RUBBER BALLS Miller Itnldier Malls are 111 u clus ly themselves. They iliirkfr rubber, more clastic and will bounce higher Hi mi) rubber luill mmi eer miw. Large shipment direct fr uii laclnry. hence fre-huiid doubly elastic. Tlu i' bail hit priced wjlhiii the reach of ull. A l; i ; ver mul be had. Reach Sporting Goods Vi have n complete line of the Reach good which w,. f li til cutnlugtie price. Send for catalogue eMlaMres.Mi "Rupert" Brand Kippers SMOKED DAILY by Canadian Fish & ' Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT Keep Your Vacation with a KODAK V 'ti,r -t'lc. in in on our .lii lvr .1 nnilelM choice frtun "if handy little Vel pocket model al $6.50 to Special Kodak with oerW eipnpnient for lMijHTior pictures. Al vour nil in our developing and printing departnienl -painstaking (inching imi II he gUl ( get. TAKE PLENTY OF KODAK FILM. ORMES LTD. The Kexall Stores Phones 200, 82 and 131 ih i ii i IT IS YOURS Five-sixth of the timbered area in B.C. belongs to the People. Each year it is increasing in value as the more accessible timber is cut. In 1922 there was received fi'om the sale of such timber the sum of $620,000. This helped to keep your taxes down, and to build up the Province. Green Timber is British Columbia's assurance of perpetual prosperity Why Burn It ? Local and Personal a- ,, , IhtM nrterniMin Irloi-k i for Vnnetmver. I: II. A. Philnolt rfturneil to the Icily on Hie Prince (ier?e yeler- day afternoon after haUnsr viU 1 1'( KliiMoilon. Calpary ami Van- IrmiMT on Irtixinenx. Murloy Shier, the welt Inowti I'mviitewt I'nlire 0nlable Harry Martin reliirnetl to the elly on Hie Prince tieorpe yester day aflirtHMn afler having ac- eouipHiiiml prjoiier Ui Okalla. (Iniiisreineii will (lamde on Suu-Uy renins al G.I5 p.m. at the Mi'lromde Hall In utleiid hivine Srree al the .MethiMliht-Church. All member and visitor pfeae attend. A "charge of nvaull laid by .lean .loliulini, colored. naiM! Charle4 Wall, alo cidor-ed. n dimle.l in Ihe police cunt Mn fnorniiiK by Mjifmilrale MiClyuiont. 4. .1 . Lambert, dllricl engineer fni' Hi- federal department of imldic wiifk. naed llirnuali Ihe cily 011 Ihe Prince Heorve ye.ler- ibiy afleiuiHiii bouml from Vic tona to Slewnrl. A. II. Harrow of Ihe (ioxern liienl service at Alliu i expeeled In arrive In Ihe cily today on Ihe Prince. loule. The position he held there ha been absorbed by Die liovernmeiil uirrnl in order In sae expense. Al Ihe Hoard of Trade nieel- I11; last nislil Ihe uestiou of marketing Ihe llulkley Valley beef was again discussed. It appealed from messages received that 1. Hum had n( intention of iloiiiK more this year than last, a lehvram from W. Lnngeon- vevinv that Informalion laiug "Oil lUnY" (n Mcllatatla o'clock on Sunday. Ihe L.H.I.. CI Method!. I Ch at O.WA'.A. General Meeting will be held 'luesday, July 10 at 8 B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. tf P-'". I Gf Hayners, Undertaker. Phone For Plumbing and HEATING. 351. ii W. Longwill. Phone Blue 270. "Oil HAHV aroliii.l Kaien I land at .3( .Sunday. P.O. Box 730. . tf Mr. and Mr. Sam Massey are sailing tonight hy the Prince Archbishop p. ii, ImVcnict left Oeorge for Vancouer on a va on tail night's train for Kilwan- cation trip m. , ' and Mi. Campbell's mother Mr . Noble, ail for Victoria on , Hie Prince., Louise tills after noun. Mr, t". A. Mackenzie, wife of Hie vvHI kimwii iniufug man, wa-i a iisiftiniirr for Stewart on Hie Prince (ieorge yesterday afler noon. PUBLIC MEETING, Saturday, July 7, 8 p.m., Empress Theatre Speakers: Hon. Pattullo, Hon. I Two new members joined ' the l)eiur' Summer Hale. Suit!, Hoard of Trade at the meeting (Opals' ami Underwear. 