You Want A When TAXI 99 1 lie P.R.FISH Phone MARKET 871. Jellied Tonguea, Boiled Ham, a" hurry in Roast Ham with dressing, Phone -'SSZ.. Fresh Home Made Beef and PRINCE RUPERT Pork Best Car and Bad service A''ir Sausage Dally. tha City. Ratei Reasonable ,i Out of Town Orders Solicited Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper I II, All! , V pmince iu pf.ut n.c s.vrj hday. ji nf. :, ihs.t VhIiNii'i Clreulftllon, 1604 Slrint StlM S22. I'fUCE FIVE CENTS. INDU CITIZENSHIP DISCUSSED AT OTTAWA TTEMPT TO WRECK TROOP TRAIN NEAR SYDNEY WAS FRUSTRATED TODAY rentier days raruamem wm FIELDINQ BECOMES CANADIAN FINANCE MINISTER 4 5 is Declared on PRIVY COUNCILLOR Not Force British Columbia to IIimi.Wt.MH),.W. H. Fielding June :nt.was C.G.M.M. Vessels and mull n privy i-iii)irillor m Grant Citizenship to Hindus in'..tin1 Kins'annouiieeniciil birthday lion of Men Commence Leaving which was ilcluye.l tin ac count nf Hit- iliailiip in llii' I-t III I -Il 1 1 1. henceforth VANCOi;VKH, June .10. The climax or n ilin-pijtc OTTAWA, June M In llio course of a lung debate on Hie T) A DTV PAILIIM.0 .riijracled .1 .-..... ... II. II......., ... I'j.riiiiiiiiia v i.lrilj.l Pi-i-mier........ I Mil I I I I will li- ki own as HI over wiiges and working I'undilions uboard vens-vj of Hie' i.f iiur. 'iwii il .,.-- "' ' j - a I u m VJ II I II I I 111 . ... ... .. . II. U S. I i - a il .1 :r I t I .1 I .11 ieldjllg. Uan.-iiliun Oovvrumeiil Merchant Marine on tht.eo;inff4cume ....... i a.. I.I. I,. 1.... II.A f I ve.-lerda.v when officers of Ihe Seafarers' Union antiiivil that a , ... ........ I...II.. :.. t.:rfl.l. llsaa m.l J.I HERE MONDAY- u ntujorily of Hie ISO men affected had voted to elrike'and the rucii ice hl:h i r 1 1 mil iiuna 111 iiiiiiii vjiuiiTi mr -. m strike order was issued. I mewf wo it lall ronlially nilo iiartiioit) Willi llicir view-. COMMONS DEBATE ON ' The coastal and deep sea chips uf Ihe fiovernmenl Merchant clear to rtieni!er "f .Iii IIhi. lip iitlicr It,. ml. if it were "".7.".. .... . . ... dmamLIum r.i. uiii k. Marine are af reeled but not the Canadian Xatjomil Hallways coast I r Us nii'i-il l."iuuini"l com rriit-u, iibictti ri"K ' I t IMPERIAL CONFERENCE Hie Prince llnpert. I'rince and Prince John. ships George, ;ir nf trr ni;iiR tlir rram hie Ihey were all pretty much llu- Entertained Locally s " siii men walked olf tire Cnna- IIm other ). II wan liarrtiy pro- - ' ""acnenxie Is Not Giving liliati Observer last niahl out "r Ring PPM Jl TI7 111 1 Q members nf parliament Some seventy rcpii-seulalive. 1ICC CITC generally would nk In iiiHHine Eastern lulled Stales j.euple. Away Hla Hand and Meighen her new of twelve and- some of ,ir,)j A I Ti UJLi OHO any view uxin llicm which would mo or them well known rsi-! Admits Position Correct inu n-iiiaiuuer an Aircirii iu immr r atipiit In contrary to their wihe. I lie drills of llrooklyn, Xew rk, will OTTAWA. Jiiiih :n. Tli.' mi. aJ,sirue tmJay. TWO MEASURES Heeause the sliike order i1m-s, lYnUl.r. Illhrl 1 I'rrmler ail.leil thai II wan a mat- arrif in Mir rily by m.oclal itci.mlwl .h-bali- on tin- - rum in if ol lake effect until the ships li-r for parliament anil iml for I he (ruin l 5:15 .MuiiJuy moriiiiiy i li'ijiij.fri.-il ami, isroi.i.inic ninrrr-Imprriul Right Hon. W. S. Fielding, each Hi i port, there is a possi.j - wMifrrriicp. 