..vW lifKH BownoTOLWn POWER Whatever be tha Talcum ijou use personal !if Remember Babq must hove flCdMCn The Daily News , PHINCti HUPKUT - B1UT1SII COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue, ri. P. PULLEN. Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: CityiDeiivery, by mail or carrier, per month. . .$1.00 Uy mill to all parts of the British Empire aiid the United States, indvanc, per year tfi.UO To ail other countries, in advance, per year, u $7.50 TELEPHONE 01 -transient Uispfay Advertising $1.40 per inch per insertion transient Advertising on Front Page .......... .3S2.XO psr inch Local Headers, per insertion . 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion .15c per agate line . Contract Rates on Application. WASHING GOLD BOMTHESAND Plant Mow at Work at asset t Doing Well UKtXY TO BE SUCCESS ditions is Old System With Slight Improvements Being Adapted to Con 4making other small improve- m pan l"ngl.ene, Ry hTf! Pollen s,,f! 'l-eed increased I be en. the'"'"'', Cold is beinjr washed from t .r iwJ "'i,,-iiAbnwn charge ways he dunks Islands by the New : .Moon Dredg ing Co. of Massett and the work seems to he -a financial success. The finicial return is t he test oi success because il it is financially suceessiBl the industry will continue whereas if .it is a financial failure its life: will he 5a short one. In th if the iNinrpaitv can show that it is paving :ood dividends other will start up and very non gold' washing in the neighborhood of 'Massett will pnve one of the staple industries of the place. Simple Process It is a very pimple process, this washing of th sands. It has often A-n I riet before and faileil. Xnw it seems as if it is likely to prove successful. There are two pumps, one lo provide a head of water for the hydraulic nozid-with 'which Ihe sand is loosened up ready for Ihe Miction pump If take it. The other pump sticks up water sand, jrraxel hnI even mek and end them; out oyer : siecially prepanHpslnice. In (bis sluice box is what is technically known as a jrriiiley that thrown off the -rfiiHand 'other, coarse, material. The pravel and sand Hows down a box twenty feet lonp and Hie bqtlom of this box is so prepared that it catches Ihe Mdd in the. riffles .alonpr with the heavier andnhd uravel and this Is later concentrated anil Aives forth, Ihe pure pold. Brick Is Shown The owners of I lie plant aIiow lillle 'byl'di of pure pold which Ihny have already taken oul. This ttvenapeil i.02 a cubic yard of sand. Ill-addition lo Ihe pold which is taken from the. sand there is a small amotinlnX plal iniim which Is valued atOe a cuhic, yard. II is loo early yet fo lell what 250 yanlsa day would be a onable estimate to make. Is Enthusiastic canm and other places. reas Philiberl LouaMs the enpineer in charpe at present. He is very enthusiastic over the results so far obtained and predicts much better results in future. Theie are .nnlyfite partners' concerned in Ihe operations. : v There should be no difficulty in eontinuinp operations on the seashore where it js, easy lo pump the waler to be used in sluiciiu'. Hie farther inland they so Ihe more difficult this will be. As (here is do other water there, the .ea, water has lo be relied on al most wholly in order to carry on Ihe work. FROMMiY STATES TO PRINCE RUPERT Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Slee In Citv. the Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Ward, Atlln Ave. Mr. and Mrs. A. It. Slee of Ihe Malay States are in Ihe ejy Ibe guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Ward, Atlln -Avenue, Westvif.