ea “3 4 $ * ° * *, * ‘ er, Ah is. * PaGe rome moss GOING OUT OF BUSINESS fomerrow morning at 10 we open our doors with new bargains. Come and reap the benefit. Every- SPORT NEWS PALS ARE THEIR GAME. VICTORS WAS GREAT | Saker: thing must go. | Triumphed Over Flashes in Senior! England Leads First Test Match— : i High School Basketball— i Sutcliffe and Hammond Set Midgets Also Win Up Record ail es Overshoes— $1.49 $3.00 Dress Shirts— | $1.29 ee now The Flashes, who won their jad SYDNEY, New South Wales, Dee.! a ay F . 5 3 start last Monday, were humbied by|6:—At the close of play ee 95c Ladies Rubbers— §4¢e $6.00 Dr. Jones, Men’s Dress Shoes $3.99 the fast-stepping Pal outfit by the | in the first cricket test match, Eng-| per pau per pair decisive score of 23-0 in High School | land had scored 479 runs for a loss ‘ ‘ als six kets. Australis ull ot} $4.50 Ladies’ High Grade Shoes— $4.00 Men’s Dress Oxfords— basketball yesterday. The Pals do-|of £ ce Ps 7 ae a diffe styles ile is ta minated the play throughout the/for 360. The invading eleven sur-| ifferent styles, per pair per pair game and, although the Flashes|passed the Aussies’ total bef ore | i he their she ay. y|three wickets had fallen. However,! 75c Silk Ties— | $1.50 to $2.75 Children’s Shoes—aAll aad thetr emasy Of Cie pay, the sai inds and styles, per pair fence of the Pals to get a good shot|more effective after the t inte — at the hoop ‘val and wickets fell fast ’ . . r . : The first half was rough and A brilliant innings by Herbs Come and Look the Goods Over and Note How Very Low the Price is. Roo .cq wut, as soon as the boys{Sutcliffe, who went in firs The second period was practically | second wicket partnership of 188} the same as the first. Occasionally | runs, a test match record, surpass-'! the Flashes filtered through the jing the old record of 151 made in “ — . aeeenerenmene womans |Pal defence but were unable to! 1893. Third Avenue—Next to Frizzell’s Meat Mar ket score Today's Play , T Ful! time found the Pals victors} With nine wickets fallen, Aus-} by 23-0 ltralia had scored 164 runs in the} | The Midgets vanquished the!second innings of the first cricket! } Anes 16-4. The former made a vast/test match today and had staved @ | improvement since their last ap | off the pessibility of defeat by an | pearance and used combination to a| innings. England had scored 524 in a n S )great advantage. Led by Abuchina | the first innings to 360 for the Au j and Hirano, they completely “aa ilians played the Aces. Campbell did} much to place his team in the win! eolumn but was unsuccessful Billiard Averages | Socrers were | This advertisement is not published or dj BURROUGHS» BEEFEATR Rel le) ee 20) 1-1-5 ea ALAIN ns Controi Board or by the Gover of British Columbia SCHEDULE — warmed up, they settled down and/England, accounted for 194 runs.| Seal Cove St. Andrews; Sor f played basketball. At the termina- | Walter Hammond xnocked up 112] Norway vs. Swift; Canadian Legion December 6—L¢ * e * tion of the half, the Pals led 13-0.' and. together with Sutcliffe, had aj} vé. Empress. Empress OF WRIST .s= = novelas Pere PN TIA ¢ Cove vs. St. An W Sor f LAMPS! Bridge Lamps Bed Lamps Bed Lamtps—Parchmey me ne $4.50) | 2% $3 Table Lamps Smokers’ Stand Table Lamps Complete Smoke: mai $3. 25 $1.75 $1, Color For the Heme én Glass Tulips and $1 75 Ten Leave ate Come and Look Around While Our Stocks a Cant KAIEN HARDWAI Window Glazing Phone—3 Wel | G Ttl Av ' Pals—Santurbane (3), Nakamoto A. Zadaroski ‘CS @ 1200-20 | (12) Suehiro (2), Greer (1), Kishi- Earl Batt ‘E 5 1000 900 nae — ae allen. N. aj.(2r Amtonelli (LC) 2 200 200 ashes—-Smith Allen, N. Al- . Seer ane . ¢ 107 len Blake, Obata, D. Morrison, Ar = aie oid . . a sin went? Nick Chenoski (EB) 5 950 192) | Midgets—Abuchina (2), Hirano'y; yoy icg 6 1143 191 6). Murray ‘4 M. Johnson Owen Fisher ‘E 5 947 189 1 Zelisho (2), Munro—16 D. Frizzell (E 4 750 189t! | Aces—Campbel) (2). Lindsay (2 P Pritchard (LC . 