I satu.ilay, July 1023.. . THB DAILY HEWS PXOt OT1 Edfe-Holdiitrf Saws fastEasy-Cuttiru SIMON DS SAWS snout aum jaw co.uarni Jt. R.mi V. axl Ateta A...MlI.QlM. Vunii nv. di. Jon, no. SHOE REPAIRING it: r Hiue Hcpafring plant 3 lie piot up lo-dat in y Utrn JI.C. and Is equlp-for prompt handling r rlac of boot ami -.t i epalr. A trial order will convince you that our work and service It second to none. l.tli.H in liand-nuid I, -ig HonU. McArthur Shoe Store Ntit O.N.R. Office, 3rd Ave. LING The Tailor Phone 649. WE DO DRY CLCANINQ AND PRESSING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION BY STEAM. SUITS ordered to measure Second Avenue. Off.e Corner M.T.LEE The Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailor We liavu Jnt fnlargcd our n'ore to make room for our New spring and Summer Hock. Price nre model ate. Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing. Phone Red 136. Next to Jimpjro Office. KING GEORGE CAFE First Class CHOP 8UEY and NOODLES. Furnished Rooms to Rent. I'ricea Ilcaxnnahlo Phone Blue 471. Second Ave. HOTE HUDSON 773 Seymour 8L Near lludnon Hay 8lors8), VANCOUVIR, B.0. C Weslergnrd, Manager. I.nle or Winnipeg, Brandon and Mooso Jaw. Wodern-Flreproof-Oentral We Appreciate Your Ihulncss. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed. Third Avenue. I gPort Chat In Ju.lu-e in .ark Wouiy (( may be observed ,, )p palclm, which reached rjnr HiiliiTl la-l WV.liio.day on Mm hlir fialil hI SiHi.y w,.r ccrlainly .....in, . I(Ur f IUMmtit lllilil r wrong, limy .'rnphaMzp.! Mm- good ,.,, ( (il,ls ritxlif Intr and were di.lirirlly In faor of Mm wlill. seemingly ,, faults of l.'iiriry Wenl lnrn. corded. Drmp.ry fU were lint only xuimi-oii.,) ,t j,ry WPri, ftelually averted in pjp ,,f fart Umt they were n(, filrlally rerniniie. .y rpfpppp jf Immp.ey actually itcli vTf.I all Mm f.Mil. I In, . ,U,,airlii naii In did ,llm dTji.iti of u,o referee i-oiild liardly have been in hi favor a il wa. On Hie whole, Hmre were many liiconilenre which were rallmr ditlleull In mi. dcr.faud. li apparent Hint l)empey tfi.l in Hip mn.t of Mm lnllillir. mildi nf it ni cln.e range. Mllilion. however, fought a idetidid hallleand, if we arc to believe Hie report, a cleaner mm and Im mil only Mirpric. Mm champion Iml had linn rallmr ag-prawiled toward Mm end. Demp- iu nlwuy been Riven Mm eredll of ImiiiK a cool fihler Iml H eem dial Im ranm clo.er In niug hi imad al Slmll.y Mian Im ever iii before. .tiidiniiir from Mm diopalrlm and (akin? into consideration :lknuiy' alleged ..w fipliline jilmre were eighl round in favor if f tiri'". fi in favor of fiib-,lion ami-two even a follow: H'Miml I Iiiini)' ; Hound t. ( dililMin'; I Hound 7, ! iMiipe!r' H'Miml 111 ii'.n; , Hmiml Hempcy; Hound 2, Hound A, Denip.ey": Denipeyi; Hound 5, Hound (, Iempey'; Oempey; Itniiiid H, HiHind SI, !il.lM.n': even; Hound II. lib- Itound I?, I ni,y' : 13. MILImiii-'; IKitind II. even. Hound 15, lellpey'. 11m Ul of rare In Im Iml, I at iiim Sail Lake July u in eon- neelhui with Ihe lloy fieonU aler eariiivwl I h fallow: Hoy. :t yanl. awe H In I!. lloy. 5 yahl. ae I i In tiirl'. S3 yanl. aee H lo 13. IllrU', Sa yard, ace- livjo Irt. ,en" M yanl. ttHl. Men'. 