not tow " TO DAIET IIW1 BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM Full Range of FATHER IVOiNT TOBE ALOKC TOO XXJ "E VfR KlfO ' llcRceci I ( ii-L have, v . L f VS ST mr J;ct to take we J-UNCw tUENse OOnE THAT rAvOR' OOT to lonch: III vej . X00 WANT I! Arnu I IV I I "acwt uauv Hurlbut V " i yjs HE --novo I As . I I II XJ1 V T. M I r,.-T-VS nil - i YQtl rv-w"r -J0 HI WNT ME TO i. rrwr ........ r 1& I . Shoes For Children and Misses. We are now sol agent for this cily Ask about our rebuilt service whereby we repair HURLBUT soes and make, them a iz larger. Family SHOE Store Third Ave. BUY A HOME Twenty acre tract, fronting oii Eraser River, one mile frum railway station, with 5 room house, barn and cbicken house, five acres cultivated and fenced Two acre, slashed. Five acres with! commercial timber. Ooo4 school, etc. This home can Be had for $2,000.00 Oliver Typewriters, Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybbavn & Hansen Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. EPSON COAL Wycan nov? Supply our FAMOUS EDSON COAL in an quantity. Prince Rupert Feed Co Phone 58. KING GEORGE CAFE First Class CHOP 8UEY and NOODLES. Furnished Rooms to Rent. Prices Reasonable Phone Blue 471 8eoond Ave. REDUCE HIOH COST OF LIVING. Eliminate the draught around your windows an4 use Icsti coul. 8EE OUR PATENT WEATHER 8TRIP For Doors and Window. Class und Mirrors 6f all kinds. T. R088 MAOKAY. Phone Blue 165. I Stove WOOD j We have just received i car load of up river wood, guaranteed seasoned and dry. feize cut to order. Also Kindling In Sacks. For Prices, call HydeTransfer Phone 580. Service and Quality our Motto. Business on halibut EXCHANGE IS LIGHT Twenty-Eight Thousand Pounds Sold Trawlers In With Small Catches Halibut arrivals were lighl as'ain this morninc a lolal f 28.000 iMiundi leiur -iJ on Hie Fish Exchange. One Anwrican boal had 5,000 pounds and three Canadian boats had 23.O0O pounds. The American boal obtained the hicbest price for first jclass while I lie Canadian obtained I be same price as I he American boat fur second class fish. The American Success. 5,000 pounds, al and lie to the Atlui Fisheries Ltd. Canadian Reveille. 11,000 pounds at 15.1c and lie. to tne Canadian Fish -Cold Storage- Cf. Inierieuse, 1100 pound,' and Ethel June, iiOO pounds, at 11.9c and lie. In Hie Allin Fisheries Ltd. i rhe Canadian iih''& .ld Slorasi Cii.'s. trawlers U. K. Foster and Andrew Kelly ar-j I irouver Where f lie triennial meel-t Utian Women's , Press Club eludes nut only newspaper women from cnasl I o coasl noeis. mairazine writers mill imh Sleve.ns. Toronlo; 'Ethics of .founialisni," Miss Kenneth llalg, Winnipeg; 'The Woman Journalist in (ireat nrilaln.'1 Miss II. Look, (Jliisgnw; "The Field for Canadian Publications," Mrs. Isabel Eccleslone Mackay, Van couver. Miss Luov Swanlon Doyle, of the Toronto Telegram, rence of HI. John, N.H., will ans vver the address of welcome. On Sept. "7, Hie Club is lo go ft i r i i ssassscal I IVHiM .BRJ0-bM JKSBSsBaBBr I be prosramme includes a