Friday,. Hiscflilcr 28, 1923, An-out of the ordinary Thermos Bottles Ttic Genuine Thermo Unities ;ire uuall.v colli at a f xrd price Ihi'oiivhoiil Ganad.i. hut we have permission to offer one Ule at a lug reduction, Genuine Thermos lloltles, Nnkle La -s. pint size, regular (tn. e 3.:U. Spenal S2.00 iiiarl size, regular price ij j.OO. Sperm) $3.75 ORMES LTD. DISPENSING CHEMISTS. The Rwiall Store. 3rd Ave. and 6th SU We Prepay Mall Orders. Nanaimo - Wellington COAL r'06ltaLE SCREENEDI LASTS LONGERI Real Satisfaction Cheapest tn Long Runl NO SHALE OR ROCKI COAL GUARANTEED! a. BIG VALUES In all Dolls, Toys, Fancy Goods All prices are down lo ruck bo Hum uml special tales prices in many lines. (iive n a call if yon wish lo get Hie biggest voluss in town for your money. The point ami (trices speak for lln,iii!eles. (live us a cull ami you will not le iliiippoinleil. Wc have praclically everything in (he gift line. Special in ilullx today. He our Window. Open Evenings Till Christmas. PROMPT Special DELIVERY. and 564. Helgerson Block. KENNY Cameron Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 118 Phone 109. Dr. F. P. Dentist X-RAY SERVICE. Office Hour?: U a.m. to 0 p.m. Open Kwniiigs by Special Appointment. Bulger & Ltd. offer Special Prices rom now until New Year's Eve on oil Christmas Goods 'We'd rather have part price than carry over till next year H ere an dTh ere The world's record for rraln trains a shattered by the Canadian Pa-ciftc Railway on October 6th, with moniter train of 125 car loadi of wheat, over a mile lonjr, which operated between Stoughton and Areola. The contents of the can, 185,000 bushels, weighed 5.5CS ton. All grain loading record in Al. berta were completely imaihed by the Canadian Pacific on October 10th when the Company loaded 753 can, representing at leait 1,083,200 bush-el. If these can were placed together they would make up a freight train about six milei in length, and a baker's dozen of these trains would extend from Calgary to Banff, a dis-tancs of 82 miles. A record in western railroad construction was established on the Canadian Pacific Lanigan-Melfort line recently, when the last mile of txack between Lanigan and Pleasant-a TWf comP,etel in ne day. D. A. Livingstone, engineer In charge, reports that seventy per cent of his crew of 25 were British harvesters. federal and Provincial Departments of Agriculture co-operated In the purchase in the British Isles of a large stock of horses, swine and aheep, including sheep owned by His Majesty the King, which arrived here recently. This Is the second shioment of rML tn k.,-i. i the co-operation of the agricultural departmeaU with sheep and swine urrcaers inrougnout the Dominion. T. K. Doherty, the Canadian Commissioner in the International Institute of Agriculture, estimates Canada's exportable wheat surplus this year at 300 million bushels, as against 150 millions from the United States, 110 from Argentina, 50 from Australia, and 15 from Russia. Canada, la fact, may be expected U supply nearly half the wheat export of the whole world 300 out of (75 million bushels. E. W. Beatty, K.O. President of rbe Canadian Pacific Railway, speak, ing at important centres en his recent extensive tour through the Csnadian West, sounded" a aete of optimum, declaring that the general improvement in Canadian business conditions rendered an accompanying growing pessimism entirely unjustifiable. Stressing the need for a vigorous, intensive immigration policy by tbe government, be put forward as suggestions thst the department of immigration and colonization should issue a general invitation through Great Britain, the L'niteJ States and certain European countries, for settlers, and that greater advantage should be taken of the favorable policies towards emigration to Canada adapted by the governments ef Great Britain and other countries. Most extraordinary yields ef grain are reported ,from the Provincial School of Agriculture at Olds, Alberta. On a one-acre patch 105 bushels ef Marquis wheat were threshed, which is believed to be a record far this crop, exceeding the 82 bushel yield ef Seager Wheeler, which was previously considered unsurpassable. From an acre seeded to oats, 205 bushels were threshed. Barley similarly yielded exceptionally. On a field of 27 acres an average of 70 ..bushels to the acre was secured, whilst on another, 10 acres of a different variety, a yield of 89 bushels to the acr was recorded. Eighty f'n! of Canada's national debt is ownH by Canadians. Dank d?o!t in this country at the e!oe of the lai' fival year, March 31st. 1923, total etl $1,218,000,000, s r -t fr in I'-n years of $720,-f ... , r year's trije records ', V fa-pip trade to be "r" -JO . ar -rrsse of $221,- o-f I' at, snd Canada's to imports by .,r cent of t-. - ..