1makr -iiiiiwtiin . Willi Alaka Vnro in npxl.rall iii.iIiti- Now a l'rivy (".oiiiirillor. Line BUI of hiMty that Ibe ifispule will be Branch Governmant set I If.I before Ihe majority of men Given Six Months Hoist Aflernoon: Business ;Mrixli.'ii wu anknl ! Hie twmr aka uliii-li will lake Jlit-pi on t'),,.,i f ,. prupual tu sfit ALASKA HAS CHICAGO strike. affected are ordered lo Finished u(, , icIIiit hi-'riNl lh Alak li-mmi licrp. at JUwO, tlicl,,- lliixlun tin rra-u lii-o in llrii- 'The Canadian Transporter left! OTTAWA, June 30. The Sen- 'ifiiliili(.n uiltiilnl l.y Ih eonfrr. aim inuriiiiiir oakti.UrklyntrirY.liiiii'liia. t .VAI.ASKA. June .HI. - wilh full The Canadian kilbil two bills that be- a crew. jute came OTTAWA, J hp' l(i I'mriiaa- r1P f prpmiiTK in 1041 tiouinl Knttir t:anula-AlainiMyur. J rrinii-r Kinx wu nkl In now- has lis own C.hii-azu. lt livhlaiider is due here li-day. ! foiT them yesterday after beinK hi hi I'ai lianiPiil liu breil iiaiimlii In ult llindii dip frail-! Anarl Irolli hafilitf 'IM-Cll I Ik- flflli- hi ami n-nliiil Ihal Illnrl.i.r mi Akiitati Islaml. wan vhm the strike onler will be passed by the House of Optil with iniich served the Itnlh lly a vote of 17 lo SO llin on en-W. neaiiwuiiiiiiiis, In afc I'l arllrally llio ir nollilion was iiiiU war b-rp mIoiik IIi rnulf 4liry hae in mlvanrr lii altilmlr lit Hip con- r-rjiiiiiiy lu?l liu bcn and firemen alfectml. jperniaiient chamber tile six ly lim i lion now remaining 1- ami thai ! Ira.l mil liauiiI hi lruMilr.J. (hi- rayle parly I li-frr-n-- an.l Mr. Mrfplivii ai,n-i-'lll-ariirl from Ih rrrw of the are pave -.The dispute between -Ihe 'ov-i"mtli ImisLlo the government a Jliiuvjirlt"! JUrmitih lis parlitl.jlltnl Ihin wax JfairaJ;-Hviirr..iiJvuaiUkMiar! .... , "vrouia- rorca rrotne fpivrfal riJlir1IAinTrtTii,. J The llahla in lli nr-ilWaT In -rnmriji pieiLliaiii, -ainiH dii'l ii.-nKT. mn il. il.-l.iilf. Ma niH.iir.1 kv H wli'rli Hi llaninliaii and I'uilH Maekrime Kina t If it ntn-li- ninre lal NoenJier. liringins i-ews iK-pan oil May 8 lal. An ram. tmservialivt senator! rancr X'alea aullMirtlira hae asked il siateinenl on ln- lllmlu quelioii. ' nrwn ami mail from (he "oulile.' increase of ;tl a month is a-ke.. l-resenf vole.1 for Ihe amendment l.iliTal of .Moiiti-al. j W. Jai-ohn. h. i .. i....i . .... r -.-I., iih.i ..r .. . . The present scale is C0 a month ""I are Joined by snators David V- i ., ..1..I.I i.mHI....... "... i.... .... i ..... .. "li deep nea ships ami C7.30 cm liiue. Uelcourt, Casprniu, Doyer allU iiir hihuihii no- nw.i. f-,,-i,i.,.,ilt.)i4 ,1 r ii.h llinilu-. ' rriiiiii". inr n..wiin in iur. elil ii " k llila HHtrainy '' .tarJcil-l In Il wnnj-laM'-' Xall.mal I'arW Unite wa AfteiTlDt WreCR Canadian NfltlOnnl coantal ships. Hie iim-ii demand ml Montplaisir ranks. from Ihe gov era- HoUKC a an effori rern-li ! effnneii yrnlrrUay.- 'The iiel "horler Injurs and that eorres-."'"t uv,wr. Dial lhe-c wan o-joi.ili(n irirrHaiii' unil Ihen niv ail. ... , I.I.ii.iI.ih Itiii an. ill lake Hare fjfiKlnly' a poinlinsly larper crews miisl be 1'bi- oilier bdl Ihal mef, with ourneil m-'el aga iir-e ,j PaltJ. jn utifi-h (lie i.-ws'ti-wly iltehej -Vamrt .iiyntfe Train Carrying Troops to Strike iniployed. 