hL ilAf .Tun iO, THE MtI,Y NPAVfl page nvt Dolnit of Ota MomjuIIo Fleet which ( the WATCH OUT c,Uf source of Prlitc Rupert' prosperity rmp-'i tir-nr-iWim ii JLTiF'Tni iiillli ii' "f',igf'-utor rar nr itivm will ( ctplolled on III'' ,eil,., ;j m,f n))IN'arrival wee fnu imil evry-iimpini'i uiji, There is a rather cruel deception being practiced on women h.ns waienrwni ii ccnui uiud urganixing who desire Palmolive Soap. Common soaps are shaped and Hi in uiwl (l ndr. 'Hi Mip Admiral nf I It fleel i i lii' Mniulln .ft l workliift ii,iiii I ho nrtriinitallm colored like it. Some are given names which sound like ; ,t ilimrt llie lP tdiwllh if a new nautical rltih whirli l n . tn which liH(nw Irt b cmIIciI the llnicliti club. Palmolive. But they offer you nothing of What you seek, iic4i- iny n,i there uiTh In it lul ton fee will be lion u i a i f y (ilninst ! awl all memher will b required which is benefit to your complexion. ,: ilDMlliT Mil I illik Hull's In drink an Imperial quart In it lioejl arrlUittr ill unod naml by I hi memher. wilhoiil ii .rt nicommir kiMr- r-' latins- h breath. .Member nre Palmolive has won millions of uners by its remarkable aid il W",itliir pomlii mn on warned. In I he book of rul, lo , HI...1-. h cerlnl nf naming mi a I In to beauty. - The demand has spread almost the world over neverae. The a llierrin ron-laln! I iin.it hat pern re-fr may have rlii rnne- wherever beauty lovers exist. Its unique results have im Hi" lnMHiifr fleel Hiienceii upon Hip r(intliitiin of lir- lii'rn non'lilpmWr a rubii l man. Tin lniiliniariT made Palmolive the world's leading toilet soap. ' ilnrniK Hi week iy nf fh flnli liavi nnl l Iiopii loi- .f n number of lb dwiilii iion litit I rwipl . . i f I fr.-ni I he Heal Orv hiMiki ii n n liaml mnl any n-Iratit-p What you prize in Palmolive is the skin effects which ordinary 'I'lii -in limit 1iJ-r threwn f will Im njHitly .liviifii ml with the Paddy Hay-, fur hy I'nlly I'utT jiIiomTiI Hi soaps never brought you. Then don't be cheated of i't I'niMy i flyinc hi rUvliip nf Hit flpct. in 'tie ihI hlp "1Wlpl them. IDorCt let somebody make you think that a like-looking and. in company,wild Vaquero Back from Trip Tlif iMlal rmlr VauuTn is Palmolive. - I III I II! till fH III soap -. ,.f Mi eontpana after n-AtuM tUpl. Wfwiiri, ft.ll.K. niurnsl in iiiirf aarly m Hi from an Mlmlil rnii Ii Anothsr- value you get in Palmolive is a 25-cent quality -lui'iiMil.lniK yard nml I hi, Warfc Itliaiinrl ili.triri 'l'li . n. .iliinn lb WBler-0 rnluiiH an.I Mr. Slrwarf Imv for 10 cents. That is due to enormous volume. -..UK their fair iiiola hmn arrfally fiijoyinR a filiin" anil nnturinf Imliiiay In Hia nnr Iharn illelrtri. Wlilli in purl ih A beauty soap a scientific toilet soap for 10 cents is unique. Annie' New Dots rrtiiipr wMI.Ih nrhanli-l nn-l l.iwc- h'at Annie, fnrmer-il IIm rliilh will iwn In for .nm You are cheated of that extra value when you get an imitation. partiriilar lratmnl at lh liaii'l- : v J Field, ha reeejtilly ,1 ii N. M. Mrl.an In ' n ftp. vn rnntpio-i Nothing in all ages has compared with a blend of win. i Iwivinir Iiit rf-j1'"1" of ralr llio Vaiiuirn wil I :,' ilir Mi l.ran uliip. , lw fr anullifr ilidanl jaunt palm arid olive oil for skin beauty. l ii' Annii 1 a uil . Tho laMttrh Oh llaby, kiifxr i a Ti iii. i-iirltB .1M fl. x aim a ml i. filial wMli a Myhlll Jintf. wa lnwt Hit noai! Nsver in a soap has that blend been perfected as it is in Surf Inlrl in llif lie.nT 'In'v HufTalii inBlll a far a farly --. i will u Ihf Ulh-I,wrk will a pariy of lotfBM-n fT PamoliVe,'Soap. That is why it won supreme place with j . .if i fur ' rnrtln llif J. It. .Morga l.natfin roni- "i- i -. at i-tarlt aixl lak--ii beauty-loving people. 