Saturday, .December 1, 1923. Mm nam 9 " ma Not so Sure of the Future You are concerned to provide for your old age. For when old ace comes you may not be able to work, and only the improvident will leave it to others to take care of them. By paying at the rate of twenty-nine cents a day between the' ages of forty and slxty-five years you may buy yourself a Canadian (Government Annuity of $500 a year, to commence at Rixty-five and last as long as life. You may buy an Annuity of any value from $50 to -$5,000 a year. There are Plans of purchase to suit all the young, the middle-aged, the elderly, the married, and-those having dependants. The Investment is safe. No medical examination is required. For further information fill out this coupon immediately and address it as directed. No postage necessary, as it Is Canadian Government business. Mail this Coupon No Postage Needed To rrjartmrnl of I Atxvur, Annnlllra Hranrli, IXItui, Onl. Naaa faa "llaarfhaak ( lafarraallaa" aad fall partlralara a la Mat at a CaaaOaa Oa?raaaal Aaaully, Mjr afa blnkday aa taara. Fall Naaia , (Mil Wkttbtr Mr.. Mra. or MIm) raat OMra Ain , luuti by; Department of Labour, Annuiliet Branch, Oltaica. 3010 $1.10. :illxt2--S1.G5. 12x12 $2.15. DISC WHEEL COASTER WAGONS. 12x28- $7.40. 1 1x:J2 $8.75. 11 Give the Boy ilk A a Sleigh a.' . . ' All our Sled mid SYiijfOu are e&lrii slnuig ami well finished. Made in &iuuda and nt tli"e price are bound to mint! I .!'. STERLING SLEIGHS. 3312 $2.40. 3JI2 $2.75. 10x12 $3.20. WOODEN SLEDS. Hound spring steel runners. McRae Bros., Ltd. "YOU HAVE THE GIFT LIST PROBLEM We Have the Answer Coiiw to our dorr mid our stork or French Ivory (looiU (n wide variety nt reasonable prices. Wuternuui Fountain Pens, rrom $2.50 XX'lrjijau Pencils from $1.00 K pjLpirP Pencils, from s .' 75c Aulogpjdiic Kodaks, from $6.50 llrowiile Cameras, from $2.00 "Ctrrmnms Crackers. IVrrinnes mid Toilet Waters, .''"'cnie Sets. Chocolales in Fancy Muxes, Clirislmn Curd. (.reelings and Photograph Calendars. Now Is the lime lo make your choice of gifts whih our nlftiY'Vuniplele. Any article will be set aside for you. ORMES LTD. Dispensing Chemists. The.,Reall Store. 3rd Ave. and 6th St. We Prepay Mall Orders. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Servicet Sailings from Prince Rupert S C PRINCESS MARY. Fof iTtnoouvtr, Victoria and Seattle, &r$ November 30, December 10, January 4 FwtKetchlkan. Wranaoll, Juneau and Skagway, November 2G, December 15, 31 8.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For fcliUdaU, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocea.i Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, avery Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. THE DAILY NEWS. PAGE THREE. EDMONTON TO HAYE Local and. 'Personal STATION AND SUBWAY B.C. Undertakers. Hayners. Undertakers. Phone 361.' if Order 'your coal from Haspv I'lione Hed 523. ir Interior Pasteurised Milk. Prince Iluncrt Dairy. Phono Ulack 21C. for Phono 13. - Phone 41. tf Choice Creamery Puller, 7 lbs. 1, w. .Moerscli, If 'V; O. Kullon left on last night's train for Port Kdwurd on a hunting I riii. The fir il'-paiimciil responded lo Iwo ularms ilurf iifir the month of. .November. There was no ilainage. Leslie V. reached I he cily l.y last night's train from Suiilhris and is registered at' the Prince Huicrl Hotel. Mix. .1. II. llildilch sailed this in 0 111 1 11 liy I hi. Mleaincr Veulure for Seal tie being called sOulh on acroiuil of her mother s serious illnecn. One extra Photo, value 11.25, mniiniH on Haby's special folder, free with everz nnler of Haby's photographs, mil il Xmas, 1023, al llcuson's Studio. SI. Andrew's Society Anni versary Service will he held 01: Sunday c cuing al the I'resby- teruiii Church. Members will ineel at the rooms al 0.15 