tttb UATLT HE WO PAflETWO SCHOOL MATTERS System Run Down RADIO BJB WW - . "Sl -rf-s i . 1 ' ARE DEALT WITH bi yrder Attendance Larfle. Moslo In Good, raTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTI raTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTal ' ,' tquof and Everyone Happv BaVfX?f-virt2VBBH Hall Last Evening sB"-"- aaV Regret Expressed .1 nM'x F will make v6u well and keep you well. Made of of Principal Campbell and i. Kr, . miui it i mumtrfr nrrm- -iu iiaiiiii dance. held ' Gold Several of the Starr utiun of ibe Mood. irt,, nk' Home lai ni-. fruit juicea and tonic. 25c. and 60c a box. KBeecssfiil. " sf in iut mi ta tmn.1 limit to belli very loss to school (liMi any . with neither Ihe arrogance ol ' FRUIT-A-TIVES LIMITED, Ottawa, Ont. sevtre ut lh ...U-.t, lul Mil lilt IiImxI lut MlllllCS Istttk the wine lern- the elLcondounei of coffee Ot....rf. K.T Usi.s. Est. Cfcrl.trkan-k.Mi Manual Training and Other Matters art tiniil Ihe e-arty the limpet ing innocence of cocoa, lliat n rot thlt rtirr ltr annual- 00 1-1. Come Before Board at ilw market xontj w )utl Iio.irs r lids morniKg. - well-made lea. Meeting Last Night ...4lll rier-.irHled I" ml Tea drinVer or not, you cannot but enjoy DIIDnnrr Dinnn R1TTFRQ ...I H.e eMIrr arrnnire. general eipressinns relleele.1 cre.111 ui-.ii lht- There were .-.eiils The Daily News of regrel nl Inst nhrlil's ehol It rfnlt Hi lnrh, llr iinl rhare. A " i"T"'"" IMIINCK HIJI'RHT - HHITLSH COLUMBIA bianl ineHIng when Ihe reslitna-lion bnvfli, portlM tht btaid n4 1001 vp! a,,rt to the evein(J tiy. iiif... of It. I.. Campbell, superintendent Um rnllr tTilfiu. Hemlanee of a number f l-J the Prince Afternoon, except Sunday, Published Every was formnlly subrnilled. mm. H. Totile. Tort tor. Ont. mrn.:!,1rf...r v.-ni Jack iar irm Huperl Daily K'ews. Limited, Third Avenue. In moving' thai the resignation - Mr yttsra t run down tno my ttnaa . vueshin. Wlio were rod and that out of orOf, nd I turrurd rt tV! home and rnW II. P. PULLKN. Managing Editor. ,e accepted with regret trt 4hroMSflty al from pin In my b'tJ M-n mil mo letter he written In .Mr. Campbell into the ltice prHrram win. a miiwrtble. A rrntsl lold om to try rrry iaiietntt p.ttiintenee.1 a tea with body and "bouquet" a gnhlen SUBSCRIPTION RATES: expressing the appreciation Burdock Bkml Blttrrt, h I pll bnltW niiH-h ies. vwd I round It tt ! nl " amber liquid,pleating lo the light grahly.. . . .' $1.0( nf the tMtar.1 for his services. anl bfton it promfttlv at City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month. Truslee tlnsey said that Mr. dolnt to. ( krpt on tutil I U4 strains of Art Kam on lteslra. to the ienc a potent pick me-up for. mind Stale. Uy mail to all parts of the Hritish Umpire and the United Ukrn thrr. itsl now I tr hke dirrrrtel tl.-Iifttni- n-fresh-ntenls and mutcle. tfl.l Campbell had certainly been an At nii't'Wh in advance, per year and cllieieUt leaeher IUD. v-ie 'nnl w)ieti lh" drinker not, once It.5 up.ln-dale Tea or you try Nabob, you To all other countries, in advance per year and had given Ihe hoard most My hurbsnd tl took It tod It nil Weslhnlite orcheslra. iirfWt,-l will become a Nabob drinker. -Trr-. conscientious ad successful l.titlt Mm up 1... 1 trv oi. took oer thee- 98 Nabob it the TELEPHONE service, for Ox Pt Ir B. B. B. U tru ... i- ,r the tirourant ai' Imsiee Parker, in seeondlnu mnuritlurJ only by Tb T. SOlburn On. lajd i t- :dar am! m.luliteti! pauword. Jl Transient Display Advertising $1.40 per Inch per insertion Lttnltfd. Torsnto, Ont. lanees. Ihe motion, declaretl thai Mr. titimlssr m rraosient Advert-Mntt on Front Paire 2,X per inch Nations. ..f iM liad the value of .1 1,e s..a;n 2"c line.! Campbell pmved stand till nef nierting lilt re- should be Loral Readers, per insertion per Ihe nlnre or suervising prineipal. to Anthem al 3 a.m. Iirouuhi a de-liRlilful 1 -as it Classified Advertising, per insertion '. ?c per wont uruMtiUHtimi of Ihe nlnU wasi e-""'" t" cbisf, In Ihe ritihl . I5r agate lint-Con providinK It vnn lenll aiIIi. In .lefereuce lit HtMthv Legal Notices, each insertion. , per hands. Mr. Campbell