TAOB BIX TUB DAILY NHWB BOAT ARRIVALS HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE The C.N.n. cat leanier I'mim . Phone 376 nt AND SEWING CLASSES Rupert. Cap!. I. Iwald. arnv rnonc37fi H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. fn in Varfliver and way 'Order of "Merit of Pupil In Each rhmk lal eveiiina Willi Vi Shaped in the knitting Class Given i..ienrer fo; this t"H The House of Quality I without Tonight- (ear. sesmt Mercury Following i the report of The pae"er lit v s- I !lun..iild. Science and Sew ins: Tomorrow Alright I r.ia-f. showing- the order "f I J--T M nee Rupert M" nn Taswt nip ik iwWMkH, POINTED HEEL i ieHf n th pupil: mm mnhi ihhm, I Mr I: BranixiMi. M II..i JULY. Clearance SALE rvlat Ik iMnim I First Year High School im fwl no. I M . H: .Htn. Mi.lei H..i-i' NrMa Clark. Manraret Kergn Tksa pots rsr Unr Sta" I ii 'i Udalil Mi ' Lillian Cro. iNHi Skocklcy, nihil. Mr AJn. M Combined With Our Silk Pure - H. ,.: Iws PREINVENTOf1Y SALE MAKES A DOUBLE Lillian Lowe. Mary Muse, IfciroMiy K i 1 1. K. .rker'ii. I iili. FOR YOU. HEDts I-liar. rni- 'I;rrrrd. I Mr M.-ra- "i I.ilcl hcr- M.n W'll find ,1 lew -inp-(r..l Mrnnn. Alii'-t. Iani-I a vy Mi . Atfer. Mi-- ' 41 :hritien-.oi. .lean Stalker. !.r-mine 1 L. MenlH- an.) I "I The . nt in pii.-v will ane ini HOSE Or ant K..sarin Soriano. Mr. i. H ..re!...ii-c profit JmUhi dan. Uettj llerxtiian. Kathleen lH?r-ham. Morgan an-l SATINTA 0HCSS GOODS Prrlly. hee, .,, Marguerite Catherine i II !ierney. Mr lll"--. (iir. INfaciM'k Blue, ire, (trow 11. II. WITH GARTER TOP. Harvey. Evelyn Johnson. Florence M M. HIim- Mi-- I ieirM. .IW" wnle. (iniltiiied fle Pi.. $1.00 Smith. Mariie Ratcbford. F'ljordi- . RATINA, IN TAN PLAIDS -A- T.u and III ,. Y'i i w.H UiiJ Uicm al i."far lory inter. Hr, .nd Mr. I. lit -.tsfii ' . LiindeiiioL FJIie Kenny. iKira Le.l As; .... M t Black. tUnmrv iiliii M,iiie, tl"'idv 1 in weai and a p.ric, t lit. In motors . Ml and Mr-. M H. farkn. M: TlMiwpiin. Kalhleen Mathers. Smith. It ill Ii S li.-i k. KI..I MI f While. UU.k. Oruvvu and l. 1 .1 l.fer. Mr. and M - J pen e $1.45 Second Year High School liawthorn. Krai."-" Bill-. COTTON RATINA 0.I..1.. i.r.v ad M-.m. w I' a'l and daunhi.t i: II lieae Ihirham. AH re Pill-bury. Ssnlor III. Itrev, Hlue hhiI ltrf. .IS 1. Specially Priced at, per pair I T. Hern. Mi. Seviwiii. Mr- M. Alice Xeln. France Croats. IVr Ixdcina i.ii I Vielort Kl! price $1.00 'thy ThoBtHi, Milliccst Osborne, KHkevinLy .1111.1 . int-r.-j Uaae PRINTS PEnCALES GINGHAMS $2.50 lw;laM. Mr. aixl Mr-. R. I.. Hr.. Klisabeta I trove. Kvelyn Itarreit, 5 Yard for SI.00. C IE ONCE WORN ALWAYS WORN. Kileen PalnHre. Olady Nirbol- n.'i"....' 1 1 .. .1...1S. .! and lawMy Mid 0 X. Iteeltr CURTAIN SCRIMS, 5 Yards for $1.00. For Stewart Mt an.l Mi Mt& M Mail Orders PrompUy Filled. im. Altera Stephen. Annie Mor iviiii-.. 1 iii.. Tmi.' VOILES In t:hk. ' w-idc stud.