Those Who Drink Japans In the Letter Box should surely try AMERICAN FISHINQ BOATS j AND PORT OF PRINCE "SALADA" RUPERT SMOKE I diior lleity Xew: Your clilorlal Die oilier day. headed "All Benefit but .N'olhinfr in lleliirn," in my Miitthl opinion GREEN TEA Hill vvn n very iinliinely nn.l JJI-ndvietl product. If ,Mir efliren It is green tea in perfection -fresh, clean are hen I on launching mil on a and flavory. Superior to the finest policy nf "rullinir off our noe Japans you ever tasted. to pile niir fare," then your . Sold by all Grocers. J quite correct nn.l in QGDENS What vM our poillon about a Vr Mgn, when Kelrhiknn in-1 The Daily News lerct iicd llieir l.e endeavor l diver! Ihi very trade from our PIUNCB RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Hrl w ilil we feel then Published Kvery Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince What ha lecn Hie mnintay nf Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue. Ihi city nf on r for Hie vl few lar Hie flhinsr indulry? year II. F. PULLF.N. Managing Editor , And i II nnl a fuel, al enl :i far .1 Hie halibut i enneerui'il, CUT PLUG Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. lhat about, two-third nf Hie fih landed here are American fih? DAILY EDITION K Sal unlay. March 31. .19J.1. Wli.'tl i there lo iihlanliale your t.-itcmeiil Hint "American i CITY MANAGER GOVERNMENT ...! .f li and effort for --iatl.t !tl I away every dollar IS URGED BY SPEAKERS AT n-, ami .. .I..I nnl uel l"'ey receiver mere l no ROTARY CLUB ON THURSDAY win... for the lime .iTt. Will. d.wlhi wwie nf lliem Hill then if ..:.( four aldermen Hiey I"'"1". r Hanadran ve. Continued frofi- I'njic flue ould d all Hie huiiu' in a ver et profnz In Ketchikan to on I rln.rf I ihi'-. -Ifil ? Ih'-ir lii-nil'' Mini Ihi was no Mayor Newton Ho yon know that there are Inline:- n pioneer rily, lliev t-niih: j lime without nuudxT when ve- .. ..... .. .. .... . . . ' Muor .Vewlmi. who wa a jrul n .i I I a I.. 1 1 i r. n n nf "of the Hub, implemented lrJfel are for day lying lied up lo 801 .llt - . Ill ll.l'l.l .llfl 111." .... II... .. . 1 mir wfiarve. wmie me crew are IT YOU thinir jrl hy wav of illiistration .' makine eartie! endeavor lo . - jWliH-h llt b.-Hl (reeiiled the uli. an lo prow thai eixii- i'oihIiIioiis at-! , . of llieir enb? dipnc urpliio jert. It awealetl luni very feclifl liiin. . nfieii Iho.e who lpll(Jy. In Ihi- mam il had lie-i; lie fore writing f hit arllele.ili.l rollyojr ran for n ii- office were tfie men . , , . you eer lnp lo roughly future who liail lieen hii-iiM-.i failure. hml ioim'Ii to refiiiwmeiiil ll. I liove nut what Hie handling and hiw Many who hail taken iuM m rivie who hail been in nuimriiHil lif: pfhp of Ihi ri li mean to liii packot owrv. Liiverninenl would ay thirl (fa, knew loo m bow iniirli of what rily and In Canada? private IniMiie were mil on th" vva :alei wa Irue. fllher and Halibut Landed Here an- hai a 'he rily hiiuie, luruer eilie had had lo rotillnit year a lolal nf J.",SJo.300 ask for it would lie a failur-. He wa .the iniie iliffi-ullii thill I'riin'ei lb of lialilml wn landeil liere. sfieil that rivu- failure wa not ., i .i.i lliiperi li:ul I o eal Willi, lie va and of Hut quantity lrt.7o5.3on .