lurdsy June 30, li?3, THE DAILY NEWfl Husband Didn't Dare Local and Personal UBBER BALLS Leave Her Alone Heart U. O. Undertakers. Phona 41. If Was So Bad Hayneri, Undei taker. Pboue SMOKE Mi Hi II ibbcr Hall hi i in n ia- by themselves. They Ttaoae reellnn of falntncM, Ihone duty 351. tf ipellt, lh ill rum unkinr aeniatloni mhlrh tiinia on ttma lime to llnie Indlrale - Hiitj voi iiuniiru jiigitcr Mi. II. V.. IIciikoii M'luriicil eaaen-d r..minion of Urn heart and i In rubber Lull imi ever .saw. Jarfra liiiihionr iJJrvcC dlaorderrd title of the iwrvra. from u-rhr?r on lal nTglil'a nil i.n toi. heme freli mill doubly eliislie. Milburn's I rum. OLD CHUN Tin--., liiilli iiit pined within (he. riMirli of ill. A g Heart and Nerve Pills For a IruiiKfcr or coal, finll lle.l 523 or 31, lloyul Hold. Ueu. hee no equal at iirjntr tiin-i In1 liuil. a remedy to ilrrnithen It. CM-y. If the heart. invlroraK ihe nervei and build up the run don n ty.irrn. Mr. c. Vanhorn. Erkriiie, Alia, wrilen .1 of III Wlllttial?, Ill'l'lcli'lll of I lie "About a year ar I hid heart trouble. KIi-hii7ii tin., arrieiJ from Uk tin TOBACCO My hutband didn't dire leave me alone. eacn wortine uooda and often had to May up at mrht with last niglit'a train. nie. I wwild Jutt feel kind or falnl and my heart would aerin to atop beatlnr. I Save Money J lluy our Natialtnu-WelliiiKlon would Jutl faint away, and It would ,.. ... N lunr it .otnplete Hue of Hie Heuvh (funds which omelloiea be an hour before they could Nut Coal at f 1 3.50 a ton. Albert A McOafTrry, Ltd. tf brlni me bark to life. Someone told vi oil yl i iilulogue irifi-. Kent! fur catalogue. me about MHburn'a Heart and Xerre Pllli. t tot three beiee; I trk them and fell The oHlpe geiiRiul jlelhcry much beller, ao continued all Winter, and and iPtiinlrulioii wlckt'ls will l4 -V now I never feel any urh filntneta. I do tlen from 1) In III a.m. on lo-niiiilon Mrs. will not reepire aurely appreciate Ibe iwl they bate Tremaytie dne for rie." day, July 3. again until Fall. price toe a bot at alt dealers or i Canadian National Railways mailed direct on receipt f price by The Ir. W. 'I'. Kcriiiii who has been I VUUUI (SVO.cfyMAs T. Wllbern-CW. Umiud. Toronto. Cot. For Plumbing and HKATINO, away for eeerul weekx on a W. Longwlll. Phone lilue 270. 111 A. II. llMVIIO pl (III lH-t trip to Western Alaska, is expelled P.O. Iiox 730. tf. Imnie un Hie l'rlnce Prince Rupert iniflil Irani for I.hIk-Ifc I.ule. Alice thin afleriioon. Launch "23" for Salt Lakes' W. J. NtMmiii lefl on Im! : every half hour frchr 1 p.m. to 7 Mr. and Mrn. J. W. Mire DRYDOCK iiikIiI' train for Oilnrvat." wlierp p.m. Sunday. 20c. return. I houe rfluriied yesterday nfler lie will Mprn I lie week-etli noon on I In- I'riiire- Ittierl afler !! lilt mufti. The Ladies' Fxebanie will AND Rupert" Brand having tenl a few weeks lioli closed duriiig Ihe iitonl'h of July. Hill An. lUiapter M.I.K.. will itayinr in Vuneouer.4. while Mrs. II. il. lleiniiiings is "nj SHIPYARD liolil u NuHrrti Ibtitteir. Or, vacation. ! Moote Basket Picnic, Tugwell .'il. lrH'prl to rumlaili a clillil-r-'ii e at-d at t(M)ilal. Island, Sunday, July 1. Boats Dan LiiHleborg and L. Walkiti-were Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry OocK leave Cow Bay Promptly at 10 Ibe Stewart mimt'ic