-. Ii. is II. Undebom. Mr U ar t. Phone 9. rison. Mal Han. Licit Uorrte. Kal.i.v.ma. Am. Bl.lie. Abm4U ' r..i. Maine. I.ral. .'t. Cfiml ..,, $10 Entrance Class MMHiry. Wl Slein. Vdlw Vmr.'i ' I'mnifit .'illeulniu o Plioiit ..n.l.iii ll,,(,.,. Mary Walters. Hie Lett. vich. IH Vatl Bern ire Rot,, ney. r -'"- - n (url of Prim i- ltnM ' ! Huth Itatlon. Itarbara Peyton, Myra Kinvlm. Mary Mudeaim. and ! ebiMren. Mi- II viiiie lerxi. Jean itrfeve. Krelvn Pierw. oral R,."Tliiria tralltl. Mrs U. A. l-ei- Mi- I CHANGE OF TIME Norma Hnmrr. May Ilavie, Fits. Florence M-uilsonsery. Mar- 'and MJ KetlermaJi. 1: S I UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. . Hull. T. V IViU.mi. Mi I.. r.eljm Ifeelb)-. A lie Spencer, sart MrKav. MarvarH Sother.:Mi INSIST THAT IT IS ON C. N. RAILWAYS Asne MrKenzie. Nellie Wilsoailaiul. Mitufc Mukal. Winuifrett Meyer. Mm. Hothstell. Mr .l .Hi. "Outfitters To The Whole Family." Hual . Winnie Bury, Matt Itnw (Kxley. KWnor latmre. FM-ln ler and paHy. Ml. tJiaplm Mi We Prepay Mail Orders. Satisfaction or Mer.tj Iher lMei On.low. Los OhasdiA. A. IMekie. A Situ' Kffeelivc Sunday. June 2Uh. MrRae,!:n. i. KvWyn M- rron. Clsra tm Olive 'ronlnn. Muriel' I. JawHsMi, Mrs. Hr-i. Mu Lindoay. I.uii.ilii there will be a Oeneral Change Fraser of time in I be schedule nf Pas Hh.-Nla jmh. AVra Shock ley. Julia1 a 1. Iiet. Master A. He-i an.l II. tenser trains on I be Canadian ilaitternne. tUlilh la'el. Florence .' ..,n -'-" a J. MrOueen. 11 National Rys. After tbat date, McNeil Laura Frizaetl, Mary; The Man in the Moon Xlli-tom-. Wilnn Wilson, Aliee. I hr i:.l.H IfHinr passenger train will leave Princ -Ruiert for Ike Kasl Daily Kirept Jsrittccn Idtie I'llliiis: SAYS:- thr. ijipt I irnii'"i 1 WESTH0LME THEATRE Vallev Junior IV. S MflrifiiNMi mi 1 - t" t Sunday at 6.15 p.m. instead of Ilelty Arnry. Mnrvit llalheni Im.II'.I fl.Mo l,ti..l Tonight Only, Saturday Him. and will arrive frocn the VOL' ran wake a ddlar t( Ka-t iMily. .-. (.t Tuesday, a! May Clark. Mairy Lima. I'theHne rftlile a way liv invetinn it r.-ii S1:'- ft .11 l.t 1 1 1 Second Show Commences at 9.15 p.m. i..') p.m. im-Uad of i.JO fi.m. If vine. F.ndhy Siwrt. Winnie svliae. Ful! particular., at City Ticket White. Winnie Thornton. Dorothy ICE PaJtawre. Lilian V . rfod. Phylli-. office, phone S60. 151 A THH. am the hoal i worth t Harvey Julia Waller. AlleLa Mr Fairbanks dsen in Use tod shoij. Douglas SUMMER EXCURSION Kinley, Aleda l -reon. Hildretl SHOE JohuM.ni. Berni.-.- Brorhu. Kvith. JAKK says u slutuid -i leen Bnlpcr. Muriel lirewierion, CREAM FARES VIA CANADIAN tpaiik a ebiid ua an emp'v Heie lierry. W innie Hill. PauU tomarb. Turn him itver. NATIONAL RAILWAYS i.h Johnoon. ilaribel Cook. Juiil REPAIRING I'liome. Adeline I himonl. Helen; lilHI.S. this 1 (Jre Ul ..pM.r. Sun. Katie Sutherland. Annie The CaiiuiJian Xaiional Railways lunily l etartiiur a June bride The of Walk.T. Laura Steph-n. May Height Purity Xext iiMtnlli will be juil ;i announce -p.'cial low round jriiu Martut. Joan ., Isabella Fits, " Sti...- Bci in r a.ii-ina- p'ar trip Summer Kxcurioii Fare to iiiv-ea Hoanic. wife if ..u Htauaice l land Inm . i- t in .-! 1,1 o -da!.-Noitifii. ROBIN .Iapi-r Xalional Park. KiJmonton. Junior IV. H sod s equip Talsary. Winnipeg and Points in WIRELESS REPORT Marj'Ti Mn- I I.ri - Mc- (x-l fur the prompt handUi $ Kast.