| Our “ Christmas Gift Slippers” Offer you a selection that is outstanding to choose from. . ) Call and select yours while our sizes are complete "till Christmas. Phone 357 A small deposit will hold any pair Box 1584 stig THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA | | ; | Publishea Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert : Daily News, Limitea. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor i 1 a SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance 5.0' | For lesser periods. paid in advance per week ‘ , 15°] By mail to ali parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year 3.0 By mail to ali other countries. per year iced wants DAN ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising. per insertion, pei word ........... 0 Lega! notices, each insertion, per agate line a ‘ sie ] Local readers. per insertion, per line .... a. i 25 Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion 1.40 Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone ....... —so98 Editor and Reporters’ Telephone oh Spill ecasiecilon Ae Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations BEWARE DRASTIC ACTION t would be easy enough to pass laws for a city, province or country were it not for the reaction these laws are like- ly to have on relations with other countries. This is seen in a despatch published in the Daily News yesterday in re- gard to halibut boats being driven out of Seattle by che’ proposed new income tax of the state of Washington. If it were not for interfering with relations with other countries it would be a simple matter to increase the death dues to enable the province to absorb a large pro- portion of the big estates, but that would prevent rich people from coming to the provinee, which would be a mistake. There are two sides to every question and problems that seem easy of solution often prove very difficult. DAILY EDITION Tuesday, December 6, 193: Aas OLD FASHIONED CHRISTMAS | While there are many who willbe anable to celebrat: Christmas in the old-fashioned way, there are also many who will do so this year. They are tired of saving and will be willing to spend money to provide enjoyment for them- selves and friends. Already there are signs that people arc spending more freely than last year for Christmas things iditions could be complied with NEWS OF THE MINES AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Transformation of Anyox Plant Would Be Large Undertaking—Pitt Warns Against Increased Mine Taxation—Premier Lets Contract — To transform the plant of the Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting & Power Co. at Anyox into a customs |smelter to handie the wide range of British Columbia ‘Coast ores following the imposition of four cents per ‘pound duty by Great Britain upen ¢opper smelted in other than an Empire country would require not only time but onsiderable capital expenditures which would not be justified un- er at the convention, stated that iess it can be shown thai the ton- estimated production of $3,800,000 nage available would be sufficient of gold this year showed an in- to last for a long period of years, crease of 25%: “There is outlook it has been pointed out. If such con- for similar expansion next year,” : I declared Mr. Galloway. “I woula erhaps no sité on the British Co-; say that production of $5,000,000 is lumbia coast would be more ad-j; probable.” Important gold pro- advantageous than Anyox for a which Mr. Galloway deal‘ large metallurgical plant such as | with included the Premier, Pioneer, would be required, there being | Bralorne and Reno. Placer mining ample power, plus space for addi-|activity has also led many to the tions and it is isolated. At present | hills, Mr. Galloway stated. Other this smelter is only equipped to} «peakers at the convention inclu- handle its own production of 5200/ ded William Asselstine, whose sub- tons of ore per day. The suggestion | ject was. “Milling Premier Ores,” has been made that, following the ,ond Dr. F. A. Kerr. who spoke on imposition of the British tariff, ores | ‘Gold in the Taku River District of from the Britannia mine, near} 3ritish Columbia.” Vancouver, might be smelted at Anyox instead of at Tacoma where they are at present treated. meer The Premier Geld Miming Co. Ltd 1as given the Wright Wire Rope Co if Vancouver the contract to sup- Large ore reserves are reported »ly 23 miles of 34-inch steel cable to have been developed during the, for replacement on the Premier past season on the Skidegate-Sun- | Vine tram-line between property rise gold property at Skidegate byj and tidewater at Stewart. it has the Kitsault-Eagle Mines Limited | een announced by Dale L. -Pitt, Three veins have been opened, ac-|veneral manager of the Premier cording to the managing director.| %o. The cable is to be delivered be- W. G. MeMorris, and plans have “ore the end of the year and work been made for a treatment plant | of replacine the old cable. over to be imstalled as soon as develop-| which millions of doldrs in ': ch- ment has reached a point where! crade gold and silver ore has been continuous tonnage will be avail-!| hauled im 13 years. will commence as able for a mill. The groun is situa-| . * . ae nad Al leaving an excess of Assets over Liabilities to the Public of =$ 76,160,954.60 ae PROFIT and LOSS ACCOUNT Profits for the year ending 31st October, 1932 . $F 4,665,100.60 Dividends paid or payable to Shareholders . + $3,960,00000 Provision for Taxes, Dominion Government « ‘ 497,071.05 Reservation for Bank Premises ‘ 100,000.00 4:917.671.05 145,420 55 Balance of Profir and Loss Account, 31st October, 1931 é 4 é 1,109,426.05 Balance of Profit and Loss carried forward oe “Fi ,24t, 696 50 —=—S CHARLES B. GORDON, WA. BOG, President JACKSON DODDS, Join: General Manager’ * ~ + 7s Srength of « bank is determined by its history, its policy, its managemen! and the extent of its resources. For 115 years the Bank of Montreal has | been in th. forefront of Canadian finance. -— Toe ——__._ : 100,603.11 if your paper does not urrive, telephone the office =