4 -' When You Want A MannfactnTtr't Samplet of TAXI 99 main RAINCOATS GUARANTEED in a hurry London Made (P. W, Cow), Phone $15.00 to $25.00. Belt Car and Beit Service PRINCE RUPERT Steve King In tht City. Rates Reasonable Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Third Ave. V It Mil NO. ;u IMUVCi: III. I'l.HT. Il.li.. MATl HIlAY. MAilCIl 31. I02:i. Vftttrdtr't Clreulttlsn IBflJ Strt SalM, M4. PRICK HVK Uktilt ONFLiu BETWEEN FRENCH AND GER MANS PRINCE RUPERT MAN IS GIVEN POSITION IN C. N. RAILWAY AT VANCOUVER nnother Conflict Between French SABOTAGE ON LIQUOR SUPPLY Activity at Qaeen Charlotte FISH BOATS UNITED STATES) Islands this Summer Indicated and Germans at Essen in which 6 I by Present Developments there : AT ABERDEEN British Steamer Anchored Outside Three Mile Limit Said to be Germans and Eleven French Killed Medium l.omtiering activities now imder xx.iy on Ihe yuecn Char-lnlte Scottish Strikers Damaged Nlmids hid fair to make lln mmii g -onimer the I.nsiest Steamer Which wet About to HUSTON, March :i. -Tin HHL season in Ihe history of Ihe islands xvilh more aeluul industry ili strain -i- Axoitfowu willi 10.-Mi going 011 even than in the inflatrd days of'uirplane spruee production I.OMiOY M.ir. It. ;t. A K-i.ul. li from Iiiscllorf say a i Leave Port rnses uf liquor riding at n-'rhnr lieforr Ihe close of Ihe (Sreat War. It a. h brlwrrii French soldiers untJ Hermans at Gcrulslein. r.nst Mysl iniHjrUnt and Hie CELTICS WINNERS ' osi'-iilr Mr- Hire mile limil employing greatest nil in her of men Pr;: In, rr-tilled in I lie dealh of clexcn inuil of whom fix OF SCOTTISH CUP SET GERMAN ADRIFT t said I" lie uti important link iHime-j the oralioii of Ihe Massell Timher IU. at Hurkley Hay I between Snillaiiil, an ciortiiiR logging mid culling liml.ers for liipnmiil lo l.os Angeles for I IIKUI.IY March 31. Six (irriuan wuffceni at die Kni Ol.ASOOW. Mar. I.O.MmiN. March The fir.-l syndicate ami t'nilfil Slates roil- remanofni liire. In the logging rumps anil al the mill helween t. :k:. :sl rN-cn hut lfii killed unil J?0 iniir-l H a conflict with :." t uf salnilaii roiiiie.'lcd Willi iiiim-. "no and l(0 men arc wuikiiiR "- m - llic I'rriK Ii military, according I" nl rwrchrd here. When Ivli-iil iiiK li"' Hibernian the Ah -rilrii fishermen'4 sirise Tir,.,. ( ,,, a,H, there now. Thirty more men ai - I'lpSiT TJ"' A TiO TfTl I It. I he I 1 1-1 today by n. llic Vrs Jit lt i-ouii went In occupy u certain Ixrupp iholor work. wiuHled yclc,,Uy when v. ,.. Muntr,.!,!. are under rixe.1 on (he I'riiice John this I H ir.AK.irllK Ihe worker -topped Ihe riAchinery ami v"iit outside In offer wmii I lie Scottish .-ccr party ol -Inker eluded tin arrest 'Imri'il wllli conspiracy r week. T. J. Foley nn.l C. J. lle, A UHU 1 Jl .up after un exciting WHlrlitm ii. un.l lxmriJr.1 and din- ... iirt,.r i i.v i,..m also arrived mi Hie steamer and w. II --i..(r.l Dial I f Mini urroiindeil lln: lrnps and llirrul un.l hurd-fouxhl scries. uld.-l h ..li-aim-r wln. li wa n-a.i.. , r liaii for f 7,0110. vill iijmi up another .