-rii Canada and the Lniici of all rlntri of teiol SI"J Slates. Full particulars at Cil S am. For the Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave. FRESH FROM THE GAR. IMt.H ISI.ANtl. Clear, calm: oboe repairs. A trial order will convince Phone SCO. J5. DENS OF B.C. ((aroiiwter. JliUM; lemperalilre. you that our work and ssr 5-; ca nmuolp; tut; Lome ) WARM DAYS m ll-i nee Hnpeti iiiidnitrht ; H p.m. vice Is second to none. Vegetables poke .lewiner V'wcn 53t mile. e pe, lali-r m tiand-ii iaii' from Seattle mtulhbouiul. H (. ui. L tiii.c. i:.-.-ry. Tomatoes, IMike nleaiior. Admiral Hotin-75 I.ogiclllg IloolS. SwImTiIng Suits. Arriving in ecu Onions, miles "ijjli of Kelrliik.. Sumner Underwear, ;irli linl.liHire NfW lir-It. i'.rthbtind : 1:10 a.m. -p"W.--learner McAr thur Shoe Store "Vik" s I B:..n Si,it, fc I I . HOOD 1 Hats and Caps. - ami i urnips. Prmca Kupert abeam Socks 111 all w.'ilit-. Friday lireeu Inland bollliij for Slewm ' Nsit C.N.R. Office, 3rd Ave. Dress and Work Shirts. Fruit lKAI THF.K POINT. :i.a-. The Latest Styles in Summer As M'.n.iay will he a puij-Im- ralin Uaronieter, ;t.;V7: temper-at Suitings. holiday there will he a lire, 57; era smooth. hi? demand for im-en Stuff Slrawlierrien, iJooseber-rit-s. IM.I.I. IIAHIIOK. Iear. calm Orders lai'-i. for MrtJe-li.- 1 er Hie week-end. We have Pineapple. Cantelope, baruiuelrr. 34.97; letnperalur.' LING Meaure Sui's. h complete Atoi-.k. arriving trherric. Apricots, peaches 57 ; sea etaoulll. to the ess? OILSKINS T'liiic- Rupen" Frida. PIiiiiih. Ilaiianan. Oranges, Noon The Merry Outlaw who robbed the rich to give lira ncl- Dome Mauufature. New Potatoes, 6 lb. for 25c. Lcnioiis. and i.rapefniit. innn isi.AMi Clear, calm. Superb nealism, Daring Adventure, SUrrtPfl Rcrruiue, Head Lettuce, 2 for 25c. Our ip.ality i good and l.ar.inieler. leniperalur.-. 1 The Tailor Scintillating Beauty. Hothouse Tomatoes, per lb. our jirici's an- nglil. 'iH; ea muoutli. Matinee, Wc end Thor Johnson Admission Evenings 75c Saturday Phone 649. 40c. liKAIl I'HKH IKJLNT.-- Oear. New Green Peas, 2 lb. for F.W.Moersch aliii: la ron icier, 3(J.04i; leasyei- Nef Qppst Office. 35c. iSlure. 7i; --a siiiootli. WE DO DRY CLEANIN0 Admission 25c ane- F f. Monday and Tuesday, 7 and 0 p.m. KILL IIAItliOll. Clear, hah! Cauliflower, 35c and 40c. Phone 13. P.O. Boi 123. AND PRESSINQ OF EVERY Rhubarb, E lb. for 25c. northwest wind; baroiueler, 30.-05: CHARLIE CHAPLIN, Tho One and Only Green Onions, 3 for 10c, temporal ure. 61; lih'hl smcII; DESCRIPTION BY STEAM. . 1.1 ,,t. -1 ', ..i , 1.. "THE PILGRIM. New Carrots, Be per bunch. 10 11 111. ttpoke lug iape Scidl off Dr.ES.TAlT New Beets, 5c per bunch. 1 I.Maoteriiiaii Inland bound for Port ..! .1 tll.tiftic 1 !"!'- Caiilc.m.e. Waleriii.'lou. FKESII MILK DAILY !Alice. SUITS .. KATHERINE MACDONALD m MTHE BEAUTirl LIAR," .ml it,.