had Iteen Art t",fss,i and L tract Rales on Application. I'mslee laey's wish, the quea- '.heniseKe. eff.. eid fl.r lite right man in Ihe risbl place proved lion was .Werre.1. .Mr. .tiicneii and had won the confidence and mianarers. All adierfisluff should be in The Daily News OfTlre on day preceding- of Ihe etilldren. parents. lo be given assurance in Ihe Tire ennvmitlee in . Itarpe cwa-priMsl p4ilJTi'.atiri. All ndvertisinir received sulijeet to approval. esteem school IsiaTd and public al larre. meantime Dial Ihe ttttanl is pre Ofr4Ati llolger I Mkt IUH Mclennan fell thai -Mire! t iffer liiin an inducement X. Klnslrn. I. I nn. II. Both "r Trustee Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. k remain here. . H was rejuirieil bln. AibcH liner aao ju- Prince Juert was sutTernifr a -"- 1 site rneelin that Mr. Mlteliell hiss in school . hiallisrs Kelly. severe had been offered the prtncipal- rtlt lbletlc i'lub. imif. i ARRIVED! ihe i DAILY EDITION 3jjiin Saturday. June 30, 193. wflh Ihe departure of Mr. Camp lifi at Terrace ami a polltMi K the lea.lerstMp f Halph Kntiib. bell, lo his five years of service Sehnol staff at Ocean -sisltnu Ibe High rertdere? jwmari sersice in Ihe scroti.r hoard, I here bud Value of Friendship saUries with Hi" Kalis fMtth al lilpiiT lb Itatlto '.lb In All Walks Of Life. been oolliine I hat be more re. Mian he wns rereivinit here. Hrraiu.VinTiils :Ur-ne I Complete New Stock of arretted than Mr. CampbtHt' re- In all walks of life friendships arg, most valuable. The Manual Training lander unit Ha-- bt lletl were o' wished lo signaliofl. However, he communion of soul between those who are attuned to each other move so lhal lie might have heller The iueslin Tatteral of the appliea for the the de'01- DRY MASH HOPPERS. W. V. is tine of Ihe most valuable Ihings in life. Nothing gives mi much opportunity lo rise lo Ihe lion of GRIT AND SHELL BOXES. of manual ira lines in- iMtsitittn pleasure as being with a friend with- whom it is possible to converse lop T hi profession and he felt slruclitr also eainf up. A lener POWER OF SUGGESTION j DRINKING FOUNTS. 'or mil and yet feel that each likes to be in company of Ihe sure that he would do so. He from S. . Willis. uerinlerulenl i CHICK FOUNTS AND FEEDERS. t ttecomitirr mor- Travelling relied moch having to other. rex ery of etlnralion. slalinK that it wa See ihf-r new -.oulaiv f Mi -) fine art. put Ihe resolution of acceptance. end more a tonnerlyj J?ome p'eaple 'go through life without ever meeting,a true Mr. Campbell Replies not Ihe eulmi of Ihe ilettarlineni II was rfnletl sitwplt as a r'- friend, and such are to be pitied. They have missed a great Mr. Campbell said lhal II had In crant leiiiTary rertifieates available If eess f gelling from one ptace loj The Brackman-Ker Milling lualified (em-hers were hut another most tirtsoine uti.i deal. Those who self-centred In miss re wholly are pretty sure never heen Ins pleasure 1.1 serve as there were, w receie.; avoidahle. Xow it I looked upon Ihe treasure of friendship, it is impossible to Ijiink wholly of under any school board lhal Trustee tlasey felt that n belter PRISCE RUPERT, B.C a a joyiui nnienawti, o-- ' than Prince llu- self and at Ihe same time he a real friend. deserved better man for the work could he obtained, Itghlfnl Inlerlmle in the remilar mH dm of lis teacher, lie li.i-l 10 mailer what ijualifi-ralmns routine of life, especially when in Ihe had during his elay city No Need To Rave were necessary. Other Ihe Journey is over the lines ! Ihe loyal backing of Ihe hoard Over United States. members .if-lhe Intanl were nm-patlielte ihe Canadian Xalional llailway DENTISTRY kiectrher and public and his , iu'i iuel;iO ,jave over' Ihe action of .the United W-esitnalittn bad nothing to do lo Mr. Tatlersal'a ap-iHiealion The keynote of the Canadlat. N.i-llonal should ttul fell Hial he Thai Service. Styles in refo'slhg to fellow liquor on visiting ship. The U..H. Kvilli the conditions under which llailways is lake wlet lo (Ctrl the depart service ainv lo make Ihe passcn- has a perfect righMo regulate Ihe use of its own ports and to lie had worked or lived here. If ment's certificate The oulroine,..r comfortable a K.