rani foih THl DAILT JTWWB 1 1 BRINGING UP Bv Ginrn FATHER i - ft '"aiiin - i III I -i i .' i 1 ' n I i u I - . 1 1 rv s i . . I n i i av.r "nr. cm t kj wv ci III I X I ri . TU A I A I Ml laTH""I I""Hi I Wl-1 - III I I J AM' ftJ a , . I A COUP S.UIT "NOU ARE CONC . . . I lO 1-l.eYT tiUUK wirrl me III I l iii 111 ii I KJ- I r Tw I 111 am a I I -J I f Ul' I I i i i i r - i i 4r ill w imlm" ii n -wwr,r, i r o i i . LADIES! New Slock of Spring and Summer Shoes Just Arrived. Special Ladle' tine Strap. Mark or In-own kdl. Id nil slics. $5.50 " lllark Pafinl Oxford R illllH. tlll8 I ration . All sizes ' 3'3 'm T nrrv m $6.50 Family Shoe StaW ASTHMA USE RAZMAH OLD COUNTRV "Service With a Smile" FOUND ON BEACH i;!!sat Daily News Classified Ads. oookinq orrn Rrstorrj normal brrathinr. 8 CENTS PECK WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdrtlMmnt Tkn for tltMn OOe Ocean 3l.am.hlp Tkli I i sKi-Tr l ..-..). fit -After .t gathering, in the bronchial tubes, gir "i wine.. . . ..... lutlr nivhtt nf atii.r tl..n mnn;.. persistent, searcn niirinv iwo no habit forming drug. ,t;,."at your" WANTED I MALEMtLP WANTED U 'Boat Engines weeks, the Massed Indians found draieittL Trial Irtt at out arrnriri I ninti Hay. Seattle. The lus left Pit.pon. I.cwrw. the remains nf one of llielr mem cr writ? Trmplrton., 4J King W . the follnwinK ilay uilh anolherj WAMIII, I tiorotiBhly reluMeAVK have an opening fur a bers lyinir on lite beach on tlio Toronto persons fn hanille our mail representative in I'riwe Mm AND PARTS IN STOCK. sell.inner, of llie same lype. rar- I hotes ofOrnham Island. On I lie MilinTibers in this ilit nt-t. ItI nuil vicinity. Kellinic Columbian Propel lors, 20x20 R A Z-Iff A H ryini.- niil n full limit of liiinher N. F ninrniiii: of the .Inl instant, havi.l Spleniliil iippurtuniiy to mi-erease al.ili.y i ite.lrabte but rl. mcHiughUn, indies ilmvn In 1 2s 1 2 for the same il'lmnfl"ii. IH.tr (tell, a yiHintr Initi.in, apeii .13 CUARA.NTEED RELIEF your ineomx. I.ihenil IMTienre IHtt ahu.liitely es-s.-nli.il. i ii, inches. " jeiir-, took his launch neross Sold by ORMES LTD. rommissi.in. Heferenees re-quireil. iHir lines arc in items Ijiii Tnhin llrnnrn In The fourth larire motor boat. Shafting tip Ma-M'll Inlet, in earrh nf (iuilier Write tUmilalion m. on1 in evet-v h Miseholil anil Pr I; I ii" in slock. of the ,os Anffeles I'roiliiel for the MiiWinR of a l.ril. Later . parlrnrnt. VaneoiKer Sun. Vao-itiver. re n..i harwlh-fj m ..res. TiK l'hii- sSlatr.l, 1 Parairon llevcrse Clutch In Anions her Company nrrheit at lliiekley uy n 11 .It.'" Ih. Iiittw.i 4.n .. 11.(2. the r.irf.1 man we 'w.ll rl, I fit 2H" sliart rebuilt . . - ii.. .i:rn.. ..i :.i n... i"liflk.flnf.iil'u-.- "flu a i-'iiilinciil of elerila. In Mail limliers for tJ?L J! iNiri ii i ij iiiiiiiii. iiiii.nii- in.