DAILY KSWB TEl paoi roan BRINGING UP FATHER By George Mcty an TM th,) nOTt HOW-MH ll l i li nil ..... l II mo-mOM' ill vcr oeMTb nooa IN F overt to t-wrj LADIES! TGUICK TO WNf, OVRkf COCO CiuHT O y i i JJ VrVJ ,mLU'"i HJU. t A fy To m.t.it - V A V him in j n 1111 ri.v t-u, .. . i i r . i n i nmpn.c2si i r if - 2. u JUST ARRIVED. 1111.11 I li 1111 iwniwii-i I I I In V .i. f-l I fc B jj I 1. IV . A new grey sor-dc - ' r p. very; i chic. Irop in ami see Ihem SPECIAL. j Brown KM Oxford... Welted Poles.) Al! siies 60 MEN! -Mks Our range of Men's Shoes In i Ilrown or HlaeV. All shapes and eiies ...... $7.50 .tn. I'iie li ;il hiiv re mil . FORTIN MADE GOOD prai'litV night ami are ap- IMPRESSION ON FANS iparently in gnad farai. Iey News met In ( I.hi if they are gome Daily Classified Ads. IN ANYOX BASEBALL to do to Any.it what Ihey tell u I lie)- will do. Kidlowinic III' a CENTS PEK WORD IN ADVANCE. No Adf.rtlMm.nt T.kn for L... a ANYoX. J""1 3's-- The Mine !tntet(ll (MMiie mm the Ihiniin-i.in continue to an. SSSVCbCKTAILS H.i.v '.i. i .ne of the baseball Icaro Family Shoe Store Ltd. in' win, Ihe .last victory ben iinile-i ,ii i iiiiii i iierenu WANTED FOR REKT ..mt Ihp Smeiter with a m jt.iiiie- . f Hi. . ,:! .wrer an. W'AXTKO. Rireenlatie to rnit nrxr. F.,r,M.ej nng-1QUECN CMRTLiT4t uo Shoe. For The Family. two flni.h. .The Smi'Mer. fo Il lh- .-ei.lfj th.re will b take order m in rmmi44rHi fnr tww. tnne In. Frttir root.-;.. -k Hn (CHUM, m i ' dm-ed a i"-w ;iinthi Ai..iA-f riii.-e Buper' I Miry, PrwhMl. in I'rtnee Hu-lrt Mtb and panlry. Iloi 1 19, ovation. .1, i io ruetmM uitcher in the i.iT.Mn -if 'Hum .;- tuts 1 1 game and then rry-ImxIv i)d IW.lrn-1. F.uHIrt leally .ew nmre. f trie!, li. i .,. Fortiji, ad the d'am show-.i will hie forth to the Au-iliioriiifii lid line. HleaM give reference Huei t i urcarljr InipnAfil f..rm uvi-r recent in Hie Maple leaf ajid full partirular. lo lit) HKXT.- - Fnrnilie. .mi n Uay.hill.Mki.ieM.il.:I ... frame, Imtli ut inc. hai a d i;i; ulmli will mi I in!' l he Hn ISi IktHy Xew. Uffrge. aMrn Apart irvenl. I'hone Htl,n. .( Summer in theTleM. with .. t Iwt lay program tren t30. 5j Take , ANTIOi. One or two children Morn.. ..; ., lamentably ccpt4o.' but id) i"vi, f fNThnnl je for MJmmer holl-day. IK.M HMted Hat far rent. ienpali..n m . in bae rufiMng. In a;! PORT SIMPSON BALL .. ' lor Ileener perm iood apartment. VI. hnm M. I hey gathered eleven bus off Hi. an cure. foil . In , . Term moderate Mr.. It. II. . Sllie. Mine piti-li.-r. had thirteen mi--' TEAM WILL ARRIVE Heiena a! COAL km. Went Ki'wanga. H.t:. I&l orttieB"i.r i.n bae. uiriT poor judgment V - 4tH J Maun umc mcvt mnunivi FOfl MRXT lliw-ekeefvlng roms ian. !,- . Ih-Iwwii Uii' iai-K-. J-'ni'tiiv ma.b-. IlLnL 11CA1 UlUitUrtl UVA.STLU. till CMiih oM. tti.i. lit..