M-' i i !0 3. mi n&iLT mwi VA9I THRU SUFFERED SO j Local and Personal I For competent Remember from Heart and Nerves a C. Undertaker. Phone ti. LIFE WAS A BURDEN washday help the Kiddies 361.Hayneri, Undei takers. Phone tf li A II I...... Rnaiii-nlle. c,ni mrllr. . i iii .1. Iirtil-d I., r( i,ww Inn i ,t r.iardinr Ihr ,! Mill.urn'. I" I'. Imby rplunifil U Utk on Have these ll.ait ami ..r Mil. dirt iiw. IiikI ii lil m train. A -Inn iinm - - services explained a( aurr.red with hrart EASTERTIDE ii.l h. mi tumble, and wan no I nil mull lluy your eBcUililo and frilll li.il l..i, ,.nly Imwi i.,ur Urtx al I he Clly Mai kcT,' It main. M, iH-.rl a to bad I had tfwlM oIh ii iIiiib im ihe mail ami wuM ratal . ami wirWxir. wuM carry m id i:asti:ii su.nhav k6u iiai.y- Easter Sunday, April 1, 1923 ri.mi ui arm. I lni totk inm nla for liiliy and MdluVutla at t in ihr nuhl an.1 (liirmn mjr dally work m ji.in. The washday help . ' !! rarm. My tmn ik had I mnnl l. .c nild Jump otii of bed, and Him need it here you mmll.'il In alk Iha rinnr litiM I Sjuedloli (lolcliurK ijjTe ami. I WTKU Cards, FuMm, Habl.ii . rolild M-tut. ckn.u ttila, kei arirr Ulu iMilfiw. Alliwtiii AljirkeCri I'lione Simply tl.cl Ih. a.rrk. t ir iHitea M kens, haUtrir iraBketR, Napkin. 308. fT r yem want, phon. oa, anil 1 (off l (bout waabday. 1 undry novelties, we have tln-r Milburn's .lork Morrifuii wa. flnnl a specially selected Ktock r.f Heart and Nerve Pills in Hip imlire roiirl tills inoriiliiK .uch at jwpular for uiii(i obacctie language. i 'I jiricoB. While wc I .hi i.ii.-ii a.v I am i rHi.vr nun. 4- DAMP WASH. I ii..w f. . I in ih- bri of balih. In faeu have enough for all, rometnbir ti in. h..i i t. Ikmi ir for tkre ra, (riM'ii: McAfee, manager of Upturned Daufji. i ..rl hopper gets the pick. and ran dn any rla.a of wotk with il.a Hip lll(r May mill nl ipur?pitwti. Nothing Ironed. nr.. Ii.tt brfure life aa Ixtrdra la i in Hip elly IiMlay on iiuoinvtua. 20 tlx. or less $1.5 . Kxccss weight at So X I I'ri. r.'.r a Ink al all daalrrt or niaftii.1 McRAE BROS., LTD. ! ..I '-ii n-relpl of frlr by Tlie T. Mil Mm. I rank W'nnl urrhnl fn per lb. .. . I liiilli d. ToruolA. bat. tlii cily from Mapll on Hip SOFT FINISH. Prince John yeafeHay iiiurniiifr. Minimum charge do own washing, A M. .Ii'ITitk xnili-il im llm Whether you your 11.50. I'l im i. Ilui'i'il yi'nlrrdny iiHiiliintr I'oIIpiI Plant anil Cut I1iiw-ri have a woman come in, or send your I a cry tbiug wadied f.i VaiM-i nr. inplmlinz Outer Milieu, arriving work out, you should know more about and dried, flalvvork Weilnewlay and Saturday....tileflJ ironed. 7c per lb. r.i'n i Ailami, i-hnrtl wHIi nle . 77 the modern washday helps which are plus le per piece. r.'Him it n ililtirliniicr and uolnsr listed here ROUGH DRY. ...rnii. lHiiiiiia, Ntunil Suhation Artny .Home lusu They are 9aving thousands of women Minimum charge .M-r i- MHtrialriil'' Mrtllyuioiil lit ."ale of AirliH. Fan; work. S1.2S. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY Ud- mi.M- ruurt lliix momtqit Home rookin? anil Home made work, worry and expense they are Uverj'thltijy wu-lml WINTER SERVICE. I., ki'i-ii lli iwace for Ihhee ramly. April )pfrrxliiniilK. pointing the way to new household and iln.. flatwork S.S. PRINCE QEORQE i . . Unpen t-u. b l i iday monfiiM. Kii wax rirf!nled.iii - economies which are most important Ironed, wearinij ap-parfl I V M. li,. .i.,,,, Kill.. Powell rui1 hy I.. . palroore. Mii ilraee .Oiirfain eailed ihi starched. Vc II .. . VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE. the Prinee Itiierl yenlenlay Glance over the services listed on this IT lb. plus lu per I FOR STEWART AND ANYOX, ..l.,.-.d... P.M. Thr :.I'.H. ulrapwr Prlnm mum hi(r for Vnoeoinrr eiirwiite page; then phone us, and well have pi pee. Ib'Mi l ire, r.apl. C. C. Sa.lnlhr. r-i to Sa.kaloiin ami innlip. Slip S.S. PRINCE i.. ..II. I JOHN, i ..ii. Smith ijueeu Charlotte in I-...M.K. M.in ii :i. 17. :w. ivp.I al 7 lliia moriilni? from will be gone pveriil weeki n an our representative call and explain PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE. nm-.iurr and WHiorl mul it. xleuded lioliday Irip. detail the one which will exactly suit iiiriieil hi mi III al II o'rlork. 11m - - - - P' Il.i it .Inlv S,ni..i S:0(i needs. nt P.M. fur your ..i. limi hImmiI lwnly pa- V. M. lllai'k.lMk. uuxeniinpnt It - K.liH.'iiiiHi. iinii). j .i i -.-.-1 i ii 1 1-1 1 ions all . .. -i-njii'i for Mil purl and a eon line in.peetor returniJ y-pelay YouH find it wonderfully thorough; 'oimdrf - l..in. 1.1, .iii.l I, ii 1 1 1 Si nlcrabl aiiiilll of general rnorninu on Ilie'Prinre Joliiifrwii reasonable in satisfactory cost; AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. -iii'i a lii nmfl. Qufrn Clmriolle Oily after having surprisingly City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave., Prince Rupert. Phone 260. wnl the a furl nis hi iiu in every sense. Phone today. A l-w f Ihr lopal riflemen Ithe I land tin dpuarUiii(at .ml ihflr ftrnl vlil In llir Mt liufineaa. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY n t.-Ja-l I i:rerk ran? ylrnhiy .mil fin-il m fw riitiiiiW at thf Speefal prenruliii hae liHn CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY iiiiwei-. (juiif a iiil nf vnrk n;ill iiiaMle for Katr Service in I lie Phone 8 li.n.. In li.' i ft.hi' In I III raWltfO b- Uhurcli of Knglanal. Ilu'e will B.C. Coast Service f.ui- H i in uiM j nbfiw ;fur he lield at h a.m II a.m 240 iioiiiiiiu mid it wHI 4m . ;fWw p.m. Uliildren'i eriee ami 7.30 l"inel fwcdili AnrliuvicK in ....ki H lM-rfjf ;4tj , jbtamlsr j.in.. TUere will be erial uiunie bulk and can. Albeila Muriel Sailings from Prince Rupert iIiihmi. .i mi- ajwaaiajrcwiuini!laf. and perial rhurrli decoration. Phone SOU. If 4. Frozen 8.S. PRINCESS MARY.-"" Fancy y Mi-- lhir..i it, I li'itinmiill. nf Holier I A Hli nr. Jr., who left Kulher !ojrrey eailed fur Victoria and Seattle, For Vancouver, IVIkm-ti: Mi- II S. MIIIit. of the eity rerenlly for Slewarl. wu Ocean rails on the Prince Huperl March 16, 27, April 6, 17, 27. ii. Mr-. K. J8. Siiiiilrn. of a paienger Imund oulli on Ihe yci-lerilay inoinin; For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, Siiitili.T-. mul Minn WpalherlieaiJ Prinee lliiiMel tnalrilMi- II. i - I ' March 12. 23, April 2, 13, 23. nml N'- Kfllrh1N-. rtf pV, wr ijjjinp lo N'irfia vire lie lia liafTodll Hall on Monday liy the I -u S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. iiiniiiia iitf uiioei ipasMtr irm atOple iHi.IWoTMr. Arlimri'J Mary Chapter I.O.Il.K. in Herring For Butedale, Swanion Bay, Cast Bella Bella, Ocean l In- inliTi.ir hvinr ymlrnlay Jr. ami eliikl are already in Vie. he Aiidilorium. No iiivilalin" FJJ, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van iii..iiiin mi I lie Priiire IIuimtI loiia. iiuwl. 