PAGE SIX A Two-Fold Benefit You obtain Quality and Value at Extraordinary Saving--- We have REDUCED the already LOW PRICES of our entire stock. Determined to reduce our enormous stock and giving you the benefit during the CHRISTMAS SEASON. Silverware, Toilet Sets Your name FREE in 22-K Gold on every WATERMAN or SHEAFFER Pen or Pencil Purchased. Diamonds, Watches, Jewellry, Hand Bags, : Umbrellas, Floor Lamps, Down Stairs Store Extraordinary Savings Plain Glass, Brassware, ity Bowls —— $1.00 Cut Glas3, C Glass Util Dinnerware, Faney China, 5 Assorted sizes Novelties, Aeropacks, Suit Cases and Club Bags. BUTLER SERVICE MAX HEILBRONER Diamond Specialist i tne oF. oe a. 7 é Cited / RAPA ES A IRE LTP UT Greta Garbo, who plays import int role . . - | ing picture now CHANGING OF BANKS }the city had not what it had that that was a fair and business- ar Royal Bank and, ‘like attitude, The city had either to (Continued from Page 1) bis a. wnattet of hed aw) —-- - ~ a SHOP EARLY BETTER CHOICE in much-discussed talk- showing here. got ;expected from the policy ‘hed | raise money or spend less. He cnly TALKED-OF Vileaki Buys be carried untii. the end of the over. Personally, he had not heen, hoped that the other bank would year. This having now been re-/| desirous of switching as there was|assume its obligation to the city Soldiers’ Home fused, the council had felt that |no guarantee that the other wank] and take care of the finances as re- | ERE the Bink of Montreal might pos-!would take care of the city either! quired, providing the city showed | sibly help. Therefore, the council | this year or next. The Royal Bank had taken the chance and changed. had said that it would like to wait Defends Royal Bank land see how the city was to be car- Property in Westvie w Transferred | By City Council on Recom- mendation of Finance sane discretion in the disposition | of its business. Ald. Casey explained | “Grand that he had made this explanation , Hotel,” Much-Discussed Talkie, to Be Shown Here For i | | Ald. Casey was not entirely in ac-'ried on next year—whether or not}in defence of the Royal Bank/| Three Days Committee cord with the explanation which a policy should be continued st | which he did not think was as bad Bed _ sere q had been given by Ald. Macdonald., spending more than the city w elas some people had made it out to} A recommendation from the fin- As he (Ald. Casey) understood it, | capable of collecting. He thought be. The long-awaited and much-dis-| ance committee that the property }cussed all-star talking picture pro-|, f lots 55 and 56, block 12. section 2,| i . tee , ao ” ae re duction “Grand Hotel” will open at! helq under the ldiers’ Housing| the Capitol Theatre here tonight Act in e name of e late Wilfrid ,for a three-day run. “Grand Hotel”|¢ Macdonald be transferred to M.| Ch e e jis ape d as one * the most! valentin on payment of $200 and outstanding achievements of upon his sig? ra eement to} ristmas ifts moving picture industry. It brings! pay th umortized monthly pay- 6 jtogether one of the greatest casts! men ; dovted by the cits : 'of stars and players ever presented | e¢))) } Our shop offers you a variety of choice in Christmas presents that we feel sure ag cc a ae baptised ate St cena been cee ae will please you. Here are a few suggestions. iat oi’ Muasialt Aancer 0 ta na I eg reset a, on the acclaim of her audiences and | plied some time to purch , e Fancy Boxed Stationery 25e Fountain Pens & Pencils $2 50 is ready to die when they no longer the property which had been duly up from Ohare erg ht per set, up from a aM ® applaud. John Barrymo has the advertised { e without furthe ry part of an impecunious nobleman offers being mad . ° whose love for the dancer prevents Framed Pictures $3 50 ijhim from turning thief sen te “mn ‘er from 30¢ to ..... ’ aE he het dn a a C.N.R. TRAINS ductive steno- willing to sell } |grapher who is For the East— a e 2 ACESS, MULCEE, lust, comedy and Wet Weather Shoe tragedy all play a part. } Warm Slinpvers al Fc ime ar all e RES POR Rubbe rs Rubb r Shor 5 } a Qe See Our Prices Before Buying Cut Rate Shoe Store JONES’ Family Meat To Subscribers to the Daily News or Any Wishing to Become Subscribers MacKenzie’ All our advertisers have been offering special bargains to the custom- ac enzle 5 ers. Here is our contribution. Any person sending in a full year subscrip- Market ® tion now will get the rest of the year 1922 free. This applies either to new subseriptions or renewals. mace Roast Baby Beet Ra ul inl ure 6 Ibs. Rump Roast Beef 75¢€ 6 Ibs, THE D AIL Y NEW S Delivered tne civy Ohe year ‘T-Bone Roast. 