PAGE BIX. SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK Ladies' Heather Hose, firccn and Hro'wn, special, pair 85c Missss' Hilt Heather Hose, Lovats ami Sands, special per pair 95c Hoys (Jolf Hose, Heathers, all wool, special, per pair-$1.00 Roys' All Wool Worried Hose, special, per pair 75c Hoys,' Woollen Toques, Navy, .Red and fireys, each . . 75c Ladies' Gauntlet Wool Gloves, White, Sand, and Lovats, per pair ....... 95c Children' Woollen Gloves, Scotch knit wool, Lovats, per pair 85c Hoys' Heavy Heather Woollen Gloves, per pair 85c Children's Wool Mitls in Hlack, Xavy, Cardinal and Grey, per pair 50c Silk Camisoles, White and Flesh, very prettily made, each , , . ...... $1.25 30 inch While Cotton, special 5 yards for $1.00 Baby Jaeger Cashmere Sox, Brown and Black, per pair 50o Baby Jaeger Bootees, 5 inch leg, special, per pair . . . 65c Brassieres, Pink Coutil with elastic inset, special, each 50c H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. Your Friends If there is one thing we do appreciate in this world it is our friends and to find a charming and sincere way in which to tell thenv so is a problem that, is not easy to solve. There is, however, one season of the year when expression of appreciation and friendliness' is appreciated. The Xmas Season No token of friendship is more effective than a LASTING GIFT no matter how small. 11 gives the sterling riiiK of sinceVily as nothing else" can do in the years to come. OUR LARGE RANGE OF JEWELLERY, diamonds. Watches, ,Clocks4 Silverware, Cut Glass, China, Gonuine Ivory, .Umbrella. Brassware, Lamps, Leather Goods, Amber Cigar and Cigarette Holders, Pipes and Novelties. Will Solve Your Problems. Quality, Servcie and Value is Our .Motto, Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist. Brushed Wool In the Newest Shades. Coats, Suits and Vests In great variety. "Doners" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Office Hours, to 8. Phone 68H. Open Evenings Only For Special Appointments. Many a good stjove gives poor results because It is supplied with the wrong kind of coal. GONSUMEIIS COAL is picked for stove use. 11 is steady-heating, bright-burning coal freed from choking impurities. Try CON SUMERS. See how your stove will "behave." Consumers Coal Go. Lid Phones 7 and 311. EPSON COAL We can now Supply our FAMOUS EDSON COAL Id any quantity. Prince Rupert Feed Co Phone BS. BENNETT'S CHEMICAL LABORATORY. Assayers, Chemists, Metallurgists. Ore Shippers Agent. TACOMA, Washington, U.S.A. Phone .84 Cash & Carry We are giving the public a chance to save from about 8 to 15 on their grocery bills. Come in and inspect our stock. Here are c few sugpes-ious for washday and general cleaning: H.C. Soap, 1 box . .'. 25c 5 boxes ... ... ... $1.15 Sunlight Soap, 3 bars . 25c 13 bars $1.00 Lilac IJose Soapr 12 for $1.00 Ivory Soap, 12 for . $1.00 Castile Soap,. 1 Ws . $1.00 Oold Oust. 3 pkg. for $1.10 Pearline, 3 pkg. for .. $1.00 Eels Naptha Soap, box 85c Dutch Cleanser, 0 for . 