TWI PAIL glWl "" Iipi aucp il ran alwny Inlk. pplehlr rp'idpnrp In lh MfMorillp Iih- licpti jnl irtint luir fnr xnnip'nl'arlnvnl whprp n hPnrly wpI-Hiiip iiil Iliiil Iip pnnlpmplalpil pnrnp nwnlla Ihplr frlpnl nf Hip Won't Shrink Woollens iiihiiik mm rami mpji mm wniim jiiijf n pqnnu, I..I.1. In It.a t.t.wti, nt m true, says MONARCH .'(iIIp.iiiiiph In ilcniM from kiipIi a hip Jinwrr iinnt irwnm nn wild luMinn. I'pIp duly nrrivod nn Hip wim way uiifiprKoinK n KNITTING CO. Hm appnp wild Hip Hippup tiPally Imll nn.l iliinrnllnir ovprtinnl nl Mi-upppil in a aIippI nf onrrmralrd Hip hanl nf Hip r-nilnpnl rnutl-ral Tk .linv firm, fins nf the lartf ir-in and iniulcil. ' lil, Imw arllol Jimmr Tlinniaa ntiil ett manufacturers of woollens f.'r inl iinl prppnl Hip. ITIuwa Hpo. Hani. TIipjp nrp Hip nrllala inCanada.invetti'dated thebeit from ipiiitif llirniiKli Hip walla I lint, put Hip Miip In Hip I.Iiip- method of cleaning sweaters ,nf iin' o-lnlilinliiiifiil. Spypral liPlla ami Hi a wfiilp In walpr. and they recommend Lux. Doing of the Muxiulto Fleet wMcli U Ihe f:! I fiiliri'lHPfl IlilPinl In hritllf a lihpl Here is theirletter,which tells of Prince chin' wurce Rupert's prosperity WPSfj ii. 1 1..ii nxainul I'pIp fnr hard Col I art Ship Coal bow sweaters tbould be v allied. lliinga miiil atrain.'t Hip linlllnil. AliWninn nml I'.ulilnin TllPd. 4 A'.'PJ. Hip (I.- 1 1 hitiwiI able has been ili.inu -terlintr Nn niip nnl liavo nlijprlpd In r.ollnrl pannl a rfpal of cip- nffflr p on leijnenl i iiihip in Mm- inippliiK Kniue Hip linrKDilt'da lialiil If I'pIp mpnl arnuml Onw May in pI- l hryM iieniTi' HiKI iinrinir me wihhm- minim- iiml I i ixl kfi.l il rliaiiiPd up In llin firfday morning whpn Iip arrivp.1 will) a lonJ nf rnal and put it It. I ii .ill pn.'P- lif iippii un" mane iwn n .minsi'ii 1 1 1 1 - as liaxpiiipul. Inpad nf dninir Iliat ii an f.-li Iin- Iippii fnr a Oeemi I"h!I, ;mi dnp Iip liinl i-.-tl in I v If I II main all nlmnril I Iip rxtwpr Imnl l,rinili. i .il i wmie i .11(in- iini I'liniPiiijiKHc ponm .nil oi nvpr Hip liiiildinir. fnmp nf il TIip rttl wn wrllpr,'',' up a It , - o!' -i f ni'il 17 He. Afnl pnrl oil Hip -amp PHapd again mil inln Hill Kiiialil tiviaina nirp jiIppp nf nownaprr ami rn --J:;rr:::J-""4 prellv it I irln(r. 'Ilin pann and i i1ilrmiiiit In ruNkp Willi Hip rpnull dial pnnr IpiI Miiiffly iirnlpr Hip kiii'pr" lu ii n ureal pVndua'iri'.P liii siiiiniipr palrntia Hip lull liail In wnlklliP wnlPrrrnni arm. 'Ihi waa Inadoil atTnard ijtlei halibut limit- fr.iin nrine of ip and iifurl in Hip all niulil. TIip clfndHi nf Hip willinul any rprPinnnjr and I Iip Iin ditiuiir Hn w.'fk 'tinlnv waler iIm . TIip ilwk is i-IiPpmp InniPil all Hip wiiilP apprpt pr(pp nipn rnnjpplnrp sliiliiMirrv Mni'k wIiIIp Hip !' lhal Hip uliinpiritr nf rnal l a y .if Hip li illuijr tu Iip rwniiVHwil unit epveral left f ir Hip ptii,.ii i. -iirfar Mpriiimi ae In he mi-nl lilnr in Hip facP and had I npw dPiiarliirp nf.. Irnlnlry in t i- -iiiiiu . .1 1 1 1. t i made wlilt Hip IiiiII 1 In )ip hp anilPil down llm ftlair inln wliirli Hip aliionnpn l pnjraginsr . Tl.. to hn, w u:,r"r u,;,Lrr jutl-flted Ullil ruiilkPil. 