dinner srfven by ihe Victoria Women's Pres Club and a reception by the l.ieutenant-Cover-iuor. Hon. W. C. XiehoL al Cov- ernmenl House. rivediniMirtlaslnijrhl.lheform-.tif Ihe salmon batebery recently ' er with 2K.0O0 ixiund" and the built near K'elchikan creek. ha latter wrth 19,000 pounds. Ipow over a million ejrs in th MEMBERS OF CANADIAN WOMEN'S PRESS CLUB Prince (Jeorge lonigh! for Van- from two In three month trt hatch. The waler al I Ik new Jing of the organization will I. WVry, i.'-il from r-filvA-W . rri., . n.ox. ..-i waier mains aim iaK- so uiai nr. I f I t a . Monday twin nepr very riu. jiuruicr r"1 .'lrl of ,h" win,,'r' The membership, Ihe Cana-,,"' jn the waler will be healed lo pre. vent il from freezing while the but Un Ihe al'p m Vnteenn of hatching. Dominion s best known novelist s.l TU Kflrlilkan halcl.ery build- in? is vh iff. ny in leei ami lias licity women and arlisist in black'8- ,.",5r lnm . ami while.. Manv will ..Ptut inino ",,M, caiiu.n hat have a i:i.5H0.000 weeks e,,ln. in wlprn VL'''I'' "SP". which Is the princi noinls and studviiiL- ro.wlili,,.,.. U'al siierien oi suioioii aiMiumiuiK About two ,...,.(. ' '' Keiebikan waters. The hatch ed lo gather al Vancouver lo dis-i' "oulJ riir'' f,,r 27.000.000 red cuss professional matters andiHlllmo" w,,ir1' .ar" "'n11''r Ihe programme includes papers on "Syndicating," Mrs. Joseph Price, Calgary; "Marketing Seen-) of than humpie. ami only 0,750,000 king salmon eggs, which ar twice as big as Mm humpies. arid," ,Mi Anne Elizabeth Wil- son, Toronlo; "Advertising as n ARE SATISFIED WITH Kroiession, .vi i s s . Eleanor DOME MOUNTAIN MINE toe-, tsa I &Jl Mason, writing in the Vancouver Sun The shaft tuaJ is hems sunk on the uiam vein will lie coni. mied ami levels will be driven al intervals of 100 feet. If this work proves the continuation of the ore body a main working tunnel to pise a depth of 00 feet on the vein wUI I started. The main fure is aid lie ft f-et wide, and at one point a rross-cut expjed a surface of ore for J! feel, which saiil i have av ''raged IOrt in dd tier ton. I Sport Chat j While tin .New York Yankees ttiolor drivejare assurel of the American Ijji- around Victoria's riivifnn will gue ..Mmanl. Ihe i.iatits are .till be laken Friday morning and on battling away with a very slim returning to Vancouver, f the margin for first jilaee in liie Nh-F.inpress of Asia dork in time, iiiounl l.engue ovr CiiKiniiHli the Club will le al alun.jnnd Pillburrf. TIm- situation m cbeon in then lio'iutr on Satur-jihe senior league is particularly day. j rui-restuiK al Ihis time ami everv KETCHIKAN HATCHERY NOW IN OPERATION H. Weiilwortli, superintendent iprocess of lialcliini; out at Ihe new hatchery says the Kelehikaii ! Chronicle. They are kejl in troughs filli-d with water at a tmiifr!! ni" nf frikm 10 it T t I ARRIVE HERE TONIGHT The warmer Ihe lem- peralure Hie more quickly Hie Several me.nt f the Cana- '' in .liat. Women-. Pies Club me ar--walw at 51 decree Fahrenheil ut' fr,,,M M week ,wn Canada rivm? from ralen. on make ""is in na.eii, eP? ke,i, llbis afternoon s train to I , . r en I . . I .. connect ion with the learner wa,'r H' tlegrees reipiire lay results give rie tit keener -ie'ulaliou. With the World's Series now less than a month away, there is a chance that 4fie idg fall mealing will not be exclusive lo Colhaui. II all de-l-iut- tu the (iianls. I'lKUigh Ihe l(-al baseball ag-gregallou wllieh left forSmilhe la-1 nighl i not unite kh xlpm;-as the team- which facet the boy from Ihe Itutkley Valley at Ihe Fair Here last-week, 1h"y Imve every' wtHfideiwe of handling anything that may olTer in Hie finlerinr railway, meiruindis. It i Hie Xirsl .baseball exeursiun yf Hie seasini fur -Ihe local boys. I'be ffrsl game is lo le played Ibis afternoon, lbe seetmil tomorrow and the leant i expected bono Saturday evening. seemingly overlooked by golf staticiaus has lo do with the unusual incrcue in the number of women player .luring the pasl lwo years. After a period of yearg during which fields in women's tournaments hrank in size and even tb national championships remained more or less stationary, women are now tak-iuK up Ihe famous pastime with Utore enery and enlbusiasut. This has been indicated during Ihe past twu years in competitions of all classes and importance. HOTEL ARRIVALS Pel nee Rupert Mr. and Mrs. J. II, Vigurs, Ceorgelovvu; C. S. Rankin, Mrs Florence SI. Clair, Hush Haillie. C. W. Oarvcy, O.. Mclleaii. J. D. Oruisby, H. Edwards and J. II. Federal Mlnlno A Smelting Co. Horn. Vancouver; Dr. and Mrs Makes Payment to Jefferson ID. A. MKUbhou and Ceorge II and Agrees to Spend Van Hleen, llmontou; Mr. and $500,000 Mrs. R. A. 1 liompon, LynoVn. OiiL; O. P. ltrowu, Seallle: Dr (he lederal Minms Smell- W. J, Rulberford and daughter. intf Co. is so satisfied with the Saskul flour .llitf llnu-n IT H Itliin I .,! . i . . i ' v. .-. ....... xym iieuver ner presnieiiial ail-; exploration work it has done on ill. .1. Iluolin, Miss D. Howe, Mr, dress at Hie opening session, nt Dome Mountain nenr TotLuu r rti,. I.- i l. i ...i.i-i. . ,, , . . ,. . . i ' '" ,...... .uargaret. r.. ;inai il lias male a subslanlitil Calsury; H; L. Sleeves, H. Dal ensb payment to Thomas E. Jef- Ion aud D. ,D. Young. I m ... . . . I . iierson aim His assticiales and hasVMr. Juslice W. 1". A. Turgeon and agreed in spend half a million fo Victoria as the guests of Hie dollars in the furl her develon. C.P.R. for ti two days' Jrio ami menl of Ihe nronerlv mhvh t ll BRIER Mrs. lurgeou. Prince Albert; Jack Herryuntii, Inverness; Mr and Mrs. C. II. Olasc.tck, Kain- 1 Q1 FOR SALE luetu.ling 219. J! ISLAM) LOCATION WANTED. Will lease or purchase and reward locator for island or group with a Ihouxaijd arrif or more, or finance owuer in development of fur farm. T. Cerartl, &0:i SealMkanl ItuiVdiivs. Seattle. WANTED. Men and women to learn barbrring. Paid while learning and tools free. Write for catalogue. Moler Barber College. Vancouver, U.C WANTED. - (lirl for general bouoework. Inquire 282 Fourth Avenue West or Phone llwl 500. tfi WANTED. Candler wanln work. Phone Red 581. Wanted, lander. FOR SALE. itri be4er. Pb one 137. FOR SALE . .. pracncaiiy Hcally n aali or Healing zz 1 'Hie In- Pipelesn fiirnane 15.000 cubic feel. Can le seen in operatimi. Apply Kx I (3 Daily N'ewo. tf FOR SALE 5 H.P. Kngme, b iacii Imhv. ', inch sinike, i eyrie, wilb eluleh and profiler. Flue ctmditiwH. A snap. N'orlherti Evclianse. 