-li iiiiii II lli- IHIOI llin 111 II w.preputial In admit Mil city linil lb, were American fih. or aIwmiI of Ihe system. . I ii.Ji- miilvke but laker, nil in nil Iwn third. mm Manager System t.ily lini.r pj.Mi Appmslmatelr tnWI earlad There wa a new yKtem heinjf inn i-arrwd on it :,ffair n ilr of freh fish, rliiefly halibut nevi-nMi known a Ihjf hti.ine. -mi-rfiill) at ihe older eilie nmler were hlpe. ,y ex pre oer our inaiiauer. Ihe plan Had vrtoujMie new ylem. .V'wrtlieeii, the .National Railway, prnvidiup a phae Iml Ihe idea wu that it wm-ld wa liHiki'i for improv ijrrofi revenue In Ihe railway of trave to rilie the -a me ialu ajineul and if Ihi rily eontd a.lopt ahonl one million dollar. Two-third toek i-ompaute. In a flixk ciim- ihe niellio.1 with advautaire he of Ihi revenue wn ro. pany they eould uol lliink iT u. j.huiild aim In do 11. I he yem. vie. liy Anierirau fish. intf Iheyor amrWTinia?i y.--iie undefAood. had lieen workimr1 II may he entiervaihely e- em wilh nrre. There mu-l l.UUrref.Jv iu many Canadian I imaled thai alenil SM rarload LHIiisl-jlll finily of reponihtlity and niflly tjhe a well u in Ihe lT rifled of fnen fih wa hippe by . hmeervt'frei!ilil, providinir a pro re- ler njniienhe-ciir"inalia?er iilan.&oiihl l jjirt li f iif ftt ller rone In-1 venue lo our railway of anpnivi- II to Ihi wereaddevj proportinnaJ Wii..n ajl then f miilil Ueome rnalelv !Oiyrtn. On the tro. repreentalion the y . I e m in ;HHU,. jn ie rily. If uol our-jMrlion above referred to about .. . . ... .. ... . ... t.A 1 1. I.. 1.1 t 1.i I 'n. .1-.... "r hi"ui.iii iniMiii ".Mieai. in -jreiu: it roiiiii eany re rianrel. frfU.unn of Hit item wa pro-eleplion of a ma.-.'- and fo(ir al-j.V hne the naiilfer would be jvi.led by Ameriean flh. oerioen would tie alKMit riirlil njuff folhiwed U o a lo arrive al Ihe! And what doe Ihe landing of the., would appoint-the manajrer. Iet M.srble y. i... If then wa!tlii fish mean bally, apart lly eleetint: Ihe nfanaprr it wa- ;, new-and belter nlaii thev ..iiahl ' it,. I ill V in t tit ftitnl aa nn.l 1 " lo tret a -rood I buine Wake bi.iutiit r... ..- i rii i. , foi.e ver mt I had a no unmake and kh. il a olherwie upending money? whoeale inh ti t - Tuo ;tre Xw I have ra ...-n a,-.. on uie trial. Th,. fK)le require.! for Ihe i.iiiifi. ir ..... i t i . am-. .1 Ihe people wli-- ..i f"i Mie fih li ibb -ill-- ij ii r.-Mayor mwii. -i. r j r.,nriirre.,ippin? of Ihe halibut landed alo l .Ii-i.ii.mhI t any tin.. . i,; a,,iol ev-rvlhu that had and any f i f 1 m Hn- 1 1 .iii-.e i..n - SHOES! here last broujrhl year a revenue benefil- IT Unpen. "VI would indin- I Hi- I.,- r'',r' " "'" """" -aio" ny.vr. Mei;iynu.nt ei- )o ho un,,er indulry of a(out uiale alM.iil lln- lnl.o- iii.-ii.Ih i i-with tie done a nlnid a man , . ,.1 ,., I . nn:elion of I have ,l. H--.-.I Ihi iibjerl proiw- ?60.0i0. The labor reouired in Britain w'llh KioK io-oik hey roi.1.1 o-Uide to net hin- tmnal He neveral leadinu buine. repree:, ion. thought .