$1 Sri; t IV' Si . m PAfiE TWO. THE TtKTLX XEW5L 1 Two generations have used yizde frees, frcii jcxtt ad tonics to rrt rid of Siociaeh, Liver. Kxi&er and San Iroctie. 25c and SCc a Lox at xD cU&krs. rXOT-A-TlTES 0 MLr.XT. daily tumos What Sir Henry Reall LIMTTED. OcUva. Oct. SMOKE ai unlay. Iwc. . not nuie i jrrarlwaWe. He -aid Iherr u-a omr H-e oh prairie-, though the exart fit had not jet been fixed, -wher here wuiild Ik a diridinr f Ihe -a . u-here wheal mm &.t of i -hould be -hiped by Parifie irl lo the wrkr aaarkfi. "' aim where wheat frown ea-l -iHiiiid be -hipped ea-tward. That, of rour.-e, wotild not be a hard and fa-t role, he deriared. I---eau-e in the rvent of -on?etHn at either end of the rail jrwraef. it. hoji!d always le po iWe to -witeh -hifniehls o there wold Ite no holding up of trafrw. Thn. too. he -aid. there wa- de-' velopiug quite a market in the Orient for Canadian eeral-. ad lhi dcvelonmeut would meaif that -hirment niirhl have to U. made lUnntfh Prinre Riuert. which jrt wa about 0 mile'1"1" nearer ins uneni man any omer Canadian port. Any preeDl; lark of adequate elevator facilities wa a detail which could Ie correrled, and which i in proee- of being eorrerted. Vancouver and PriBce Rujert -re a way- port". leeaa-e' of natural condition-. ImiI until there were the ecouomic condi-; lions backed by population -omewhere. Ihey were of little or; no ue. but now Iher- were the market- or the Orient and the! market of Ihe Old World, the latter beins available through) the Panama eanaL j "He had no fear that the hip- would not come if the grain i wa-there., for them. The matter, of -hipping mor and morej grain bV way' of Ihe Pacific 3rf wji recehiijg Ibr.mot care-fui ailenlioii of the dirrVlArabT.fi Ihe Canadian .National Rail-! way. .Sir llenrj aid. He a!-o dc-ired to ?xpre hi plea-iire ' at Ihe excellent work done by. Ihe we-1 em region staff, from general manager lo tram crew-, all ok whom, he -aid. had turned in and buckrd lo it and il wa largely through their eion mat me ylem had been bringing in the gram, aud the aii-ence oi evere fro-t had po-tponed Ihe cutting down of engine bd-. o that long train- could lill be moved a-lward." John Hart As . . Budget Maker. , llofii John Hart ha- recehed compliment- from financier-and luine-men in almol -eiery rrt of the world for hi finance -taletnent-. But all John Hart can do i- - arrange thf laxei that Ihey will prove a- equitable . prible and o fell alxiut the business that the common people may under-tand what it i all about. Jo"jn Hart, backed by the thr member of the cabinet, ha Ihi- year decreed that the l of one per cent on personal fn.periyhall Im? sliced in two and that the half only of a farmer real c!aie holding ball par The difference he l making up by placing a tax oU fuel oil and another on ga-oline. . H reducing the ir-oual 'property lax ilr. Hart i following out the desires of moM bii-ine people. Even the xn-mrer of Ihe government have never been able to defend it. Thy inheriied lh ytem and until Ihi- year have never dared lo change it becaue they needed the money. Now they have ifck'h a -tep in the -righl direclion. The merchant who makV no profit will thu pay f.nly half a- much on his Mock a- he did lat year. Taxes Must Be Raised Somewhere. Ihoe who object lo paying taxe Ihe mouev to carrv on Ihe Im-inp-- r.r miit remember lhat rat-erf .mewhere. Each one Iia- lo pay a -hare and there i no objeclion to paying a- ng an-ve are earnin?. What gall a bii-ine-man i having lo pay heavy lax- by raising a loan lo do it. Mo-1 of the -eveuleen million dollar the province ha to pay i fixed charge ari-ing from iulerct on tiidebledne,. ?m.