'Hip In- Hip ph brppp. SIpvp CarlPr .T"'ln. Il... , jlpeffer i In iiniliTBn a Ihnrnoali aaid htvwnuld nmniPr faPP a TIip launrh llPllr. 'Cant. lpdpr- .ri t niWiSPmlff clemimsj while IMP PflHltlP armv nf lift Ilian flvP ppjiI pn, arrivpd in pnrl -'mm lluinii-haPk rhif ami -I'vpral ear- wfll be put lii Kuihi, lunp. i.rili of Ilial pIippp airain. I'pIp Hay, I'orrhPr Maud mi j;f fur Iiiup been Lin.(Kil a dppp nf Hip pIipp.p nn dnpdav. 'Oaiii i in pnrl lo IHip floor, whirli Inirnpil a hnp lakp in Hip KalPr window di-playn Tliri.- nrp alllt Paddy Raymond Promoted T-- ... " in Hip liiinlpum and irrni nn ii nf Hip liipal iiiprrhanl?. r lifjtui' Imata lA Aeeiitiline in Hie Intel prn- LUX apiarnnrp In port ffi.ilt'in Inilli'iin iaetiod fey Hip in l( Hip Imrsain. II hnrnpd - Karl Hip Thp Irnllpr Karl. Cant. IhiIp in I'pIp' hmnla nlimil aim.u i- fip(l Arimfral of l Iip Monllo HppI iip nf a lifrlmn. I Iip p!ippp arrivpd in pnrl nn dnpdny Hip nf. Mill panleit on Admiralty frhm Uland 1'oitil with a mall fnutid watpry rrap aiiwp a Iih Hip vf Oipl. fie rPlliii!, name with ffcnl nlTprlnif. XpI parirn nf Snrinjr salmin. Cap tp i- pr. ailing Hi l.Ui Hut iiiiiiiiI. sklMMor nf I Up n that Hip nalmin arp l)p-riuninjf Irvd nail whirli lnrl lav I'pIp nn a anil eland mil in -ii ii nri Haunt .if hollars, Inln Hip lmp In hii anxinu In Iip iiifludPil in ;n.a f i final Ike. Irnire toiler. l'Mr has Upp" fillpd iiiply ,r" t. 'il tMtnl and lhi lia kppt him limp Hip nublip and privalp inpnu nf I III 1 Vii lilK1n HI WlMMfWltPlI to viro-edmlm.1 Ur 3V. and fiirptrlln unod run I hi ip fnr a fnw day. TIip lKy a Vai.'tra.. ! :ip tt.iipr iirla salmon ir.iinnti iii ai ." iw MiiilialliV il li Hip ill pann. hatp v. nn n n. inpf lianifftl bp ! will rank wst In iin - - - -Thelma ami lliinka il prp him ii'd Hir ! lanrtanpp in nautical IlialtPfi in fury riarnpil upII rialil. 1'lipy haP Badly Damaged l-'.K HWW- tke Admiral MiuMtf. "ml Mm! I lip tnililiul Ikiat TliPlma. Cant. I bI.a llirPBlpnPil In" throw him in l ap llrpady trains mime. II is UiMleralnnil ii arrivpd In irl nn Tupdav Oip ai rliiH-k if ppr Iip darpa I'rili'. It, Ii w.miiiiiB up thai Paddy "ariiPd Iu promotion mnrnins in rallipr a hailly In briiur any ni inai laiKinu r. r lii.- i -IllllI piP- h ItPn Hip Admiral vicilPil liim ilamairpd rndilinn. TIip TliPlma ld. lim-k doM a mi I nd IliPir pparp !ll iniiiiplaniPil a aPPfP njain. ulrurk pry hPavy pa wliilp in fill piaHpr Williiiiil a iimiuipiiI a hpailalinn .. mip off rairwpalhpr. TIip lu .M irtiimn, Hllpi. irili-pd a hnlllp f goU irrxi.1 t-liin sin InilTPlPd hy hiah wrl Hip old h"y " HIp Wedding Bella for George i in l ml (tntP fPai whiPll briikP Pr Hip dpoka v. :i ux-i i nnP llonip whii li did Hip IrlPk. lifunrp