ROAD BYLAW TO BE SUBMITTED Coal of City's Connection to Pro posed Highway Will be $26,300 deceiving a report from i-fly engineer ct Imaltnjr thecoil source if nmLiiur Ilio city' coniiecllon lunl followed the development Ihe iaiiug of build the road. 'Hut city road by Ihe engineer rslimatal will start upon from wllh Die proposed government the lumber Industry in the noylh road leading Out of Ihe clly at for some years and realiie.f that 2,:!0V Mi eoinril.4tt itl8Ut.tiiUamily a.Viitall.bcuni wticu on mollon of Aid. Mackenzie be saw the robissal nature of the seconded by Aid. Perry, gave In- limber resource be was trying struclloji. lhal u bylaw be drawn l ilevelop. He said thai in the up for submission to Ihe people manufacture of Umber. Sweden ' alway been u keen rompe i- at the January election to cover llie money to ",r "" -from Ihe market, which Included Ihe United Stales, Australia and New Zealand. When on his trip lo Sweden recently he was Ihe centre of Hlghll, Avenue and (al dj( n(jl Frederick Frederick SI reel, follow Street ami 'the along Prince Ihe market especially In Mew of Ihe racl thai iu Sweden they were llupert lloulevanl lo Hawaiian )nv,n(f lrn tjlne, ,Ilur for t Is o i t-Itoad ami theirce to the cl" .tlnrbrr. lie considered there was limit. something radically wrong alout Vurlous members of the coiin-n tuai0ii 0f thai sort, lie had ell who spoke rxprcsscd 'be r,., fin, out Ihe reason why opinion thai a ilaw promuiif 'u, m had ttot to a certain p'tini Ihe rlly's coniiecllon slioubl subiuilled at once in order lo put no further obstacle iu the way of the provincial government making an early start on Ihe road. MASSEY IS IN OTTAWA TODAY New Zealand's Premier Will Discuss Trade Questions Informally OTTAWA, Dec. 2H. premier Masey, of New Zealand, reached here today and will remain iu Ihe capilal for n couple of days before leaving for the Wcsl. lie will discuss trade ipics-tiiiiu Inrurmally will" meml.ers or Ihe government while hero. RAISULI IS STILL ALIVE. OFFICIAL STATEMENT SAYS TANOIKH, Dee." 28. II Is of riclally staled thai, contrary to the report or his death, Haisuli, the Moroccan bandit leader, Is slill alive and iu an Improved roudiiou. NOTICE A meeting or 1'ishing lloal Owners Is called by Ihn Comuiitlec for to-nitflit at 8 o'clock In the City Hall. It. M NFAVKI.L, Se. be where he could give some of the reasons, wiiiru nan sit ppiien v. .er cent ot Ihe pulp and timber to the world up lo Ihe year 11M". He compared the small area of Sweden with Ihe gigantic urea or northern lliilUli Columbia which was three time Ihe sixc ot lhal country. 'The speaker staled that the northern It.C. limber was superior, nearer the market and had j a renter transportation facilities lie llioiiclit lhal ror Ihcsc rea sons II behoved everyone here In trv and let Ihe world know what the counlry possessed in the way ot limber resources. Timber Over Matured Mr. Hanson slated lhal a groat deal or the timber iu the north was oxer matured and Iu his opinion should be logged otr to gie the new prowlh a chance lo come up. When in Chicago In 1019 he had attended the Lum berman's convention there. At the convention he told them thai he lived on the Orand Trunk Pa cific railway, as it was then, ami lhal ho had a certain amount of llmliep resources iu the way of cedar poles und piling. He of fered to send them up lo ten car loads tree of freight charge and If I hey proved up lo the specmea lions of the Western Cedarmcu' Association ho would only charge them Iho market price for them The association came to the con elusion they would accept the of for. As a result the eastern ship nients hail increased unlit I hey hail orders Ibis year for 3,000 carloads which be hoped to 'The speaker aiu mat ine puip Niluntiou was the same, and he 'considered Ihn 'limber north or Queen Charlotte Sound should be logged over owing to Ils over inn. continued on pays two) CANNERY SUES FOR QUARTER MILLION Bank or California Charged In 8ult for Alleged Mismanagement of Alaskan Canneries SCAT TLi:. Dec. 28. Misman agement of Alaskan canneries, formerly owned by the Southern