'ip ilil.' t Itaold Ramodelllng 1h imion hoat NVlrn Tin' TflWul tHp ltaol.1, r.apl Be sure you get it Look carefully at the name and the I -f pr . 'iirj iy i". iiit-" J nil it ImimpoII, l lifintr rii,Ml'l- lakrn ln& n' lir klpitr wliHf l ins at be substituted, HUIff - inln hi llif Otherwise an ordinary soap may wrapper. M, Jli'1, -4 a) f"r a a-rnral anrlinr in t'jtw Hay. Ttf pilot mci ' . A tn o n it 4ithtr li.ni-i l hfiiift rflniill and lli and you will think that Palmolive has deteriorated. nir' il ri'itair lirr riliMfT Interior i liiig fnlirly n-4firaiil. "kipiifr I'rfuroll i .Will i-la. (. ft tin a n"w fuahinn iu nautical Limited THE PALMOLIVE COMPANY OF CANADA, Mayor of Porchar Arrive rirrlr Willi inlrriiir iirttlln Hi M ili-T ..i iirrwi w kmn Tli wlcli lay mil i inir il'inf WINNIPEG, MAN. TOM H TO, ONT. MONTKKAL, QU. In j- I Pori'liiT. wa in ja4. wiiirh itif it h Jadfil UT0 I . iflnii iliirinr tire week, aitpfarani-i. Tin rriling r liil rnvnl in port on Hoartl nf lfe rnlun i IipIii arllltrally at ii'iiiaer AMwalBil. painlfd Willi Kinp Tut tirnH In ,nin .I.Mntr a IMHf prl- ripnMnt lh inlfrmr nf m -- aroiiiwl tow n. i, ' Ktrypllan pyranil.lv Cap. Ita . iilntly ln innl tlifif ln-i .1 .nclllii.i - .in III Palm and 'uiil wy nitmla- 'i"rnl minunniil anl l llir-Uir ri i iilily ..f IIm ni. , ' " ImwiIhmi lo ly hi r- Olive Oils-nothing rkaJH art in himhi fiifri. i in In ai-al fnMir for i"' else-give i ti ni iiini mu.'lifn with wtini iiirn ii vry unlijii hiiii i Noi? care fully : Vuiliiclinn of a local wHI worthy nf a viail hy unynii the name1 nature's i.'ii-irr. The (trmit tlifll-v wliu liaa half a lay In val. . lie pal hal heefi Hip and wrap fur green color :ir market ins of lht pro. Shawatlan off Slip to Palmolive : ' Hie iianil. Al Ihn pr-:iib The power Imat Sliawallan. i lie iritiMeherrii nre nwneil ly Hi J. It. Morgan l.g-hIiik Soap if nlons ftne ami alrrinh roinpany, of Surf lnlt. Mad ia ji sh( nre laden ilnwu with ram off Hi Stiita way nu Canada while IIm vnrlalile nr Tliurilay montinu and i now 11ie4ll ' yacJil chili final. tiK ' a rapl.l mlri. tP 'ini-a on i lie ilutiil nrn huy Hie Shaw al Ian lia liccn lonplh- K III I heir uanlrn In keep inid and iw aflTonl ampl ac-rniiiiiHMlallon ili-"r from 111111111111; llm lifail fur Hi lrunnirt- 1 h new veifelahle. Mayorjlllir of nn and .uppliea Iwlween rcliirncil lo I ho inland oji I'rliirn nuprl and Surf Inlet. silay nflrnoon. FUh Butln Mie ranmlinn halilnil elioner iliirin? Ih week COy.HilO pound :;ileer I mi Ihf Mrl.enn way of halilnil ha hn inarkrlod lirr jlrc!.i nvsulk"!. ihrmiBli Hi local J i'li Mxchani - I'll liltilict pric paid wa I3.li I Selling Shoe to Mermaid and I0.7r. and llm loweal IS.7c. during Hi week. llioinelis In nrry III lliUld t:apl. N'cwcoinh 1.0011 look up llie wanted lo llie chief of llie fleet The fjirruther will carry Ifn Hen. and tt.Sr. The arrival wer: puny qupt Imi after a three hour mm re I ferviro. H i Huiirrl, r.apl. - rejrcshini'nlK - i ll rendexvou dori anil will lie manned by A ' mih. In nut nf port on it nw Van, Wonilrow, Hilda, I'.ap Nancy In from Stewart Iii-iiik a lew mile dilanl the sea nil without rull wa 0I1-litjcl erew of eomr (lilrly mn. ha o Spiw, Scruli, Vnlutilpr, Joliaiina, to the eat into Maev on Warpath TliM.liine tlenrK llie launch Nancy. kipi'iid fleet nl jn)' tiilr. run into a accompany f Imrcaili prlcnl ho Onnwa, lieliaiir. Wiiuh, luri-nuK. Mr. T. Duncan, aviiii Hi heavy lii'ul iiiimI ami thai i purl. Iinayiii I heir alouib- The rrab hunting aebnnner I in:.. ' :i i- pinleavuriiiK 'f Seliua, l.lvliiRliiii t'rfirai hy