Andprnn. third njal. rpppalPdly and iim.tuhPd Hip wnn a pallant man wa at the wIippI. f 11. n.d for Hp .... iin- iii.iilml uphiMinpr Siimnpr, dnvr in Hip pilnl hniikp. i.nii-i....:- U lmn thp hpri'dr arlirui nf fUip- Seed Grain ; .aMi ui-p. x Gortjoniola Cheeaa and Mini Xpita llanmn. nf I'rinrP nillPPr iiniii wi i....iii- .iitri. npr Mvlnll. b-pIii. ...In Hip i Admiral p ir. Ivip rinlPMi nprly itmrl. wrrp jninpd in hl Hp hour and Muok nvunfully al " ' '""V "J M.' II. It . tnr I ho of linrsnninla nn i.uiFiiimiiv hv Hip IIpv. I r. rms. Karbathono Manicured larip.l a war" around Hip IWmiii Hip whPPl kpppinff hip now ni hip - - .,..., ,,... CLOVER hriilppronni Hal la GRASS and . n i iH-'Ifiiu. r.apl. n.h hnii.P Ihia wppk and liranl rPiPiilly. TIip ,.,a. hpad on I,. Hip a... Cap., f"'' -r fc -I'i'inaii. i '.i b Itimoplf mln miaraiilnip nyain - i. lAiMimilar mPiirtiPr nf Hip Im-al Til, and artifippr :.,i,.man had lT"' Fertilisers and hi fripndi will Seed ..Kll "I'TiiiB oiiini- Hip rriill of rpeklpl iiMjriim fi-himr flppl In il u Marat Imn rapp aciunn " I half iiimnd if linrdnnmla him and hi hridp a happy IIip d.vk In ,avP a l.-rrrl nf oil.'"" !' 'er-j-unHner Irado. hamla i.r hpr a be ,1 and cannot replaced .- I fulnrp. Mr. ind Our stork of Seed Oats is limited Hia! nml iiripr"U TIip rippP. Thin in Hip cIippp whioh had Iwrnina n.p. it An.lPrn.n haxP lakPn UP ' urn ""u " this season. OHUEH NOW! uf Mr. h p.V ,1,1 Hip iKdiUriaiiK p.H hiPf rnsinppr and JI.p 1 1..- rpti- , . Tested and n. 1 nnvern-ment 1 wnrkPd likp slavp In krpp Hip! Thp xpitpI nPriiP ropnn iiihi All our Seed is Government f . rr ii.. 'I'l.inn. 'Lil.filr' Jlllin ITPSPUl I lia jtl- Rrade. . wairr mi ii"- iiii. "... v Ioi.Up.1 prplty tdark for IhP rrpw piiIp.I ii wondprful K'dd iiiakin? ..i . y.i.--..'. - unlil Hip' rook hil upon IhP HlP.i iii.ipiiiiip. ii mi- ... The Brackman-Ker Milling Co., Ltd. of IhrnwiiiiT nome nil ovprl.oanl. ,up i ppi'riainiu n ri.;- ii. -Li. .Ii.I llipre vnnd wnndprfiil and will If nmrP Phone 350. wa lint tuinViPiit nil in lliliar-.of a myslpn-m mynpry. It i P.O. Box 745. Prince- Rupert, B.C. rPl lo .iiiipl Hip anpry p.i. I'jipl. rlaiiiip.1 lhal IIip iiia.liiiiP. which I rilr Hipii nrdprpd IhP conk in i ojirran-u ii" i , , . ""'.. Ua)' Ui?? i'lT Ward. .o.,rKPay and (:.M.S,pw-; nd w ill flu a.lililiimai unppiy uni ins., -i KEEP IN GOOD HEALTH : .. rmM ... ...1.....1 ri....... ii. C.1I..1 all ha p. nn and pximI- nrl fiiun MaMn. jiw, BY EATING GOOD Doctor Says a..Kry "'"TV""- J,"-,-;, i ' il,, nm.lii.ain.inl W. M. Illa,'ksl.k from Uiip.-i. , MUlloiPntly l rm nip imj : 1 ,," , 'n, II. Joup frnn, at the iex a inup-uii. -iipt iimir. ' . . .. . Thurloii HarlMir. and T. WoimI- : Ith rppair' Hip TI.pIihh niniplp Piinufih. 1 hi- nrsi oppra-iPfl i.ppparv C. IIIcoiupi ham. II. nprifinan. A. j BQSTQN uiidpmlond. will lakP 'Uut- linn, il i for Hip hih polS nn nllipr' and II. h. Ilir?in. from, Your Heart day aflprnoon. Pia$- v inland Miinl. iiMann nii-iii- iirarn. 