'There is also a-i ""al was one Hi rwluce (Jie.prirn ancient jrrii-vance involviil wm-jff posla?e on newspapers froCi ....... ...i. l..!lrr ilf-her heart r Ihe Alas- must phe nf llt pnixinee 1 .. reruins t tie M.or quality of Ihe 1 H t tW cent r pound.' ll-t II.,.. . pi.. .gui-u iiii i llpine or tlin whole rimnlry. '.Mr. an wlKlemena wiieii uie Miiuni Area was Made this Morning cations served them. role " "ns biuis 20 lo II. Ja.l plea.fnl I hut ahJ SlrKinley 'alional Park will lj i t ..... -1.....I - .. .... ..r . ,. I -lln. i nrir awu. a r- '' ' v-1 - - Iihiirallv liouinl In ane llrilmlf In-lileiliialeil. Two ilaya. afler SYDNEY. June 'M. -An ulli-uipl lo wreck u Uaimdiau Nalion.'il els of the (ioveriiuienl Merrhant .diann Ihe francliie by reason ofilhi- Kasle parly will lake a tpec- DOUKHABORS Alt UtALd Ylltl ihe resolution a'ilople.1 al Hie son. 1 ml liHiii In Kairliankn markinv troop Irani bringing soldiers frum Hulifax for slrikr duly here Marine oieratius out of this port. Sfll DIFRS PENSIONS f-- 'f premiern iii lUSIJlhe completion of Ihe .New Alaska wus. disi-overt'il b.v railway employee.s curly Uluy, jusl before the 'which recotfiiiteil thai lh:n Is nillrailway from Hie eta.l lo ralr- Iruin reached Hie irily. The telephone niessupe giving inforuiu-lintl CAPTAIN BARNEY I BURN SCHOOL l .j ..... D.lnnlnl. and t-n il v l4ul uv.n Ho- ikfi.tlioltlliMiiL. or Uie iillcnipt s;ud railway ties were wedged between llie . . j . ik. ..r ... .. . .....tul iitnniliMi. nil ll' ... IImk.m....... lil.nffrl Iriiln rails. JOHNSON IS HERE, DDrovea nmonninoini w nm , i-i iii.i.h "- ..,n. .,(.. n. The first tleturliiuenl of 2.i0 readied Hie ul four B f llii' lirillsli IJiipir.' it in i uie rami. n:la lo on .i"iiiii uii-rn men s-Lalion j NT-XSOX June :((. The Ifciuk-That , irllC of ilisabililiea upon th.'.ui. I In- Kaule parly will be en this itioriuiiff. habor school at ltril. join- me llritish lii.lian lawfully iloinicii-il li-ilninr.l by Hie lloarVl of Trade, Mike Koviil. ii lliissiau. atvil one of Ihe raiders of Hie plant Announced This Morning (.lade near in oilier iarln of lh Ijnpiri' ii m.'lor laun.-li trip on Ihe hur-lior of Hie liA.i!-U Km ii re -Hleel roriMirnliou wa slrnck iiver IHh Hecate Straits Towing Co. Hani. H(his.('... was bunied' ' lo' tlin ., r... ..iliiu-r.' ileneil. ami alona Ihe walrrfrutil heuv'T' iexi'" " iral rondiliiin Five men were arrested tt. Has Purchased Lome i-roiinil mornius- iiiili-penilent inem- A. W. Xeill, 1 . ... I..J. ... II... W...l!ll. I. last This Is 1,1 1 e Ihiril oukhabor in war tiiim-io o. - -1 a rl.f7:lt.P ,1,,','slilrliuiire niglil. ber for tU'iiinx-Albernl. eprel iM'ing planned. V oil! or il lo i'O. coiilraiy In Capt. Daruey Johnson dr.H.e,l .rJ himself as much oppeil lo inat-imr Tomorrow Ihe iirl will be al iiiiiiii Miliiln.fls of u npenial it easier for lllli.lil In eUer Teaser l.akr; where Ihey will al-len.l June Has heei&Zwd Month into port last instil on the tug sunn'....'"'""...iiii.-c...wn-R.. . ..lip., ,tUlliirevii.,,' nr ill Lorn.- lo lake on oil fuel here.' lie nai.l I hat if Mr. Jucol.- special cliuirli iervlce possession, hut luckily, waa abe Scnatoi llcnii'. which ailvisi-il ha.l bin way wiuil.l In- al Ihe Callmlir Induslriat School. 'The tup arrived at tniduipht and .... front il ler quarters when the .. for Halibut ...... .....i. r..