December 6, 1932
Thousands of iad Read T
- Adveriisements on This Page Every Day
95 |
— ae Oranges, box TIE VOTE RECORDED ’
iLemons, Cal., large 55 bas i | C
e/ ar e S Grapefruit, Calif., 7c to 10 (Continued from Page I+ . :
Cranberries, lb $0| “sa Gaeta eas
| Pears, Anjous, doz. 40¢ to , 50} Ald. Casey moved an amendment
€ ailibe end ak ts ' es Pomegranates, each, 5¢ to 10 oe tate be eco ce 7
For rent, for Sale and all other small advertisements in this section charged at the rate of 2 cents Retail prices cuFrent nere at’ Emperor Grapes, 2 lbs 354 'h® aldermanic rd from eight bene.
< ’ re- | imperor rapes, S. ‘ X * j
a word per insertion with six insertions for the price of four. By the month the churge is 25e a word, |] sent are ‘a follows: ’ | Memresein, he iin ame .15 | to six. The amendment was not se-| City Coutiel? ve Aopen te Coven,
No advertisement taken for less than 50c. 3 Dried Frait conded, ment For More Generous Scale
° Vegetables | wails a a ” 2s Ald, Lingey felt that the petition of Allowances Here
— —e Potatoes, 13 to 15 Ibs. 25 ate » a dee re 2 | should be accepted and a bylaw Sage
Ms sack, $1.40 to 1.10 ee cenbprnaae a prepared to reduce the aldermanic| ye city council last night 4
F oda SALE PAINTS ERS DAIRIES Beets, 6 Ibs. ee ee 29 board from eight to four. A bylaw | cided to request the conan gov-
——-! sain str Parsley, bunch / ‘o7 Citron Peel ... ‘30 ' for six aldermen would not meet ernment ‘fo ‘tit mn
HOLLY for Sale, 39c. a pownd de- PAL NTING and Pa erhangi iT 8 ibs Prunes, 30-40, lb. th oO ore © Mate Gaperves
] aperhanging urnips, 8. 25 e request. schedule of allowances for unem-
ed. P. Ja n, 1242 Rich-! Moller, Phone Red 892 All Our— leg |Prunes, 40-50, lb. 12 j
, Moller, Phy ted 80! d carrots, 8 Ibs. bet ‘ ib 4 Mayor Orme pointed out that it: ‘ployment relief in Prince Rupert in
mm Street, Victoria, B.C, 282 |Green Peppers, |b. go Prunes, 60-70, 3 Ibs 25 was up to the council itself to de-| view of local li¥i ditians. A
. aweet Potatdes. 3 lhe os Raisins, Australian seedless, lb. 18) wie what i¢ donsideted Béet. BP ng con s.
‘OR RENT DANCING an ream Rott ( he "Ton tow tb 20 |Raisins. Cal. seedless. 2 Ibs aS at ally he id pst that iout sities | "cw Seneeencene 7 a ae
Al j tno itoes i, ; : ae rt . & i -
FOR RENT i Sesaa te dommes Wie ca ae ae oe anne wre
o : arsnips, ! ras 20! ' vidin r month for the hea
RE for Rent. Taird Avenve,, |AP DANCING taught by Miss El- —e ee ae a Sen arta eds 3 ranma semera Te cate me sy L. family for food with $3.50 ad-
¢ Wrathall’s. low rental.) canor Tite. Phone 20 tj Guaranteed Bulkley Valley Produets 20i0ns, B.C. 6 Ibs. Rio ‘hq | Tmendment that the matter be laid Gitional for each adult living with
ae Hubbard ash, Ib oa | Peaches, Peeled 18} over for two weeks in view of the * :
{cClymont tf ; ma anal, Black Cooking Figs. Ib. 10 - the head of a family and $2.50 per
VALENTIN DAIRY iCelery, head, 8 to 15 absence of Ald. RudderHam. Ther€/month for éach dependent under
PIANO TUNING | Phone 657 |Spanish Onions, Ib. 10 Nuts was no seconder to this amendment, | 91 years of age plus 40% of the food
FOR SALE OR RE NT ; * Garlic, imported, per |b. 25, Almonds, shelled Valencias ... 50} the concensus of ‘opinion of the! anowance for élothes, fuel and
piaiasa Seked dkie Wan am Savoy Cabbage. each, 12 to 18 California soft shelled Walnuts .35/council being that the question; nojter was considered quite inade
ANU? 1ed Walker’s M" ' © r } > > ; < 3 ig
HOUSES for Sale or rent. F. W Store ti For FRESH LOCAL MILK $ Cabbage, local. green 05 Walnuts, broken shelled . 30}should be settled without delay. quate by the council. A communi-