-lly railway Imlebledne. ThU m.i-l b- paid, but il -hould be an awf.d example or what not to At in future. Road will hav loJ.e builL undoubtedly, but railway -hould 1 built eilher by Jhe Itonnnion or by pnvnfe corporation. jWperul tobacco company or J Be Mia ia tk Mew j I SAYSa- j K - . THIS . a ub) rrMBi-c It t- lfce rtt waer t tm? The Daily News PHI.NCK ItUFEKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afleraooo. except Sanday. tie Priact Rupert Daily News. Limited. Third At one. H. R PULLEX. Maaagiar Editor. lembar of AbK Bureau of CJrctilallons. f r caaaj frtead -ap- 'pel alfciag s..:mtmm He acu aaaaaBBaaaaa-ajM tt Im -ay tall-r -" Tae bub aae-j k ire !- WW there ia iht art 4 la MMlrr tkal tai e Hratfcer a- , aae Ik, war JITMilM. ay tae irn - NMr aai mi Karpe 4MH A crfRJUi-IrOXIiEST waal- av Ho lew W braaiteHe"-. I an i !aiz t rr the awer anr rerftre Ihe dale et br law will find Ibem-elve- unable to jrive anything unle- ihey nimmazr over Ihe fld preenl received durin? Ihe lat five year and lake a chance. RAMSAY Macdonald Ihink Ibe Dominion are efih in lakln; none bul Ibe be-t from the mother land. He ay be Ihlnl he might take ome of Ihe eeond yrade men a well ai Ihe bet. That' u loo. Rim. ay. The kind you are endm u are altogether superior. Give u a few erond srader. Ther 'mm,, OLD CHUN TOBACCO y I fta'iut&orgt I I ottl 1 K TCRONTO K I Ctr cf ShcecMQ B K. smcms ntxtti kari mhmz. I tuul for 4llr. I c--rt . Krili-tfc wait l , thei ix-r?i- i -. I OXCE alel a srirl waal pea ae Klot. The rejjr Ikval -ae wa- a4 racerne afcfMil hi- ma a bng a- hi ' -rgaatare wa all righl at tbe. aaax. j a " HF1I. aard-bif i- mtn aa ta wder ber facei laV mU cracker eroib. THI- eitv' ran Tai ia"I newj By person whom Tae tfller ebro-e. Each alderman and School tralw I. --4 u lbre Ry yoa and me. If Ihey are srnrt.L We tiarf I be fan. If Ihey are uni, Wc "hare Ihe blame; .Ullioujrk a man Mijrhl ell hi jvlf. Threii no way lo Elect bimcf. He mal sor forth Mir heep aad?1tai And e if ti can el lbir vote. Aal o who win Tae fizht Ibi year I, there beraue Hi view are clear. ery UJ Wilhin Ihe town Should aihble forth U'HUout a frown And mark a ballot, ' With Ihi thHjgbt: "Thi i the bisre-l Job I've ffol!" A H1NTKK lefl at Tm hx tae VWre rul-lf eal. ' nh jk .1.. tk. :. - . 'I-rralK am road ml trua4iHi if . "" - "! nrviafr .-- al Maiff ad a Munmary of H tr- ,m" of JL i.u tZT rra,.hfd Uirnfb lo Vtimtr RhjtL TW- I bat b rtV,y d. ' haM lVJS Tl-TLr ", k"r JjfcX- ' ar,rdin!r Ir. 1 '....- p-. i.t-M Im allraI if Ik?.4 ?,,W "There , aa larrra-iflr frrliey that more at -b.M,ld "rtrfj; T mtm1' j tbroori Parjfir frl arrordinr to the ,WeH( 11 aB - I ' m.ul lIay by ir llrnr) ThrHln. rel.ieHt of Ihe . ianalaa .ValioiiaJ I ail war-. am4 with thai idea hr i- n cnittfel- wwm IK I va BurriJ I buU Vh?at, -aid the rrridcal. mnl th- rheari rWteJ4 a '. f and thai rrMi(r i. lh- .hurl.! Und wimx . a wifr wM tb w ta imidy mHj U Unt Iob? Iobz a kTitr tr voyafr. voyafr. and and o l..ar btaf a a Hie the ul-rf m 1 wrbl aum obr .ZiiLi aa4 ew anR 'Perattar are la way Kale Her ax! exeefiBr Tae aaaler fimt bi nfV "rai?bt Aa4 -hl a Wr .GREAT TIME ANNUAL BALL Scotsmen Foceoathee at Audi torium and Dane. Until AT CA VUIDC fC AfT Early Hours lae annual bali ..f ibo SI. I Aivlrrw"- Swjrtjr wa well aa U Ih rlaaaant of imitar eenf in l be tw-L 11 wa hld . Ia" tai?bt ai Ihfe. auijjorMtn aad iv jw' ui ja. yan- mai wa dmw n r. Ihe afleadanre wa larjre laitd all -cMt in eniAy th f. a Slart. ' ia btzataad co-lame. aiaile a nx- cfl9cbMl ma-ler of eeremoaie- and a neded Im ait a dance. Tlie. quadrille- were ef ewwr- aoMtnt the deal af the eieainir tir lhe il wa ibat Ihe real ?H-Uien were -ea i advaalape. The afr errd in I be ral-Iry w-a- f auual exce-nee. 