-.. . Men and Women to - -. .w i ma j II"f 1 1 ne of .ji.i good iinprc.inii with lh fan-, learn Uarbering. Paid while illue 17. ir.CtiniMtenrii '.lint will jiiiihalily niaki' jtikhI in ItriHik. aml'J. ' "wirniy arr tleorge manaiter. learning and tools free. Writ uonunv Great satisfaction! Repeal till Irairiie. Hp tins mw aHimi. four rtwm nt fr' WII.MAM of port i:. McKay, captain the for catalogue. Moler Itarber This advertiseci-fit If not published rent. We.leti haver Hros. nvll. unal whi-n orders lifting filled every ,i-ld I li-- in-itnMi Simp4fiaetll iMam, adred College. Vancouver. !J.C for famiUar with tin' KruiiiKl tin or displayed by the csea sovi.aai.T vik (lay the lUil) .New., hy teleahone I hi FOUND A;fvt ainf Hi' fan will turn in Liquor Control Board or by .iioroitie lliai the learn ha gone FOR SALE sit, limtis. Nanaimo-Wellington :a win iihw ami then without a the Government of British Columbia. (o Kineloilh to rday a match there yil MI.K. Ful.NTi-Pair of kntsMd Hm I I Satan torn i.' sii sr mots. idvuM. 'in tfh aiiparahes at (day. Il i I he intention of llo KHeJ,, r,Bf roM ptachNi at Rnavirissl ami ln.i !lhe hit he got a hit. team to arrive in I'rin-e Ititp-rt healer. barTel. ligVIIng fliture. lsle. Ilwencr can ciire II Coal Nut I The Jline till cnntiiMies Ibe batty carriak-e., M CceWii ai ,ve- o Hce -.11 Monday m time to play with lially by paying Quick Fire! Last Longer; halling trak whirh they ar-iiireJ H.M.S. CURLEW jnny local te;in Uiat may desire nl Avenua. Pb. niS. lit for lhl advert ie men I. f the (.Imrtly after the M'a.ii Cost. nam- :s other X it juanie. llARiiAl.N" ,fr jC ,m. LOST uhmimI. with no apparent ehanr Coals. jof a ltimp in the near future. The VS. THE CITYireport iwedla;f.jr, l,t jo, map 91. Phone 116 or 564. ! feature hit nf the gaine was An-ifc-riiun" of pobuc trAf. Apply Ho I it, I tally ROWftllAT I.n IVouble.eo.ler paint e.I aren, Im small tary Albert & McCaflery drive to deep centre. SCHOOLS FOR MAY skiff. Hewsrd. Ilaily News of i.S "Cm-t i I which Him, lilS to- Peai-h gave Billiard Tournament Arranged OH S AI.F- FimimnI oak din ink- fice or McAllister. ShawaUan LIMITED Ihiid before the hall wa reIUrne,i For Tonight Between Vl.lt-Ing room ile. I'Jieap. Phone l'aage. ito nlay. J. rrgUKOn, at kImm-I for Warship and Civilian Submitted ; by Superintend e a t IM9. (the Mine, trave a iileftdid aeeouiil Players Campbell at Last NlghlH MISCELLANEOUS. . bim.mlf in that imMition, anil Masting of Board .room mn iniin Iptayed Jjke profet-'Ktnal. FlaU fc A hilliaril tournament ha been Total .1triMlan,e a' city pub PALM Eft IIOUSF too Seventh IPEHIK.CKIl Shampooing, .VAMCUniBT ilesidenlial work and iPrje--Jfiiie: C. F'rfsnKon anil Smeltar: Fjorijn anil crranted for (onisht in the I'unce lic M-hoi'U.for ibe iiu in tb of Ma; Avenue West. Phone rteil tl. a specialty. I'hone Illue 171. I BARGAIN C lirrenwell,MeKeovni. Ttie lirreUiip: TJnfiert flilllarrl Parlor on Third wa UK as as-ain! . ftHl in .May Furnished anile. Mrs. Coleman. : Avvntie between Ihc lar player. I lie