms. Good alsoviohl on ummisslon. ' ' Third Avenue (Dei.ny Allen's Old 8lor) Phono black 13C and Qrean 471. CHIROPRACTOR O. TA8SIC, D.C.- Chiropractor ird Avenue, Prince Ituiierl. B.C. Hours: 10 In 12: 2 u, 4 1 i u Plume Blue 025. IWidcncc, Oreen 136. EXPCRIEWCCD C0R8ETIERE Order taken for Rpirelln OimmIs Mrs. J. M. Qrahlman Knien Shoe H.re, 7H Hwirnl" Avenue -West. MAIL SCHEDULE "V Tor the East Mondays, Wednesdays and Sal unlnys, closes at 5.30 n.m. From the East Mondays, Thursdays and Run days, , .30 p.m. From Vancouver- Sunday Wednesdays I-ridays .. Sal unlays CJ'.ll. October 8 and To Vancouver- P. M. 3 P.M. .... A.M. 10. Tuesdays. Mall closes nt 4 P.M. Thursdays to P.M. Saturdays ... .M. Sundays ,m! C.P.H. October 5, 12 and 23 To Anyox, Alice Arm Wednesdays o From Anyox, Alloc Arm '1 hursdays 8 To Port Slmoson. ailr Anyox and Arrandale. Sundays 7 From Port Simpson, Alloa Anyox and Arrandale Tuesdays To Stewart and ....... Premier w. P.M. p.m. Arm P.M. , TiuridiiyOcob5r i, tflj.y By George McMan&s ewe. ne. xook name I rvsx rented U Ml )IUa w I MTV Pkivm amnc. hk. tMra prr rmi, ut tni i Am. , Daily News Classified Ads. 3 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AtlrartleamMil Tkn for Lmi hai VOc Wanted nan I K.H f- . ISLAM) LOCATION W AXTBI Uil III : X T . Will lease or purchae piirctiasc and and re-T riT with with hi- w College. Vancouver. B.C. Sleplicna. FOR RENT 1 i rtuslieil wiilnmi imuni wnrd locator for island tir c .i.k'lnif. Modenile rates group wyh a thousand acres or more, or finance owner in development of Mr farm. T. Ueranl, C03 Seaboard Building. Seattle. WANTED. -Men and women to learn bartering. Paid while, learning and tools free. Write for catalogue. .Mler Barber apartuienls. NOTIOE. rooms motme i iimtiiv r.iVrs it , Home O'l'araiKNi will i nii tis ,iv tr M. MODMIIN four room flat rent. Westcnbnver Br6. DOftMO. - ( iim I rintir. tir Hrm.n i in,..!,.. . . foik'llooms. Phone Black " 329. 1'"1' " tor an n i. tm nuiirj x. X t-frtnem Hufrt ljjrl lT1ilTit'lllrai tli'4 8TKA.M Healed Mat for rent. IVZJVL 'V'lVTt... !. Besner jUMUl , ImprotrMnrfii lijUm M. 4u1 r m for iMInl it IM aijf of I'rlur ,-e ifrii SuJWKif It.t Um M'trnU Ih Munlrtelnr of 4lw Cll r l'nar. NOTICL IX Tlir UlTTtn nf .... IN u of flh Onirirl of Tltl ifor Lul Two 1 1 i H Lwh f,t - pi ran i..inn, Mtp ill PALM Kll HOUHIv 100 Seventh t.J.,tJ.'"'rtnrr of lb- " Ave...... VV..I iii - &2:T!? I'LT .!? ' " , iMfii . ' 'I i iv. iwfiin wii inrni.nra im ii i. n.w h. ilM.il,- i. i . . .. . . . .. , mu'r inr ripinium e, nim nwaib fmm ihr fird Hibiirttii hrr f. a freth i tftfrtr! f Tilli.in-M UtMl in b MUM of T YttlULUlf-Vtr, , UtMHr i d4trl Urn Mm tttut. It (ml l mimtrrtst U7UC. bam. nrmir uii'r. rnnr Kutr M. r, Mctson. ltitr or tflWt. LAND ACT, Hrtk f ltAllK U Aalf U Uh , LaM. - 111 Akftn 1 mtA iiiirifl f.-MMtiH ..... tflrl of .' rln Kut-ri . h. .i . u . . . . Capuini dirt, rill liUna. CJl I noiif ini w. jrrran. of Via roorr. ofcnrxliaa etnnrrr wn. Inial IA . rwM fn . 