ynday, December 5, 1932 THE DAILY NEWS I Thousands of People Read The Advertisements on This Pase Every Day RENT THAT ROOM, SECURE HELP, SELL FURNITURE. REALESTATE, ETC., ae A CLASSIFIED —e eee aT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS for rent, ter sale and all other small advertisements in this section charged at the rate of 2 cents a word per insertion with six insertions for the price of four. By the month the charge is 25 No advertisement take fer less than 5c. FOR SALE HOLLY for Sale, 30¢. a puund de- vered. P. Jacksen, 1242 Rich- ardson Street, Victoria, B.C. 222 FOR RENT mw) wv wi 4¥Y Renovated moacern flat Rand Block. Max Hellbrone: STORE for Rent, Third Avenuy adjoining Wrathal! low renta MeClymont . ROOM for rent in private home Centrally located. Board if sired. Phone Green 938 P nm N oane _DAIRIES All Our— Milk and Cream SHIPMENTS Guaranteed Bulkley Valley Product; DANCING x PIANO TUNING yeti 657 PIANOS Tuned $3.00. W For FRESH LOCAL MILK | Phone Red 608 or 953 HOUSES for sale « rent FOR SALE OR RENT TRANSFERS DOMINION DAIRY 8 Quarts or M Pints for $1.00 Hart WANTED WANTED—Smal) furnished hous r flat. about $25 a month. Phone CLEANING & PRESSING PRICES reasonable Benkendor! Third Av next to Dai News HAIRDRESSER The AUCTIONEER | PRINTING OFFICE SUPPLIES Ss re r. © sit ceins sali adie saa Rose, Cowan & Latta ME... Look to the Name! UR “Ringletie” Permanent Wav Special still o $3 } Beauty Pa! LOST ST Lef 1 No. J5é Fi i turn to Box 157 Dail New RAMRMMIN T ea eh Le OME SS Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND | SHIPYA RD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,000 tons ¢ Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Tren and Brass Oasting Electric and Acetylene Welding 50+ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts Sawmill and Mining Machinery Repaired and Overhauled 6 STE *« ®&TAMELESS” lamps cost you money in early burnouts and higher electric light bills. EDISON MAZDA Lamps save you money by giving more light—better light—and ionger Insist on lamps that bear this name. MADE IN CANADA EDISON @ MAZDA LAMPS CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. LIMITED Guide to Correspondents fhe Daily News welcomes correspondence on live topics of the day or any other sub ject of public interest, but let- ters must be brief and to the point, The long-winded cor- respondent has no place in modern journalism Every letter must be signed by the writer, not necessarily for publication but as a mat- ter of good faith and courtesy All unsigned documents g0 to the waste paper basket. Let ters of a caustic characte! must have the signature ap pended for publication Letter should be written on one side of the paper only Correspondents must avetd personalities and the language should be such as would be al lowed in the ordinary rules of debate. Because it doesn’t pay to advertise poor products, It does pay to buy those advertised a “TILLIE THE TOILER” TO KEREP BLU THE TEAM? c TEAM WHEN a PRACT GE AS “Ar TER \CHRISTMAS een ee —————— | IN STORES sack, $1.40 to | Beets, 6 Ibs. |Parsley, bunch Turnips, 8 Ibs. Carrots, 8 lbs. Green Peppers, Ib. Sweet Potatoes, 3 lbs. Hothouse Tomatoes, lb. Parsnips, 6 Ibs. B.C. Cauliflower, 20c to Onions, B.C., 6 Ibs ‘ Wubbard Squash, lb. —.......0... Celery, head, 8c to Spanish Onions, lb. Garlic, imported, per lb Savoy Cabbage, each, 12 to Cabbage, local, green California Head Lettuce, 10c to Brussells Sprouts, Ib 1.70 , Dates, bulk, Oe Wii ca .25;|Lemon and (range Peel ....... 