cciiinl in coiiiiiiainl aboard, re vvlmr I lie ilirly kA'rk commenced. iih'IU upon illinium ine iiriiiKH Maeve, xVippereil by Alex. .McDonald, PRINCE RUPERT TIDES i' with th liul. I'.lhel June, Ii. l.lpi'H. of Hi msl (he lied up -ccuiely lo Hi dock with a liuxino" lumed to P"ft "' " lnday Irji'Hi It i 1 1 inar nul left port on Tluirnlav .dt The rciiiuneralK. .. . i:lliliKiin.ii .......Xuha,t!..l,..,.l Viclnr, Tutu l.lnrfllll.am from Slwart with n carttn of hoalH cantliiK. dlM found Ibti Hkipper leurina their hair niornin? with the whole darned Saturday, dune 30. 'I' ' li SKeenii mill .Hll''l" I ii""iim. J"i Hinhurtt Mr. and Mi. Dunean tbeiiiilMiH ilnito while Hi boat laud Hie paxipn Rcr In (ear. work aboard. Ales. hadd for Uixll :IH a.in. 2t.7 11, ' 1.1111111. llWIanr, Vivian, J. I. haw I'i'cti Mieudinff a pl'uhuuieil carryiiiK tin' Ihiuid ' were in a .vr a train will lb fll of joy Turk' Intel ul a rapid "peed and 15:06 p.m. IB.7 " jTodd, VahJtli, Halnlr. Ill Hill. oruUi in northern waler and like pliidil. , Tliti lb fun coin, ridei'N uplit up I he tl.iin?. In il i feared he ha declared war Low 8:15 a.m. 0.1 " Milamule, I'lop, Mnl'Hfulir. Mali, look in all Hie ihl f Slewarl inenced. All kiliiri wrn dc-li'i fuluie 11 will t u ae of every upon the rruli lu llml locality. i0:30 p.m. 0 " I n i't H., V. v K.,I.illnua.Ilnepil,Seoul.!r-i'piiI. for Tw day. niioiHl lo laiHt I heir iuai ry uihii for liliiKelf. Like KKd KUllor troiiiK into Sunday, July 1 Valorou. down iiti'l h juHtt of "loueh" wa ai-lion he had hi nuri.ii with him IliKh 3:10 a.m. sn.9 fl. T. Xoiiiia, liiKJ'Pd II.. Vrna.IliuK-leiulpr. iThiiI. .11 mint TjniiiH. ban Bn iumiii in full a1hi4- Up ami down Reward for Flottle in ia of upeeKy. Ales, JT 14:60 p.m. Maud, Hum McCoy, ml lh flh punklttc Vatitu with (be cnal HinlotnlM pile I iu qiitl A t twin rewunl i n He red by Hi junior. I acliiiK a u.ilanl en. Low y:7 u.ii). I. Atli,Koiinuii. Mary r.lirlfloiilicr. while tin eat Admiral of Hie fleet for inform-Hllao the Kleanor Mac. of each I'thiT, .ui ffineer duriii Ilia etpedilbm. 21:13 p.m. n.7 I i.e.I'., ami Viola. were riuininn fftun tit'l-c lo Ihere that will lead lollie fiiuliuv - Monday, July 2 Imal c-Uml, Eats and Drink Lost for Hie ilruiU, tlx drink were of l'loie I'lirl, formerly ecre-lai Carruther Lav Shortly lliitli 3:3! tt.m. IU.8 . The Itiituiiliau niilli Imllliul H"" A parly "I ftur li!iln houl running; finin lln'ie lu here for lo the Mniuilo aduiirally. Tbn trawler Carrullier. own. 10:115 p.m. 10.4) " i igTi nnTTO fro t,7 u i''J Mil of lland,annual la "U overhaul. look advanlat f Ht" ni !li ealH. So llm .luy wore ou In olTeriiu Huh rewurd Hie Admiral d by llie Cuiiudian Fib &. Cold l.ow 10:08 n.m, 2.7 " Ward way fr hr wralbfl- fti inlay lal and 'while llm piimtpfcttr ourfed their' tale that foul pluy Htnraj Company, which I now 28:31 p.m. 7.7 klapi'il it comhind pic-ill. Tim luck. Kvwilunily word wu d uipcled and be U inillnii to ul Hie dry dock awailinir Hie in-KlalUtlon Tuesday, July 3. Narli1lunr. kl-pri day fiub'd liHt ninety alio inn patched Into port by Hi rat. think thai i'lole baa hecn eilbor of u new unoke tark, IllSh 1 21 a.m. Tli launch 1ia le bow it happen"': I wo in'ai ,wbo wrrn llii'ti lucatrnl olT lucv aplured py Uliine handils or will fhorlly leave, pml under IT:?? p.m. IH.J lliiumi" K. rioeniail. cow wrc I Id "0 1 ' ' V juiaud, fur lli Imi liupeit 1.roll till i tin a Any Infoiiiiallou command or Capl Jlill Varenn to 50 a.m. ii Jtllj-IMH til fillMlllT Com while 'he c in : nv iok upon , uid m the dm so fur the dnukt in this connection should be for for the deep ea fUhing ground. S3 Si p.m, 77 " Lumber Hy f ir Hw His