928 18¢ Pr or, O'Neill, Dell—4 B. Windk cs 5 925 vast P. Vaccher ‘CS f 1099 183|} RESULTS IN P. Aldridge (LC) 5 906° 1814] F. Kent LC 4 701 175} J. Sutherland ‘J 5 868 1741} 8. Jurmain ‘J } 863 173 BADMINTON fire", 88s 3S, M. Eckert ‘E 4 657 164}{ Prince Rupert and C. N. R. A. Clubs w Ff Py; Th 5 948 158! Are Leading in Association A. Stracha LCi 3 460 152 | Competition J. Bulger (J ce. 2 17 J. Marchelton (I I 88 88 Results of last night’s play in “A w_ stuart (cs 1 900 4«9nA Division of the Prince Rupert Bad- Oe }minton Association's inter-club jeompetition were as follows “y" is Canadian . National Recreation > ry Association defeated Skeena Bad ‘ *. n ton Club, 8-7 (9A fe ZB» | Prince Rupert Badminton Club v he “a —) defeated Rupert East and Angli- a By SD S 4 a can, 12-0 The “A” Division standing to date is as follows Prince Rupert 41 ~~" | Skeena 28 - , C.N.R.A 27 The ! healing Cream eit Assu red ] Rupert East and Anglican 11 | nc me “B” Division Standing ent Oo oom | The “B” Division standing to date - those he loves best ee 4. Smee pauses | rT 2 LOVES oS Es 38 BITES or CUTS: H llside 25 2 MADE IN CANADA a Moose 19 Surpassing all other Christmas remembrances is one Ungee and Cec " gift which Life Insurance makes possible a defini monthly income to your wife and children, snerding MOOSE STILL The Fish which made Prince Rupert Fa “Rupert Brand SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. l PRINCE RUPERT, B.C them forever against want and privation. LEADING CRIB Can you think of any gift which will bring such peace-of-mind to your loved ones! With Moose, as a result of a decisive 17 to 10 victory over Oddfellows last night, retained first place in the knowledge that you will continue to support them Prince Rupert Cribbage League : ‘ stan y sult last t's even if you cannot share with them all the ng ne aes e . games were as follows Christmases in the future. Canadian Legion, 13; Elks, 14. Eagles, 13: Swift's 14 Life Insurance you can give them the comforting The Life Insurance plan is both simple and secure. Moose, 17: Oddfellows, 10 ONE ot Canada’s Whether you decide on an income of $50 or $500 a Empress, 12; Grotto, 15 foe ae the “Continental . . . | Sea} Cove, 15; Musketeers, 12 imited , onth, the exact amount w . ~guls rith- m : t yunt mill be paid regularly with Lealed andings to date ase as 3 out fail —as long as you stipulate. follows ____ Fare-and-a-third w L Pts Round Tr ps to Eastern And, your savings, thus put into Life Insurance, Soosa 120 96 120 Canada. can be converted should you live, into a pension Musketeers spelt 9 en Ticket Oddfellows 112 104 112 ts on sale for your own old age. December 1st to January cth, oat ess a ne Return Limit. .. thre: months. Any Life Insurance representative will help make Switt's 106 110 108 Christmas memorable with your thoughtfulness. Canadian Legion _.105 111 105 Stopover Privileges. Facles 104 112 ~=—«:104 : Grotto 104 «#112 «104 Seal Gace 9% 119 7 Low Fares to Atlanti: seaboard gn all tickets te Eur: pe. tee ete eee aoe Life Insurance Service UNION STEAMSHIP SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATE TO VANCOUVER FROM PRINCE RUPERT $32.60 FROM PORT SIMPSON $35.35 Reduced Rates to. Vancouver also apply from 1 Fe prua Special Tickets on Sale Between November ! ; Inclusive — Good to Return Up to ™! Children, Half-Far . » - N( at STEAMERS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT ARK. VA ‘y ' rsp 5.8. CARDENA TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M i R ae ; vpAl 5.8. VENTURE THURSDAY, 12 MD! : Tickets and All Information ! Prince Rupert Agent, R. M. SMITH, Second “ or Pursers 8.8. Cardena and 8.8. Vventur' phone | R C Effective November 20th. For information cal! o1 CRIBBAGE write local agent or December 1? fi. McEwen, D. F. and P. A. Conadian Legion vs. Musketeers Prince Rupert. B.C. One of a series of messages sponsored by mr 3 [hth Lowe That Hever Dies Life Insurance Companies : : ‘ ) Sap Elk: V-207-92 Ms tl YS Ph tana ap ; tr Eno tate bithoses "Vs. ‘ewitt. ) Cc A N A D i A 4 ‘ Moose vs. Grotto. : | | ist) | empresa Vs. 1. 0. 0. F. NATIONAL CANADIAN P: AC IF IC " To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Was Port Fridays, 10 P.M, a To Vancouver direet-- PRINCHSS NORAN-—-Nov. °' , ance ' LOW FARE ROUND TRIP WINTER EXCURSIONS FO. 5, lickets on sale November 10 to bebrua Finel-return timit March 3! ‘ Por information call or write : rupert, 8 W. L. COATES, General Agent, hae