25 | Spinach, lb. 10 Flour Flour, 49's, Nb: 1 hard wheat 1.35 Second Patent 1.25 Pastry Fiotr, 10 lbs 45 to 50 Aust. Pastry flour, 10 lbs. 40 Eggs Alberta Seconds, doz 25 B.C. Fresh Extras, cartoned 50 B.C. Fresh ‘Fifst, doz 45 Local, new laid, doz 55 Butter Fancy cartoned, Ib 34 No. 1 Creamery, 3 Ibs 90 Honey Extracted Honey, per jar 20c to 30 Com Hone 25 Oneese Ontariv solids, new ib 25 Ontario iy ature, Ib 30 Stilton, lb 3 Edam, lb ’ Roquetort, Ib. 3’ Gorgonzola, Ib ny) Sugar White. 100 Ibs 5.50 Yellow, 100 lbs 5.00 Lard Pure, lb. 15¢ to 17 Meas Turkey I 30 Fowl, No b 25 Roasting Chieken, Ib 30 Ham, sli first grade 35] Ham, pienic, first grade, bb. 18} Veal, loin, |b 30 Veal, shoulder, lb. 20 | Beef, pot roast, lb : 5 | Beef, boiling, Ib., 10c to 15 | Beef, roast, prime rib, lb 22 Beef. steak, lb, 25¢ to 30} Lamb, s! ler, Ib 16 Lamb, le 25 Lamb Cl lb 25 Mutton, shoulder, lb 18 Bacor de. sliced, best grade 30} Pork shoulder, Ib. 15 | Pork, lo b 20 | Pork, le 20 Pork, dry salt, Ib 18 Fish | Smoked Kipvpers, lb 15 Salmon, fresh, Ib 15 Halibut, lt The Masked Marvel ; mel Ld weeboee UT Bot oo a [ "TO ME an “TELL “THE BoSS Vir MEET Him AY THe GAM ee 15 ioe edie ib. 4040 « Delicious, fancy wrapped, Ib. 08 barometer, 30.59; ‘temperature, 36: Tuesday——ss, Cardena ....1:30 p.m. Pa le Ib. a ‘The onthe ‘Steamship Sailings OT 2.50 05! prinee Rupert—Part cloudy, calm, | *9F Vanconver— per box 2.7 \sea smooth. | Thurs.—-ss Prince Rupert, 10 pm Seasonal Goods N Naw Being Offered | | Delicious « ‘C” Grade, wrapped | Dead Tree Point--Clear, calm: | Ss. Venture ...... midnight —Price of Turkey is Low | ‘per box 2.35| barometer, 30.38; temperature, 34: | ah hte Prin. Adelaide 10 p.m. This Winter | Delicious, bulk, lb. a 96 sea amecth. | . 16as.'Prin. Norah ...... pan. — | per box 2.00; Triple Istand—Part cloudy, calm; ‘ie Vancouver— 5 Housewives will be gratified to!Wagner, bulk, lb. F' n0a moderate Sunday—ss. Cardena ............ p.m. hice that turkeys will be more| per box 1.75! Langara Island—Overeast, light) Wed.—ss. Prmce Rupert 9:30 _ reasonable in price this Christmas |Grimes Golden, bulk, Ib. 06 | northwest wind; moderate swell. | Thursday—ss. Venture than in _ years, The price for | per box 1.60, wha Fiiday—ss. Prin. Aiiplaiie . Ba Thanksgiving was 35c per pound | Fruits ‘tobe eaten eeeee + Dec. 14—ss. Prin. Nerah . but for Christmas the very best valencia Oranges. ...doz. 25¢ to 80! » 4! Dec. 29—ss. Prin. Norah ...... -. grades will be offered at 30c. Meat Jap Oranges, box 95\% The Daily News can be pur- # |For Naas Kiver and Port 3 prices genetally are weak at pre-|1emons, Cal. large 55\@ chased at— a Sunday—ss. Cardena ........ 8 p.m. woah particularly lamb and pork. | Grapefruit, Calif., te to 10;@ Post Offiee News Stand. 325 #/"rom Naas River & Port Simpson— Various lines of Christmas goods jcranperries. Ib 30!» Granville St.. Vancouver 4 | Tuesday—ss. Cardena ...11:30 a.m. are now making their appearance | pos p< Anjous, doz. 40¢ to 50.