- PATHE REVIEW. Strawliernrn. Plunm. Clier-iie. From DENTIST. Pearlies. Apricots. Cur-umber, Our Government Tested HOTEL ARRIVALS elc, at lowest Herd of Guernsey Dairy Hslgerson Block. marki'l price Cows. I Prince Rupert ordered to PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. BETTER MILK. j J. Ilartierie, au) W. Laiuu. Office Hours, 9 to 8. BETTER SERVICE. ;Victoria; Mr. and Mrs A. ii measure Phone 688. Rupert Table Supply Wr.Rliuy, Monrovia, Cat. Mm J. 1 M.T.LEE Stove WOOD a Open Evenings Only For I I STANDARD DAIRY W. Fiacr Mi. Fi't-i, F..I Sicond Avsnus. 11 rnunss i I I Special Appointments. moiiloii. Alia.; i:. A. I tee.I. peona. Opt' po.l Office Corner L Phona Black 51. The Ladies' and Ill : liavhl l Hoffman, V. P. Ue have i'.-t . rricle, Mary K4 Jones, Mre. T. W Gentlemen's c t iar load "f up r jMi'koou, Mrs. sA Ion 10 Hull, Mi- LINDSAY'S 1 Miriam' Kohinsoii and AVilliuin HOTEL HUDSON guaranteed dry. hue cut era lu Tailor St. Regis ll' liinoii. Seattle; A. Harvey, (i Also Kindling In I and 'BTZTJ C. MovhaiM, A. C Kninlil, C. .' 773 Ssymour 8L Cartage Storage HoMh'ilhaiii. M. K. Ilel.aurier, A. Near Hudson Itay S torts , V have )ii-l enlarged "ue For Prii ' 4 Phone 8, ' r.. Mclean, IMOIIUert, A. H. Kil-ism, VANCOUVER, B.C. -tore to make room for our Cartage, Warehousing, and Cafe F C. N'evisojJ, Thomas C. VVesiergard, Manager. New spring and Summer Uitritiulutf. Team or Adair. C. X. liephe, C. T. Hern. H. Late "t Winnipeg, Urandon Stock. Prices arc tnoiletale HydeTransfer Motor Service Prince Rupert's Leading Hollo., Mis l.illian Yickersoti and Mooe Jaw. Cleaning, Pressing, ami I.. M. Murhhy. Vancouver; (l Phone 610. Coal, Band and fi ravel. RettauranL Modsm-Flreproof Central Repairing, jr Wa Specialize In Piano and A Bakery Unsurpassed. A. Young, Alie Arm; J. Itusseir We Appre' tate Your Phone Red 130. Bet vi 0 and t"s V Furnlturs Moving. and Mi-- K. lUieu, Surf Inlet: M..tin liulness, Nest to J mp.ra Office. Third Avenue. Mi- It. Hard, Stewart; J. . J'--.p. II. M. It . Palruiaii; J Willman and J. II rid, L'sk; I Th"Utt!eDJierlji' l-Jahl,Hweeney,lleraef,Pn ifh Norway;.1. A. Forsytlie.J. I KING GEORGE SCREEN TIME EDSON COAL Cocporrd with giiliiuir sltej pieno. Dr.A.H.Bayne rename. ; FLY TIME IS Fur Dm small Central Ml apartment or ;crumped living room, the DENTIST N Nelaon and I,. I.ai e. city: Mr. CAFE Wire Fly Cloth m ;, :s imd 10 uiUi ,. We can now Supply our D0HERTY 8MALL PIANO and Mi. J. Alherlry. C.N.II . I). 30c, 40c, 45o per yard Mr liUrkt soma FAMOUS EDSON COAL will he a favorite. I Rooms 4, 5, 6 Helgerson O'Counrll, Atiyfnc; tleorge Jlacon, First Class v.iiiki-.1. 50c, 60c, 75o per yard. In quantity. Hluwurl , F. Leyliourne, Khaitie-: CHOP 8UEY and NOODLES. any Quality and tone have nut been Block. Phone 109 T II. Haiti, Vuiieouver, Ms. tan Furnished Rooms to Rent. , Prince Rupert Feed Co sacrificed for compactness. 1 1 Office Hours, 9 to 6 Jean llolluns, .o Augetes: 'i li'cs ll ;iX"tiuMe HARDWARE For Rent, only S7 per month. KAIEN Tuesday, Thursday, Satur Josephine A. flier, San Joe. Phone Blue 471. hi. nsllver. Phone 58, Walker's Music Store LldV day Evenings, 7 to 9 Cal.: UMd itkn, Chi. Cul 1 Second Ave. I VI, . .1 Kllliei rvi,.ii-oii I .11..'. 1