70c LTux, 6 for ... ... ,., 70o Lye, 2 for .25o Reckitfs Ulue, 4 for . , 25c All Orders over $10.00 delivered. ECONOMY STORE 417 Fifth Ave. East. Waterfront Whiffs (Continued from Page 5) despondent our hero commenced to take his lunch of shredded wheal. While, in the act of sinking his tooth into the shreds for the last time he was sur prised to see his pal conic dash' in? through the hush wavin? his rifle in his excitement and yelling" to him to forget the lunch business and come to hel him pack in the deer. .Upon ar riving at the scene of carnapc Cap was dumbfounded to see two fine big bucks stretched ul cold. Said his pal "I had not seen a hlooiniiv" deer until some unearthly noise started up and then a regular avalanche of deer rushed straight at me. If I was jiol a dead shot I would have been trampled to death.? It then dawned upon Cap that the unearthly noise was hi. squawker and he cursed his luck for having uit I lie wrong kind of squawk into it. Instead of the iler coming his way to answer the call of their supposed male they had turned and lied in the opposije direction at the first sounds of his newly acquired instrument. Can now explains that it is all in the way one holds their mouth when using a leer squaw ker as to whether aeer nuniing is a success or failure. - Frank to go Trapping Our old friend Frank Look- wood has become tired of the gay city life and intends to lake a Utile well earned rest. Frank PACIFIC MILK Grand Drawing Takes Place Saturday Evening at 9 p.m. THREE VALUABLE PRIZES to be given tliev lucky ones. One coupon with each purchase, and only 100 coupons to be drawn. We have about 15 coupons to give away. Phone Your Order Now. Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211, 212, 281 Why Not? Mail a Xmas Cake This year to your friends? We can decorate Xmas Cakes to your own choice of design that will not be damaged in the mails. Cakes parked ready to mail free of charge. ElectricWindow Bakeries Third Ave. Phone 687. 1 . n ThVLutl DoIktIv Compared with ordinary siird piaisf, WHY NOT HAVE A PIANO IN YOUR HOME FOR XMAS? For Sale and Rent at Walker's Music Store Ltd. THE DAILY NEWS. Saturday, December I, 9,, Robust Men Like BAKER'S COCOA The cocoa of high quality. Daker's Cocoa is Invigorating, stimulating only in the sense thct pure food ii stimulating, it has a delicious flavor and aroma, is a great addition to meals and a wonderful between meals stay. Made In Canada By Walter Baier It Co. Limited KILLS AT DOS.CHESTEX. MASS. AND MONTREAL, CANADA Sooiltt aCaoM Rttifet SenlTra is now busy gathering up his Imps and gear in readiness for a dash to his private trappintr grounds. Having met with much .success in past years In the Douglas Channel district I tin old I nipper is seriously conlctii- plaling hitting out for the same spot. It is Maid that Frank has patented an automatic trap. In the use of this patent trap there is no more baiting and wailing. I lie Imp is wound up wilh a key ami placed on t lie ground. I'nder its own power the Imp will search the underbrush for fur bearing animals and catrli them of its tiwu free will. Hav ing caught its fill Hit trap then returns to the starling point. -f r Myhltl Hung Up Word comes" (o Hand that skip per Myliill-Jumes , launch Oh Baljy, caused- quite a deal of worry to his family and the fleet recently. Myhill had pone out on a secret trip but had not returned on 'schedule and the 'phone in the Admiral's quarters was soon ringing in an S.O.S. Upon receiving the mcssaiy' that Myhill was missing all available boats were sent out to the four points of the compass to make a thorough search of (he sur-rundiug waters. The Narbethong was Johnny on the spot and steamed down Tucks Inlet way, her search being rewarded by finding the missing skipper aground at the powder wharf. It did not lake long lo haul her olf and bring the wayward girl back home. No damage wus done to Oil Baby. Barbers Cause Stir The fleet barbers caused a stir this week. The