Alaska Canning, Company, 1 charged in a suit ror 200,oun alleged damages against the Hank or California, National Association, filed here today in superior court by attorney for the plaintiff. Postponement or a forced sale or Ihree or it rishing boats, set Tor Wednesday at Houghton Lake, Washington, to satisry Ihe bank ror alleged promissory notes, was also asked by the company in a requesl ror an Injunction to prevent Ihe sale by Sheriff Harwich, of Klii if County. Haing the suit on allegations that in December, 1921, the bank offered lo operate the canneries through Ihe Alaska Consolidated Canneries. Inc.. as subsidiary cor porations, for the benefit of the I tic cannerien and poor machinery installed- m' . .., RECORD YEAR FOR HALIBUT Total to Dale Since January 1 Has Been 29,000,000 Pounds This year Is going to 'establish a record In the total of halibut fares at this port. To date 29,000,-000 pounds have been landed here since January 1 last as compared with 25,600,-950 pounds In 1922. and 25,-600,000 pounds In 1921. The total for December so far Is 2,500,000 pounds. There are yet two market days to be counted In the total for this month and, year. ITY GETS FIRST REAL FALL OF SNOW Eight Inches Now on Ground, Nlost or It Having Fallen Since 4 This Karly this morning Prince Itu-erl received ils first real fall of snow or inc winter. mere is now eighl inches on Ihe ground, the most of it having fallen' since 1 o'clock in Iho morning. A change iii the winter chedule of sailing ror the Canadian National steamer Prince. John came Inlo effect on Wednesday, December 20. The steamer left Vancouver on Wednesday and will arrive in Prince Huperl, via the Queen Charlotte Islands, on Monday morning, December 31, leaving Prince Huperl for Vancouver via Ihe Queen Charlotte Islands on Wednesday. January 2. at 8 p.m. and every second day thereafter. Accounts up to December 22 (dialling 1 5,135.72 were passed for payment by the city council last nighl. D. Jackson arrived from Pre niler on the steamer Prince (leorge Ibis morning and is re gWcrcd al the Prince Huperl hotel. It.- I.- ' It. A iOUiiiern .ia tiiin'nii, plaintiff assert that valuable machinery vyns removed from Miss Margaret Duyd, of Owen Sound, has been mysteriously missing for over three weeks front Los Angeles, California. A nationwide search for her has been conducted In vain. LEAVES NOTHING TO SON; GOVERNMENT , TAKES CARE OF HIM WOHCF.STK11. Mass.. Dec. 28. Dy the terms ot the will ot Kit a M. lladilock ot Lxbridge, riled in Probate, Court here, her estate. is shared by three of her four children. A codicil iu the iwpII rouiUr "To niv son Frank 11.. ednCS- 1 iv.,, n linnim! lippniiso ho was wounded al Ihe battle of the Marne and I rely upon the bounty ot a grateful government to provide tor his necessities in case he Is unable to provide for him self." Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Dushby, Pemborton lload,- have as their guesl ror Ihe holidays, llobert Piers or Vancouver. Victoria Colonist. Whan Vm Waal A "Take Her To The Boston" A FESTIVE glail Yuletidc FEASTS. welcome ' TAXI 51 Win await you. Turkey, Plum Pudding and al the bid. 99 n a hurry on fashioned our festive good, fare board will this ,be Phone Xmas, PRINCE RUPERT In( Oin and Best Ssrvlcs ki in 1 1 irv i;kii.i. In the City. lUtea Reasonable Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Private Boxes For Party Um I r VOL. XIII., NO, 305. I'HINCK ItUI'KHT, Il.Ci, FH1DAY, liKUKMHKIl 28, '11)23. VMttrtfir't Clredlitltn 1883 lrt alM SOT. PRICE FIVE CENTS., , IBSk 'BSBSHBShBBx 1 BSBSBSBSBSBSl Here is tha castle a.t Oels, to which the ex-Orman Crown Prince went after hi long vacation in Holland, and where he wa joined by Ihe former Crown Princess Cecile and their children. BOWSER IS SPEAKING ! FOR COLONEL PECK' Leader or Opposition Will Reply -1 'a- MSS V 1m VICTOIIIA, Dee. 28. Tonight W. J. llover. leader of llif MberaUOonservalive party in provincial politics, will address a meeting at Sidney. The meeting is befiig held in the interests of Colonel C. W. Peek, V.C D.S.O., the party candidate for the