ar previou ar-rdlng lo re. I Mine Mcalev, llrefiwjl, Ci 'ROOMS Iif "Curlew" TAXI Ihe viiling warhip Irt Mibmillrd lej,'SaKt ifrttil 'Ferguini. nderon. J. Ferjjuon and nv of lh- star player of '.ainptell lu the wImmI Ixtard lai Klii. Oirklc. Stewart. Kornirh-lenoki. ST. EI.MO UQTKL. lint ami eohl Tail 67 Phone. will TWO LOTS the city. Play erfrtnelle. itivht. waler tn ronm Steam (Call (leorg or Oust) 8 for 5fn every .liwrji at p.riv. point up. laifieil, the attendance) wa in Section 1, J Smelter Talheon,' J. Me-'Keowii, The player are a follow: u loilow-: hlel. Hale reasonable. Ross Brothers. SiiMslair. lituwn. Fori in. Phone Creon SIO. HSG Second Five-pasMnger Touring Car S. Simmon. Supply C.J.0 v. tiirl Itoy ir.ole. Lee Sloan. C MrKeown. Prompt Hay and Night Servfce. Od. S. P. McYrordie. IWiolh SctKMil .. I:, IJO S3 Avenue WeL each I I mpire: Olsen: hae umpire. Standi Boston Qrlll Third Avemis $625 J. Alexander. S.H.P.O. . fl. H. fbrden Slet . 131 1 17 till :;. ireenwell. BOARD. j'MOrkby sal IVive 27 A 17 AUCTION RALZS. . Connolly. Sergeant, vs. Ceo. AJr. CmplMll reMirtd thai SKI HOAItli. Ttie Inlander. 830 Terms arranged !S(KCERO!SAT U aHgh. plant luwV leen llNtriiMtleal to Seeond Avenue.. I'booe 137. tf Conducted in your home or at See for J. An.KrK, C.F;.n.A., vs. II. fciudenl altove t lie Second Header cur rooms. CoimI at.o .old on us particulars. ANYOX MINE WINNERS tonunlssion. Hrowii. grade and preparation were being of ?fl pupils al IbMtth School and It. Waterwnn, Ord. Art., Ceo. H. H. HEMMjriCS, Auctlonsse, vs. made to how thee fbiwer Oliver Typewriter. 9 out nf 30 at liordeii Stn ei had Cary Safes. Following the lead of the ha-hall Hrllmoyl. in a how at the Full Fair. teen recommended for the F.n-Iranre Third Avonus team, the oceer player of F. Tufiker, Supjily P.O., v. HeiMirting on lloi matter of en-gagcinoiil examinations. (Dsi.ny Allen's Old Store) FIRE INSURANCE. Hie Mine :iul are winning their '.tV.. lfulehinon. of I earlier, Mr. Campbell Phone black 136 and Green 471. igame. , , The (ecat of (he hith I he marker eiecte are dicnurngei Ihei ap(xinlment CHIROPRACTOR DylMvn & Hanson erto unbeatable Smelter aggregation Chief mer. Ceo. Tozpr. P. I. ft loo many teachers fresh .from GRANBY PRODUCTION UMain e iri the Iaf-'future r)ayed.i Mucdonald and Ceo. Huell. Xormal School and recommended R. D. TAS8IE, D.C. laiti Tjilrd Avenue. 'made t,he luseond eonecutive win; that Sit eerlnin i-ae tlit-y be, re . Tlie output of Ihe Hidden Creek Chiropractor WllMOXil Tas assuis--'M. Prince Rupert, B.C. jfor the "Muekeiy" ami will givv tuirpil to fake a year in Ibe Mine for Ihe period June 13 to -I'd venue, prince Huperi. II.C. fr. thei ci iifiileiioe for the contents Sport Chat j roiif?. ti fore ion i-.g bc iiy'Jiine V imcIii-uc was IK.2J0 wetjllour lo lo I:'. I., t; 7 o 8. NOTICE. of yie enil erie. which be-gin safJ- 'ton. Total for the month lo Phone Illue fiiT, la