'I'Iip I'l-im-P John went inlo llw williPoinl. Tn enmire almnlule auc- GRILL TI.p iiowrr hoal I'lnn. lilry dupk today nml will hi ro- Ihe l.rldyp p Jn'm ' WinR P I'IppIp .. nn lplain iilai-:il in serv Ipinpnranly liy Open Day and Night. hnvp Inln port nn Vdnpday fSrinfr a a traininic rxpn-ip. Hip I'Hikp AlliPi-l whirli will sail 3rd Ave, Phone. 5". moriiins with ii raloh of 300, inr I In- Isl.iinU and V;iiiiiiiimt at (lie from' Capl. Jop Jark, sklpppr of pound nf spring salmon . 8 oVlo-k Inflight. I'jipl. Ilarr j a a: a 1.. a It I ill-noil Ills Wark T.hannpl. WlillP several .naiiinii .NpiIiIpi) hroiiphl IhP I'rini'P Join, j t,n lumlinir, nf M.rinB aalmnn all afp and sound, on the l'rlncp north ami sailpl on Hip l'rinrp The Latest In Spring and n.,idp Ihia ia Hip lar- Hm-Tl n WVdnPsday, l"n Summer. 1 have bPen i i i-i nue ypslenlay inornim: for not gaining any these irpt ralrU lo Iip markpled lo like a niuimn .i..n.p. - - --date. Vancnvr on hi-liiliy-'. t'apt that are self '" you nuppliea I.PPn lakinp in Hip ie . LADIES' ready-to-war Afler takiiiR on Ni-il MrU-aii rosuuiPs I'niiiniiiinl W he that J days," left for Hip IrolHnST soimiPrn hi.- .......... m- Hip Plnp i.f Hip Prince Alherl. apparel majority of people who had "How would that help my heart f srniniili on Thursday IWO pill l K"Hl p the 'flu have auffered afterwards from enriches the blood and increases . dnpa not ppn pailicularly im-nrikPil Dr. V. T. Korjrin anj his boys.! Has Arrived. it 'Because IrrUes with Hip wild ways nf L.A.I .....I titl uolln.l i-n.liip,lnF . D'all in and view our stock wrak heart action. the nerve force. Anything that CapL Dutch" Henry ... iriii 1.1.1. imii, nw,,- j. . will ti.a ninnerr and rhamnion nf Hip MS chip " i ri,.i iinon nn Hioir Sun "I never had heart trouble." strengthens strengthen the the action.nervw of Jhe heart, for the (he SLeena rtivcrsrtlriion Irollers. n.n Jumpin? sidnways In inissi,oam 111 n,., will snpnd a wpek BENT'S ReadHo-wear Hip lail "No, but the way the doctor explains it like the stomach and other organs in Hie person of Oapl. Hutch" ppinny run jpmj,,,. ,jwn ,P ,.nast in Hip Third Avenue. U that the nervoua syatem i o weakened is dependent on the nervous system for Henry, armed rrnm me .-kppna lii'ij.'iitmrijonil of I'lH and Opp. Hank of Montreal. by the 'flu that there is not enuUKli iif rv operating power." nn luesilay. r.ap l m pon m pi'i-cher i force left to drive the machinery of the knew. I In necessary repair work In his ppiMfC inilN IN body," "Well, you tslk as though you Un.ri nml lakp nn supplies In m I guei your training as a nurse Is coming in readiness for n dash lo IIip PORT FROM SOUTH That is about the way I feci, for useful." salmnn crnunds. EPSON COAL DENTISTRY spritijr have no appetite, and do not frel able to then?" Food, - tir." "Will you try the Nerve Staunch O.T.P. Coaster Brings aeem'to digest the "Yes, I will give it a good trial, for I Shot His Boat Much Freight and Many Pas-sengere Wc can now Supply our "No. and you do not sit here like W lniiM heard nf men shool- Going Inlo not and little food you do eat. So you cannot want to get around, injr the rapids bill never before Dry Dock I FAMOUS EDS0N COAL Dr.J.Maguire expect to train atrenirth. Why not aome an invalid." did we hear of a man slinoiiiis in any quantity. of Dr. Chaae'a Nerve Food? "I am so glad, for I feel sure it will hi l.oat Mil Ihis ndually hap- Ihe fi.T.P. sli'iiiiier Prinr Rooms 7 and 8 Smith iloek. feeling all right again. SkipiT ilyhill Jnoe. nf iVolook yesler- Prince Rupert Feed Co "Oh, I do not ee how that would help soon get you lienpil, Join Hrripd at 1 Office Hours: 8 to 8. Nerve Food t l,i launch Oh llaiiy, was out iiip rtay ,nitrnina from Vancouver nnd1 Chase's me." You can obtain Dr.Edmanson. Bates A other Sunday with n purly of joy (Upen Charlotte Islands. The Phone 58. Phone 675 Lady Assistant. "Now, John, I think that ! exactly from all dealers,Toronto."r On every bpx of the iimLm ami while in the encine ...uii. ii.o i.ivuirc nn the what you need. It always helped me when Co.. Ltd., will find the portrait and room look up hit double barrel- (.onK exceplionally fine al-1 I rot run down in health, and l hear w signature you of A. W. Chase. M.D.. the famous le.1. sun to pive il IIip oucp fiver; thoutli. 'Ihe Psi-wns foBliound; I think L -I II.A KfAitieli nn.l m t. I S H...I Hl.iiiaiilj the thing that many saying same Book author. you should give it a trial. You know your- Heceipt while makinjr franli' elTorl Jo (n HmrKtlay mnrniiitr. Tle Joliu oxIniH U H. Mooiuin' Run - x- ,a,t aMul yiu ln ir fnM&lit for! .liu.l. the .shell m.ikUiR a bnla iii,-ln.liiiir a Inns nf rnal Mother, Too, in the tuilt l.elow the wuler line. f,,r the dry duck and a iuanlily of A stream of water spoiiled .H aud salmon fisluiiK supplies j Hirniiidi on Ihe engine. With f,,r ir Canadian lii A Col.) wonderful presence of mind lh sioi-am' Co.'s cannery ul Tucks CTur U homeh"and'family She ne. it when skliper forced hl tinirerlhmuKh Inlet. She afm luouislil 35 pa--Ihe hol aud willi. Hie other fenin-is here from the islands. . .. I ......1.1....I u .......left . ..... ..ll.r rt II.A..1 l.alnir I.IU-- ' UaiHI KI 41NH-M W lllilj"! i... -. .-- j nervous headache. which he drove into ,lh openlnif. vmiilnic fmm Huckley Hay . it you doa't II.. IaIIaI.Ia I ..r.1 ,I.A ..1 .U...r fl.t-ivill-. nothing J IIUS Will HIT Ul ,jril4liir U'l ,IIiiUji lllu ,U"rn, r. m.' Dr Chase Nene Food Alls the bill as and from iuk)np. 'the passeujter i,Prf we. C. Wesley. I'. Connois.j try rWDOU else can, for it i reconstructive and restorative, had nt hfurJ.dh4 enplnslon aud 0, Jnhnsou. I'. Iluokell. J. Mear.j come its benefits are therefore lasting. In Mils iiay no pin- know now ... pwausou aim ... n aimm near they were to death and what from Huckley Hay; Mrs Frankj