p.m. - T. lion? MaeVay Is sailing this evening uy I lie Princes .Mary for 'anenuvir where he will al-lenil 1 he convention of the Pro vincial Parly which opens next Tuesday. . lleary XX". Muslard, inseclor for Hie federal departure of Aarirullurt with headquarters al X'uncouver, reached Ihe cily last night after a trip through Hie interior dMrlcl. He in regis-lere( al the Hole Prince Huperl tlirim Vn'Aiieio g.nioal in spector for Ihe Dominion Fish eries department, is returning lo X'ancouver by the Princess Mary this afternoon after having spent the jal week in the cily inspect in? the progress on the Iwo cruisers under construction at Hie Canadian National ship yard. ANNOUNCEMENTS lloyal Purple and Flks' Dazaar nod Old Time Carnival. F.lks Home. December i and 5. Salvation Arniv Ladies' Home League Dazaar, December G. 4 Paplist Church Dazaar, Dec. 12. in Church parlors. Mclhodist Church Dazaar. December 15. High School December 20. An Event Willi Wale Xmas. Concert, Make HerGraduation rim tradition of social generations has made a watch n filling gift for the grauuaung ooy. i.ei your daughter, too, who is graduating, know the pleas ore of receiving a watch. Here you will find watches that well express the senti ment you wish your gift lo convey. lleauliful small size engraven, in. long or octagon shapes, priced from 15.00 to ?05.00. XVe will tell ymj truthfully about Hie different kinds mid iiualilivs. XXVre. glad to show you. Bulger & Cameron Limited Jeweller. GIFTS THAT LAST E 1 j Tonight- Tomorrow Alright NRTabLf (Itk IkWkK rail Mliau. Oaakt, tea ami r.tul.ta Uw UmiaaUv trunL mtt you fai tin. "MtorTkaa PIOs Fsr Uvtr Ma" COLORED WOMAN DIED Dig reduction on Children's coats and dresses, at Penis'. There were no halibut arrivals at Ihe Pish Hxcliange Ibis, morn ing. K. F. Duhy Is sailing for Van couver on the Prince Hupert tomorrow evening. sfeamcr Princess Peat-rice is due from X'ancouver and way ports al o'clock this If you find you cannot gel Ihe daily News regularly, call in ami subscribe for it and have il de-livcre-1 to your home. tf F. A. Humid! of Ihe fisheries patrol steamer Marfish is sailing for X'ancouver on Ihe Princess Mary this afternoon. C.N.H. steamer Prince Huperl. Cap). I). Donald, is reported lo arrive from X'ancouver and way ports on lime at 3 o'clock Ibis afternoon. , r , J. II. Lambert, district engineer .for; the, federal public works department, is sailing for l.ockeporl, Queen Charlotte Islands, by (be Prince John Monday evening. ON EIGHTH AVENUE Amanda Bolden Had Been Suf ferlng From Stomach Trouble Came Here From Victoria Amanda lioldeu, colored, aged 15, died last night at 811 Kighlh Avenue XX'est. The ileal h was re ported to the cily police at 12.05 midnight hy Dr. L. XX. Kergin who was called (o attend the woman. Acting Constable D. b (.ainerou proceeded lo the scene and bail the body removed to Hayn,er Uros. undertaking- par lors. A pol mortem, examination was made Ibis afternoon by Dr. J. Cade establishing, that death was due to natural causes. A friend of deceased, who dined with her last night, reported that she bad been complaining of her stomach. He went out later and returning about midnight found tier dead with a crowd .of neigh bors around. Deceased was known to leave had stomach complaint previously. She came lo the city about eighteen months ago from X'icloria. HEAVY RAINFALL DURING NOVEMBER Total or 28.08 Inches Exceeded Records For Several Years Past There was an unusually bwivy rainfall in the cilv diirinir the month of November, the total of 28.08 inches breaking records for years past. The mean temperature for Hip moiilh was !