Saturday, Jeeinher I. 10?8. THETDATLY KEWS. paw FIVK HalfPric Dentistry H N 8 Ml SIG STOm; l.TI). 1 Mcit i: i! it os.. ltd: Have You Tried? Rupert Brand , s OCKEYE ALMON andwiches Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT Help the VtUrant fjl tzsLi fS J-Jl l I sinking filing." Xl Xh rrr)nt Joint In I'm m Enter the POSTER-JUDGING Competition which it now being conducted in Canada for the benefit of the Veteran' Association. Besides enjoying the same and helping a good cauie, you have a chance of winning by yoMr skill one of the 2,003 prize Perhaps one of the first three, any of which i a real fortune, will go to you. Their value is approximately as follows i 1st Prize, $55,555.00 2nd " 13,888.00 3rd " 4,555.00 There are in all 2,003 prizes, totalling "0,000 (about $138,883.00), all of which has been donated by BOVrIL Limited. To Enter Send a Donation of $U0 and you will be presented with a Tickct-f older, on which, iixtetn ol the moit celebrated DOVRL po'to are tt produced in lull colon. . , Which are the 12 best, in order of merit, w what you must decide. The folder show jurt vht you must do. It it a ftKinating trisl of tsste and judgment--a real game which can be played over and over again, and in which children, grown-up and visitors ill can join. And just think of the possible reward? . You can make a many trial as you Jike every donor of $1.20 i presented with one ticket-folder, thus $12.00 ecures 10 folders though only one prize will be given to one person. Addres donations to any bf the following organization or their branche which are actively interested and ask your help: V.Lram' Aitotl.tlon of Crt.t Britain . . AV Montrwl Crt War, VaUraas A.oetatlon . . . . CitUen Bu.ld.itf. Ottawa Ary and Navy V.ttran. in Canada 4 , . 121 B..hop St, Montreal lmpHal Veterans in Canada 700 Main Winnlpg Craad Army of Unil.d V.ttran ....! Cerrard Stra.l, Toronto Local Addresien - 4 O.W.V. Association (A. J. Bishop) .. Third Ave., Prince Rupert Armv A Naw.Vetarani Burrard St., Vancouver The Admiral of f 1 1 Mosquito ver in an effort lo ronquVr the. fleelH report, thai weather rnn- southern tribe. II wait a blood-jiHllouM have roniderabiy ini-;lesn bnllle ni Kill had Ihh bent Iproved on the deep kcii fidliinyiHinilfl wflh Iiiin ami that would ground ninl hold the American cowpier a eonereie mule. The lnl (.anadian fishinir fleel nn Admiral read : an addrea of veiling Lack fhlo f j-ir old welcome brilliantly illuminated xlride. Tin. (tail weather vx- by .a cnndle Muck fn an , empty lerienced in Hip itaxl two'weeksibeer bottle hdd , by Jame Span-ban ranted quite a biinchitijf upiner. The wind '-wan a bit nevere of Hip lioatn 'ami, iih in uual on dial particular niglil nd (he under Mipcp ciiruinnlmicex, 1(.y nddrc xeenied In Iwivp a lol of navp eii arriving in rioii.iii the l in fl tin flic randle woubl stamp manner. IIowpvit, Hip fine' inil upon beiny blown out re-weather -xoeriei)c for Hip pa( Inealedly. Ah Hip old man learr-few day lia materially ui)deded lo rpad In day M-hool lip ran-Hip orboniiprrt in market inpr. not ec Hi read in Hip dark. Ilur-HiPir ealehe ami Hie. landin:, in Hip leading; jwime wnud br for Hip week Iihvp frreully in- wil rolled Hip hi? drum inlo ppapd, ,'o MTioij liappeiiiiiK Hip all chuck. The original Kill have been reported by ii.cniniiijr i once ajrain installed at Hip kfpppn for Hie icriod under famou fU cmokintr planl and n-vfew HllhiiUKli several ImiiiU were severely lexled in Hie. recent iloruiK. The vidume of lht landing of halibul Ibis week, faklnsr ml o aeeouul Hie crv severe weather handicap ex heart foi' the native cliarges. - Frank Davies, (he financial RAZ-MAH GUARANTEED RELIEF Hip laiiphx arp t?ixly to Hip minute. Kermac Hits Rock 1'or full particulars a lo fiitp, xhapp, weiKlit and formal ion of pprienred rerenily on Hie hipli u niee larje rock in Hie centre (poln. fppak! vol ii met for Hie, of Canoe ai isif Mile point. lemlcity of purpose ann bravery, apply lo Dr. J. P. Cade, skipper of Hip iiiPinlierH of the liichj"f Hie jfood bip Kermac. II al! jboot uad. Irire.i fdTerinjr on bapperiPil wiiilp Hie dnelor wan .Hip Fii Kxrliangp ttiij week (eiilerfaininx a hiinlin? partv liavp bad endncy lo drop jatioaiit. TIip, tarty included lightly uh n?ain. be eorrp-jlave Sluarl -and Kill Wratliall. pondin? period for Inut week and TIip bunl hud gonr off exreed-morp epeciallv i tlii Ibe rapinirly well ami Hie Kermac wa with American lafidlntfe. jloaded down witlilhrpe fine deer iwIipii. paxintr tbroujrli the pa Trappers Out .on Sunday evening, on Hip re- 'Ibe finl onowfall of Ibe en jturn trip. Hie aforementioned on wa