- practical emir in asaan-1 .it -to II.P. Clutches rebuilt lloynl ..unimr.i .Mllllllieil llie .llllinrTH.1 nori. I liee es- WA.VT II Mn Btvl VV.nn.n In ami power Oiirdics ami liariioi. iinie oi im-ii irnnu I'oliee fm the Klnnilke sels are railing reularl- at . learn ilarberlnit. I'aM hie shH imm opportunily lo ....' ho.trileil (he eel, ami foiunl laalt.h a .ms4 pay.n smitMi Winches, sprocket rh.iins. the enirine ninnintr. Inl the man' n.e., mift, wnerf tu moi of leaniinir ami tools free. WHI. will. raaiMM nf shaninfts, pulleys, pillow na missui!;. A small rowhoal ,"r" a Graham Nlun.l the Mas.eti T1mler Otmpany Is for ratnlotrue. Mnler ltrter Wri"a, Mlvtfttt aitvaneewetil.;4.an.) fullU TRAVEL TO tUROrl Mock, anil limit's. v.ns iilo snne. A Inch vlnt w.t ruin-iM-r. ini-ii ji-ii-riiii in in.- running witn a iitl cmiiemi;nl Co lie ice, Vancoutrr. M.C partW-nUrs BMpire ArneM-a anu inl 0RIIT ieneral Hospital after a hnrl ill. nf men. Mown.?, ami it is presume.! thai ness. He was a native of Irelamt FOR SALE I.M.. SI3" (iranv.lle Ulreel. Simpl ' .i... ...... .. ..I nn ..i tn . ., i.. RUPERT MARINE '"'"" r-lalives i The SI. U Motel, whirl, was IVenlv In.lians n.rt .he rowbnal. i on SAF.K--Machine shop enip. h" lan.lmarfc The World'. at Massetl, .lurinc Ort.Urt n.ilr.sle.1 the beaches from Hoe ment. ronllin? nf the fnitw-intr TUITION SMl In I.anar.i lslan.1 .lurinfr Iwoj ',n of ""'nient is HlghMty, The C.nun. Ironworks Co. Ltd weel sVwitho.il result. On the TERRACE NOTES .'",nit ,nrn ,"'wn ' ,naV" ',lHCr all nf eenni which is hand m ikmh inaehtnery.wirk. .XOflTMKItX AtllMle of fUTIX;ilNI0 ln- Pacific R.ll-.r Ce. isl ll.rv Knatertnir. inornins of the 20lh. the hea.llessf ; ""- tmprnvemenls. This intr cnn.tilinn: Se.a.llnn IaIIh Steamship Lln.t Waterfront. IkhIv of Ilai-I llell was fonriil on ... , , . noieiry a "en replace.! l.y 11 in. A fi. Comme petal. llni.iMiol awl iVanaeri .. j . . . .i . ii . i.ii" rvi-niiy iirntfi iioine n.A huMn'.' Il.i.i uhlnh l. im Itihley machine fieneral llulln,i. IhornHrli- " i Phone 313. lie nencn near ill" limn oi u.e Ti,1Ir4,..v s train I.. r.en.l l.e V" .v'i lli'il V - . " Irill, t eofle pulleys and Masselt " ly up-lo-dale and Mctial Itestktnrrs , r. reserve. I a.ler ho) .livs I if.untershaft. 1 be .lece.t-e,! leaves a wl fv ami ere 1 . iMunn, who recently arrhe. from lllph seN sensitive s.pure.Irill Me wtlh aourses given by qualifies! in. ranae.1. p., wo cbiMren. with a molher nni'l . .. . . l.naian.l. II l expeele1 ll.at a Irwt.e slnictom. !u4rnU pivparnt newel- - isler. lo mourn for a re.pepl-,1 : J" number nf InOri.ls wiU M-ll ll.e pulle;.. KuiHsank Mwe for rnfinifMt standard I'lu. tiniplel. nn l lalio.ary uas ensine. i iF A :ieniher of the Masselt Maml. .Ulan.ls .lurfnp the summer bl4er, 'li'Kisl. Kr.ineerinir ami f h.p. ItUeksmiili fr Some yeirs sn the father nf ., ... .". .... m.ll., anl prea rat inns are Commecrial him Inalions. Write ... anvil anil llin.il llell was also nrowne,ro.ft:n..a"l, ' "'"r " . ,"Ml"r -- T ' M.II of a Shaft I !: vke pipf .m Kveninc cImsssm condurted at kel ..fi. a -ral.nc mI. in;, bells, pillow- blneas Anjroi and Prince Ituport. por V. ! Sheet Metal etc. nil remly in Knr sale run. The funeral look place nn "' . . V""" 1 r' lintel, I.. eoo,M-lale t,.e furHMr taHh-nlar apply la lHn-h i froiVi the Chiirrh of SI. "r- "'" "".re. ile.jrirtis nf enjhyiirtr the scenery. rn bloe. A cheap buy frr a J. W. Keplln. kwal agent. John. Alfreil Adams offjcialfriir al ; ti i- .,7 "". . 