-w. They have been visiting in England and are now on their way home, their trip taking them light around Ihe world. Mr. Slee is. engaged ip the rubber business iu the Malay Slates. Mrs. Slee is a sister of Mrs, Ward. They arrived frdiii 'Vancouver on Ihe Prince Rupert Ksler.day on Settlers' Road Bridges J- thorization mud." Iiv Hon. Dr. W. II. Sutherland, minister of public ' works. ; 1 llcniircd the appmprialnns for the district arc as follows: Cov-ernnienl Ranch lo 'IVIkwa, 5.00O; Keefe's Landin? lo Oolsa Lake road, .nri0; McDonald's Landing Road, 3,5(l(); mm Live Crock al Wistaria lo .adina llridge, 7.U0fl; Ootsa Lake P.O. o Wistaria, 5,00n Hums Lake-Kndako. 1 5.000; Unclm Lake Road, l,jfln; Colleymonnl, '3,-' 000. Announcement is also made that .the coal mini bridge in In All ndvtertUinr hnnld he in The riadv' 'OflW nn rta n. ; Fnr.i-fJenrjre-llaiellon road is lo eadin Dublication. AH advertising received subieet to amiroval ho rcpi-uoi nun a nnpn amber of Audit Bureau of Circulations. -DULY ZDITIOlf Tuesday, August f. 1923. nn. and and FINE CROPS AT OONAH REPORTED BY FARMERS Ihe cost of operating' the Iiy draulic plant will be. Possibly inporcher Island Settlement may lie done for the platinum I lint is obtainable. At the most it should not be more Ihan fifty enls a yard. The manager of Ihe iplant says fifteen centswill cover me cost, i-.vcryinmg iepeni uimmi the a vera?! speed with which the plant, can be operated. At present the nen are preen 'at the job yet have been gelling I through fifty yards a short slii ft. Ity putting in more pipe ami Is One of the Best Developed Places In District Boasts Seventy People Handlers from Oonah River, Porcher Island. rejorl exeejlion- ally fine crops of kale, rahhape and other vegetables tliere (his summer. The weather has been ideal this year and the crup have been belter than eer. 11' is expected that Ihe produce will I find a ready market in Prince Ruu'rt later in the season. Oonah, Hivar has developed into a 'thriving settlement and is said to be one of Ihe best agricultural snots in Ibis district. There are seven larpe farms there besides many small tracts. The place now has a population of aboul "0 people. OLD GARBAGE WHARF SHOULD BE REMOVED City Council Receives Notice This Effect From N. B. Walton, C.N.R. Rev. William" Fisher of Kir- minphani, Knpland, chaplain the Triennial Council of the Triennial Council of the Orange master of Lodge of gran. I maalnp nf I ti a ttsonlntn . t it,A rIl..i ' TTTl DAILY JIEWB " 'omineca district UINRER FXPORT IS ON INCREASE Minister of Public Works An-, nounces $46,000 to b. Spent I I VICTORIA, Aug,.. An appropriation of $Mi,00rt mi public works in the rapidly, growing district nf fkiiitti,iii f.ir i,tlllprs mail and bridges is announced this week "among a list of au to The city council receive notice last night from X. li. Walton. 0. X. It. general superintendent, that Ihe obi garbage wharf off Wostvlew' was in hail stale of repair necessitating ils demolition. iTIie matter was referred lo the Hoard of Works for report. Aid. CoJIart expressed surprise that Ihe wharf was in such a had con- hlitjon as was indicated. HIGH OFFICERS OF ORANGE LODGE TO BE HERE THIS WEEK Production In British Columbia Since first of tsar raks All Recoftf The Mm'ber-production or Columbia broke all records luring Ihe first six months or dins jfiir, iiir mmi'iiiii World. Practicatly every mill in Ihe province is makiup additions to its plant, nnddopping romitaitie., widclt. have been working al capacity most of the year, are preparing lo still further increase produrtRin as soon as the advent of rain makes longing less dan gerous. Prince Rupert, which up to this year has never exported lumber. is now a port of call for a regnlar line of government boats plying direct lo Ihe Orient with lumber. Ihese statement are British Columbia-' answer lo the pessi mist. The-effert of the prosperity of the