-oniieelion wilh Ihe and paekintr of kiiiy they were .ubjerl if of niir cnrnmiinitv. and Iheyi'hal nei men eary. profei..t, ..f: e rity the ru.l,.e in-jnaper .. elfie wa ..mum one.manasrer The ,ylem re.enl wa yMe M.ippin ran be eonervalively all witboul ex. epiion axree W1i , ! I '-iiiii or Klir llanlinat or ...iblv I Imve jul rrcnvrd a hipinenl of new S- : j. ,ifnale al fro,,, I50.00(. lo .omiiis to a defined one wa ol.-.dele. no thai v...ii .rli.le a h..i e re fe r- I b'OH Pomraee. which I had inaile to own order, and m - 7,d Ihe nueMion wa no. wi-J Uniformly Satisfactory flL, nd two Stn of red to diwtii not pul.lie to be ,iliolulelv ihe Be.1 that ran br 1 1 II T name wilt lli-y mve llu-Iroliiueii rily adiipMhe .!.? but . Mi lla. nientuwed ne if ojtinlon here. money. iUf handlinir nf pm- wlui are aain Ihe -nierlean wlien w.ll b a.lopl the ylem?lbe r-i,ll whi.-h ha.l been oil- Tried to Remedy h.-vc "Leckle" Shoe Imin $5.00 hi . No Pay For Aldermen fumed In Hie l'iiitil Slate. The, , ' ... , ,,., I'inally. I am not the lel in-lereled uover mhicbI 4- t Men'i Goodyear Welt Shoe in wide ..'' n ' r Pbiler .he , ,e,e tnt a eily ,,.,,lrol had "" y(n nee, i na - ill. nor aniin to " from $50 maiiTiizer. Mr. MrClvrnonl for'u..rii .irom our our hlp W hen vimi call a neron a jicr pair. o -i is.i, ' ' Ihe oil Ihe prevent rather iMifavorabte Amhertt Solid Leather fnmi $8.00 per VT HieWe 'tft'V?Ma he v.ouldlnrevenl,I.,. ,...,...7. . eompany. 'KKf fii" ymi m''t be referrm.- Shoet, .. . ' I'l '" - I HA il fV 1uL- Ala and I nn um! roinliliofi. a relate to our loolie of Ihe oft kiud thai they Boy' 8blid LeatherShoe In "LECKIES" and "AMHERST. 'iiW'M iiihi mere ioull l; no pay for miryorw- aldermen.- Oii 'HT ''";' ""'- ifie, you will find thai your Canadian finhermen. uiaiRlained. .tieard wlieu iaklnn halibut. ASK TO 8EE THE ARCH 8UPP0RT SHOE. T vf'r l'", tm,yinn -ncdhlnir in I In fael. I have on vrhalever I .4. ' ""7 relurn" an ' mei'tii;; of n few hour once h .butilh w .,- I carry Rubber nnil fium Jbxl which I ft m.n,MM MlWlfJfi ,, ,, rnuld to remedy the lluallon. filly lo he.1, nionlh would be -iiffi icit .n ei, e ...tanee, saera.rfenlo HIGH GRADE SHOE REPAIRING. nver'lhe ri pori aiul cnuncli'ile T m-my other eilie where fa,u ar oln.,ia, lifrrrn, ,f, Bui makinjr mivlendinp alnle-menl. And oily lft-rle. ex. f.ojic'ii . which would be all Ihe ii-llenl b'-en ,ia,' not baaed "li fact, doe I-. the fa'e .if man. re.ulu had VVorU I hey would have to do. The The reiujUM we-iiHiformly obtained.) .. Where the Benefit nol help out in JOHN Hie HYBIIAVN.mailer. When a motor he buy. GEO. HILL manager would do the rcf. At fa.-..-,,,, Hie I ni.ed Mate, h-lay ' l "7. ''"U. ny B. II., accord iri(t In Hie Hn- present there wa an immeme 30 eilie hi(, ,..pled Ihe " " ' Ol Third Anu. ylem. Ameriean fli-h al Ihi port? lary Bullelin; but Have rej.lje: j The Shoeman. Would il Improve Ihe market The Man in ihe Mood I'P in Ihe mo mi 11 , for Ihe Canadian fiherman? Otr like n man. WOULD NOT HAVE ULCER I Would nnl a jirealer proportion SAYSi- Hear the purr of Hie motor, f Ihe xirodurl of Ihe Canadian Bent it if you can. lialilml fleet have lo find a market II parliemenlN and teitlature East or West Eddy's Best CUT OUT OF STOMACH ouliie our own country, and keep on inakinw law for u, how TIIJ. iiewiaper fa Ihe (irat would nnl Ihe iueng of duly are we eoiiid lo retoemher them !ink between Ihe