1 . .. i - if Vl4 Ibr .hub hrr of M n. HEmmtrmt ntinm.uuj, n.,,i iuitw ijtf. auotloneer, ivt.. ,ih i- .ruin. nK Ml to rb4in Ihanai bskiIi t rlsui t aor: IbrlKW folWittfnr ttmm in ki.m . t ttmniMinnii and nKiununf folj ttr. . www v w j jrrm"x. , . . . . fan f Appll'tnl. fail 7ih Jatr. I iu. MINIRAL ACT. cnrriricATt or nieiiovcMf nts. hotick. Hair. Hilt Xn 1 .i.i it... It. Hair .No. i. im iu v., '-. u,u..i Cllm. SIOMlMl In Um iU ; CmU Mlolna llfl .lm mi Cm. I huiM.i tvk . Syniir nt mi W1ram Paj. ihnui IB ' mil SiBMIi nf nri UtrHy , Ta nur that I. Than Vih IrlHl. alllv H.va rMM I K rt.iA ... lanplj- la tb vnrin h-rt,n)r for r lirirai nt Iiimmu r- lk- f nbialnmr Vjnwn Oram ir h ali t. cm1 fnrilir lai- miim ..... tnr lh I.ihih of mM Cerlinrat of lnmrimni. iMim lhi tlih rtav of Jotr. lf 1 Armi -ti Mrxzns. Tr Mlnr f arllflralo Ma Jl C tANO ACT, Nallea of InUntlon Is A pal. u r-urahaa In Sana lnil iii.tvii h. tii.. trial of lr.n im,.-. .1 ...... . ... fH nillaa aouihiM of salviia on CM naimiy nd rntnamini all of nil Mamt. Taka iillr mat Frank r Hnntil. nf Vanrrsivrr. n.r fMiiirti.i i..nu.M..n inirtHta lo apply for irail..lnn 10 rnr fh ttw follniiii ctiirllir(t laniti: linn nw-nrlna at a pl plants nn ws Mf of Imvila It Unit al foil of CVR. amlMnk nini, iiwnra rutlnwinr ir iiior Urn of u M Liana . . ... . ., 1--"; ,.iH in riniiiiirnrriiarni, ami a.. P.MHIiH-lurtina all of aald ln ..t.m un .i nar mini 111 waTi or Jaiil C. nai.war. aim mntamint arm. mora or !. rnsx r. rnmnRTT. V.il nf in,.ii..-. Atnl for rrank r. nuMu. t'alrrt at sahiia, lav C. Wllmnt llrtiri 0.. Tiuai. Auc. IMh. Iff. MINIRAL ACT. CERTI'ICATK Of IWPRO VIMINTS. ' MMoae." -Mooae y. , v v 3 Minora! cijin... miunii in in ?!l . TV. M,n". nmniwi nf lUnre 1, r.oal lilatrlrt vvImim ....i-. .. .. . nihi nn wiuic r.h.inmi. iy innilr, UiM iMli Chtnnnl Mliwa. i'ViVr1, J.'T. m'"T ONIflral .No. A ahaw. 1 ntTtHf ttt ai.r. .. al. sa... . ItlSf V0 "rn'mvPiu-nim for th ' t .KttA turlh.. ..A.. .. .1 I...H.V.U-. ,..""7 -un, , lr,, ,"""T, it srriinn J. . !. sn. nni, 1 1 ' rnnsnfiirnl ,msiKnrril Ih naiuiuays t) j. M ! "'" of am-li Ofltiral of Sundays From Stewart Sundays . Tuesdays .. and To Alaska Points October K and 19. From Alaska Point. Premier K P.M. P.M. October r. 12 am) 23. 7 P.M. oaiea tun inih rt.y of Annul. A.P. 1BJ ' MIJMCKTOX. Anl, :OUN OHARIOTTK ISLANDS DISTRICT. i.Jk".n'. e0,lc ,hu. ' nhii. ft The imigislraln-fTo Ononn . . W "'.V?L?!' 1 i tiSS 1 11 . . " ana to nil '""it t 41 rai l nn chain in lo dispose of Ibe Oct. :t. :i, 17 17 ami and mi Ml . r. i.. .. . I.,!i.,!!r!,.,r of PU01. uon Knifing tmraiK. i on - ii. -miManirnj ami roilowlna A AatJ l.i.w ii inner 1 ami I'll t , " r 1 MT.DHI irmii in miar. To Naa. R,yer PoiL-. V'.X Jiniisi ayH . t n ' 1. ,M' i . io til """ ;r" 'in. more nr From .: n...:i -:V :-, ionu. Sni"",'".' f -''""1. a.,4 - " ""nr roint Bainniij's - HtWHN.tM AlAI, Oairil ihlt 10111 day or July 1911 LAN0AI.A FIBIIIlia 'facVlM CO. II. U. Bablnilou, Aiioi.