4 Ibs. $1 00 j from January 1, $5.00 FREE 1 Ib. Bacon . Smoker Stands, Walnut Rest of this year to January 1, 1933 Pade s a. oe S0C} Magazine Racks Walnut THE DAILY NEWS Delivered by mail out of town gro grees, d0C} = End Tables; Walnut one year from January 1, $3.00 FREE Wea) Chaps — Stools, Upholstered Rest of this year to January 1, 1933 ped ty . 20c we aig eters Shoulder Pork, 4 lbs. 50¢ Card Tables ies ; . WIS ss aus wes ib sridge Lamps This‘is ‘alvery attractive offer and is made for a limited peridd téfinduce Te 50c¢ aay subseribers to pay a year in advance during the difficult financial period. Mork Chane : = Floor Lamps Payment may be made by check, money order or currency. The sooner it is sent the more you get for the money. 50c 25¢ Apples, 2 lb Bed Lamps Tomato Sausag: |} 2 Ibs. 000 Stewing Veal, 4 lbs. Peas, 1 tin 30¢ 327 Third Avenue DAILY NEWS Phone 775 Prince Rupert, B.C. 957 — Phone — 957 —=— SE AES Both Old English and Burnt Leather Goods in variety of choice such as Purses, Oriental Gift lself for whatever she is worth to : cs ae | China, Novelty Silver Gifts, Toys, Children’s Books, Games, Christmas Cards, Calendars. Full line jan industrial magnate portrayed by oe : oo rope 2 3 = = | : allace Pel e Jo rrymore 1s ‘ f of Wrapping Paper, Seals, Tags, Tinsel Ribbon, Christmas Dec orations, Etc, Senne ; ‘al eae eee i From the East— | in health, i i to “steal” the pic tuesdays, Thursday and § Mur | ° ture. Lewis Stone, Jean Hersholt say 8 p.m.| Fraser Stationers jand many others take part in the supporting cast The lives of these strangely dif ferent characters ire drawn t QUALITY HICH gether in th yrtex of a fashion lable Berlin hotel and the result i RICES LOW a fascinating drama in which love od } titi aan enon oT lll a ee ee ee en ee Tuesday, December 8, 1939 2 Dita TUES., WED. and THy RS, TWO SHOWS — 7 ang 9 pm Feature Starts at 7:17 ADMISSION m Be & st THURSDAY MATINEE at 2:39 l5e & 35e—Feature St, irts 2:47 WINNER OF THE HOLLYWOOD AWARD VOTED THE BEST PICTURE OF THE ypap “GRAND HOTEL ” A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Picture, With an amazing array of stars Greta Garbo, John Barrymore, Joan Crawford, Wallace Beery, Lionel Barrymore, Lewis Stone, Jean Hersholt The Sereen Adaptation of Vicki Baum’s Sensational Novel Cartoon—“BETTY BOOP LTD.” METRO NEWs NO ADVANCE IN PRICES FRIDAY and SATURDAY—*“MOVIE CRAZY" 2) A ke aq TOYLAND {T WILL PAY YOU TO SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION o1 AT LOWER PRICES THAN -EVER BEPORE— ALL KINDS OF TOYS FOR ALL AGES TOYS An especially good line of STEEL TOYS, practically AIRPLANES—10 inch 35 18 inch ve DUMP #@RUCKS indestru tabl 75¢ $5c, 90e “ $1.50 STAKE TRUCKS--12 inch Soe 15 inch $1.50 Dolls Reduced prices k of dressed dolls MAMMA DOLLS - Qe See our window on our large ftock for doll bargains Books We have the largest selection in the north The latest copyrights, Deeping, Priestly, Lloyd C. Dx Farnel, Hutchinson, Vicki Baum, Walpole, ete. Publishe prices on all books. Also Star and Blue Ribbon books. B ind Raphael Tuck’s children’s books, Wonderful value cellent gifts CHRISTMAS CARDS, SEALS, TAGS, WRAPPINGS HOME AND STORE DECOKATIONS Kodaks and Aibums. Waterman and Eversharp Pt set Fancy Goods, Elk and Hair Seal Slipps good We invite you to come in and look over our good All plainly marked. No obligation FREE.—With every dollar purchase you will receiv to Win a Victor Radio to be given away MSPacl ares. Lt FINE STATIONERY Singer Sewing Machines Vict ere THY eo WAR?’ Bun, ‘CROWN BRAND’ CORN SYRUP A Treat -for the whole Family- an Excellent Food. for GROWING CHILDREN} Try it 1 To-day! } J NPBA WENN The CANADA STARCH 00 Limited Montréal c4 Ladies--- Here is your chance to get Fur Coats AND ALL KINDS OF FUR GOODS The biggest selection ever shown in Prince Rupert, Snappy siyles, real values, quality goods. Goldbloom The Old Reliable We must have the money to buy raw furs. That is why We making such special low prices, are Ot a CT on,_—<@ Larly Ad. Copy is appreciated