'riekeli' ?l.0il. West-liotnie corner, every Saturday at 1 p.m. fur aur.'llMT In altrnd (In" ).(' - I lielipl rj, i C , Agency for all Steamship Line. I It'ial inn uf lmarliern' Ooiixpu- P. Harked, engineer for I ho I ii..ii. MaM'll Timber k.. arrive! Mrs. J. Jl. McKay wailed ye- BAIT W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. from lluekley Hay on Hie Priupi; Icrday morning on the Pritiee Corntr.of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. j I In- Vii-loria OriuuM nf Turn John yestenlay morniiig lu lukcl'.'ui'crl for Vancomer where he ,.l.i -n-: W'lnlf mi uul of ilan- er the roiiipauy s lug Kvcr- will Miid several month visit-1 ui'i . llti- i-i.ar-oli nun of Hun. jireen which lia been in Hie dry ing al her homo. A. M. .Mhiimiii and Mm. Manaon dork for mjiiic lime being rc- s $30.00 per ton UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. u- l'iKll'ailltt WHI B l""Ulll fMte.1. Principal J. C. Hrady. of Ihe tar Vantsma.. Vltl.rU,M.,r. t! Hi ..I I.'. u li.il-.. rl i. ' I Uv . P.M. l H-riid yptlrtlny. 'Iltr lioy local high school, sailed today tor rut I laiMH, laaaa miw, s,.i n4 AIM. Arm, .-.,n.l Whlmalil h uikIit ii nrriiMin ofirralion .Mine Mary rawcetl, public on the Princess liealriee for tl ) Oct.n.a an Kill M.nxiur ' i l l' I, i. Har l.i-l vki-i'k. Ili nrrinu ruiiililinn ncltonl (earlier al (Imiali llher Vancouver where lie will alleml Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. CI" e l Snmarfllla, Iihh. '". ' ? I I. II. fl liu- kepi llif .Mliiriipy-cieiieral I"ore her I la ml, is iiling in Ihe H,:, 'reachers' federal lull 1J . s,aaa. iC HXltr. g..L rrlM. fcaswl. B O. iiii fi-.ni Ii ih ntllrt. unit ymler. Ihe city the guenl of llev. ami romeulioit nest week. PRINCE RUPERT i v f"i llir ftr.-l limp in xoine Mr, tl. O. Hacker. Ml I'aw. I In)- Hon. .Mr. M an hi in K"' I" Hie cell' i a con"In nf -Mrn. M. M. W. II. I.. .Norris. formerly ofi l.riliili. Iluililliitxx, liut mily Stephen ami Mn. 'I'. K. Cringle. Ihe local provincial government' fur an linur or Iwo. nf Hii elly. nllk-es and now located in the1 service al Smilhers, arrived last FISHERMEN! SPECIAL MUSIC Owing In our mine closing for night from the interior to spend lime vie arc reluctantly ob Hie holidays in the. cily. "LECKIE'S" Standard of New Season's M'lA.lW. Ml SIC. at Hie Medio liged lu iliscoiiliuue all sale of a ,lil '.Im it h. Siinilay nitflil at 7 JO our coal lo Transfer Companies. William C. Iteilh, foriiiPily of Quality varies FROZEN HERRING BAIT i.m. SoloiHlH, Mr. Wnoilwiirlli We have JiM siillieienl eoal on l'"" treasurer's slalf in the City never ami Mr. IMIdt. iiiliniln, pro. baud In take rare of our trade ulu Mrs. Ileitli and family por 1'iypp, Minn liiicMler. until (lie (nine reopens. Con sailed yesterday iimming on the! Fine Fitting I'm m the smallest sizes in - Just Frozen Beautiful Quality Mr. I.unra.lpr ami Mr.Vil-w sumer s Coal Urt.. I.imilcil. Prince Itupcrt for Vancouver en-roule Hoys' 1 100U to the many styles m Hi. l'ianixle, Minn Way. Phone 7. to I.us. Angeles where they Comfortable for men Ihe quality of the