-blc i keep vessel away which do. not conform In Jhejr regulations. hi work had been successful. It1 of the mailer wa Ihe deeiion nlMj ,at ,m every bit of 11" Dr. Jos. Maguire the school been Itecause There is no great hardship in -doing without liquor for a short I1.I1I to notify Mr.Tallersal that he wHM, .ceMry effort. Thinking is a' time. In fart it is a diulinrt benefiL had always his given him Ibe be appointed proxuled he quail- - mentat effort. Patrons of hi " a. MyS Room 7. 8. 9 Srr. ih , -"k incentive lo do best.' There is no place where Ihe use of liquor is so objectionable Ilesijnialinns were also -re fie-. Iliining Car Service will now find OfTicc I lour. 9 to Iheriiiselves saved lhal Inttibb-.i as aboarfj ship. On passenger liners there are usually a ceived at the meeting from Miss U Wint Icy a casual glance at the litib-li.l!ri Phone 575 few frt-opte who-annot control themselves and who ni.'ike them Iioreen Hyao. commercial teacher CARDENA DUE that Is ili.lriloileil al 1 lift High School, Miss Joseph !. .... .... olher Ashore, those who 1 ,1 1 1 1. .1 .11, selves objectionable to passengers. 1 liroo ill-nil 111 ,,-riir" 1 ine II. ('.assort and Mis Ann Mc. drink loo much aro a iniisaure anil sometimes a danger. On a train lo which Dining or Cafel ship Ihey are much more of a uuisnuce because it in more dif School Kinnon staff,of the and Iloolh Miss Memorial Helen I'. Car ore allaclml. I'pon th -i STORE thxlver. which i printed in both I Prince Rupert CIGAR ficult to avoid them. Xitikerson, of ltordeu Street I'.ntMI'li and Frenfh are several 1 scIkmI. Trustee Parker said thai Local People Will Have Opportunity iiPKctitiii for a suitable com-1 All In Competition all had been cflicienl teachers or Making Holiday Ei-cursioo liiiial-'n nt dishes for the coining j 'The Service H'ure With Whole Province. ft and moved lhal the resignations on Maiden Trip meal, price for a complete menuj WE CASH CHEQUES. There i a little misunderstanding in regard lo Ihe essay he accepted with regrel and that for Hi ?akfal. Ilinn-r and Sonner: Agent Kor competition, the result of which" were announced -yesterday. letters of appreciation iiud re The new L'nmn steamer Car- ,rntfP from 35 cents lo t.SS. The commendation he forwarded. This Card. Dickson is due herr;,raV(,..r ENGINES iiena. nifi In ilecidej N. and S. . . ., n,rey The local winner were all in. competition with pupils of similar was seconded by Trustee Montgomery III me norui-i 1.II tier roaiiien trip what b" visit to pay, and Uon grade throughout the province and therefore (heir success was and carried. rn service al &.30 o'ebs-k tomor. entering the inlng Car he will Term Arranged To 8ult- Purchaier. eqyally Sfler-rtorioiis. The young folks' of Ihis city not only aver There were only five resignation low .evening. find hilruef served a quietly and Phone Blue 01. age up well but results prove that Ihey excel those of oilier submitted last nialif liiil minuter of officials ami tour- !anlifaclorily a he would in any one or two more are expecled.'isls are on hoard-Rn vessel from well-tiliptiinlcil hone'. 'IIbii make places. placed in competition Ihey always a credit A- '1 . . 1 1...1 I (The next meeting of Ihe board Vancouver JtV ' eierieti him- able showing. will be. hebl early in July and IlieUexert )'al eopln will lake ad whole situation will be deall with Leilas:e of Ihe holiday week-enu No Pall Now Hanging al I but lime. In the meantime, lo make die roiiYbinatiou trip l Don't Turn the House Over The World. the position are to' be advertised. Slewarl and nyn. Unlil-oAlle recently Ihjre seemed In be some danger hanging A large number of applications The Cardcna will sail from here Upside Down owr the world. There was for months danger of w!ir with are already in I tin hand of for Ibe north at JO tomorrow j Turkt-VTr .)ie French occupation of Oennany threalened hi lend the secretary. evening"and I due b.tck at noon.! looking or a mislaid paper, document; Impor Mrs. K. li. Wallace, formerly sailinir for the south at 5 In I