Ow M.H'i on the ninlh of July. The I li- poi- J i hai 1 o il June 19, 43,363 wet Ions. Ilesidence, lircen 130. Me sf . I'". W Lsl IMrl) ' luaine wa a naru one. oniy one Kverylhing points to the n tHHutrM awl -in 18. to announce the ifoal being nptlwl during I lie en- minion Day celebration on Mori Coke planl prcxtiiflion, June 2 HOLIDAY RESORTS Cjmu laslrtrt ' i' S.ll.ltrlno I fpentirg of our new jtire lime of play, and this was day being the mn.t succeful jlo June H Inclusive, I.7S2 slmrl MASSETT. IrsrlMM nl r.ri.' ' kicked by Currio froui a penally the Son of Canada have ever Ions of coal were charge! anil QUEEN'S HOTEL rvriri Ml dilxt Ih I Ik ' Garage only.a.'.ew Jpel from lbr goal Hlageil Kven old King Sol j, I lOfi short tons of coke pro. The Ideal Holiday Resort. drl. II I no "i-lb ntoulh. Iteferee. Fa an. Th beaming forth his rays of pro. diircd; 3.5S5 Imperial gallon.of For terms apply proprietress: lbcllin.iptrilinfi uf :-rrlitkii. line.uti: inl-e and if tie smile lwo light oil were and of tin-Vt.rtMn, ju.t kaaamTsTvaTa?V 1 1 at rB Tftofafil 2.1,-iidO Mrs. J. C H. Dunn. snle" ' and'iervice Station Mine Ooal, (Virkle; backs. days longer everybody will be lbs. nf nuimontujii sulphate In. I. nuil ilK-oi on 3rd Ave. East, In the Inciiiham and Spearo; half back. iilf.lieij. The' committee n were mantifactiTred. QUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND DISTRICT. 1.11 Hrm.l'v -1 former Pacific Cartage Cane. I'ynru- and Ciirrle; fori, oharge have put in seeral week lll.C. ftltl JUl.V Stable and Warehouse ward, Twaddle. Uarnes, Lanpe, of energetic work and their ef I Tim Pmeiier returns froni June Application to Lesse Foreshore Buildings. I.van and Slubh. forts bid fair In be crowned wifh. II (o June 17 Inclimlie how I lint Lands. isno set. Competent mechanics are Smelter 4ioal, Michell; back Mirce from lime Ibn bigi IH.Stt wei Ion nf ore were I roiled mii.. f ISU.H.S(.'m ee'r :n charge, and you are a-MiiPd Iiof.4 and Kirklaml; half back, parade larl al U.3H in Hie At very at Ihe Ano smeller. Till Irict.In Queen Ileconllliir Charl'-ttn District Land Ills.of In Uo4 i"-,; of prompt and court", (lovvan. (ireenwell ami Mum; for-A-aritr-. iiioruing' until after midnight t Exide Service was made up as follows: Anyoi I'rlnce llupert, und siluale at the'ti mi itx uf north ITIBC rlld H' ou service and rPaonal)le Filziiatrli-k. Wilon, Mc- when the orclie.tru al Hie Maple Station ote, 17 003 ton; ouImIiIc ore. 051 mouui oi stalechiiek i;reek, Kagan'sc . ' . lli.u UL.I.....I- ' T.h. HtAUf IMI price. tiuo-e. Mcllland ami Anrlrong. l.eaf' dance will play Ihe Home Ion. Average price of copper Ra you can get sound I.IhihI. Jli: '!, lor the week, I I,;hc. for -cmlinn li i U allz. Tire, Tubes, Accessnrjcn, advice, skilful repairs Taln .Notice Uiat W. C, Mo-Morrls, OMSrUied Uifti ' ' iiml a full line of genuine 6 of Vuncoiivcr. II.C. occupation lil.nl.tl ID rimii- " Frd Part carried in (lock. The hill of sport is a most on any make of battery mRACENOTES miner. Intend tn applv cM-oer of Jie ' I I'llOMB Jireeii Wi.. Free Aii . iHiiraclive one and Ihe best that or a new long-life fur loWlllC permission lle-rllieil to forAalinru eae Ih Inn,!.