-.iiicd pre- HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Mr. and Mr. .1. H. Vijjur. (ifi.iKi'litwn; .1. Kutilscii, Seattle; K. (Kiev, Hums .ke; Mr. 0. A. Taylor, V Mi II. Cuuiiintrhain, Mis K. Will lie ami Mis Peltry Taylor, Purl KsshiBlon; S. P. Ilanna, Vancouver; Ml M. W. llnnna, Smilher. Central O. II. Todd. Premier; Thoina Woodhouse and J. , A. Gibson, (ii'nrjrelown; Mr. George Mc Neil, Port lluney; T. II. Adair and S. Morrison, oily; F.d. An- nlrsun, Anyox. In aid of the fund for Ihe furnishing of the new Nurse' Home, a silver lea was held yesterday afternoon bv Ihe Ladies;' Auxiliary of Hie Prince Rupert (ieneral Hospital al Ihe home of Mr. T. K. Pringle, Fifth Avenue West. Mrs. Peifuey of Ihe Queen Charlotte Island was the holder of Ihe lucky licket in the drawing for the ten cloth presented by Mrs. Harry Alkin. Owing to Ihe inclemency of the weather, Ihe proceeds were 'not as large a might have been expected. Frank Shepperd, (ravelling luiditor for Ihe Canadian National Pacific Coast Steamships, who ha been tn the city on de partmental buslnes for thopimt two days, returned lo Vancouver on the Prince llupert this morn-j THE DAILY NEW0. PAGE THREE. - Local arjdjPersooal . w. i II. C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Hayners, Undertaker. Phono 4 " 351. If liaptist Sunday School Kntcr- lainmeiil Friday, 8 p.m. Splendid program. 203 Try .NANOOSK-Wellinglon or Telkwn Coal, More heat. Less soot. I'liilitolt, Kvltt 4 Co. tf We buy, sell and exchange furniture and all useful articles. Prince Rupert Exchange. Phone 625. tf Hill CO Tea lunaiit in F.Iks Home, New Year' afternoon from 3 lo 0. Admission 50c. Tea 25c. Full range ( of Slijipers for everyone. Lull and nee them Family Shoe Store. Prices low est in city. tf Mr. and Mr. Fred Gilhtily went south on lite Prince llupert litis morninsr enroute lo Toronto in a holiday trip. - -Iloyal Puntle .Tea and Chris! max Tree ljlks Home Saturday, December 2'J.i al 5.30. F.Ik, Iloyal Purple- and familie lu lled. The bylaw providing for lite jaymcnl to Hie city of permit and street occupancy fee for moving building wa laid over until next meeting by (he city ouncil last ni?hl. A report --from Hie finance ommillee TecommeudiiiK the making of a rash grant of ?2 .".00 lo the Prince llupert General Hospital was adopted lust niglil by Hie city cmincil. O-M The city council lal night .nil-pled ii rrtyorl from the fi nance committee calling upon 'he provincial Kovernment lo ;ay taxes on lot I. block 8 -icclion and lot 92 and 05 block 3D, section 8. The lot in iiuc! ion . urn .improved with oc 'iipifil building. The Waller' McFarlane Co. of lila-Knw, Scotland, notified the city council last night (hat James F. I.ahiout had been appointed it Vancouver representative. The firm 'manufacture electric' light cluster pillar? 'The letter wa referred lo Ihe utilities committee.- W. A. Tuxfoid, of the Cana diau National Pa Hureau Montreal, who ha recently been transferred lo the Iratllc department of Ihe National system in San Francisco, relumed from a trip to Anyox and Stewart on Ihe Prime (5eorge llii morning. Mr Tuxfoid ha been north on an educational trip and proceeded south on Ihe Prince Rupert thi morning. On recommendation of the fi nance commillee, the city coun cil last night decided to offer for sale 31,000 worth or local Improvement debentures covering the eol of street grading on Fourth and Fifth Avenues in Seel ion Five. Hrokers' commission of M per cent Is otTered bul it is expected to inaikel the mol of the rssue locally through the city treasurer without coin-mission. r .- In connection with the mi nouncemenl of Ihe forming of the company of AivazotT and .uerryiiem, i.iti., a picture or Paul AivazotT appears in Ihe Vancouver Sun. The other member or the firm is . I. E. Merry-field formerly of ths city. The new concern has taken over Grant - Hidden - Graham 1. 1 d.. wholesale manufaclurer and importers of canvas goods and men' furnishings. A letter from N. It, Walton, assistant general superintendent, asking for a detailed account covering Ihe work done al Pacific Place by Ihe city for the company, was received at last night's council meeting and referred lo I lie Hoard of Works. Ahl. Collart expressed surprise that Ihe account had mU already been rendered and the work paid for. May;ir Newton said tho company had already ben sent an aci'oun.. Mr. and Mrs.. D. A. Johnson, of Port, .Simpson are spending a few days in the city. ' Cap!,; Harry NeuMen of the steamer Prince George will remain in the city until Saturday. Joe Flood, chief ofllcer of the learner Prince George, has been transferred to the. ileainer Prince llupert. Shipment of domestic Qeese arriving from Queen Charlotte Islands Monday. 25c. lb. Leave your orders at Prince llupert Fish . Market. 