Islands. Mr. Dowser, in bis ad dress, will drul al some length with (be P.O.K. question and the charges that have been levelled attains! him iu (his connection. -bSJMbsIbv stJbWsPlbT VM.4 SASBSJBSBHlBBr JSBt) 1 P.GI i uOBE IS NOT YET ARRANGED FOR TIMBER RESOURCES OF NORTH B.C ARE NEEDED BT WORLD, HANSON SAYS Rotary Club is Urged to Make Known Latent Wealth in this District Ulnf Hanson, iii hi address mi the lumber nidation in Norlliuru Unlisli Columbia before the lloliiry Club yslerday. laid Ur upon the importance of advertising; I" N'u world Ihe wonderful limber resources or the iiorlh-ni territory and thereby inducing large lumber capital to come in and assist in Hie development of the counlry. With lite country possessing uch tremendous limber limiK he was or the opinion that the sslab-ll-hing of oddilional lumlior mill in the north and the consequent Increased output would be the means or creating a much i i i i 11 '' .lancer volume of trade with the Orient and lhal, Instead of only one C.G.M.M. freighter a- month ailing in for export lumber, there would be three or four freighters necessary a lumber carriers be-lueeu this port and the Orient. In the course ,or hi address Die Mieaker said that in a new country all working men, working in their owji professions or business, did not have time be iu look into (he natural re urouudiiiK I hem'. lie of HIGHLANDER DUE TODAY C.G.M.M. Vessel Direct From Orient to Enter Dry Dock . C.G.M.M. steamer Canadian Highlander, Capt. Fisher, Is due In port about 9 o'clock this evening to enter the Canadian National shipyard for cleaning and painting. The Job, It is expected, will not keep the vessel here any longer than a week. She is coming direct from Japan and from here will go south to load cargo. Capt. E. McCoskrle, harbor master, left this afternoon for Triple Island to board the Highlander and pilot her In. CITY BUILDING FOR PAST YEAR Seventy-three Permits Issued In 1923 to Value of S97.14S 'There were 73 building permits issued al Ihe City Hall during the past year lo the total value of $1)7,118.00. Included in this total was the permit for the new-Nurses' Home, the Meeker block on Third Avenue, and repairs to the Hank ot Montreal building. In thc month of December a permit was issued to S. ltatcber for re pairs to dwelling al la cost 01 NEW RUBBER BOOTS LEAD LAD TO DEATH PLANK WALKS REPORTS ARE ARE REPEALED Dispute In Council Over Change of Construction Ends With Split VoU After considerable further discussion and willi the opposi tion of-Aid. Monro, the city council last nighl finally but through Hie bylaw repealing the bylaw providing for board walk iu connection with the grading or Fourth and Firth Avenue in Section Five. Thereupon, Aid. Stephen gave notice that, at the next meeting: of the council, lie would introduce bylaws pro-vidii.g tor Ihe construction ot cinder paths n the initiative plan. Difference of opinion again arose as to whether Ihe tnajority of Ihe residents wanted plank walks or cinder paths. Aid. Monro look Ihe stand that the petitions, submitted did not show lhal the majority were in favor of cinder paths. Of a total- of 71 persona atfecled, 22 had signed the petition asking for cinder paths. Of' 2775 front feet of city properly, 10,5 1 fe,el was woud have been more people signing it. 'The idea of pulling lown cinder oaths was to have! a goisi uase lor tuture cement sidewalks. If boards were put down, they would have lo be renewed in four or five years. He was against rurther delays. Staling that he would support giving what thc majority wanted Aid. Macdonald was. not yet clear as to what they did want Aid. Stephens took Ihe view that it was clear what the major ily wanted. That' was evident when the number 01 names on the petitions were compared with the number of resident owners. The majority, without a doubt. wanted cinder paths and Aid. Mu n 10 should know it. ld. Mackenzie was in favor of cindfr paths because they would cost less. Finally, after Aid. Perry had submitted an amendment 'calling for the laying over or the mai ler turther and withdrawn it, the motion calling