anion),' Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern I Ik- rire ppartinpiit lat rven-uikjr a.m. Ladles and children free. people passing Ihiniigli the illy makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. Ml 7 :i rvpiiild lo a rail Gentlemen $1.00. ..Everybody bound norlli on the l'rmr-e Huperl Kippers rr.iin .Ninth Avrnuf and litlifntprf welcome. - 15 yesterday afternoon. Electric and Acetylene Welding. Strtfl where a trra flrr wan rt-i ti at " without lUntar "In Tomorrow in the Chuirh Holiday Excursion. Spend Our plant is equipped to k-mdle all kinds of lripriy. Knlund, the iiiorninjr service will Dominion Day aboard the i" ui a iiirioiic nature anu n new steamer "Cardena" on Marine and Commercial Work Ihe eening the llev. I r. l.atiK her maiden Leaving liHitlett Wakefield I oMiliim voyage. felil' of Klmonloii will be the PHONES 43 AND 38S Prince Rupert i lii afterntMin un ilm I'liiiceon Sunday, SMOKED DAILY lii'i filr. Ur oulh inninule t lreaeher. 10 p.m. for Anyox, Alice lii-llitiKliani where ke will join Arm, Stewart, Wales Island by UiK iiuilher, Mr. A. K. Vnlie- .Mr.. Arthur Jirookrtiank an and Port Simpson, returning family are oallini: tonight on th fielj, who i (tlr a holiday viH. Tuesday noon. Fop reservations, er58fEtfLa Prince Iluierl bouml for I.ady Canadian Fish & Cold Ltd. Ktiiilh, Vaiteotner . Nland, lo Join epply Union Storage Co., Mie Astnes I lotialif Min. Min Mr. liriHikfliank whu hax extab Steamship Co. of B.C. Ltd. .Saillncrs from Prinr Rtinrl I.'mhIimi. MIM J. II. Caoou ami p- - .,.- PRINCE RUPERT lihed himself in business there. MM A commillt'e was I 'ii Mi- Marion Minna, of the oily it j! i n ilia! ei'lioul tcai'liina: xlafT-, are kiiiI- night's imai'il ni--illg S Prince Rurtprf' II. F. Me.Naughlon, C.N.II. dis lo (lie comlifl , 1 'i 1 ' iiis loninlit mi thr rrlnre lturl invesligii!)' and Prince George Iriel tusienger aienl, is moving fur Vancnirr. Mi lUoon ha of the black iwiii'il- hI Hie higN r'iiiii'l atul wil: ti'iiiaiii in lite bis residence from Second Ae srhool atid retMirt. I'riinip.i, FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate . -m w t..l. :L . !... --J MlUl li. nne "West to the douse on Fifth llruily iKirtPil dial some of Hi Points, Monday, Thursday, Saturday, 11 p.m. 1 r -yi si i ut il in yuur kji;ci, inu Avenue Fast, formerly occupied Imm;iI were in bad 'rililion acn FOR ANYOX WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. by Mr. and Mrs. ti. A. Mc.Vicholl bad out lived llieir useriiine. Mv FOR STEWART FRIDAY, 10 p.m. " , pictures. Campbell reported similar eond:-lions S.S. PRINCE JOHN for Vancouver, via Queen Charlotte Ten Years Ago Ihe wliool board last night hI llonlen Street school. Islands June 13th, 27th, July 11th, 25th w - r v -w w"- r y r FPL- .1 .1 L! fit I urantetl the lloy Srouls' Assoclu in Prince Rupert PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. lion the use of the lbH.Hi Satisfactory progress in Ihe or Ijmv. 1'j.iii-n Htipert dally except Sunday al 4.4ft p jil fur Prince Ceorre. ... ... Meiiiorial ScIkhI ilayshed as Edmioloo. Winnlpef, direct cuuoectlon all point tat tern Canada and United .t.i ganization of I lie .Northern polytechnic State.