306 - - Jack Crawford, purser of the teanier Prince Georjcc went south thi morninar oh the Prince llupert and will upend a acation in Vancouver. The Union steamer Venture, Capl. A. Johnstone, arrived from the south al 7 o'clock this morn ing and left again at 'J o'clock for Port Siinpxyn and Xaas lliver point. In Ihe city police court this morning, before Magistrate Me Clyinout, F. Macdouald arid I.. Ilatchfurd were both fined 910 on a charge of fighting . pu . Sixth Street yesterday cveningv Mis II. Jaiuieson, who has been employed a milliner with Mr. Frizzrll for the past season, went south on Ihe Prince Rupert thi morning enroute to her' home in New Westminster, Mr. Horace !u Vernel and three children arrived from, Kit wanga on last night' train and will ;ciul a holiday in the city visiting Archbishop and Mr, r II. DuVernet, Fourth Avenue East. Rev. J. S. Itrayfield arrived on last night' Irain from Telkwa and left by Ihe steamer Venture (hi morning for Kincolilh where he will be in charge of Ihe native church for the next three month. Jack itarusles local agent for Ihe Union Steamship Ojintany of H.C returned .to the city on the steamer Venture this morn ing after having spent the Christ mas vacation period in Vancouver, Seattle. Portland and Ta co ma. Mrs. Harnsfey will return on the steamer Carden;j on , Sun- nay. . TENDERS FOR POST HOLES Tender are invited up to five p.m. December 31. 1023, for digging forly post holes. Tool supplied by Telephone Department. Specifications at the olliee of the Superintendent of Utilities, City Hall. F.RNF.ST LOVE. Superintendent of Utilities. ANNOUNCEMENTS Hill CO I.O. I). E. Tea Dausanl in Elks Home, New Year's Afternoon. Queen Mary Chapter I.O.D.E. Dance On New Year's Night, January 1. 1921. in Elks' Home. ssssssssslisssssKaWlJsssssH I OnIkrtDMa Trttethrt At the End of d Day As the roll unwind, music works Its magip. Gone are the cares of a work-a-day world. A dear old tunc touches the chord of tender memory firings back boyish dreams stirs the fires of inspiration. Whatever your mood as you sit down before the Oulbransen registering piano you find it sympathetic, responsive. For it is as ready to reflect tho exuberance of youth in the' latest and gayest of popular tunes as it Is lo free the majestic music prisoned, in tho score of a composer's masterwork. e invite you to our store sto- day and try the Gulbransen reg- islerinp piano. A few moments will reveal tho pleasures It ofrcrs. We will gladly explain the ad vantages of its many exclusive features. Walker's Music Store Lid. A Profitable Business ? The business of saving your own money is an exceedingly profitable one in which, to engage. When pait of your salary is deposited regularly in the Union Bank of Canada, it gives you a feeling of independence; you know your money is safe from fire and theft; and your deposit is earning interest all the time. $1.00 opens a Savings Account. " UNION BANK OF CANADA r! Prince Rupert Branch "RUPERT" Brand Kippers Quality Better Than Ever.' Ti keep,o4or of cooking from ihe house wrap them in greaseproof paper ami bake for 15 minutes. Thi uIo retains the delicious tang. Canadian Pish & Cold Storage Co.. Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to, handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL W6RK. PHONE8 43 and 385. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points Friday, 10.00 a.m. For 8TEWART and ANYOX .... Wednesday, 11.00 p.m. 8.8. PRINCE JOHN. For VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, Jan. 2, 16, 30; Feb. 13, 27; March 12, 28 PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Ltsve Prince Rupert .U pjn. for miMCE GEOnOE. EDMONTON, WIN-MPE0, all points Eastern Canada, tutted stiles, MtNOY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINKS. Cltr Tick Office, BSS Third Ae Prince Rupert. PHene 260. CANADIAN B.C. Coast Sail ings A. T. Broderick, Manager COAST STEAMSHIPS Winter Service S.S. PRINCE RUPERT SalU;from Prince Rupert PACIFIC RAILWAY Services from Prince Rupert 8.8. PRINCE8S MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, November 30, December 18, January 4 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, November 26, December 15, 31 8.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Bu ted ale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocea.i Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all 8teamsh!p Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Saltings From Prince Rupert. Per VANCOUVKR, VICTORIA, Ocean Palls, ana" Swanson sJr, Tueedat, S PJs. Per VANCOUVKR, VICTORIA, Alert Bey, antf Swanson Bay, Saturday . Per ANVOX, ALIOS ARM. STEWART, Wslee Island, Sunday S fJI. Per PORT SIMPSON and Ness Rleer Canneriee, Prlday A.M. ett tni Avenue. t. Barneley, Aeenu Prince Rupert. B.C Advertise in "The Daily News" '. THE PAPER THAT GETS QUICK RESULTS