marked alon? Ibe r'ck jumped tip: from the bed, of waterfront by a numher of mnll "'P ocean aml' lo-ITI Hie ulurxly boatu einicralina- In various launch fat. After xtrenuous ef- pidnln of Hip rompasft on lrap-!r"r,N an,l Ibe expiration of lh pni(r excurxion. The. (kiiineri Pngine , room lee)rratli through of (be Irappintr fleef keep their 'overwork, Ibe ower boat was leMinalioii a secret and thir ,Jain floated1 and- behaved her-leavinjr porl i not marked hy '"lf verj- nicely. .'o ilaniape wao any romplimeiilnrr pun alule. ;oone. f To dalp a uuhilter of trapper; " have left for dislant Irappintr; Jack's Tama Duck jrround and the New Year will j tlid you know lliat Jack Keefe have bpen uherel.iii before any ba a fame duck Well, it is a of litem return. The Gardner fact ami furlhermorr, Ihe duclt Canal diclHct, and inland from i as fond of hunlin? a. is i)i Ibere, nptiearx to be the favorite' master. Only last Thursday rendcxvoiu for a number of fur morning Jack appearpd at Hie cbasprn. (Vachl Club, float armed lo the ' j teeth with a nice fat wobbly Buying fop Xmas (duck quacking along behind. The home base around Cow Jack was off on a duck hunt and Hay bn taken on the appearance Hip tame bird wa bis, decoy. of a Hudson Hay post. Several Once aboard Ibe lu??er the duck native boats came lo anchor in 'did not seem lo be very comforl-ihe old familiar soot during Iho abb' or was u little over anxiou week from the various' Indian -for Hie firinp In commence, selllements. The .skippers ftnd ' Anyway Ibe Utile old bird kept (heir families arp in port to-'up a loud quacking and would purchase .rnas presiyiis and nl-(ol ker.i quiet although repeal-so to make sure that Ihe family edly (old lo do so.. The result larder lacks for nothing during of Ihe wily bunt is yet In come Hie season. The various ' hand. II is understood Ihe boats are being crammed with tame duck is, called, "Kidem" by jrood IIHngs to eat and wear, its owner, liie result of n remunerative j fNhlng season. It looks a. Skipper John Field, of the (hough Santa. Clau has a par-, j Northern Kschnngp, bus charter-licularly warm spot in his ed the power boat Kleanor Mac from Cap). Dass and left. port on Wednesday for Kilimnal lo engage in Ihe logging game for wizard of Ihe Allin Fisheries the Kilimaut Logging Co, The Ltd, has been confined lo his! Kleanor Mao and her new skip-home- this week sulTrrlng with a per will be absent from porl for touch of lurkelilis. According lo.several weeks. the fleel surgeon Ibis malady If brought on by loo much antici pation of winning the water- front ,'mns crib turkey. . William the Conqueror Yes sir, William Ihe conqueror Bad Weather, Monday There was a slir in nautical circles on Monday niglit when a strong gale 'struck the waterfront. It was feared that the wind woubl get round lo the has returned to Ihe fold. When ' soulhwesj, which Is the, danger Hie Sleumer Curdena drew up Io.otis angle for the Cow liny Ihe wluh-f on Sunday night Ihe .unchorage, and all hands were Cow- Hay orchcslrn struck up called lo Ibe action .stations, 'See Ihe Conquering Hero ..flrr standing by for some limp Comes," us Hill Shrubsall smil Ingly walked down Ihe gang plank. Hill has returned from n busy business trip lo Vancou- ASTHMA USE RAZ-MAH Ri Smtking No Spray ino Us Snuff Just Swillow a Catsnle Restores normal breathing, stops mucus gathering! in the bronchial tubes, gives, long nights of quiet sleep; contains no nubit-forming drug. $1.00 lit your druggists. Send 4c in stamps fur a ccnerou samnle Templetcns, 142 King West, Toronto, Ihe danger; passed. 'ntT, Ihe wind dropping considerably, ' The power boat Wigwam, RecdomfiomKa'nx T.R.C Ttmplttoni Rhfanwtlt Catulr for RHEUMATISM SCIATICA NEURITIS LUMBAGO TEMPLET0NS TORONTO Sold by Ormes Limited. I YOU WILL SAVE 50 PER CENT. HERE I.ady Assistant ill attendance. (laid. Kelchum. has br'eii husilv engaged towing lumber from fieorgelown. Jimmy Thomas has been assisting. Record Flight of Gulls According to nld timers alonsr Ihealerfroni a record flight of seagulls fiassei over Ihe bay on Wednesday last. The kv was literally darkened with Ihoii- ands of trulls flying in a southerly direction and is claimed to be Ibe most " unstained flight ol gulls seen in this part of Ihe country for, years. According lo Hip Admiral Ihe sea gulls were flying kouIU to join their-males al the Seagull convention now in session al Vic toria. The power boat fileil is en gaged in the. 