'fisliiny nno" hathinr plas in ,e maeliinirtU I.ally Xew OHW.Apply, lu .HhV-WI - A nyi. M.t I. nr-t tre--1 Hreet r Works i be church awl Bravesble. ' Willac lUock. Pnaxw ItHfwrl. liurliam who art iillomlintr If isarf ; . ll.C VOLMI rtTIIAWHKHnV School in l-rines. Il.if-.rt are; n'f (Camp-bell; PRINCE RUPIFTTIBM wrk tntlatun plants for sale. Ilriev-cellr.) MASSETT RESIDENTS spen.l.nc (heir ImlMays al l .k. BOARD. Inlef u.i.levar.1. iieiknllA If it's in Sheet Metal variety for Pnnc? ftu-perl M Arts 11 Ssturday, ial Maell, will be pficee.le. ItOAIIH. hum RECENTLY MARRIED ditrtl. prie fj.b. -Inlander, H conn I Near Oen.lrean left Weslne.. Ilia-it We Have It ;.,. in II is pro. ."andspii. tin.ni. per lono Ar Avenu phone 17. If ' '"r,,rT w"" P1 I" replace the. I.ri.lce l-irt iKr l.l. Apfly Oapi. J. MUs Mildred Evelyn L-awson Be-nti.ro Mmlr.fr Cnmpany. m ron- SEWINQ l.w ,.,. ,Ulln Tar and Gravel Roofing comes Bride of Cecil L. W. e,-,io will, their claim. n ,,H. wit a per. II. lillUII. Sandsplt, 11,0. IN ,, Jumn. , o VKMS 8KWIXO I'rle A Specialty. 1 u.i-. .Maroon Ainiiniain, iaiuiii i.aae. IIKMSTIlHIMI ntHl PrevHtlicnl-tachment. Sunday, rll eonnes-linw Massetl with the way rwevriaMe. Ph Oe IHe 70ft. Sole A is for Auloforce. Ken fll sewit.a-mar Hiah . l-ffls roast of liraham IsUml. any Air I'mnps anil Fimlley Furnaces, MASSKTI'. March .11. A we.1- ijjv Wall mel with an ae- hi ne. prW at.SO, PerannaJ LOST I ! the best on the market ilinx of pr.-al interest on the Hilenl a few .lays arn while MOTEL ARRIVAL ctjeek inc. etlru. Itrfclireman l.irw I inlay. Queen Charlotte Man.l look wrkin it. ll.e wh1. He r--1 Sales Aireney. Km IS, SI, I.Osrr. Hoys' tlmwn Mackinaw I ' Special atlenlion Riven I j place recently at the Queens jivwi a hn.l inl on the ,ea S Catherines, Ont. 7ft (Uial mil side Hkalina Itmk Monday, April t oulsiile work. Hotel. Ilev. J. Olllell offieialinir. whWl mic, ,.-v, .,,, flllal .r ... " ''"'l ,u I'lnrW pleaao pliooe I Hue OuO. ftlma Second Avenue. wlu-n Mi.s Mit.lre.1 Kvelvn Ijiw. n.. r : ..r .... . t- 1 .miner. J on SI. I'Ort SAI.C. fine snllinv yaenl, I mi- imrr ii. i in ivi.m iiiiii i.i i MIST lllnrk lllbbon Phone 340. son. ilaushter or )r. I.. A. Law j, r,,i,, smttewltal by hl .lames; Mis K. s. Miller. I'velyn; wllli sails and rivvlna- kii-plele. i. . ..... Klks. .. roelh Low Mrs. I'.. Saunders, John Kelly und i s'i i' 'hi. i iiiisr jnmse rein im. of this place lieeame I lie run Prlre J!V. Pwllen. bri.le of Cecil I.. W. Ilaker. J.P. I jl'r. C. II. Hankiusnn, Siniltiers; 'phone 9. rn I.. Daily .-w OlhVe. 