00 yanl. imn.-' I.adie, 50 nnl, open. Ilelay rare, team of four. liny Seoul' ehatnpionhlp, 50 yard. Men bnv divdiir. I.adie. Imijc dMhg. Mixed fattey lilnh dhing. Men eanoe .lnplr. I.adm. eame innle. Mixe Inndrm. Tin1 Canadian nchooner'Slan-ley II. I on the Ward way for Imr iinnual overhaul. TIMBER SALE X 5294. Selrd TriHlrr. lll be ITtHhI by the Vlnflrr nf l.ml. l Vlci..rt nut Uier .k.r. .w.J. ,UltlM I till llV l'f July, HI3. 'rr Hie purflMt-e ut Urt-iire XSIII, ' I rut uo.ou rl "I epnire. oft an un-iuhmU I.Und III ihe J-ktsMie 10 -tiut nrlhfM of AMer .rek, lunr . "l'Wr lll I- alfcrfrtr for f ltin.il nf Itniltrr. ..,.. tfr. MfK.ru. I.C, .r liirirt loirMr. I rllirf lliiHTt. ' TIMBER SALE X614. .-a I Jin ""'V' cBEa chief source of Prince Rupert' prosperity WflgTj Tim lioinimi Hay lioliday inlr- Wliilo Jem wn relymp upon Ula minKiri in Mm fili huiimH lia jweishl. Hoc vA mlyinR upoii liU not n(Ty-i Mm work of Mm flootUpienrp. In Mm umpteenth round I any apprerialile extent, and Mm Admiral of Mm fleet i par Meularly atified with Mm voU iium if work earried out liy Mm rrew arid eniieelally no liv Mm Npleudid Imliavior of all rank nerllm Joy riding week end. '11m amount of fi-h landed during Mm The (roller report allfac- lory condition on Mm Skeena a it appears Mini le slooped an uppeiTiit wliieli, lo iip hit own word "would have punched a hole in a Iinltleliip," and duly wenl lo Nlppp without any iip f-er. Upon rfovering Im ppfed Jem romfortfihly sealed in a eor- ner with Mm ftpeelalor plnylnir week a J,een on Mm light ide, ipoker. Thi animye.l )ic win wtiieli Jin Imeti arrniinled for hy 'promptly oeramldeil lo hin feet Mm fart Ihal a nuiuher of Mmjand mmle a dah al Jem. Jem larse Anmriran nrhooimr ramel.Mare, Inken unaware, raided lii into port in a huuoli al Mm latter '?nard Iml loo late. Hoc wa pari of Mm nemlli and nre ex- really iptieker with hi feel Mian peeie.l lo arrive hi Mm aum!wilh hi hand, and Juiiviinir manner In Hip imar future. Tlmlhih into (he air, like a oaU laryer Imat are UMially ali-enl ielearlnsr a inoimlam, Im landed on Mm high pnl for ome Ihreeluilh all four oil JenV ehin. Ac- week or more, whirh i Mm ap- eordiiit: lo Dim? Mm impart wa o proximale Jlnm, il lake to enable llmui lo raleh miflieienl fih' lit, warrant Mmir return. Yelerday lerrlfir Mia) Jem disappeared fhmutth the floor and into Hie proiind lo ueh a deilh Dial -il far a Mm ockeye run i con-ireful one from ever)' point reined where Mm iMial have been .view and no untoward happen in ikinc po. average Tim Una had occurred. I'nforlunale- riin I .ImiiiiiK up Imller at nre- Um market for Urn day had nenl than for the corre-pindins jfloi u few inimite previou lo i period la I year Kveiy avaiUhleher arrival and it wa ncceary Indling boat of Mm Mouio jfor tan lo hold Mm .ePin'.' over fleet proper ha been nut Inln'milil ye.lenlay. rommiion and I- now plyiiu " II. reniunernlive cilllntt-. j Terrace Attractions' -..---. ! Harry (iilberi tt;e Keni:iJ ship- Over Mm Hominion Hay Iwll- l"r of Mm launch 23," pent lay Mm ieaure fleet tae caum anoHmr enjoyable week end at fin for much activity and evern! 