'Hie deeoralinn Included a plentiful display ef Hie' color of I be anHy and abided much to lb ireneral a;fearanee of the hall. Mair wa provided by Ihe Velh(dme rchetra with Art Kaon axoybone aubled and prior lo Ihe arrival of ihe play er Jli Blanch Curtin. Howard WE wih lo draw especial al-) While ami "Ororse Rorie. jr. lenlion lo Ihe fact Ibat the U I i provided bm-I excellent ub-lt- day fr urebaing Cliri-lma Mule rnuie. present i eloe at hand. Anyf The general arran?emeni failing lo make Iheir nurrhae !were in ihe hand of a corn- rniltee eon-Kling of J. impon. ti. AbUill. W. Rei.1, T. Heal lie. and J. S. Irvine, and they re ceived many congratulation on the excelletice of Ihe work they had done. THE SALVATION ARMY Commiiner Hodder. who ha command t the talvation Army In Wetern Tanada from the fireat Lake lo Ihe Pacific Coa&l and Ala-ka. and Mr. Hodder. will eondun necial meeline Ihi wTek end. oited by Lt.- Col. Taylor, field secretary. Staff K"apl. Carnifher. divi-ional eom- nnnder and Enim T. Mundy. the comrni-ioner' private ec. relary. MeeiuJ".', will be held in Ihe Citadel on Saturday at K p.m.. Sunday II ajn. and al 7JJ0 p.ni. In the Knipre Tliealre a lec ture will be phen by Commi. ioner llrnlder al 3 p.m. entitled "llie. Salvation Army in Many lnd .Mayor Newtfin will rre- eide, uprorlel by leading cili. Cornniiuner Hodder ha had command of Salvation-Army work In Japan. Xew Zealand. Holland and Ureal HriLaln. K Erie Markinloth i ailin? In. morrow nishl br Ihe sleamer prinre Rupert for Ihe outh en-roiile to San Francieo where he will Join hi narenl. Mr. and Mr. F. W. Mackintosh, who mined lo California recently. On hi way oulIi be will Mop off al Vancouver and Seattle. i jws W I1 1. w M w ' Jill 'S ,a w- WTWHm mi m i- YAS TROUBLED WITH SHORTNESS OF BREATH PALPITATION OF THE HEART s AND FAINTING SPELLS Wr X. KjmmmwT. Whtekw. 'UI rHe I klif Imtm In mm-t mil wa 4u4 b a rnewl trj vytmr.1 : wrr tniM 1 ftut. 4 I mnrt kMI , la mar toS f we. a M ynn t trr ni alvir lerf' Uie M. ttrnX wtm I feH aa rix f ar u naai , U I kite lo a H Ua a f tmm.. asf um iln -rtera tram ' heart trmiUr' MBtarar Nart aa4 err tytU trr tmr l an-arW. r Me4 awert m UbmI4. TmM. Hh FiveRoses ROUR When lluyinsr Flour ak --ur fSrocer for "FIVE, ROSES," t The World He!. John L. Christie Asenl: The Ideal Xmas Present for Ladies SPECIAL XMAS OFFER FOR MONDAY SELLING. 100 Per Cent Pur Wool SWEATERS Te he- a- In Pullover and Jackette Styles. !" Irviii if-tt ia ilk ! M fa-hHMiable .Tibcu. AT EXCEPTIONALLY LOW PRICES, beaulifat eid ii-rfi.l Sweater mul be rtearti the Uh Per lnl Pure 4 Scarfs in Irf-ani.ful -ri nur. fc uM i Reg vaine asLaaaaaaaaLaLaaaaaaaaalaaLaLaalLaaaa ,ni uu 1L.11UJ ui nut. frusa ftr - - ta BENT'S Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Third Avenue ROYAL PURPLE AND B.P.O.E. Bazaar and Old-Time CARNIVAL Elks Home, Tuesday and Wednesday OjK-nrd at 3 p.m. Tue-dav iy Kred Stork H P Ai-ied by Hi orhip Jdavr Xewior Exquisite Array of Handiwork will be Displayed In CeoUr Street Stores of the days of 180S. Special Mii-iral Program each rieniu and Eteal f Dance Wednesday Evening liertl I (M) : jA r BE A PIONEER FOR A DAY. m" 66 LUMINO" I Ihe !iel Aluminum Ware on Ihe market lflv N haj and mie. New cold handle Now in lipt T a our window nl bargain prices. Tel. 3. KAIEN HARDWARE CO. We Deliver. STEVE KING P.O Boi AD Wool Winter Underwear CEETEE VIKING WOLSEY. SPECIAL LINE. "Monarch Knit" Shawl Sweater Coats. Color Fawn, $5-00. Third Arenue Prince Rupert VACUUM PACKED COFFEE n Mr"KELLY. DQUCLAj j Mfg'aaaaaaal .riwwri'ui 'Oiiimrn n aswaimrassi raw ma wmmn