7A "'p "r "" ciiarrninirj Mf ,, M j -lo,,,pon .tiiss v ejuiierliea.i an.I miss AUCTION JSALCS, MAIL SCHEDULE mi i .l:nteillni' eo.lurne with' .. . . .. . ,.... ... Kelleher. I k Joseph llilw'orlh. ron sai.i: fl.Kifs ami ettffifX. " " r iiiiii hiiii ii iiiiiit"ri Hrriirn (ind.ii'leil in your borne or at American New and macli Express ew llaellon: James. T. Wilson. ile inerj-, I ri.lal veil ami nranjie blossoms. (wT y nhl,, ,41 cur rooms, (tnrxjs also snld on y-oMlierii litchanyn. Phone she a t.. ll.e 3roo..i were re.f Cenrye O. Castle, ff. W. IW.r-lura, For the East , ,loli(1aV), ,,,1,. (ummlssinn. W- srJ :. M. Slewarl. I'. Oloush. 0. Mondavs. Wfiln''-.y ! ' Money Orders ieuts of numerous piris front. H. H. HEMMinas, Auctioneer, It. Knox and closes ai Ji F fi.ir many ineiurs. .... M for A. J. Cook, Vancouver; FOR RENT Third Avenue unlays, Issued IVior to thr-vve.l.linir. a .bower William lllarkslnrk, Queen From the East . .. on hfr ,im,0 , , , wlrp she (Denny Allen's Old Store) iva aien for I h bride, arrancre.1 Cbarlolle Oily; ''. Ilarkell and A. 'OH ItKJST. ;T'b entire floor or MiimJays. We.lnf?iy ;i will eiii Kler. Phone Black 130 and Qreen 471. Norway, Sweden & by Mrs. John A. Itricss and Miss I'ynn, lliiekley May; peter Keay, any portion nf if as occupied days. 4,30 p.m. Denmark at Lowest !liln Martin. Mr. Illcliiuiiii'l made a trip In Massed; W. l.aiiijr. Vlclnrlo; II. by (lie Wauderers1 Club. Strum TAXI From Vancouver f 1 Afler the weddinfr, dinner Mas II. Mine, iiaeiion; .Mrs. Mil heated atid will make Hub or Pnone Number Changed to Sunday . J Current Rates Usk, t'oinjt up on Thursday niirl.l i V Vi A' (I A i i i 10 riMinUl erted nl which (lie usual Inasl -. lodsre. M. M. Hlephens. 67 Wcilnesdays Al -ere Irunk ami later Mr. i.ud . LMeAfee, Oeoriielown. ((Ull Oe.irjre floss) Kaiurrfiys Agonte for Mrs. Ilaker left for their summer Central iron m:xr. - seven roomed Flve-pns.rnzer Tourir.ir Car C.IMI. Maul. '? The mill closer! for half n inn.efn house; closn In, Call Norwegian American Line resilience msir lliellen Itiver. James A. Wilson and A. Wil I'r.impi iuy mid Nlglil Servio . To Vancouver day on Friday. 7lH4ilbinfere 7 Street. Phone. Swadlati American Line 'Iliey will reside at Massed. son, Victoria;, A. Illoonier and Standi Boston Orlll Third Avent,si .i.iilli.tlAn,l....nj ........rlp.In! .01 Scandinavian American Morce Hall made l.iisiness'J'i,",, llui.ler, cily; W. II. I.. lreet.32. 7(5 Tuesdays. Mall el" Line. FURS. FURS. ......... Vlsil - - TUXIS BOYS MET ON trip I.. Sinilhers Ibis week. Norris, Smilbers: Chris Dimn, RTI-.AM Heated flat for rent. .i.i.i ...7. - Oliver r Typewriter liiirelilvn. He sner a-parlllieuls. M. M, Otir speciality Is the making, up p.ll. despatched ( Ji(, Cary Safes THURSDAY EVENING) Slephens, of furs of every desi'riplloii nl (Jim Salunlays fi FIRE INSURANCE QUEEN CHARLOTTES lulih Kelly, chief couslable of lowest prices. If jnu have raw Satunfays drain 1 I'Ort fti:T. Front flat In Srnllli ?. I 1 C.P.H. Mar. li lli. provincial police hi Siniltiers furs to Im made up Inln any aril -e, The Tmls I nssemMed in toys A Mallet lllnck. Seattle iiitr-Ponl bnui ihl was a p.iserijrer ftoiiiir mmjIIi on send, or l.riiiK tlieni to NOTI0K Dybhavn & Hanson tin- Men's Own Oymna.ium of I be linolbei foiir-liiasled schrxiiier. lo llie Prince lluperl )elerday W, Q0LDBL0OM, " -.1 ' "j Methodist Churrli on Thursday II Tllf VVTTIH ; Third Avenue llurkley Ilay. mi , .Ma-x-ll Inlet, riioriiiuv. He is on it vacation CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT "The Trapper. Friend." 