eoiuiii.iiiily and ldl fare i,? Iuriri Ihe ull! Some day there will lie u utide world If Ihe link 1 uHly twelve month ending Murrh 31. fariti movement for jieneral repeal there i apt lo be iilklaliou ip llm Took "Fruit.a.tives" Instead and this Medicine It2?. Canada exported fih and or nmni-kly from all law. iMNly p'lliliu Silk made from Fruit Juices Relieved the Trouble. fish produrl lo Ihe value of - Mru.uciua iilmoM thirty million dollar, A PIXsiMIKT i a man who Till: new(iiper fa Hie mirror r'ku,'liu.iirT, lQ, while during Ihe name period we ilMikm hllnef, ' Hint nhowa the Mmniiiiiily "AloutiS yin aft, I Itu to ban UoulU ulk Slomiuk. imported idiphlly over three million - 4 an ill-.kinn brute be i, or what Three my dollar worth of Ihe name I iii:T n iiood many rornpli-ini-Ml an anirelie ffttiir. yean ago, I consulted one pr'iijijrl. Here i one: "Beforo O of the bekt K-ciMlili lu Montreal. J mid i uicih go to Ihe hospital, I i prohibit Die landing of rommi-iiriiiK to read your eoluinu Till: newpnier l an inJeietl. luio au L'lcrr cut out ofiuy atoinach Ameriean fih here would mean: 1112 iiociimem, (iibrwiee "Hml au J gall atvae reoiQied. I aa (lieu iiIiiiik off KliO.Oim r.-venue lift V raK " li yeara old. I kuiJ " KO ' from our railway; ahoul When Simple Simon met the pieman 'JUtn. J trgnn l Ud "fruit Utri lu.noo In tinn.uoO in wane, II the daily pnper la a dirty They botlf stopped for imoVe. I a in Ho'iiiUch better lhat m old all dilribuled willinr the eily. nir I do nol admire Ihe tie nf The match he struck upon the bo frienda often. ak iiie what J bave about MO,nfin lo ftlUO.IlOO re (he pc..ple who Jiaiidle il willl Was soft and quickly broke. doi to m UilvoVao HI. Ian dueliiin in the box liiiirie.; and in ir delicnle fliigrra every iliy match, " had Eddy I wish you'd an gtinlnif iu Height aud enjo)lng if li very rniiniderable all bu-. ery much." ). w. I-IIW Alius nr. from our merchant in var-1 I K but what N? m .1 B. Yule, who apenl a week Like other decent folk I " kiii liiien of buiiieM. And what will make you vinillni; here with hi father, 'J'ruil-a lire."I made from the Julceaof appleg,oranir,,fignand prune. have you lo UKKel to replace e Yule, returned on the Prime MATCHES Coubiue4l with touica, and girrasua-k relu-f la alouiar'i trouUa, lhee ilenlM, nhnuld policy EDDYS your i llupert yeelerday morning en. Thla fruit ineilicioe actually ttrengthrui ths aUimarh eodblm the atomat-h to give out aulliiieutsaatrie Juice to muaele Ihe aud bei-on) eirivlive? inijle In hi home in Jdiaaoiila, digrat uieala. . Truit a tlvea"alo correct CoullpuUo5 and itiliouaoeaa from whkh ao II hu4 lieen klalnit Dial Ameri .Monl Mr. Yule, pr. ul-o weni THE QUALITY MATCHES waay Ii)-ieptiv auffi-r. can finhei-mcii i-ome here, el koulli ami will apeini a monih SINCE 1851 (As. a bo, ti for i M, trial aize titis. M all dealer or aent mkt paid ou i heir fi.U and lake away our nullum in WaabinMioo and Ore retselpl of price. money. A it mailer of fuel. Ill koi! purinir hi ohteuce I'.mery l ltUIT A-TIVLS LIMITKH, OTTAWA. OVT i not our money ihey are taking Oyer ft In charge nf Ihe since nn LoadouJIng., OgdV-u.burg, N Y., t hrlaichunb, fi.Z. away 'Mil fih are either. McBrldn hi reel