33 1-3 di. '""I nMit, lloherl Cordon and count. I5ii I Frank Claim .Save Money! Huy our .Nauainio-1 If ou find you cannot gel -the Wellington Nut Coal at 913.50 a daily New regularly, call in and ton. Albert A McCallcry. Ltd. tf hub-cribe for it and have it de- II. Hfgaslii, loeal Japanese! livered to your home. tf missionary, returned from the I"-- Laird, of Toronto will uth on tire Prince (ieorge ycs-ll'Taeh in the First Presbyterian lerday afternoon. Church on Minday evening. Come Mi and Mr. II. L. Campbell and hear this outstanding man Mr. N. It. Walton and familv and her mother. Mr. Tail, arc falling tonight by the Prince llupcrt for Vancouver on a holi day trip. y 4 afternoon Tin C.l'.lt. Meamer Princexi Mr?, S. I.. Warrior and her laughter. Mis Lillian Warrior, left oi. laid night's train for Kd-montou where lliey will spend a vacation. , I. .S. Uonney, district fore.ler. I n on last nilit' train for Dr. Sutherland, Fred Stork. M.P. Hanall on deparlmenlal businc Ladles Invited. 15;in"d will return-to Hie cily this LotiiM-. tUti.t Aiiluir Staler, ix Mik May Morri, jiublic due from Alacka norl at t O'.r'i'ool Icacher at Sunnyxide. is xaillii? at ailin? I on f-.-hi on the Prince Ueorfre for Victoria where xhe twill atleml fiimnier chiol. Mi Hilda Iteale ha betn lemporarily endued h junior clerk in the IreaMirer'H )leiiarl- ment at the Cily Hall Miccf'ediriK M if p K. M. Ililchey. rexi-.'iied Pifanl Powder reireeutHli-. va-l memn.T oi me .-on oi i.a.Miifer fr'tm Vniuwuver t Unaland Society are requested to s . wari on the Prince Cewrse " .Meimpoie nan ?un i..i.Ij.v Hfioriumn day nighl at fl.30 p.m. to attend Ili'v J. J. Smith-Oil, lUdit 1'Hi.lm. r'iuriil lt- iurr Uy oil the PrtiSrtjcrllSy at-terioNHi Hceni2wf h Mr-. SmltliMMi and Mmliy. i.ani. (.olrHian, lor oom- inaiitlartl of the SaltMltan Army remrnwi eieriy tillcriMMin riNii 'kloria wlir" h 'pnl n fcrlef tenre of abece. ' ich i'arade at the fob. " Hush McLeiwi, of the C.N.II. freiuht detiarlnienl i at Prince (ieorge w4io ha been visiting with hi parent in Ihe city, i -ailing lonighl on .the Prince Oeorge for Vancouert K. (J. havvsou leave fur the south Ibis evening en route lo California where he. will meet Mr. I lawsuit ami bring her home Mr. Iiawson i understood to be much improved in health. II was reported lit the Hoard of Trade iiieeliiiL' lat night that Ihe- entertainment rommitlee of Ihe Board would take in hand arrangement. for showing the cily to the visiting banker party, .vtl I. vvalson was a passen ger on Hie Prince (ieorge eler day artcrtroou for tier home in Stewart afler bavin? spent il liol iday 'in the south, She was ac companied .by Mis I. Craig of Victoria wlm will visit vvilti tier al Stewart. Mr, ii. K. Ilandall arrived ye lerday afternoon by the Prince (ieorge from Nana 1 1110 and will spend'a mouth here visiting with her sister, Mr. 0. A. Hunter. At-lin Avenue. Mrs. Ilandall is accompanied by her Utile daughter Mis Lillian Mae Ilandall. Iluy your ticket al Urine's or (ii)'. for the Knights of Columbia Basket Pic-nic lo Tugvvell Island tomorrow. Cents $1.00 ladie and children free. Every body welcome for a good liim and a Ids day outing. Moat leave Swunson's poal house from tUO lo II a.m. ' II. M.S. Curlew, which visited this pott lal week, partfcipaled in the celebration at , Portland Oregon, on July I on the occas- ion of Ihe visit of President read. The mailer is to be taken naming. I lie lirlllsti warship up fuwlher by the special com- fired the olllclal salute to the inlllce of Ihe board which has it. president as hi special train in hum!. Why not subscribe for the Dally News and have it cent to vour home regularly? tf FCZEMA I nrnt for Efirmiv and and L lion. It rWlevr l ur llr llr hfl hfl Uia Uia tkln. tkln. D LuulniU. loron"- You r not Ing when lllltl you ue or. 