-in ARCHBISHOP BY rued lo ;jrk Hiem unit Ihey withdrew. A iiiiii'liiiii' gun fired .In pill to m-b. Iiosiiiir llw nlriki- a nii. InUi Hir r-owd. I'i-..iiiiii..m inai ir"'''ri mi'mihi tirrn CTftDDrn TD II III The W'haleii Pidp & Paper Co. mi in- dxmnitfi. Hi' -.trikir-AU1U olUrrtU lKAin Is nieiiiiiK anollier louiiiK ramp FOOTBALL RESULTS i-ni.K'il tin ilii."n iMiilcrn, SEVEN WERE KILLED al Thtirslon llarhor besides tin-.lie EVANGELIST MCNICHOLL immlifil tin1 wliH-tlnijp fillnmt at Heresfonl Arm xvhirli has olid li.inanll-l llw puinp ami N-eii rmiii tiitr for some time. Tti.-roniiany Vicrr General Sentence of Death , ENGLISH LEAGUE. - Train Buckled From Too Sudden lonki'v I'ligfiii.. has inoveij Its lojijiint-' to be Carried Out Committee Division I. CONFESSES TO PROMOTED Anollirr party of lriki-r i'l Application of Brakes at l:eailiuarlers from IM-i.eM.rl lo Ai-. i.al .'. A-I.in Villa n. Decides adrifl a fri-mian , truul.T wliirli Crossing Thurslon llarlmr. At leal 1 00 Illl IIIIIIUlllllll O, I.IMM"Mi I. ..in.li'il ilii cl'li. rriir onrl liar- 'lien are fiii.lina employineiit in BOMB MAKING Popular Local Omclal to be' Illarklniiii It. I. Oldliam A. 0. rowly 1 ml il.-imasi- at a .Ian- l.ol.l M!l S. Olii.t, ilnn li 31. the lialen eaiiiis whirii are lak. MO-scoW, Marrh .11. The Hull..11 V. I. Mi.l.llonlxiro t. lentil sentence recently imposed ttrtiiK poiiil. jM-M'n iM'i'M iiM witi' kilicil and i... 1.... r..M 11 ii.. ..iiiiH Oeneral Passenger Agent " ' SiiuiI'm IuiiiI -. Tollriiliuni II. u .. on An-lihishop ZepliaV. head of - niHiiy iiijiinil v.Immi an fJiprrfR ... Ilia llilliiiil lliiflv l.taIl ti t at Vancouver r.anlilf I'. I. 1'ri-i.hm N.i:. 0. I ,M J f. Ihe Hoiiibii Cjilli'ilir Cliuri'li in Man lr. C. II. Iluiikin-oo. of liain di'inolUlii'd 1111 uulii ut H former London, Ontario, Miirln-t.'i l'.. 3, l!lirlu U. Hussia. was yesterday; comniulrd I In Hie lierv. The train l.ockliil Word hat been received In r-jinilliorH. arrlxnl rily 011 rrorMiiu vk ti wurk hi 111 4u(iiji, Say He Recognliea Pholo j Overtoil I. Hurijdty q. ten ariiu;ijjnneiitainder r aU HrftiUI. i.,the cllylhat George A. Mq- tlmLli iftl.l VHwrifHr't. - ul (hi- TliiIrT 1'rfnM II (he lirnk.-K an.TTiTI Ilie ralT uu-"-U Nlchon, aeelilani general (iinlpriif si- .,iiiir'lo operiili- tin? w-aimeiy a! .. , aaent, has been sinkr n. M Korwl I. prl. iuu iliiniiiKi' lo tin whole train. I-1SO..I, Hay (hi. year an.l wl.alius A ' ' ; " 7. ,? -i - paieenger AM.1X1S. .Mai-ll 'I W..-I lliiiiiiwicli I, Slipffit-ld t; 0. is In .e carried on 011 Wil-uli iiifi-l li'iin appointed general pastenger, Division II. ,,,"l,'r ''"alh seutence. wasdeih'.l. Utrtl. t with headquarters at si ale al Naden Harbor. The erah ml it lli'lario. wbo hi agent Hnrimlc) C. Kow-nlry U. 2. Government com.i.u-s.i Vancouver. City Manager eai.n. ix l Naden llnrhor will al- . t tliail l"l.ln-ry ami IhI Mr.Nlcholl will have charge Hlui-kpiHil 1, Miin-I)lri IJ. 0. he ,,v this summer. ,'ich "f.1 consider Ihe le- ttiHi I lu- ui'inl'i Krmlfonl I".. . Hnry 0. Tlie various industries .... II..- f"r miUtralioii of jhe sem I' of all the territory from !l'.rv-lal M Ham ,l" !; llii' ! illlllMB ! I'ulm-f I. -llh-rliy ;at ' . Illl" . Alaska to Los Angeles and rjaloii Orirnl 0. Islands are ,.roxi.linB e,..,.l,.yi Iml1' l'eh.l. d.-er.e,l the i .1 il' I'.. 0; s penally i. i in in i . iiimiMid' East to Jasper. Vancouver He will H'lilliain 3. I..