lumber Industry-- Ihe biggest industry in the province is indicated by the facl that lai! ijftjr lumber and allied industries i I aid a I bird of British Columbia's wages. Nearly 20.000 workers were engaged, and their pay, cheques totalled ?8,50fl.OOO. Business has been big, not. withstanding the fact that up to Ihe present the prairie market has not come up to expectations, but with an enormous crop expected lumbermen are trying catch up with their back orders and prepare for a record export to Albert, Saskatchewan and NOTICE OF UNION OF B.C. MUNICIPALITIES CONVENTION RECEIVED Notification was received by Ihe city council last night from A W. fSray of New, Westminster, secretary, that Ihe. annual meet, ing of Ihe Union of H.C. Mtinlci. palitles would be held here Aug. 22. The letter also suggested that any resolutions ibe council may have for the meeting be forwarded to the secretary. Citv Solicitor Jones aid the only im portant resolution 'was in regard In Ihe limitation of asessinent appeals before the court of ri vision. The letter was referred to the finance enmmillee for report as was aKo a letter from the fiood Roads League requesting payment of the city's fee of 0. The convention of the laller body, which usually .goes with Ihe municipali lies meeting, is not being held in Prince Rupert this -year hut will instead he held in Vancouver Im mediately before the municipal delegates sail for here. HEAD OF SALVATION ARMY COMING HERE Council Accepts Invitation For Mayor to Preside at Meeting and Council to Attend An Invitation from Capt. A. rVil rr n n nf !, vn l-a 1 1 v. A - iiiuu o; ,iivj (T'ni v at mil iiij uri HIT- UUiyiff Ml Iir"Mll III H iiHHtinp to be hHil in lh cily on i. .... nn it. . r.o,ltr nf i Ik. AVrl.i i.i " "u i"" occasion Ol I0 Catt of London, deputy of London, will arrive in the cily Tiln"N ? T after looking into the liniberlvisil lo Canada IJ-OSIieCIX al V.VIOreSllV IsIulWl runanl n,.41.,.. l OLD CHUN TOBACCO ""mil,,,,., ....., iik- iiii- visit here of Comnfander and rZl nJL 'Mw. Hodder was accepted by the s lo each of the aldermen lo attend ' " : 'l Z ."r, "I ?ndV night being the regular ...... -.,i i , Hiey slimned olT al Ihe Kelly- Kellv II... the firnn.l fJrand rirnn,, Orange I Lodge ' nf .ti,,,, lo POslpone Can- ada. 7,. - 0 i Commander K. t...,,l'n,l,r'ls '! bead head , of of the Salvation Kukukawa, C. Kukukawa and 'ibis m.u ue,.v rf f, u. .. p.i . Ikeda, arrived here last night lo v..Wn.,v.f -ri. TI.AO limn MA I ri. nl .Arr,,y fnr Western Canada. ii iiii-i-iiuK n.iie u was ne- until y'nesday night casion. (he for BOAT ARRIVALS meeling he oc- Delayed 2 hours on account of fog that was "a thick as mush" anil also on account of heavy freight handling al Ocean Falls, Ibe C.N.R'. steamer Prince Rupert, flapl. I). Donald, arrived from Vancouver and waypnrls al 5:.10 .yesterday afternoon. The vessel hud a big passenger list which included the following persons debarking here, marjy of -whom look he evening train for the east: .1. Daly, Mr. Colli,., Mrs. Howen, Mrs. T. Ileiixe.ll, p. Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. M. Heap. Ulr. and Mr. J. M. Carrulhers. Or. and Mrs. Service, Mr. und Mrs. J. II, Fos ter, Mr. (iibbons, Miss Jlarrison, Miss Midi-.ll, Miss Caldwell. Mori II. Craig, R. M, Marsh. Mrs. C. .!, Nelson and -daughter, Mr. and Mrs. V. Ptolemy, Miss .Plolemy, Mrs, (Iibbons, Mr. FranVeaii, Miss O. Shipman, V.. V. Heaton The ideal summer diet Tucsdriy, -'AttfttMt "7. 