'hw' Olnt- 1:1 .kln Irrlt-, uncs nd irnau- namnia poi ir. aiaso'J Olnuiif nt Ire Il you uiuuon ir.i PRiH'f sad euU W. iwinp lor jwt. v. pulled info the jity. AT THE PIC-NIO Yes! By nil means, arrauge lo Vhavc the ollicial pholograpber along. 8 ,, III lira flex Camera high class lenses al your service. See CHANDLKH, 3lr Slxlh Street. A pbolograith Is the only record you can keep of the ih'cikIou, except a sunburnt complexion. .... id , SMOKE PROMINENT PEOPLE IN MINING PARTY muel Silverman and Grant Ma- hoed Headed Group of Visitors Bound for Stewart Yesterday Samuel Silverman id New Yurk.i president of Hie 49-Mining C"., Ltd., and Mahood, piviii- dent of the American Mining A Milliirs Co. Ltd., headed a pro minent mining .la.rly which was IhiuiuI for Sle'wart on Hie Prince (ieorsie yenlerilay afternoon. Olhei iiieiuher of the iiarty were Mr. Sihcni'an. H. H. Lamb. 'I'oronlo minim engineer, and Mr.". Lamb. Juitee Phiiien and Major WiImmi of Toninlo. who are intiKTiiiig I no iinirici iroin nn iiivextmenl taintiiiiii. Mi'i". MahoiMl. Ivan Mithood ami W. II Mc Karl ane.' KETCHIKAN TRIMMED ANYOX IN TWO GAMES ON INDEPENDENCE DAY Ketchikan liallplityr. ' venge on Ihe Fourth f Ju.v r . Ihe game they lsl to Any s o" nonunion Hay. The Ala.-ka., : a: on it home ground on tudcpei -dence Day, beat Hie mneller tnwn player twice. 't'h sore of the first game .wa II to .J and'tlie cond, C Ui 2.. Siguard Wallsi-dl. district supervi-or of Ihe Moose Lodge in Alaska and deputy Suprtmic li- -; lalor. arrivel in Hie city by lai night's train afler allentling Hie Moose convention at Mooseheaii. He left by special boat immedi ately after arrival for Ketchikan where he will men President Harding in Ihe course of his lourj Oil. S. I1. MrMoit'ie is tonight for Vancouver buines trip. I sailing : on a Church Notices ! First Presbyterian Church Morning worshh' at It o'clock. Preacher. Ilev. II. H. (irant. D.H. Subject : " The Value of Religion." Sunday School will not meet. Sunday School Picnic on Tliurs- lay July t?, Higby Island .. Kvening service at 7-30. H- v lr. Laird, of Toronto, will preach. ""lllllli. OLD CHUN TOBACCO Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Eto. Electric and Acetylene Welding. - Our plant is equipped to Jndle all kinds of Marine and Commercial Work PHONES 43 AND 3SS DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms 7, 8, 9 Smith Block Office Hours. 9 to 9 Phone 575 Lady Assistant MR. FISHERMAN! Your life often depends upen a GOOD TANK We have been making tanks for boats during the past ten years and we have yet to get a complaint of faulty workmanship. WHAT WE HAVE DONE FOR OTHERS WE CAN DO FOR YOU. ROWE'S SHEET METAL WORKS Second Ave. COFFEE WO WT. NV iV-X Phone 340. Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE "The Service Store." WE CASH CHEQUES. Agents For: N. and S. ENGINES Terms Arranged To Suit Purchasers. Phone Blue 91. Try Nabob once. It is a delicacy amongst the drinks of the world. Vacuum packed, it brings you all the fullness of its fragrance and flavor. You will note the difference. Anrl you will never drink ordinaty coffee again. And Nabob Tea is 'Tea as it should be". S5 .. .