'nearby foresls pel- ling nut building pilas. The Doreen, a native boat from Massed, put inlo port during the week for Xnias sup plies. She will leave over the week end for Ihe home port. Fish Business During the week d'Xt.lon pounds Qf halibut has been mar keted on Hie Fish Kichanire. Americans were hish at i.V te and lie and low al 13.7c and c. Canadians were high at t l.2e nnd inc. and low at 13.1c and i'e. The arrivals were: K. Neil. son. Forward. Venus. Seattle. Viking, Hepuhlie, Anna J.. In', Lincoln, National, Pair of Jacks, Virginia, .Tordenskjold, Johanna, Majestic, Albatross. Holfe. Za- pora. Annie Tuck, U. K Foster. Too Much Squawk Here is a brief story of how Capt. Hooincs K. Freeman, of Narbelhong fame, scare.1 the deer away with his new squawkpr instead of bringing them towards his Irusly rifle. It was quite a few years back that Ihe following episode look place in Cap's young life ami the scene was Porcber Island, where the porcliers come from. Cap with a friend had hied over to the island lo take in a little deer bunting. His pal took a northerly trail while Cap went in a southerly direction both agree ing to lake, a belt line route Having tramped for several miles by lunch time without see ing a thing to shoot at, not even' a bullerfly, our hunter was feel-H ing kind of blue with the cold nnd hungry. At this juncture he chanced In fall in with u party of fellow hunters treking for th beacji and each one carrying a fine big buck. For something heller lo ib our hero passed the time of day with the company and incidenlulfy asked how they came to get such 'a fine bag of deer. The leader df the party, an. -oia hunter, thereupon produced a deer squawker, which is a piece of elastic or a leaf slrelched between two sticks and when blown through makes o noise like a deer or a piece of grab's. The ,i)M 'hunter' demdn-rlraled llie'use. of thequawltr to Cap. and then proceeded owhis way. llelng anxious lo try Ibe squawker nnd lo witness herds of deer leaping his way Mr, Freeman plunged into the forest Priming bis rifla for aclion Cap blew several blasts on the new instrument bul after repeated efforts' nothing happened. Heing out' of breath, tired, hungry and (Continued on page six) From now until December 24llr nil wirirk contracl?d during this period will be completed nl Ibese prices. Those mijteiiiplatjiig having teeth m'nde "will iln well to visit my office and contract for same. Tbe3 prices pertain lo t'.rown, Hridge, Plate work, and Kxtradiou of Teeth. My. dental slock must be reduced before January 1st, l!)2i, anil I will give f lie public; the benefit. Dr. Jos. Maguire DENTIST Rooms: 7, 8 and 9, Smith Block. Phone S75. Office Hours: 0 a.m. lo 0 p.m. Have You Seen Homer V. Bagiey Last heard of in the. vicinity of Anyox, B.C., Aug. 22, 1922. Was employed at the construction of a dam. Age 25 years. Frequents dance halls. Any information concerning him will be greatly appreciated and will make worth your while. Address: GEO. W. 5AGLEY, c o Bagiey Tire & Rubber Co., Hotspring National Health Resort, Arkansas, United States of America. COAST STEAMSHIPS SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT. S.S. PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points, Thursday, Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR STEWART SATURDAY, 10 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN. For Vancouver via Queen Charlotte Islands, Nov. 17, Dec. 1, 15, 29, at 8 p.m. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Ltite Prlnte Rupert .U p.m. tor PRINCE GEORGE. EDMOMT0.1, WINNIPEG, all points Eastern Canada, l'titvd Stales. AACNOY ALL OCUN STEAMSHIP LINES. Cltjr Tlcktt Orriea, S2S Ttilrd At, fVlnea Rup.rU Phent MO. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. SalUncs From Prince Rupert. Pop VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Ocaan Falto, and Swanion Bay, Tvtatfay, PJI. tot VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, AUrt Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday Moan. Per ANVOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Walta Island, Sunday S PJI. far PORT SIMPSON and Neat Rl- Canntrle, Friday A.M. (it Soil Avenue. A?1 PaiJ rSEWWn" 1 t. Baratley, AgenL I M s Prince Rupert. B.C Behind this label u t!ie refutation of the larreat, moat hyfieaical- ly scientific brewing inat! tution in the Welt a plant that coaranteei always the utmost in purity and Ike per fection of satisfaction, in every bottle. Public endorsement of Cascade is proved by ever increaa inf sales now greater than all ethers in British' Columbia combined. Get a supply of Cascade today Sold at all Liquor Stored - "We 'BtrrwtihatfaPttr This advertisement is not published or displayed, by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government f Hritisli Columbia. A