-fol- IO Irlet III; 1hnr HO 111.iiulti i in - I ' Phone Green 392. Free Air. lia been nffertwl so far Ibi year Exide for your The i.ommenrnig nl a iiol ritnnli.il nl nurih ISIS; rnUuaint lllr.4)'I I' (anyway. Inlerel in Hie school following registered nl (he I. li.i,. .....i. : . i .... S. E. PARKER, Ltd. car. mrlil. BI i-iiIH.I'"1' louri.l Hotel. Terrace, durimr f l . VV i!" , .IXi IMS 'rm-k meel in the morning cou-M s 'oi"'a, 41 1 M(l I, 1,111m the week: K. (Undo, p. Jnii.cn, J. feet west of of the southeavt enr-Janw., mi-- to uiHliife) ilef and llii'. Look for thit Slim Patrick I'oyer. W. Diehard "erpost of . Lot 1; thence HI ni..t mm ti- itllair promise of being ucib give "lheOslerly; thence 4H and I' llosso I'rlneie Ilimoil- i,:ii fiiiilvMl 'riii.M uiii r.ooil c 19 " I AMD'ACT. J-:ven if don't live u ""rlheasterly; thence III you in u i Wm D.ihl, (ififM-r City; ,. J .chains i.orll,n,..l,.rl. l..n- N.llc. .f ll.o I gla.H ti:.use and tlii'ow y..iiugslerH on the ground a.I mm North ami lieo. 'lowing I.- , R,, -.1 ' Niclon, ft.T.I'. ; high water mark to point t tones any rale lo liotliing of ti.e lie I ' "'''""'encenient. and contaln-Ihihv ' jjasTUsiss Joseph way. flosswiiod: F. F i inn u rnni ni;" ',, , iiiiei-i.tiKi grown-ups. A thou-jx.uid J , ".T.A,L "iTcs morn or less. I ihe north ii "' Your WINDOW people will ptwibably pay ad-rii USVKf STATION m i vliid Irui kiiTgji t,"j, I SK!: I mAMUi','t!,cM0",ll(, KoMSuoit. O.i:. "' 2. u otel i -mon. M.niill'i !' " Or Wind Shield May Get Prince llupert; l. Oamlolle, Am. .tor Broken. TORONTO I THIRE IS AN EXIDE bury; J. Ilontaer, I'ringe fli-orae: .9i'r,n. f CI- I U IlL ..i.... .1 btr I .flPT' i , ;. . .. . I'lien there is going Jo 1C H DKALEK NEAK YOU - k u w i a .mull In Centre of Shopping Matt. Allard, Kalum Uolid afternoon iiiTreltiit La.e; Joeph Slran. UmIiSi Of,....ikl fawtiu.St-vularlr Its li.ln. lo V'J.'" 1 T. ROSS MACKAY and Business District uf ISpiiiel. Amsbury; II. wa Lawrence. rmi,, WIIJMMJI r.l 4M Ualmy. OIIIIWII, , ,i 111'', Will FIs It. 100 270.lh fOGMa rMttt igaine. After noon, Anyos and jKalum; J. N. I'iland.en, ftnino: Dr. Marlcl's Female Pills uirflli IS rmini ; 'J,,,, H BUHOPHAH fuJi t'nnoe itupert will jfO lu bul ill Local DJutrlbutor: Ceo. Ilobinson. '. Marshhl, Van-,couvcr; thou$anu last half Everything In Glass. the fiit iMtir-town baebMll W, R. LOVE, Electrician J. Held, lUimonlon; CLNIUHV iww ii ( ulr Oi.. jinor. nr Aif'S'i,!. A, f.rloS Tr..itn.ni li Irn t)rul.U. r irri bt J isr t uuiKfiunitfiftfuKnnutKKUK gunia lo b sluged lir Ibis sa- COW HAY. jliarfalt, Vancouver. mM. Kiiki.,uiku SmhUi Co. II K. tm I 4Uh Hi Torwito. Mt.d Mir