* Karl Anderson. Prince 4| Vor Stewart and Anyox— in local retail stores | Pomegranates, each, 5c to 10\# George. B.C. @, Sunday—ss, Cardena ...... 8 pm. Retail prices current nere at pre- | Emperor Grapes, 2 Ibs 35'® R. W. Rilev. Terrace. B.C ¢#| Wed.--ss. Prince Rupert, 4 pgm. ;sent are as follows: | Bananas. tb. = 15 © General Store. Anyox @}frem Stewart and Anyox— | @| Tuesday-ss. Cardena .. 11:30 aum ; * Smithers Drug Store, Smith- # uesday—-ss- ; : Wegetatins Pood — pens le ers. BC @| Thurs—ss. Prince Rupert, 8 p.m. \Potatoes, 13 to 15 Ibs .25' White Figs, tb. . 125} tthe eee eee eee eee Por Occan Falis— Tuesday—ss. Cardena ....1:30 pm. : Thursday—-ss. Venture .......... p.m. - a1, arene Peel sentnrersth 30| wainuts, shelled feaues silo As} Friday—ss. Prin. Adelaide . pan. 25| Prunes, 30-40," Ib. 15 | peanuts nec ccnnen. cows AS) Prem Ocean Fali— 26 | Prunes a, Ib ro Feeé | Wed.—ss. Pr. Rupert 9:30 ...a.m alee ee oe at ee Wheat, No. 3 Alberta .....cc. 1.75! Friday—ss. Venture ............ pm. 2 ah pw : 2 oe Wheat, Bulkley Valley ............. 1.75) Ss. Princess Adelaide pm. 20 | Raisins. Cal. seediess, 2 Ins “* | Oats 1.55| Fer Queen Charlotte Islands— | i a i 130 Dee. 16.and 30—ss, P. John 16 p.in. gin hs ; | Shorts 1.35 Frem Queen Charlotte Islands— 25 Apples, dried 18) viddlings 1.85’ Dec. 14 and 28—ss. P. John ...am. 8 | Peaches, Peeled 18 | Barley 145 Ger Alaska— 15 | Black Cooking Figs, lb. 10) Laying Mash 255 Dec. 14 and 29—ss. P. Norah a.m. og Nuts jOyster Shell oe 1.90 From Alaska— Almonds, shelled Vailencias Mh eel Bethp. uw. ohechece. 290 Dec. 4 and 18—ss. P. Norah p.m. 18 | california soft shelled Walnuts 35\Ground Oil Cake 2.85 from Skeena River— aR Walnuts, broken shelled .30|Fine Oat Chops 1.65 Thursday—ss. Venture ........ p.m. 15 ee meant = Last Opportunity This is the last opportunity for those trying to win a doll under our subscription | ‘ampaign. These who have not entered by tomorrew will not have a chance. Act quickly. For Any Little Gul in the City of Prince Rupert . _ | ‘ es How to get one of | Get an Adorable se Se ee ere oe eS these Dolls FIVE DOLLAR | ' Any girl in the city can BABY DOLL ret this doll by exerting a T inctle effort and doing a t ittle work for the Daily News. Get six new subserib- A Beauty ers to the paper ‘and collect One Dollar from each. The “Baby Betsy” is a very pretty doll. Her ff} subscribers receive the pa- : per for 10 weeks. legs and arms are of Tru-Flesh rubber | Call av the Daily News of- with all the softness, color and texture fice and see the doll. Then , af ian) waa’ of the human body. Her eyes are beau- [| : »*< ‘NV Ns | REMEMBER that the subseriptions tiful and she goes to sleep like a real ; ust be mew enes. Girl living out- | ide of Prince Rupert may get a Sel ‘hy resting is -cntes saneny ans ched. She is just the doll that every girl |) subscriptions at $3.00 each. oe baby. She eries when her legs are pin- ies Wi Want at Christmas, A little extra work gives the winner of the doll a beautiful layette or a pillow ‘ and blankets for the doll. ; | Wheres TTHE SAID Heb , ay Saititeic. BOY. “WHO'S STATS | er MAN WITH THE MASK HE'S ~—MEET YOU AT . THE GAME - He a HAD TO HURRY . \ | out 24ND Give Him TEAM LAST MINOTE - INSTRUCTIONS )EB MAC & Jf Biot tar eS eres —— | Sr = =