1958 Whole wheat, f resli fruits and green vegetables are the ideal diet for the -Summer days but be sure the whole wheat is cooked in a digestible form. In making Shredded Wheat we use onlv the large, perfect, plump grains of wheat, and we cook them in steam, draw them into fine, filmy shreds and bake them in coal ovens. We do all the cooking for you in our sunlit, sanitary kitchen. Shredded Wheat can be served in hundreds of delicious dishes in com bination 'with fruits and vegetables. Contains all the bran you need to stimulate bowel exercise. TRISCUIT it the Shredded Wheat cracker .m real whole wheat toa it oaten with butter, soft checte or nisr iiiiiladct. Ti Can ad U a BhrrddMi Wkrat Company, 1 14. Shredded Wheat Strength fir ihe hoi days Mr. (".lit lii-roe. Mrs. Wooliams and children. Mrs. Kingston, Mr. T. , Christuphcrsoii and -child, U A. Whilrnaii, 11. Stanton, Masters .1. and U. Fosjer, It. Foster. Mrs. McNeill, Ml.s McNeill. Cot. and Mrs. F. A. Kidd, Capl. II. It. Hah-iiiglou, Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Slee. Mrs. V.. L. (iiessernan, Mrs., Rryaii, Mrs. W. F- Jtaillie and son, Miss F.lizaheth l'oler, .Mis lylith foster, A. Scott. Mr. AVil-i mot, J. W. Xirhols, Mr. and Mr. , W. A. L. Armstrong, 1- llvey andj children, Mr. and Mrs. F.. Poole. W. C Lyons, Air. and Mrs. F. . Dinsinore, Miss Diusnmre, II- C. Crawfonl, Mrs. II. K. Ross -and) daughters, Mr. Courtier, .1. Fj McCready. Mr. and Mrs. F. II., Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Weeks i and child. HEAD OF CONGOLEUM RUG COMPANY PASSED THROUGH CITY MONDAY Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Foster and; family and Dr. nnd Mrs, Service of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, j made up a lour parly of ten per-! sons which arrived from the;smlh on the steamer I'rince Rupert yesterday afternoon and left mi.., Ihe evening train for the llasl. They are slopping off at Vander- ioof and will proceed lo Stuart Lake for a flshfng espedilio.i, Mr. Foster Is presiile.nl of the famous Congil"um Rug Co. ENJOYABLE DANCE AT BUCKLEY BAY IlUCKLFA'tBAV, Aug. 7 There was a dance on Saturday night ii: the Cominunily Hall here under the auspices of the Huckley Hay Social Club wliich -was attended hy most of the young people in lown nnd was much enjoyed. Music wan provided hy Hud Por-lelanee and W, S. While, assisted by members of the F.. F.I Clcula. Ice cream and cake were served at intervals and the punch bowl was kept filled most of (he lime. The event was In charge of a commitlee consisting of Mrs. Marletl, Mrs. Poole, C. II. Srlgley pnd J. Finlayson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dubord ar rived on last night's train from Terrace and are registered at the llo.'el Prince Rupert. IBBIi'llUBBflM J-BB--B-L CATAfHtH BLADDER coumhrftttt fYilleite Gold-plated Safety Razor Price $1.0,0 9 Here U the fcicRcst rator value in twenty years. Through a fortunate pur chase, we offer this gold-plated genuine madcdiv Canada Gillette at an unheard-of price. Complete in every detail BBSfi Vk Kskl " -SSB IYum Cillrrt't trr tun " nomdt' or "Amur Uh," TKt ' ilr tnanufMiurrd (.nuiat CiUlM I'fck, Ttitr rc ttjdr rprMfid tni Iiuiimh ikm lo tx rrfrtt l m.urid nj wixlm.niKip. Ch, your Usly. S'on uU to .lrt. ORMES LTD, Th'e 'Rexall 8tores. Phones 200, 81 and 13. 3rd Ave. and 6th. 3rd Ave and 2nd. We pay postage on oil mail orders. 5 minutes 8minuUr M. Jj! "'Ration fihown an lntere.tbjZ lest you tune superiority rt Z "S or Kood W" k,.lchn' li iove the enameled .ware for cooklnir Inu . i Pa" ?f.e'ullJ "W-nuuJeof.alBm-if c"ld water 4It SL ,nU wh' iilf b?S" lheS7i" Ware Sauce laa 7he w.S n,r.K,er?y ln ab"t-fivt minutea, while the ihl Kl boil l" abog( he'a,,:W uce pan will come to eljfht minutes-three minute, ionifer. .Save fuel in cooklnir. Use SMPdWARE "A Fat, ff P,rclmin mnd m H;rt fStr Mm ut whu. . w". IklM ,..u, tttkl ""sSo"TaeTAU pRO0UCT e.rj2ar" "0NTR. TOaONTQ ..Uimmid.. vSMrT VANCOUVgft CALOAay ,-'''' .Tit ',if Looal Aflant -Thompson .Hardware Co., Ltd., Third Ava.