ho' tarn letter, etc, but kcx-p your valuable apiTi lo seridds"ioiifefiiieiices. Jlaly was nl timett on the verge of of the. regular staff and ouial evening instead of 0, (he former and jewelry, where you can find them when you relK'llion mid Austria was in a parlous condition. Ireland, too, substitute during the past year,;''"" Ihe Chelohaln. want them in a Safety Deposit Box. was a s'drYfrV'iif much anxiety. All Ihese difficulties have In a requested a letter of recommend-1 ardena i repuleil to be A fev dulUrt w3l clve lare extent been overcome and dozens of others, wjth the re-snfl aliou which was granted. " ,,f marlel craft in er- jtxi irfcuoni from a year worry. that today Ihe world seems lo be settling down and trying Local Promotion r" " Hie roa.t nnd local eaijieily lo solve the difficulties whirl) have arisen from (he In view of the resignation of,''1" uf" P"" ?"n "'e The Secret of THE ROYAL DANK war and from social unrest, "Labor problems ore working them .Miss Xlrkerson from the receiv-!,nal " "i.pectinn on arrival selves out and (hroiighoul the world there is evident a desire ing class at Hordeir Street School tomorrow evening. Its Success OF CANADA (4i fii-opt-rale ami, gel dovvir lo a more stable basis in all relation- Miss Itiiby It. Scott, of llnrden wilh-eneli oilier. Street seliool and Miss J'.landn ACCOMMODATION FOR THE SALVATION 8. J. MACLKOI), Manaiter, There- vvrll a I way a be problem lo lle and often in tlx! .Marsh, of Seal Cove seliool. applied q ARMY Prince II u perl Ilranch, efforts to settle them right there will he. friction. There will for transfer lo lhal position HANDLING OF FISH not only believed that there lie a lot of labor troubles and a lot of international troubles, religious next term. Mr. Campbell reported was hope for the wont, it went and racial trouble but that lend to OIL IS PROVIDED every' year passe that bolli were capable teacher after the wortin the alum, educate (lie people of each country lo a more reasonable frame but thai .Mis Scoll was senior in the gutter, in the prison of mind. In anticipation nf large ship lo Mis Mnrli lln reroiniiienile.l nieni of herring oil from Alaska . J iL II Solid lhal Miss Seoll be given Ihe ftor-den passing through this port Ibis S Still QOing tfllS all Heavy, Street receiving clas and r.... i......l.l....i..l V-.ul it 1 ri m z-a 1 1 it Mi Marsh a junior grade at,.,,,, IiallwivsJOVer the world ,.Bu,llall vun(llul i fty U irsst wh.n tH "r"?Tn T -pm, f.r l.ol." ItH.r . ";,. 1.001 n m-iiooi. 1 M(1,H.,. assembly wharf has 'Ihtr f.rllllttr, 14 linUU es J',,2.,' .1 Them YOUR contribution "Nugget" i v.. Agnes Donaldson, who fj)( ,, J to Tlie IJ( rh.hi.. n ei e prsst was apiHttnled for a year 011 pr-,.jr ,,, fr ,, ban.fliiig of SALVATION ARMY Annual araTaTaTaTa ftvsrin. and you'll get the world's lhalion last fall, was given a per-',,,,. ,.0iumMily and all Uka SERVICE APPEAL pojiilbHi an Ibe. af 011 best shine brilliant, water ;nianeiil ,,, ,.,! ,ere-wilh llie'pro- i a wie investment in practical -a ' - niotion of Triislet Casey and ,UlH w,iM , fuUPH ,aclnrge ri-n 1 r r-" " -NTt1J proof, lasting. 1 Trustee Mrtntgoinery. '(here. Chriitianity. UhI sviia t.iur.fy ruH. Wia ? Campbell Superintendent mig-j molnrship llellfnghain. . gesl.-.l lliut an incieaoof salary (,,,,(, ,cn William, arrived from Annual Service Appeal TiUQOBT b given to James Mitchell to p,. Armstrong, Alaska, last M.lea list. Vr alaeU will V.;h1V,1 Irak's- jhold him here. lie. huij already j(,irt H( If o'clock wild two car- Shoe Polish received sevnral offer and hhukj. oti. of oil. Ibis being the -e-lhing Adjutanl Kerr, financial representative, uy tmm t .t.wMtaa t. vou i nn put Parksrei vovn along Ibis line would hav ond shipment of Ihe commodity askn only llmt he be ML4CK -TsN-TONtr MM lo In d'uie it the hoard wished In'sq far (Ins season The first was given the fund wilh which to aSR THE ANDREWS. ESCOTTCOygg VAUk HKOWN ASp WUITIi ;niaiii bun. Trustee Casey fet'Uiihiode fcoin I lie alramer Cor-;lbui serve the conununity for knot her iAiorniiiffKI.e -j4wwa-v -mv rm.o.- tliih mat'er ought ba allowed ilma yenlprday year. I