NEW, ENGLAND FIStf Company I In r.alliulir lidioa .salt or intend to take up their residence. Icalhei nevtr varies. You' can Ketchikan, Alaika Branch W.uk. Home Conking, etc., in Miss S. Slone, l. II. Ilarliiess. get a i.eckic" fit today and be I In n- Si'l I Hall, from 3 In fi, James Milclicll, Miss K. A. Jler Boots satisfied throughout the entire ANNOUNCEMENTS ' life of Ihe slines. Won't Wc.ln I'-'liiy. April I. Social in cer and Miss .S. A. Mills, mem They r lose their shape or look uu. Hip ppniiig. hers nf Hie local public schools leaching Huffodil Hall, under auspices. gail.lv because I.eckic Hoots staffs, sailed yeslerday FOR MEN AND BOYS limr g on the Prium llupprt Oueen Alary Chapter, I. O. l. K. ' and Shoes are built by stilted for Kuslcr .Monday. ft; workmen who know bow to. Vinicnuver where Ihev will Three Specials in Church Notices j alleml Ihe eouveiitiou of Ihe II. fashion good footwear from C. Teachers' Kedcralt.n. Mrs. II. O. Crewe's pupils'. Ihe finest leathers. s Haiicing Hisplay, Wcslbofine, YOUR SHOEMAN HAS Easter Candy C.li.M.M. freighter (Uiuadiau April 5. First Presbyterian Church Skirmisher, having completed her 1 LECKIES M,lining v 1 -Ii 1 1 al tl n'l-lnck. Knights annual overhaul af Ihe local dry of Pylhias W hist I H ive j Wit i:ie .'Im.ni III, -.' II '- I K '-I 'll M"! Children s Kasler service. Special diM'k. cleared al lu o'clock last and Halite, Meliopole Hall, April! ill'.,)- Is.i-I.t lnlU .u Ii I.., ..I I. I . ,'Hl.ini- .1 lifiiil- 1 1 1 1 1-1. liy Hie Children's I'.lmir. i "'' " ' "-ivcr. AHer hav- 'Make D.C Product your J: LECKIC CO. LTD., . . Sunday Sc.,. will meet. First Choice Vancouver, B.C. i ( u 01 KlIviTW.ill'. ",V Kv ng service al 7..I0. Subject. ! ..f" kf l-'l'l Hoy Scouts' I lance, Klks' Hume. "" ' "ur,'i"' IT was found neees. WILLARD'S "KNIGHTHOOD" "The II.sen Chr.sl." Special April 0. murrain of Kusler music will, an '"' UP ""' "DEMITASSE" ami she was thus delayed for a augmented choir. Preacher llev. Klks' Hallooii Ounce in the day in .ell "TIFFANY" II. II. liranl. Illi. mg... away.-;. . lllks' Home, April 0. -- - DENTISTRY; X-Ray Service First Baptist Churc Charles Suuberg has resigned . Regular Price, $ 1 .90 S iul Kasler Services tvmor- from the l ire Hall staff lo go II ill 00. Amateur Theatricals. The only reliable and scientific nielhod of knowing tlio Special Easter Price $1.40 ruw. Paslur J, .1. Simlloun. halilnit lulling. It. H. Skinner. iVeslliolme. April I'l. exact condition uf Ihe teeth aud surruundiug Muniiiig at II iiYl.'i k Siihlect. Who was rerenlly appointed by bony structure. "Ilahl i."' Snliu-I. .Mi- llenl. Ihe council, has arrived from EGG DYE, 10c a Package Two Packages for 15c. l'Acuiiig service nl ' Sulijci l : An.vii. lo lake uvcr bis p..Ml lull Tako DR. BAYNE " The AiiKels' (Jiie.l i.ui. Soloist, as tiremau. Air. Skinner is an all ORMES LIMITED Alr. A lluuler. Special Sunday aruund athlete and is nlsn a BEEchahs PILLS Office Hours: l-0. Tues., Thurs., SaL Evenlug 7-V. xa. m JAAA Sclionl Hally nl s o p.m. Mia nui rled man. His family willl IienUI Nurse Always In Attendance. The Rexall Storot,. rnones uz, ana .um 1 A. missoiiary. will speak. Come arrive from Vancouver in (he f for Constipation Rooms 4, 5, 6, Holgerson Blk. Phone 1 0f. I ,. ... ,1 . . , ,,i I .i-terli.le. I ne.i. luluru.