'Terrace ami very rHuclanlly re- IWat lefl Mmir nioorlntr on turned 10 the vliel of duly. yiiilnnlav eveniiiff mi i.roliin-.'ed Harry ay llm Aliraclion of ioyae of dlcovery. Karly nnj lrrnce have g.i hi goal ab-Sunday mominff a number of llm olutey and thai if Im could only fl.l.ln- l.w.i. uliied j.lmiiKA.1 Inliiiduce Mm little old launch lo ramping out fiend to relurn .hn-u in .louiue quick lime, rar . n-iiu.i. . .. earlier Mian had been expected. ib' il "om Urn secrel service lo iMiie, .--,, ,,- ,. - ur?et what the atlrarlion real. 'X. impermu.e, i-ajKi-un ami im- fl,l. XX-..I.J f.U...lilv Ic 'low. Xn. T. owned hv Mm Wale I. land Arnold Kvn, flrt allant oanner). I undergoing repair turer nn Mm leanmr I'rinre.j,, j,lW (ay a( Mm hand of X. i.enrge, wlmn it ronm'ln divine jM. Mrl.ean and a crew of expert, find .wiiiuning, I not lo Im mil- -fi old deck i heing lorn up done hy hi brother oillrer, rredjnI)(j r,place. and other minor re-Coram. firl nilanl fir.er onl,iajr, ,ir(. jtelng executed in pre- Ihe Prinre Huperl. Mr. r.van parntlon for Mm luy senon. h nl ncipiired the liniut oi lakiiv Mm IiIbIi die fnuu the deck of Mm Prince (.eorg" iPrtni-e Hitperl harbor. He tok 'hi weekly plunpe al evening. proved lo he Mm high mark of look twelve men with rope ami landing during Mm week wlmn.'ackle twelve day. In haul him I55,50l xiund of halibut wa out. Tim vvhi.tle Mien blew anil marketed. I'rlce for holh Amer-i'lm crowd diimreit Iodide! Mm lean and Canadian catclm have Mry with their lunch. remained firm. Incomiuir kip-mr report Ihal Mm weather on Mm deep ea itptund. ha. been nil Ihal could, be ieired. It Was a Orand Story Tiirre ri) yur. will l aiiuwwl lr rr- ,jmn ,arp f ,.,nmpion, chanced I... V-...Ji. ii.' or iuirirt rorMirr. ITl'llfe lllipert. nr.. TIMBER SALE X 5082. -.lei TimlM will b rcrlvfrt by the tiUirlrt YnrrUft not Wl'r intn nmn tlte Iflh ly of July. -IMS. fr lh- ur. rlne of L.rrnr X SHUT, n orlti Hrn-ti.k Ann. tit rut fllM. frl of CrOur, pprure mil llrmloik swlrt. Oimj It) ynr will b illowfil fnr f-'liiiivtl ir limber. , , ,, . 1 Kiirtlmr MrtlruUre of th J'I rl"V lr. Victoria. n.C. or Pl.trlrt InrrMer. I iTinf Hiipxrl, H i:. TIMBER SALE X 4730. It thf? - -.... ..in lo drift Into Kilinburgl. and wa throwing mil challenge lo laknj ... i . ..... mi nil comers. mis proven n bit loo .strong for Hoc, who wa Mien ipiile an exponent wilh the sleep pillows. He straightway went u:i lo interview Jem, enquiring as lo whether he really meant what he said or not. Jem assured Hoc Ihal 1m nieanl every word. At thul Don threw Ills glovo lo Mm ground as a chal lenge. Of course It was un old Minuter of tamU, at vlctoru, not "''f, glove and Hon iliilll t iii..n tiiMKi on the Iflh day or uiy, ioj, ,.,.,.. .. i i.,i ,l( n .... f 1 1.. .t me. in i ihi.iK n in ., mind Jem However, I he cul fitd.ooo feet tr Fir.' r.ertar ami lprue ni,sJ, of lllC wholo llllllg wa ,. ih j:.4. arc. lo. tuwukhip . "- ,.. hlin i.,.,. vtwn ,,n with Twit'lli' iVara win 'be allowed for re-'j,.m M a barh al a place