chief barber. Mr. Shears, intimated In a member of -Hie fleet that the barbers of the fle,et were not going to cut hair any longer Upon the barbers being pa railed before (he old man and severely questioned it was learned (hat the whole tiling was a Joke. What Mr. Shears meant was thai while the barbers of the fleet were not going to cut hair any longer (hey still intended to cut it shorter as heretofore. The parade was dismissed with a caution. CIMl. steamer Princess Mai'y. Capt. Slater, southbound for Vancouver from Alaska, is due in port from the north at 5.30 this afternoon. DYSPEPSIA WAS SO BAD COULD HARDLY EAT ANYTHING Mm. C. Stuns. .Hantlrnkn, Out.. wrllra rsutne Mime ar I had a vrry nrrloua atlarlf.Gr dysx-pla. and alo troublrri with ra on my Honiara. I run Id hardly rat anythlnr, and trry oflrn had paint arirr mral. I had uwd cMfrrrnl mrdl rinra, but they didn't serin to do me any HimkI. At la it happeiird to run on' the track of llurdurk Blood Blttrri, and aftrr ualnr It for a ahorl tune I felt tot urttrr. I continued II' ue until 1 wn tomplrtrly rrllrved and now. I am ready to recommend It' to 'anyone troubled at I waa," Hurdork WihvI Bltterf l manufactured only by. The iTMIIburn Co, Limited icrymo, out. NEW SHINGLE MILL TO BE ERECTED VICTORIA Puget Sound Lumber and Tim ber Co. Erecting One at" Cost or $35,000 , VICTORIA, Nov. 30. - After negotiations with the city on foreshore rights (he Canadian l'uset Sonnd Lumber A Timber Company, Ltd., have arrived at a decision which has enabled them to commence work on Hie erection of a four machine shingle, mill with two concrete double dry kilns on their properly fin Wood Street, near th old Rock Hay Bridge. The building permit taken out at the Cily Hall placed the work at 1 5,000. When the four machines are installed the total expenditure will be in the neigh-borhiMid if $35,000. stales J. D. Kissinger, manager of the The new plant, which will operate nil Hie year round, will employ about thirty men each shlfl, ami when the market war rants two shifts will operate. The company figures on an output of 120,000 shingles in a single shift, or a total of 210.- 000 shingles a day when a double shift is working. The new plant will hold a hd of work for1 Victoria which bus been going outside. In the past the company have imported, a great quantity of cedar logs, and have many on hum! which have been accumulating. In- Jslead of the logs being exported ior i lie making or sningies. 1 lie shingles will be made in Vic loria. A good market Is, utillel- paled in the prairies ami it) Eastern Canada, ami it also hopel to ship quantities to the Atlantic Coast by water. The cily has agreed lo re lease the foreshore rights to Hie company for a period of Iwenlv one years with an option of renewal, and with the stipulation that the rights shall rrter' to Hie rily during thai lime, on one year s notice, should they be needed for railroad purposes. SPECIAL XMAS CAT! IMf C to the Old JAlLinUJ fnnnfrv FROM HALIFAX to oiaceow. Saturnla (Parllantf Dc ) 0, t LIVERPOOL. AwmsU (Rotten Dtc II Dm. TO PLVMOUTH-CHtftBOURO-LONDON. Anfania , . Dt. It FROM NEW YORK TO QOIINIT0WN AND LIVERPOOL. It eon la Ot. II SeiM . dm. CHERBOURG AND SOUTHAMPTON. AqulUnia Dm. Albania Dtc SLONDONDERRT AND OLAMOW. California Dm. Colvmbla Dm. 22 CUNARD S.S. CO. Offli-rt. am llt.tiurt St. W Van router. B.C 10c Per Pound for BULK COCOA WEEK END SPECIAL Jap Oranges, per box . , 80o Stisrar, 5's and ,10's, lb. 11c llolled Oats, 0 lbs. . . . . 