i “ab 4 Ab i 4 California Head Lettuce, 10¢ ee 15 Walnuts, shelled halves ....... 49 On the question being put, Ald. eation from the government stated
Phone Red 608 or 95 3 Brussells Sproi its, Ib 15 Peanwtée .............. nbs cencebeabtadatbes”: tae Pillsbury, McCutcheon, Collart and that the provincial government
TR ANSFERS Spinach, Ib 10 Feea Linzey voted for the motion to sub- | would contribute one-third to such
WANTED . DOMINION DAIRY Fiour Wheat, No. 3 Alberta .. 1.75} mit a four-alderman bylaw. Ald.|_ schedule of allowances from De-
co . ~~ : Flour. 49’s. No. 1 hard wheat 1.35 Wheat, Bulkley Valley . 1.75| Casey, Macdonald and Black voted cember 1 to March 31. th nder-
CAMERON'S : x Sor M4 for $1.00 , a
’ AMERON’S Transfer—Wood, Coal, Quarts or Pints for $1. Second Patent 1.95 Oats 1.55 | igainst. The mayor announced that standing being that any additional
TED ea moving. chairs for rent tf Pastry Fiour, 10 Ibs 45 to 50 Bran 1.30) he was voting in the negative, thus |} eogt would be entirely borne by the
ae. ae ) Aust. Pastry flour, 10 Ibs... oe 1.35} making a tle vote. municipality. Neither would any
8 Zz ' ‘ oc c
- Eggs Middlings 1.85] The question will probably - charge for municipal water service
TRANING & PRESSING The AUCTIONEER | \ vp RI NT] NG. Alberta Seconds, do a5 Barley 1.45}brought up again at a full mt-/ oy taxes be recognized and contri-
CLEANING & PRESSING 1 B.C. Fresh Extras, cartoned ” Laying Mash 2.55} ‘ng of the council. buted to by the government. While
Packing — Crating -- Wrapping || OFFICE SUPPLIES BC. Fresh. First. doz 45 g Oyatnr: Shell 1.90 no program of relief work was pro-
PRICES reasonable. Benkendorf, and General Furniture Repairs Wa? HLocal, new laid. doz gp Beet Berap n-ne 2.96) PUBLISHER KILLED vided for by the federal govern-
niek es an the aie | Rose, Cowan & Latta; Ground Oil Cake 2.85 ment, it tuted out that th
ire ye., n Daily sist your goods with me |} | Butter ° . ; IN NEW YORK CITY ’ was poin ou at the
News. GEO. J. PAWES—Phone Black 12r | Phone 234 Fancy cartoned, Ib rae oe _-— municipality had the privilege, if it
; No. 1 Creamery, 3 lb q Pine Ba ey 18°! NEW YORK, Dec. 6—Lester L.}*0 desired, of demanding that work
HAIRDRESSER = Hone De: SRI ey Senn 1.55/ tones, executive secretary of the be done for funds dispersed in re-
4 aE, Extracted Honey, per jar 20¢ to 2 ublisheres’ Association of New} lief.
; . ‘“ femh Honey York, aied here yesterday at the| Under the new schedule, Mayor
R “Ringlette” Perma M ee ie __ Steamship Sai figs age of sixty-four as a result of in- | Orme informed the council, families
a ee od as er ar oa Intariv solids, mew Ib juries sustained in a fall on the|ip this city would receive, on the
Beauty Par) ' wn tario tut ib ‘0 | wowed steps of a subway. Mr. Jones form-|2verage, $3.58 per month less than
Stilton ao 35|for Vancouver— erly: published newspapers in Mis- they were now getting under the
LOST Edam, ._4 | Tuesday—ss, Cardena ...1:30 p.m.|50ula and Billings, Montana. existing relief scale. F
< Soman, “a Be . ‘or Vancouver— 7 | strong case for a larger allowance.
| lentiessly your ancient enemy, tuberculo- _—— Lamb Chovs..18 0 ae upert, S p.m Tuesd 12:30 ;The council should strive to have
AND sis ; ale how dre Mutton, shoulder, Ib se ona rd re piv, the old scale retained. Otherwise, it
of bringing ald ~ oe ah Stet et cate oe acme. < ae Thar ss, Cardena ..1:30 p.m MUR IIIY inc afeeoreonssngonssin “ a4 }would be necessary to close down
olumbians during the pas: “ar; “i co , r . , 1 na ss. Venture p.m +2.) the work.