called, "'iMr'wrTirMiera ft th. chief rorta-jlt coun.ied something like lloooh tr. Vlftnriar B.o. or DUtrltt roratur. ion JlocOy, for 0I1C quid a side, prince nuprrt, B.C. i ' Reoubllc With Good Ca.ch N ( '11m American eiooner He- puldic, Capt. II. Iteilan, arrived) in port on Tliurday mornlnvl wilh 02,(100 iMuii.l. of halibut. - Chamolon Loo Salvager Skipper Hilly Thane, of I'lie power boat Wigwam, (.apt. purl on Thursday morning lo pick up boom of In? at Slephen' and Hiinda Island. Fish Business Durinir llm week 122,100 pound of halibut has been mar keted lliroii'gh Uip Klsh V.-change. 'Hie highest price paid was Km. mid 1 1.5c. and the lowest t:t.5c and It). Sc. 'Hie arrivals were: F.aslern I'oint, Dis covery, i ranus, nsiungion, Anna J., Tlllic, S., N'orimn, Hirdie It., Fisher. Dolphin, l.jllian M.. hi, Weslemer, Onowa, Mar- 1J JJIilf L7.1 amtJswiw:aiirgfriSkiliRfcBJ i. i im iri itau neen a very nc-j d of.f What is this magic remedy that relieves Stomach Misery so quickly? What is the reason for The answer is that J0-TQ Jo-To is sold in drug stores, under a Binding Guarantee of harmlessness and satisfaction or jftoney Refunded. Gas Pains, Sour Stomach, Acidity, - Heartburn, Bloating and all After-Eating Distress ' Compounded in the laboratory of the be in port, wenl out on picnic , Iravel a fal on Mm nillwTiy a;'"?. WliHW Star, I'. Horeei. , He- fmnl for llm .lay but Mm rain on il doe on Mm drink I.e., would -pencer, none, rr.- Monday force.1 ..everal of MmSvear the rail of Mm X..S.H. io,'' v, noyai. .viiiance. rair oi V. K. William ha recently itipi purchased a new power boat. good hip Karen, relumed lo pnr! w,,irh ,0 u f : i.. 1. ll.a ,.iiri,.. l'NI; erll"e Oil a ... I ' 1. .' : 1 oi nulling in imaiiii noum in order once again. Hilly lias been busy a run lid Stephen's Island and in hi spare time has been studying Hie valuer of salvaged A few of llm high liotd squndllog. Having arrived at Mm con- were tandine ar-ruud oullde Mmicluslon that there is money jn jy"""..-..... ...... . .,.. ,.,.,.,- fish houses on Thursday iirorn-ihg and Mm conversation wa naturally all about llm Gibbon-Hempey fight. Several of the boy, who had studied llm milled art watching Mm movies, were telling nf how easy II was lo knock a rood uriin out if Im wan'l looking, wlmn Hoc. r.lap-perlon tippenred on llm scene and look Mm centre nf Mm slirge. Hoc reminded Mm hoy. of Mm good old day when fighler stripped lo llm waist and with bare knuckle endeavored to leave a trade mark for life on Mm anatomy of hi opponent. Hoe Inld of one scrap he witnessed outside I'dinburgh when llm conic. Innl fought d long that limy . . a ..in ia rif-'iii. nv I ttr . ... ... . . i - ing a a lit little 1 1 a .nu.f ... no- ss.ura yarn. Mm gaum, and needing recreation. Kill ha been hauling in ii few of the drifter lo enable' him lo make the end nf life lap over n lilllfl. Eleanor Busts Head l'leanor Mac had llm misfor- Pleasure Boat Launched Tim coastal cruiser Philill, owned by Messrs. Philpnll A F.vill, is Mm latest aciuiitiin In Mm pleasure fleet. Tim new arquatic wonder i of Mm Oliim- headi1''"" riv,r "' un',1. l,,,m ,m lii..e lo bust, a cylinder early in the week which ha put her skipper, Jimmy Thomas, in had lemper. Jimmy l.ad intended to lake I'.leanor mil in Mm fih packijig paine. 