-...N L'niinl (. is Urged by Speakers at for len.s all who Ihe want xvhile vxork imtl nalie and outshI res. - the Moscow court but leave for probably South SliWiN 0. '''""" ordered in the d-nil. n ln. Ii HiTI' U I -;. Hull r.ily lab-r is also coming in con- ""' a iar ! llir t" lr wli" early In the week. il.. n i lrr llity :i. I'orl Valr slanllv rase of !he ai'eliliisioi because a irr . i m Wai-uA uiul ii'i'l'il.l Mr. McNIcholl, who has loti :. siocfciMrl :. . ! Anolher Sealtle sailing sel...ii- '.'r' elemeni l,e Catholic il Mi. l.iiii.Mi. Wall ! : always been looked upon as ' imIiio.Ihx I. YYo.rliuniilin U. '''- ,l-'a might exploit is Ihe slreain al Hurkley er 10 rl' in Mm . " 1 il "I J I' a most capable official and !s.nilliaiiiitoii I. Ilollirrliain Rotary Club on Thursday Hay uxxailiu r lo be loaded With llie - llieni-r 'n I.eiHK uirccieu Mi;: ; fflf. N' ! York. in Is deservedly popular here, Division III. (Southern) old spruce slock for l'uget ;iuain.-t i!-icls and th-ir religion. (-i' um -I IM.'O. ulu n iiin'. Joined the O.T.P. In 1S89 lli. niri.r.1 I. Ilnlnl City 0. 1 Sound from (he mill. i i'ii r. killi-.l. and has had various prominent Iti i-I.il lloxi-r Swindon Town 0 li Hie faill' of III'' 'I'Jml poor rly govei omriil war- nol j-o mm -I .i- In I imii .in i'i Mi' positions with the i:iiHt lli'ii A. 'J. SwiiiiM'ii Town 1. Ihe LENINE AGAIN men a?, of Hie y.lem and thai the iiitroilin lion or city malinger has had positions He railway. Twn I. I.ill. 2. Ijilli'l 'il'.tk 'I ..f Mi. I'... ,in. -''il KxrhT in OFFICIALS colonlia-llon nylem would inrre;i- ehieiem-y was Hie opinion exprr.-ied il. Hi Mini-- ! V li" ii li" -'I In the traffic, Mrrlliv n. i.in.-fn'i. I'ark I. TlniiMlay by Thomas .MrClymonl. formi r may nr. al llic Holury Industries, operating N '' ' and Norllianiiloii ?. Millwnll I. SAID DYING !!!'- il ' ' .' li-' il. liliili liinVheoii. lie aUo spoke of Ihe reeenl roa-liziilion of the departments. I'liar.j .itil'l . i. - and purchasing I'lyiniuilli A. .'. Mn-rilari' 0. affceted lniiiii)' ami ruiincqiifiilly fuel Ihul gmerunieiil- eio he was In 1910 appointed hi iHlinilllli '.'. Ninwirli C.ily I. miirli iulere.-t lhaii formerly in the LiiMiiei's were taking more superintendent on lliii.liiiK n, Hriitliloii and II. 0. affairs of Ihe eilio. The repulallon or u rily affected Also Reported From Helslngfors IS and purchasing piildie JACK MILLER construction SiiiiIIm iiiI I'. I. liillmuliani I. commissioner of the standing of nueh of its eiliien. General Manager- of Railway That Military Dictatorship agent and Wnl fori I 2 ,Ni'WioH lUmnly I. and Industries. 1 "1 In exery eiy. Mr. MrClymonl and Others to Come Will be Set up colonliatlon Division III. (Northern! TT A 1U A nrTO aid. there were Ihose xxlio wcro General With Dawson AGAIN ARRESTED In 1915 he became Anliitivtoii .'I. Halifax Town 7. III I All A t-iiriessriil. those xvhu were mod. I.OMHIN, March' 31. I'remier Passenger agent. I arrow . Hnidforil !. UllZlllil UIJIU !,.,al.'ly Prince Rupert people will Ii.'iiIhihIihi Wlf.ui II..ri n. surressml. those who F. G. Dawson, accompanied l.etiine ist dying, says a despatch Pr)n,T' DAITMH I'l'ikc even, ami Uiose who lost from lleUimsrors, which quotes a General of Mr. Mc-Nlcholl's by Manager Taken by Police a About to be glad to hear ltuill-.iM)l S, Clii-ctfrfiplil 0 rIKill UlJlJINIi II xva-4 all a iuenlicm or coiirul.'iiliul