SHIPYARD Of providing free 2490 valuable and costly X-ray pictures oor a. a ” ma'¢ Prin. Adelaide . p.m. Dec. 4 and 18 p.m.) At the suggestion of the mayor
for a! = people; ¥ Pork. lea. It os From Oe =e Falis— | ne ere and on motion of Ald. Casey ane
Operating three Dry Docks of Iping to prats Se of aon re and chil- Pork. dre 1b 18 | : ec - . apes 9:30 ...a.m ) snp ane mee ale ~ Ald. Pillsbury, it was decided to
Total capacity 20.008 tons dren throughout the province against the spread of tuber- Fish Friday “#8 Venture p.m end \ a : aM have the relief committe dispatch
oulesis ie at 15 | Ss. Princess Adelaide p.m way ye P™.\a strong resolution to the govern-
Shipboilders Of helping to protect YOU aienen’ treat a eg | POF Queen Charlotte Islands— Dec. 14 and 29 a.m} ment anvealing for a hieher allow-
and Ship Repairers { Dees” a. ae a Dec. 16 and 30—ss. P. John 10 p.m, | For Stewart and Anyox— }ance rate in view of loeal condi-
for Steel and Wood Vessels | Halibut, Ib ’| From Queen Charlotte Islands— Sunday sscensssrsegssscoctneanes VPM | tion.
} his Great Work Is Worthy of Your Support Apples Dec. 14 and 28—-ss. P. John Wednesday 3 p.m. zi
are BUY CHRISTMAS SEALS Metntosh Reis vwrapped) Ib 07! For Alaska— from Stewart and Anyox— Mee iki core
ta ow 9 50 dl eal Bile ae ¥ omc’ * eee heer eee eee
Electric and Acetylene Welding The G Thev rene / ( Dec. 14 and 29—ss. P. Norah a.m FRRGBRT skin eicciives .. 14:30 a.m
The Good They Do Devends on You B.C. Cool Ih) ae to 061 @eens Authen Thursday 8 pA » ‘
50-ten Derrick for Heavy Lifts I! receive Christmas Seals by mai! they will be Deliciou ney wrapped, Ib 08 Dec. 4 and 18—ss. P. Norah p.m tor Queen Chariottes— ® The Daily News can be pur- @
‘nt glad!y upon request by per box 275 from Skeena River— Dec. 16 and 30 9 p.m. @ chased at— *
Sawmill and Mining Machinery | rhe Tranquille Tuberculosis Society, Kamloops, B.C, Delicious “C” Grade, wrapped Thursday—ss. Venture p.m, | "rom Queen Charlottes— @ Post Office News Stand, 325 @
Repaired and Overhauled 100 Seals $1.00; smaller quantities if desired ner box 2.35 pe, Dec. 14 and 28 am, @ Granville St.. Vancouver. ;
(OREN: AUT IE REN ABET IRD Delicious, bulk, Ib 06 for Naas River and Port Simpson ® Karl Anderson, Prince ¢
nee per b 2.00 mae fan , Sunday wun 1 pam © George, B.C. * *
~ sores et —= Waren Ib 06 - - rom Naas River and Port Simpson © R. W. Riley, Terrace, B.C. #¢
| ‘ : per be 1.75 a dciahe te Tuesday, 11:30 am © General Store. Anyox. e
Grimes Goldem, bulk, lb 06 NEED For Alaska— # Smithers Drug Store, Smith- @
Guide to Dally News Want Ads. Lins snick Results se re Pe oe am, $m BO. °
Pratt Scott’s Emulsion Hz ‘ ‘
Correspondents | aaa — ee ~Valencia Oranges. ..doz. 25¢ to 80 . " Dec. 4 and 18 p.m. Peet Heeoeeoeeeee
| ‘a
fhe Daily News welcomes i —
rrespofidence on live topics ‘6 IE
{the day of any other sub- TILJZE THE TOILER Excusable Excitement
ect of public interest, but let-
ters must be brief and to the
point. The long-winded cor ~~ paleo Me MACé ve ; . COA ADs . ~
respon as lace in ia LIE MAC rs Aa NBWI 1 DON’ _ EAKOUW AG CAA LS ~ \ AC Cc , MR. SIMPin ; = :
nese seaiemaaton: F “HR ON OUR TEA ANG MES PENOY eee | MASKEO es Ayo V& SouUrEe A Dar) ral THLE, Have © Srpanitis ou ee,
2 . * iN > me ma - M Aa \AIONT Tht = i : - m Ww) { S
Every letter must be signed { a> er can ie ceded —T | 4 | ME He us NAME, But J go - - ov FoRsot ta Sox tes CoN rete
by the writer, not necessarily ; Ph 2 Ms CITED,
for publication but as a mat- " y | | # AE WOUD ES fu ¢
‘er of good faith and courtesy
All unsigned documents go to
the waste paper basket. Let Jf
lers of a caustic characte:
must have the signature ap
bended for publication i
Letter should be written on
—-- ~~ -r
one side of the paper only i
Correspondents must avetd fh
personalities and the language Fy
should be such as would be al pe
lowed in the ordinary rules of
a ' ¥
wee oH wat
wet j
tinct Gh be
fl %.