(' with the maximum 00 on November 6 ami Ihe minimum, 31 on November 21. BIRTH Al Ihe Prince Huperl General Hospital on November 30. a daughter was born lo Mr, and Mrs. M. Carter, Clapp Hlock, Church Notices Presbyterian Church Morning XVorsbln at II o' clock. The Communion of Ihe Lord's supper. Sunday school at 12,30. hvening service at 7.30. Subject "The Secret pf Scot-Innd's Influence." A Vrinon lo SI. Andrew's Society. Preacher, Hcv. U. n. Hi ant, D.I). KDMONTON, Alta Dec. 1. -The Canadian National Hallway will erect a liew station and build a subway hero if Ihe money is forthcoming t whtli ' parliame'iit meets at the beginning of the year. A. ! XX'arren, general manager of western lines recently met Ihe cily council and discussed matters with them and a tentative- arrangement was reached. A. J. II. XVoollon of Ihe Dank of Commerce slalT is leaving for Victoria tomorrow night on holidays. He wil spend Christmas at his home returning here ear ly In the New Year. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Saturday, December 1 Hrgh 7:1 1 a.m. 17.9 IS:08 p.m. 17.0 Low 0:25 a.m. C.l t3:ua p.m. y.t Sunday, December 2. High 8. It a.m. 18,0 . 20:28 p.m. 17. t I.ow 1 :20 a.m. 0.7 11:20 p.m. 8.1 Monday, December 3 High 9:09 a.m. 19.i 21:39 p.m. 17.0 I.ow 2:32 a.m. 0.8 15:35 p.m. 0.8 Eu-Cutting Best Saws Made . Ask IJour Hardware Dealer SIMON DS tynXTril CAXADA HAW CO. LOTTED Lima M.u4A"ra .Mul,f, COAL ft. II The Famous LADYSMITH-WELLINQTON Lump and Egg Sizes. STERLING Stove and Egg Sizes. XX e deliver in sack9 or bulk. Phone us your orders day or night. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Phone 15. Main Office: Hotel Central. LOGGERS' CLUB Situate in the old Kinpresi Hotel Building. Rooms to Rent by Day, Week or the Month. Steam Heated. Hot and Cold XX'ater. POOL TABLES. First-class Restaurant In connection. James Zarelll - Proprietor. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63. Cartage, XX'arehousing, and Oistributing. Team or Motor Service, Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. St. Regis Caf e Prince Hupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed. Third Avenue. HOME FROM HOME. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser St. Slenm Heated Hot and CoM Water Hales by Day or Month P.O. Box 75. Phone 659. JEWELLED WATGHES WATERBURY 4 Jewels THE the fimoui Maple Lciflcadj in iu field. It il 1 jrwtllti witch thit combine ttimini with style t witch of modified bridge construction yet with 1 ttardlnesi that makes coddling unnecessary. It Is the small 1 1 -size, snd Is graceful from antique bow to the fine open face. $500 8 'f4jf RELIANCE 7 Jewels SEVEN Jewels, full bridge model the Reliance is the result of Ingersoll economy methods applied in the fine watch field. It is the thinnest 1 6-tize, 7-jtwel watch made in America, a handsome watch in every detail of design, and thoroughly reliable. S7S0 INGERSOLL WATCH CO., Inc. 149 SL Catherine SL, East Montreal, P. Q. &rupeAo& Reliable Watches at Low Prices MARSHALL WELLS B.C. LIMITED. Wholesale Distributors of Ingersoll Watches. Also 1817 Rogers and Wm. Rogers & Co., Silverware, Carrall Street, Phone Sey. 7200, Vancouver, B.C. On and After December 1 The Valentin DAIRY will be located at Corner of McBride St. and Fifth Ave. W, These premises are bng remodelled n a Sanitary Milk Plant and will provide u convenience lo the public. MILK, CREAM and BUTTER WILL BE RETAILED AT THE COUNTER. XX'e are continuing our prompt early morning delivery. Phone 657. Nanaimo - Wellington COAL DOUBLE SCREENED! LASTS LONGER! Real Satisfaction. Cheapest in Long Run! NO SHALE OR ROCK! COAL GUARANTEED! PROMPT DELIVERY. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 118 and 564. Stocks and Bonds All Victory and (lovernment Bonds Hoiight and Sold. NX'e slill have n few shares le'fl of the PREMIER MINE at $2.90. This is the greatest dividend producer iu Ounuda. Phone Black 85. T. McCLYMONT Third Ave.