35c Pastry Fbiur, to lbs. .. 45c Hulk Coffee, 3 lbs. ... $1.00 Early Hose Potatoes, per sack ... ... ... . $1.50 Sweet Potatoes, pt-r lb. 10c Pork and Ileaus, medium, 3 for 25o I'ork and Means, large, 2 for 25c Our Seedless Haisius at 3 lbs. for 50c are the very best quality and new stock, Buy them now. All our goods are the highest qua!-Ily and because wo have the lowest possible expense we can afford In sell cheap, ' llreakfast . Jlacou, special, per lb. . ... 39c Order Turkey now for Hig Ones. Orders Over $5.00 Delivered. FARMERS Marke Phone Blue 428. Phone 376 The House Phone 37S of Quality THE VERY LATEST IN Evening Slippers Our New Evening Slippers have Just arrived In time for the Festive Season. The season's very latest. Never shown in i,.t Itupert before, (inline turn ols wilh covered Loin heels or low box heels, lit ehoire Mlnck limeade, firev or Hlack Hnede. Patent leather with Hlack or Orcy Iriiiiuiuir to match. All sixes to ussiin a perfect fjl. f pair $4.75 to $11.00 MOSCOW RUBBER BOOTS FOR GIRLS. The only original Husmuu Ib ol. with black v , astrakhan cuff, offered for sale in Prince llupcrt. UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Phone 378. Mail Orders Prepaid. Satisfaction or Money Hick, WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Saturday at 7 and 9 James Cruxe Presents the Remarkable Super-production Hollywood A movie Miperb-iirJiievcniciil n-ruwdrd with ' laughs and surprises. Take a trip through movieu J, Hollywood, the eighth wonder or Hie world. Plafd bv unknown plajer with a supporting ca.l which include 2 famous stars mid .'10 oth-r screen celebrities. Somrthiii? new and original in the movie art. . llisle includes -Cecil H. De.Mill-, Waller Mien. M.. McAvoy, Owen .Moore, Malay Peggy. Viola liana, Amu O. Nilssou, Hull .Molilalia, Kalla Pasha, Kd) Hie Chapman, Jv.'U Kdwards, Lillian Leiglilon, .Sriinelt (iirls. Hubert MrK m (laic Henry, Kosloff Dancers, Pola Negri. Jack Holt, Ja queline Logan, N'ila Xaldi, .Mary Aslor, William de Mi Jack Pickford, Llojd Hamilton. Will ltoger, T. Hoy llinc Gertrude Aslor, Mayme KeUo. Chuck llriner, Joe Mur!' Hubert Cain, Ilnnk Maun, Thomas .Mclglian. Hetty (n; sou, Lcalricc Joy. Theodore. Kosloff. (i-orge I'awcetk Hn out Washburn, Hope Hampton, Kileen Perry. Sinai Holmes. Hicardo Cortex. Ilinkey Dean, Jack (inrdnri-Jeauie Macplieiou, K-lclle Taylor. Ocorg .SlewnrL Lur ails' Wheal. William rv llnrl, Agues Ayre Lila lr. Lois Wilson, Noah Ik-cry. Alfred '.. (treeu, Anita Slew Hen Turpin, J. Wnrr-n Kerrigan, Ktinl .Sterling. SigtiJ llolmiuisl, Alan Hale, James I'iiilayson, William H05J, -S:J tinninian, Fritxi llidgevvay. Cameo Comedy - - "Oh Sister" Topics of the Day Admission 50o and 25c What yon have been looking for SOMETHING NEW Good, and Cheap Wo have a wonderful Xmas stock of TOM SMITH'S FAMOUS YULETIDE CRACKERS, imported direct from London, Kngland. All the fun of Uv fair at the festive table. These Crackers are the itctn ' workmanship and each one contains a dellghlfnl Kl them in our window. Unsurpassed for table dccoralM'-Hole. Agent for PURDY'S FAMOU8 CANDIES, . put up in' beautiful Xnm hoxes. Say it with Purdy' mnkc a killing; TOM 8MITH-3 IMPORTED TOY AUTOS, TRAINS, ETC FILLED WITH CANDIES. Just the thing Tor the Xmns .Stocking. . To introduce these famous goods lo the .public i Prince Huperl we nre offering them nt Ihe low.l j'rif ' ever (pioted in the city. Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Third Avenue. We Cash Chequ"'