11 ha been necessary lo sen. I. to ?an Francisco for Hie new pari and Kleanor will be'hor.ih rombal for Hie next couple of weeks. lirMI inilirn ill,, " l..v... .-.r ..l.l flir.t inhir. I IA .ii .. . ., 1... i..,i.i.r i.r Lind. at Vlri.irw. iHit uirr h i '. juiauue IvCICIIUIll, If 1 1 iiim iHN.it i un- iih 'f ,"Ly;ii,?'1 hotil ended, and we an . a.. .Iitai I a I'M fil It ..inntr.1 .i-.ui i iiniM ( " ."lira me along. si.ii.si. C.N.H.. ntnrr , "l -n.l l"' ,,(r not .lis real story Wording lo llm lein Mace, I ho old I ho latest plan. The six h.p. j'almer is itislalle.1 In Mm stern vvliilc a roomy cabin occupies llm fore pari of llm hull. The observation cabin is arranged between llm cabin and engine. 'Ill.e Sugn yard have executed the remodelling etc. Lelnlsh Is Sick The l.einish, tapl. Joe Howe, flagship in Hie fishery palrol service, wa towed into porl during the week stilTering wilh heart trouble. II seems that the in-tent ions of Mm box of works are goo.) hut its heart is not strone enough lo carry Mmm out. Then. I'ollarl, Mm owner, is to be called into consultation with llm X, M, experts, in nn endeavor lo loeato the exact trouble. Bouquet Presented to Jim A beautiful bouquet of clover studded Willi dandelions was recently presented lo James Lee, by fellow members of the Fish kxehunge, for his repealed and successful efforts in being the n.t fish buyer lo nrrivc. Tlilsjs n distinction thai only old menu liers of the exchange can enjoy. A medal, inscribed with u bed, goes wilh Mm bouquet which will he worn hy Jim on all stale its sudden jump to fame and favor? is guaranteed to be absolutely harmless and that thousands of people are commencing to know that Jo-TO brings quick, certain relief from such stomach ailments as A teaspoon fu! of Jo-To ttken before brezkfast gives the stomtcb und bowels a thorough cleznsing without discomfort or inconvenience. Francois Lake. The new craft left for Ihal point on Mm, freight Iram lliis morning. Tim dimension are 2H feet loup x 5 fool beam and her speed of seven kind i derived fnmi n four h.p. X. engine. The JO-TO CO. OF CANADA LIMITED 456 Hastings Street East, Vancouver, B. C. NOTE Out-of-town people can (if their druggist is not able to supply them) secure Jo-To post paid by sending $1 to the above address. -ALL DRUG STORES - Two Sizes, 50c and $ 1 iruerile, Hringgohl, Senllnel, Vik- IJ 4 .V aBl ,? m Starch... Are you washing the most expensive way? Do you ever stop to'consider the cost of having your washing done at home the laundress' wages; the soap, starch, electriqity, fuel, and other supplies? v Then there is your time surely it is worth something. And always there is a house upset; the bother and annoyance of having a wash-woman around. Save all by sending us your family bundle. We have a wide range of family services, one of which will exactly suit your needs. Phone to-day and have us explain them. Canadian Steam t Laundry Phone 8 hjhe ' gunaru