tor the final ailootion of the bvlaw repealing carried, against. Tine.; ... ., ! GUESS WORK Premier Oliver Declares Government Has Not Yet Arranged for P.Q.E. Probe VICTORIA, DJ-c. 28. The ap poiiitinenl of the' royal commission which will investigate the. charge of wi-ooz doing In cot necl ion with Pacific Great Faster n Itailway affair has not been considered by the government vol. Premier Oliver declared yes- lerday when he denied. Nancou? ver leporls thai he and his col leagues had arranged to gel the royal commission under way next month. On account of the pressure ot business towards the end of the session and the accumulation of departmental duties at that time, Ihe cabinet had not yel had the opportunity to go into Ihe matter the Premier staled. "All reports that arrange ments have been made in this connection are pure guesswork," he added, .Munro voting run. FISH ARRIVALS halibut ralches" totallina 137.000 On his return lo the city yei-terday, the Premier commence to go fully Inlo the petition of lPavmcjal a'any .asamgjior Aid. Collar! thought the petl- thc appointment of a royal coiu- lion had not been properly cir- j mi.ion eulaled. Had it been, there i : FAMOUS VESSE TO BE RETIRED Cutter Bear, Central ngura in, Many Rescues, to Leave Arctic SKA TTLK, Dec. 28. After a career of nearly fifty years, first as a Urilish steamship, then as a unit of the United States navy. ami for the last thirty-eight years a member of Ihe United Slates coastguard fleet, the retlrementji of the, famous old cutter Hear,ls recommended in the annual report of. the coastguard service. 'The Dear has been the central figure in numerous thrilling rescues in the Arctic. She ha liHen uncrating- from Seattle 'making cruises to Point Darrof ami along Ihe coast to Siberia. She returned this fall aTtcr onq or her cruises to the Far Norttt and leTt for Sun Francisco, he" winter station. The vessel U (In. niuuL wlk roiislriietlon was 'commanded by Com. C. S. Cocli? The Dear Dear was was built built in lreenv ock. Scotland, in 1871, and launched as Ihe Drilish steam,--ship Dear. The vessel vras Irans-j, ferreil from Ihe navy lo the coast- Three American Schooners Sold guard in 1885. The Dear is ex. 137,000 Pounds of Halibut Today peeled to make one more cruise to the Arctic before, her retirement. She is to be replaced bjr merican schooners sold a mure, modem ship. v..- n..'u"'! ttl r"f h..r-n??. "ii TEA DAHSANT TO -w.- -j morning. iTiccs juiupeu several His New Waders In Creek Ipoints for both first and second Loses Life class fish over the prices prevail-; ing yeslerday. The arrivals and Cl'MdiKllLAND, Dec. 28. A sales were: most distressing fatality occur- Seattle, 5. ,000 pounds, al U.oc BE HELD ON NEW YEAR'S DAY I.0M 'The lea dansaut, lo be held ill red here when Ilaymond Krnest, and .5c, to (he Canadian Fish &the Klks' Home on New ear a Ihe three-year-old sou of Mr. and,0old Storage Co. I Jay rrom 3 to fi p.m. under the Mrs. Fred Horvvood, ot Happy Helgelaml. 58.000 pounds, a t auspices or the Hill CO Chapter Valley ,was drowned In a small 13.5c and .5c, to the Pacllic, l.o.D.F... promises to be one of creek that runs close by the Doolh and Atlin fisheries. .the popular social events of the house. The youngsler had just1 Virginia. 22,000 pounds, at season. The ladles ot the chap-received a nice present in the 13.1c and lc, to the Atlin Fisher-. ter have been working hard to shape or a new pair or high rub- ies Ltd. Imake the aHair a big success as her boots, and begged his molherl (the proceeds will go toward the tO pill llieilt Oil lOr HUH. iiajtmniil . ,l?Mi-,. nnu lid? LllSt Ol CSIUMIinmilg u l HM 0 doing outside, the child evl- been visiting for Christmas Willi ward al the General Hospital. A dently wandered to Ihe creek,! his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. s, feature of the program will he where ho was found drowned a Fisher, Fourth Avenue Kast, Is fancy dancing by the children. short time aflerwards by one of returning lo Victoria on Ihe j the i-hil lw.n of neighbors. Princess Deatrice tomorrow. I ubscrtbe for tba Dally New.