1 J i.w H a -r..iS IniKhl and had basketball u panic. ri . Vine ror im Prince Rupert, B, Inivinu and iufminal spurts. The on Mni'li .'0. lo load luinbei for trip. Second Avenue. lilWIr. .,,, Orders are hereby plvcn that l.iy Usui, Htnf I. .-ki lball jrafne was belweeiij PRODUCE. as. nil " proiterly owners or leiiauls .... ,4 Iiiiii School nd Piiblb' School IhroiiKlinut the city must .-lean . ..........N,r Tl.le ...irr ' I, .earns iiiul the lalti-r jrave a xon.1 1 rrsii v I'Krisiiiirs aim 1 runs 01 Hslur lieen .n".' r ,, jiip llieir sards, lot . etc.. within ... - of them wives. Afler-I ,,, rrlVl. cvrrv Wr,nesday JJfl-sT.m V.VV, Gutta jneroiinl'wri!. ll.e boys met in Ihe par- The Oxo provides rich soups and ;len days.' All cans inl nnd malerlal ,, nHut Jay. Wbol. snle or lie- SeA'V rtS MlIN '.'! . 1 -.oiiayc and nrraused for a base. graviei in a few minutei, and good in pin in 11 eonininer con- 'm The nrlrinsl lnifsls r 1 mi 1 11.' I "laved diirins the Great venieni ror n.e snnmarj waion. .special AK. hIk.m lo Mail Orders (lie Hill lull. '-". GrCna.i,,al1 vw dishes from what lelt nouriihing was lly Order of lleuldi lieparlmcnl.' prince RUPERT PRODUCE CO 'f?l off 1.. l-lT.-f ' a"'1 '"n'"erl Cross Tread Cover. "V7, ,",,,W?V ' over from yesterday. 77 Third Ave. Phone 7S3. B.C.. SIM M.rrl. And Tube. Are j"" Economy Hell-"" - ---- - . Ozb the "Built for Service." L provides concentrated NOTICE. I a aasn ACT Priiw Wliu t a tiri goodness of lean beef, which males if cohis iiiiprriiis entirely Ten Years Ago your food nourish you more. 0. H. . Wlllemar ' : the service Provincial IH on Assayer. In Prince Rupert feAWs) ruiwrr, suit il.usl "0 ' - it Rites. Ozo means economy,Letter cooking, II buvlna been brriuabl in my ""I- ,1 .1 t It rt"""1"1 'ictia Perclia" I and unproved health and wcll-beuig. no)Ire thai many of uiy foruiT . ..... ... t-uIiAllon P.' . ih. 1.' Tire- are lh "Tires' Collar! A lleynnlds bate. open. clients believe ( lime (flveo up ainiir .rr ... asm"'.! Thai flust Lenst." inl up u lai'xer urrice in the Hurt (iridic work, wish In muke 11 a l".l I'lsnM "i res " liloek next lo the Hank of Mon- e.lsriM S QUALITY lin f... slsiii. h'1',,,,':! (Wii Phone S3. clear Ibul I slill accept ami run h. l ihrore IMirlb. 'Ki jirfal. Their realty business j' samples for cuslomers evacily tn . hainti lls-iw-" ' ,JL ,,1 1 IH aLK. u-bri-clnfore. tulles.1... hs f! rurxsw" Sold by vJalr .aaV ,i-:iiiijly evpanding. I., IH.IIil l.r nllllMW'll'B,l , PACIFIC CARTAGE Ltd My uibjirss is Hot 7.', Smith-1 S.MONDS I ..rs. HM.rs "VV'fl'N-lllfjlrl The steamer Princess Boplila era, ll.C. j ilM0ND CAlAtU 14V CO. 1IMITC i i s s s'tf ill pmi Ibis mot nlnir en SiKiied Iioug-lue II Willciiiur VMKMUr, It, ll.JnBB.il I. t