- voiir S17.P. is hnrp." Ihe Kiarieti i,u- mornniit on Irililng quarters provided that Institute lo include dis AGENCY FOR ALL OCCAM STEAMSHIP LINES. I'oiislruction of Hie new il ue as such does not inter City Ticket Office, B27 Third A.e, Prince Rupert. Phene SftO- SKODA K Self Timers, Carry-irnr I'liinv Mooerl II..i,-1 hi i he p,,,-. fere with the rwiuireiueirts nf (he trict Pmder-Moss.points was director.reported by In John the hit of SikIIi (.(reel and Seennil sehuul. Cases. Trinods. school board la! The Avenue. The nighl. re-porl building will be ' r- --. ..... . a ri r r- r r- 1 A L UtL33 UK ILLS 'onrait il...i..Atutcnrnents-li t..i. of fixe rniirrele More) in Connlrurlion tietifhl and will w il tie li It. I.. Ilruwn, Ihe wefl known tbe staled interior dial had various ul ready town-iu r.nnr CANADIAN PACIHC RAILWAY IV Ull III BCUtrv rrorlliem representative of Mar "UICJ in und coast luiek points were now lining veneer on Ibe lret oide. hall-Wells Co returned from B.C. Coast Services here. visited. A complete here will be 100 rooms. Charles Vancouver repm-i . illiuuis la in on the Prince lluperl would be forthroining In July. cbarse of Ihe Let us help you plan a Kodak Outfit yesterday afleriioon accompanie.1 fok good mctuites and lots of fun ereelion vs hu ll will of be the tbe largest new kuiklinz yet fur will liy .Mrs.spend Itruwn Ibe sutmiier and family in wh Hie I'be school board last niglii Sailings from Prince Rupert ordered the I his city. city and district. secretary to write S.S. PRINCESS LOUISE, S.S. PRINCESS ALICE. lo P. S. Ikiuuey, district forester. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, ORMES LTD I' i- Huarl wuu the Irate Cuu High School Principal is expressmg I hanks for the lectures June 3, 8, 16, 23, 30; July 7, 11, 18, 21, 25, 28. be bud ami A. Hunter the siknhi at Hie niiiug lonigbt on the Prince delivered and the For Ketchikan, W ranged, Juneau and Skagway, interest be had luke.n :iilian Itifle Aaaoeialiiin lmol in connection June 11, 18, 25; July 2, 6, 13, 16, 20, 2327. . Jtiijierl for VUloria where he will T'U r I? v o 1 1 Zi fi ft a Thones 200, 82 and 134 yesterday. iTjvaie Little won Ihe peml Ihe nest three weeks. He with Ibe recent essay con S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. tests in which local haiuliai at Hie Karl (irey Itegi is a member this year of the been students had For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean menl vhoot. board of examiners for the (Jul so successful, Lykiug three Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, out of l(i nriies given in the vereily Matrkulalion examiiia every Saturday at 1 p.m. A son was born today to Mr. (ions and is going south in llial High Schools of (lie entire pro Agency for all Steamship Lines. and Mm. A. O. Franks. conuectioii. vince or four mil of IH in all Full information from itrades. Letters of conratula W. C. ORCHARD, General AgenL DID YOU PUBLIC NOTICE Mr. ami Mrs. II. S. Parker and successful lion ate also students to be liv sent the lo h"ur.lh.' Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Couiplu'ri( have been received daughter, Miss l.eoua Parker. lb it I persons visiting Mellakalla arrived from Vancouver on the village and the Tugwell Miami Prince. Huperl yesterday afler- UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C LTD. liidian lloeerve, have lUiiiagedi, " "r- ''"''kft; has been soulli Church Notices i ttalllurt Ft, enure Huprrt, For VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Ofru. Fall., and Soanaen Bar, Tu.aday. S P.SI. or tue weeks- Indian garden and olber iat tnree while THINK proper Mr. Fee VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Alirt Bay, and Swanaen Bay, Saturday Nee., Pinker and Miss Parker are and earrftlliivray flowers, etc. Fee ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Welle liland, Sundai 10 P.M. Warning is liereTiy given, that home afler spending the uf Presbyterian Church For PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Riiee Caneirlia, Friday A-M. prosecutions will follow further nine months in Vancouver. .'i iid Avenue J. earned?, Agent. Prince Rupert, B.C. Morning womliip at ft What the smoke-filled valleys meant to you last depredaliotis of this nature and t t Preacher, Hev. Dr. I.nngfel.ll. . . The of - j tegular monthly iiicol ingot the full rigor of the law will be year? ihe Kdniontoii. Sunday School will applied in such cases. school board swtis held lust night in not mwt. Ilveliiliti sen tee at (Signed W. K. i;(ll.l.IS(., Hie eily council chamber. What the timber charred, burned, and blackened Indian Arch!. In tbe absence of Ir. W. T. 30 will be a patriotic one. FISHERMEN! means to YOUR future? Prince Huperl, II.C. Kergin, the chair was taken by Preacher, Hev. II. II. Uriiiii. IU. June 30. It;'3. J. l. Mul.eiiuaii, the senior Salvation Army last for the tie trustee. Tliere vvas a Jong lisl of Owing lo the transfers ,,r the paid That wages year crop If you are buying your outfit at Kelclakatt, il will business vn Hie iigejida and Ihe puy slalious in TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Ihe urlli. several officers along the Grand Trunk was approximately you to visit the Please lake notice that Mr. T. iiieeliug lusted till liiiduight. will be in town over the $383,000? M. Wilkie has terminated n week-end. Speciul meelins tomorrow NEW ENGLAND FISH Company iigieeiiienl with Hie undersigned In answer Ifj it query sent by morning at II un.I inciting That the forest will remain a source of revenue lepreseiiling the Hoard of (lib board. Hie IvJinoiituii Iron at 7.:iO. Come utnl enj .y Hard Ice, Fancy Bait, and the Best In Gear, Groceries, to you If kept green? Marine I'liderwriter of Sail Fence .V Wn Works icpoilt'd by hour with us. Meats, etc. Kruiirisco mid is no longer acting Idler lo lliv school board lust Then be careful with fires. Do not destroy your for me in any capaoily. night lliut Uie fire escapes of Ihe t. t'.l'I.I.IXdTtlX. Hixilli .Mffnoiial School would own livelihood. Surveyor to Ihe Hoard of Marine carry ten times any loud that MR. FISHERMAN! ctt I iiij' i wi iii'i - of Sim r ruiicisco w ould t'ST bo i ciuli ed of I belli f.). Id n i ii Coliiintiia. )5l!'l'his nxiipuiiy supjilicd Hie fire We have been Prevent Forest Fires cscuiioy. nuking tanks for boats during the past workmanship.ten years and wa have yet to get a complaint of faulty HiiIicuIiou for Ihe position' WHAT WE HAVE DONE FOR OTHERS WE CAN "f it lady iiesistunl (he Treasury in Ask (Jqur Hartwart Dealer DO FOR YOU. It liepaiimeiit, City Hall, will be1 Pays 1-lUly r eived 4, IViJ.up lo I p.m. Wednesduy, ' STMONDS ROWE'S SHEET METAL WORKS oMi civtni txw rv 1 me m W. II W M L 1IIIAY. f Secj d Ave. Phone 40. Jilua 4 Venn, fly Cleii, t