- il..... .. .. , .... .. . l II Ul lli-l.r." initliliR '"a peoplo who iliil liol i;. K. Howard, of 'Montreal, Fishing: Better iiiuj iruii..i vvt v.- Approval. ... wa kim-h hi amen.i- know our laiiBtiaue or our t'j-Iiiiim ireiieml lourisl ajfenl for Ihe C. 11 '" ut t'endl. a mx ...A Mim ii ln illfS.. .at ' ..a"V nsa 1 Jca miitll an.I who ill.I not wunl I" X It , i- accompanying the parly Than Same Month Last Year meantime. Captain... Uamey is he-,"'',U81:1. . urv uriKin. 'i fll II til IHIstril K' if know lln-in. I hi-y woiihl ntulliply i-epreni'iiiiiiK 'be company. ing welcouieii uy umny in.i, r - iimt nf hum' iJilrlcl up- tf Ihe privilege friends, this beiu his fiist visit ...,,. rnniilly ami K'ven ... . .. -1 ..I .....I ....I.... llll U 1 1 1 f. 1 1 fall. lUHAim! fflANALKK to nvniu. i.m. " f- ol the franchise would become n Kruiu .every standpoint Hit mould of June closing lo.laj was he.e since last lit proUililiK ronnuionul ANOTHER TEACHER. t.ij t. Johnson this morniiiK menace lo (be province in which successful Ihe whole fur Hie inii" a very one un as us local halibut NOT VERY ANXIOUS alinrnl for inciitoi cusei (onfirnieil llstv- report Ihal ne ami lo Ihe whole nettled t mining within Ihe ucope of Ihey were FOR HIGH SCHOOL fisheries were concerned. The fures for the mouth totalled Hecate Slraits Towing tVi of country." ,. :.K(I7,000 pounds as compared with I'.OK.I.OOO imiiiiuIs in. June islhllon. ' which he Is the head, bad purchased fiat In ftnlnlnn nf rnmml.l.. Will "Oo Yellow" MAY BE REQUIRED last ear and 2,51.',00" pounds during May nf this year. Prilling tin) Lome from the ('.. (S. Mr. Neill ouoloil a ireenl re condition during the mouth cjosiug were good, the weather M. f. Since her acquisition by Handling Big Fourth of July aianata re ra mtm m a m iiii m a a a is mark of the Hishop or I.on.lon to In order lo H-reclaiii in aif-vuncv wus favoruble njid prices were well sustained. The high price the new owners, Ibe Loruo has Fight AGAINSTBOOTLEGGING Ihe cfffcl thai In hl oi'fuloii how many nliidetim will be Iur the inoulh a 10c and le drawn down by Ihe Hherniun for uinlerirone general repairs and is llritish Columbia in Ihe course of iiilerinu Ihe cily 1 1 iu It School next lo.OOO pounds iiii June I. ihe lowest price was jiuid In the inow said by tapt. Jol nsoo lo bo CHEAT FALLS. Jiinn 3D Tim I.O.MHIX. June an. The Daily year woubl "Oo yellow. It In a linn, the school hour.I last lliuhl Allen fur 05,(HiJ pounds durlujr,tn Hi.) Iloolli Fisheries Canadian in bel'er shape than for snue Denipsey-Oibbon i . . . . .i .fight. IH c. 'graph umlernlailiU H spcciiil problem for llritish trfiliiuiuiu I'icl.leil to prepare circular letlern the car sliorlut; last week, ?eAia. yewrs. earrieu oui on scnenusp -on juiy ; hi jniiiee... iii. i ii- iii a...:i.i.ii.sii ".......iiii ulone. mini Xeill. ""I f '' to be ni-ut lo all niireesiHil en-lianiH- and t'c. 7 I Canadian 'The Lome is Ihe second uf the t 'the proinolers haiw ri-cthvTnlj", . r ft,..'