from Mo-' . ni'iiiey. and at Cri'we Warren and W. O. Manders, messugn Board Boat For Victoria at promotion l.iiiiHiln C.ily I. A. 0. l.iirrerential, an.l this differential Paralysis to his right San Franclaco the aame time be sorry he i'liin I, (tri in iy Town I. freight and traffic manager euw. arm- .: has to leave the city. Si'nitliiorl S. W'aUall I. in favor of nuecvNH eonsixted of on the Canadian National is spreading. j. Beats Edmonton In Finals Fo li.cali inaiiaireinenl, and a here The message say that nfleri .3; Railway, are expected .Matvli ' Klaleyliridat I. ArrriiiKton 0. Mii:i.i:s, The Stanley Cup at Vancouver i,ihiiImt of other faclors. The Wednesday. ,lhe death or I.eiiine- a military Wri'xliam I. Durham ".. 0. next week, probably ImiiI for aio.cMMi. Jark. .Millrr on PROMOTED TO wide awake lnisinossiiiaii kep will he established, iliariif.l wild twin it lini'liruloil in J SCOn Iliy'lidalr Truiiiiirre Ilnfi'"i not VANCOI'Vcll, March 31. The It Is also possible jdirtalnrship seeking new differenliaU and onif headed by Trotsky willi four or lliiinr iiiiivkIi'ik nM'rullin, " AT WINNIPEG i;ti'.l. lltuwa Svuiilors won the first that B. C. Keeley will arrive POSITION of lliete it wat found was the government In e Ui-soriatrs. liy II""' LEAGUE of Ihe Stanley Cup series here on Wednesday's Ihm-h li.'iiimlil din k linr SCOTTISH itaine of the rily. If the cily i IiIimhh iunlf Mil rffol t defeating Ivlmonlou llskiiuos to steamer. This visit Is for ufln iMiliri Division I. MON I lll'.AI.. Mun h .11. U xxas xxell. gnxrrm-il, it xxhs an ad- the of going. Into LOAN GOES THROUGH t ttrl awuy on tin ulroim-r for .Mliiiin lluM'if. S, llaiigcrn I. me. nine 111 iwo g-u' 10 ooc n , ,,..., , ilv purpose Virldi a lli in cliariii-.l Willi aio- I.i.im.' Siolt. i:..V.II Kriu ial pan Ar IiiiIimI I'arll.k Tliillr-i I. x cry fast, game. The teuinn were Effeet Qn ButlnM$ the whole question of, developing ciiurr uitfiil ill Vani'ouvi'r in pro. ... .. this port and providing FOR NEW CHURCH TO i iHcuce on lalmtr I lit- .im of lli lit Cly ill- :i. .Mollirrwrll (I. l-xeiny n.ui. u..u n.v t,,.,.. I .ril Mll Collllnoll in a niniliir ioilinii I "-' " - facilities for extension Lull i McNk Ik'H 'r Alloa 0, Alrdi'ii'onlani. J. clean and fast. v.callli iitiMilioiiN failure of Hit? BE BUILT IN CITY Milli'i i hhuI " l' tn-uniirer Winn iotr uml Ilniiiilli.il II, liuiidi'f 0. I'diiionbm tired toward Ihe mil of business In this I'riiiri- IUiifit ti'lsi llic Yunionvei Ihe Seuulurs by llic use direction. mid won fur a ViinrouviT liHiinr firm. Ili urU II. Al.iTil.'i'ik 0. iritif. Now Ihn Aincriruii mm. .ot.lnll. Kilmarnock 3, .Morluu 'J. of a rust iron defense und by tim-Am lllliillllilllF ! f M fuilitltU' A leleKram has been receivcit t 1 1 ' mi's ' ' i ""w trlking al (he psyrhnlogicut mu-menl. ininaiii, r 1 m triftit W vtrin r it.111 Toronto with the information FIREMEN KILLED Ho- influenre of lh eondition nfYIlAK UtWtKAL WAO that Ihellhurcli and Manse MCEWEN BECOMES BIRTHS llieir cities on huslliess. Ilia; FIRE NOT EXECUTED AT Hoard of Ihe I'mshyUriau Churcti IN NEW YORK iil-'.' paid (o xvorkiuen, the cost AGENT nf Canada has put through a loan DISTRICT A ihimfhler was horn lo Mr. of liwlil. heat and power. Ihe tales of VICTORIA GETS APPOINTED TIME t .wills I Ihe ererlioo of a new" and Mm. Wilfrid Oulelle. 1,ml numerous other fai'iors Hf-'fecl NrAV YIHIK Murrli hurrh here. IxiuiU are lacking announced (his tuorniiiK Kiuhlli Axeutie, al Ihe (ieueral Ihe prom-ess of a rily. Take oixli'i'li, H in flrriiH'il wri'i- killed uml '"' 'i'0di' injui'i'd HI u fill' Wliii h lie-troyrd lliat II. Mclean, chief clerk in (lonpital on Murrli -".. REGINA'S GOAT I his cily as an instance for argu- MOSCOW. March 31 Although ,",'tl1",-' VJ'1'". twn facoili'n. four Irni'-mi Iheolllic of the anmslant general A son wan born (o Mr. and i in.'til sake, said the speaker. If, the se 1.1..in... ...uin.i Xli.iiu llnl .'ii'.'l lrV" anil rniulat in. iu' a.defiuile I'uaiu win iit liuildiMM- unil tlm-alriKil the panaenyer agenl here, in lo bo Mm. l.imUay F.uy on March Ul. hiaher wai.es an- paid her than jchax ill h. vicar general, was sos slrui'tii'ii plans coin freiKld lU'eul here. al the Oeneral llopilal. 1 Team-1 places II. he cannot Wined, the death nenlei.co had I "lliniie lii)iilal dUlrirl Beats the Capital Hockey n;.i. -i .. leomiielH xvilh olher nlaces. If.uol ben earriel out sexerul SWEEPS"" EARTHQUAKE IN BURMAH BUILDINQ COLLAPSED Winnipeg the workers have to pay more for hours after Ihe appointed lime. FRANCE AIDS CANADIAN BLIZZARD liANiiOON. India, Mar. 81. Iheir houses. Ilit-ir clothes unl MOSCOW, Mar. 31-T'he deHlhi AND Hrmah wan nhakeu liy an NKW YOIIK, Mar. al. One WIN.NH'KO. March al. - The rood. Iioxv are (hey to "airy on neiilenw lmi)ne.l 011 Hie vicurl TRAVELLING EXHIBITION NEWFOUNDLAND Upper e'nrlhiiiiake. Hip nslenl of th" ulioreewun kilhsl und leu others Vieluria Couaars sxvamiied Ih-i'lL wa said Hint calulnutie Iioum's u-enei-al. Ihe comuMilalion ofl THREE LOSE LIVES ilainage from which has liol ct xxeie injurwl when u remodelled Urifitiu Capitals by Hie huge score more business hi (his eiiy winch w us denied by the central I PAIIIS, Mureh 31. -The Kenalo Hswilalned. hiilliliug collupsisl (iood Kridayjof twelxe goal lo Ihrinx ii the.lhaii all 'oral merchuuts comhiu- exei uie I'ouimiilee had not been imuimouiy passdl a bill.fur tha been during u huliduy of Hie building second uf a three gunie exhihiUolijiil. IT Mil. wu no lliere wai u can led out ul fixe o clm k Ons ..i(,r,.t. :u: i 1 IM of four million KT. JOHN. Hid.. Munh :H. - xi, ii.i.nii Imrhaiu and her innpei lors. Herles for (he ritiht lo play ex-jteuson hir II. No number of dele-j (W ednesday) evening. rianc for Ihe liinadiun Iraxelliiig 'lliri-c. .iodi'. iim''-Im i in u MU- unending si-nom hlblli'.u games avulust llic OUiL-jgnlions or inoni-y niienl would 'exhibit ion in Prance. Molor car who an) -aiii WHICH sxxepi 1 l',iuuii.ni...r.. ... nit. T felNIIT ;, .eft .in last iiiulil's Joe Oceer nulls (onlghl by the xva Senators at Winnipeg on their ual.. up for Ihesi iluntis I ill il ! S. Honnry. district forester, advert i.inn Canadian maim far- u. ..1 11.r lii I lie cily. '..3,00.. wu; ,:ed iml for l . M-U H r.aater L rilii'tf Atbeil fur Huckley Hay way from the coast unci pluylny 1 nil., impii'l etiitens 401 11 ml lian ucn alieuuing a lueeimg or ini-.r ami nalmul icsuurccs will ram " ' " U u e- i"iu 1 the blaiuey Cup. , Continued on laga Two (i!ins rangers at I'l-moo uooigo (our ii. r an : (it di ai.'. ret. .iled. l'"''d"V-