..ill .... upon us what In utiaintl our t-un- slii.lenU in Ihe ilislriel in-luirin 'Todays arrivals bnd sale were Minnie V., 5,500 pounds, al Ik-rale istraits Towing Co.'s fleet, guarantees or fa.ooti each rroinr it ncfii'larv of -.lati- for foiflKU loni and utfiilnsl our ties I re. inn 1 H wut Ibeir Intention as follows t 13.0c and lie, to Hie Iloyal Fish the other tug being Ihe Cap? twenty influential men in- Mon If .. I.I..I. . M.iiiMliti.l-hlir Hill woul.l ere a l a i-uin-er Uiut would lo iitleii'l the II six la School here. American Co. S-olt, fornerly the Celestial Em. tana. The last hundreil thousand ......... never die Mr., principal, reporlfd Vis I a. 15,1100 pound. and II. and It., pounds, at pi re. Itoth tugs are engaged -.. due-Dempsey will K- paid Monday mil' means by win..y--It On-al Hnt- thai the . prospeils were Ihal hherinau. iVoOO pounds, al 13.5c 13.lo and 0.5c. to the.Canadian lowing I oars from the T. A. Kelly as agreed. I W II IJlPIIIIJIItt. .... . . .inu i .. i..j,Liis. ui,.r II...iiu- BOMB EXPLOSION Ihere would be more ntudetiln mid JOc. to Ihe (Jaua.llau Fish A Fish & Cold SloriiKe Co. eunii. Cumshewa, tu pulp mills The bankers' committee, which), Ml.'i Si ill.'n HOUTIIincill III Mian even enlcriiiK Hki llleli Cold Sloruse Co. Ma) flow ei . 8.500 pounds, al n (he coast ami Capt. Johnson Is is halidlirg Ihe fight. Issued a .tali U'lllf'll it.i-li:i1i,il IhiL KILLS BELGIANS Kt liool next rail. II.o slarf wa-now Slar. ti.ono .pounds, and Happy. ta.ic ami 11c. to the Atliu Fisheries. ln personal roiivinkiud of (lie lllf-ril nr. pi'ifuriniiiir cujiaclly work I;()i)0 pnuuiU. at lU.Cu and 10c. Lome. She came iu here last pressiou of their opinion that BASEBALL SCORES and if llw.enlrlc wer Ion heavy night after two Davisl """" U'" Y .f.. ?'"u American League Nlnejiten Killed When Untoward iiiiollii-r teacher in I(J hi be rn-oulreil. rafts at Swansou Hay. iw "air inrniini-y liyill VilUUOIIS. Accident Occurs on Board "but we are going to see thai he I'litlailt'tphln V. New York 10. din's." De'iMil S, hi. I.ouii U. Troop Train MANILA TYPHOON Dominion Day Sports FOLEY AND LYNCH (Ill' iik'ii 5, Cli-M'liin.l I. Hi mIoii , Uhliliint'll i. DLi?si:MOlir. June U. -Nlu MANILA, Juno UO. -.Manila i 0.30 a.m. Children's Parade. FOUGHT TO DRAW RAMSAY MACDONALD IS National Leaoue lli'lulau koldierl were killeil (oil a) Kiippwl by lyphoon which be-uuu 10.00 a.m.- School, Field utid Track Meet. CHAIRMAN tNitlna lul nlvbl. 'Today OF EXECUTIVE ( ilii'liiliali .'-U. I'lll.liuiK by ui cxiUnlon of u Unto bomli Admission Free. tar uf u train muiiy nlieln of Ihe city are un YANt;oUVKI Juvie 30. Vie llnioklyii J I. IMiiluilolfihlu 5. in Uu puimi- 1.1B p.m. Baseballs Anyox vs. Prince Rupert. noblivrs on leuva dor wuler. Foley, uf Vaucouvt-r. rlair.iaut ol lO.MKi.V Helvian 30.-TJ. Kl l,oui , Clilrawo 11. rariyiiia" 3.30 p.m. Football! Dominion Day Cup Final. Caiui.liau June Ilaniay-Maedoiial.t. Coast League Lack to lleltiunn lioin inu nuur. Ihe bautamwti lirht leader tf Ihe purlin- 7.15 Baseball! Prince local p.m. Anyox vs. Rupert. uci'uineiil'i H, I,on Anyi'lt' & l ie killeil, liiaro were (icorge Woodland, uiatia-gerfor haiilplonship, and California Joe nenlary labor party was yesterday - 0.15 -"Maple Leaf" Dance In Auditorium. Ilia Imperial Oil Co.. sail-d p.m.- Lynch of San foutlil -i elected aa-.illltillll. liaimuii of Ihe labor Ouk.luii,l 7, I'uillund 11. ' all l.ukn ?, Han 1 iuiicisco M. lai nitf hi for Klewart un Pryce Orchestra. IWfreshnietiU. fasl u-d furious tun rounds here arty axeculive uet-.edlmr bid. n 15. fc at'Mi . Subs r.ue fur tba Daily Nw. a-ft gut ... a ifi-aw. t . Wubu