52 -Honselieht furniture pin an. Phone Rwd tit LOST A1. Hunch of key Finder please reltirn News ( i'.if'f. oops; (ilailys iis.hi. SHikaue; Witlmau, I'sk; I.. E. Crue. Calgary; J. Mr).eod and It. ( Cunninghaiii, Port Essincton: J. L. Hovlirk, Slewarl; Mr. and Mrs. 1. Scoll, Ouebec; Mr. ami Mrs. S. Richardson, Fargo. N.D.: A. F. Mllcbell. Vlclwria; John Sberman, lluckley Hay. Central A. Hollar and I'.. A. Shepherd. Vancouver; H Day, Tnooma: C. (I. Rifka, WilmitiKlon. Del.; T. W. Slrakey, Sinilliers; J. Howey, C. N.H.; i. C. Duncan and F. Daniels, C.N.H.; Dell tlaffney, Hyder; E. W. Davies, Telkwa; C. II. An derson, Terrace; A. I.n.znrollo, Premier. mi ring, lo 1M 121 WIRELESS REPORT 8 a,m. DHillY ISLAND. Clear, ealm baromeler, 29.K0; teiiiperalurr 58; sea smooth; I ..'10 a. in. spoke sleunier prince (ieorgo abeiut Poiuler Islam) nortbboiiiid. DKAD TREE POINT. Clear, calm; baromeler, 29. K ; temper ature, 17; sea smooth, DULL IIARHOIt. Clear, calm: baromeler, 29.7H; temperature IH; light swell; H p.m. spoke sleunier Redomlo 291 miles south of Waterfall, Alaska, soulh bound; 7 p.m. spoke sleunier Anyox 225 miles from Point (Irey southbound. , Noon DlttHY ISIND. Clear, calm; baromeler, H.Hl; leinperalitre, 07; sen smooth. DFAH TltKir POINT. Clear, lighl tiortbvvesl wind; liitroiiielei' 29.H8; tempeialuic, 5l ; sea siuoolh. HULL HAllHOR, Clear; calm liai'ome er. 29.7H: leuineralure till; liifhl swell. Mrs. A..M. Davies and family returned Id Mm City on (lie Prince rteorge- yeslerday 'ifleriimiu afjcr a buliduy visit to victoria. Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS fEH WORD IN ADVANCE. Ad v.rtlMrrw.nt T-Wa for L... tH B0 WANTED ROOM AND BOARD PALM Kit UOUStf.- lq BOARD. ron RCHT FOR HKNT. l utHu Ii,l CHIROPRACTOR R. D. TASSIE, D.C. Chiropractor ... . 3rd Avenue. Prince Jliiperl. H.C. Hours: 10 lo 12: 2 to 4 : 7 lo 8. Phone Hlue 025. Residence. Oreen 130. EXPERIENCED CORSETIERE Orler taken for Sptrella d'Hid Mrs. J. M. Qrahlman kaien tihoe Store, 711 Kerond Avenue VVest. MILvKieULT For the East- Mondays. Wednesday" and Frl-dayt, close at 5.30 p.Hi, From the East- Mondays, Thurnrtny and Hnl-urdnys, 4:0 From Vancouver- Sun days . Monday .... Wednesdays Fridays Fridays , C.P.RScpl. 0 nmj -21. To Vancouver .Mondays ..,...I0 Tuesday. Mall close nt 4 Thursday . Saturday To Anyox, Alice Arm ..P. M. 3 P.M 3 P.M. ... A.M. 3 I'.M. Halurday 10 C.P.R. Sepl. i I, and 25 P.M. P.M 10 P.M. A.M P.M. Wednesday 9 P.M, From Anyox, AltoQ Arm rbursday 8 p.m. To Port Simpson, Alice Arm Anyox and Arrandale. Rundayti 7 P.M. From Por Slnipsajn, Alloa Arm Anyox an.d Arrandale , Tuesdays ,M, To Stewart and Premier x I ocvriuivi Avein.e West. Phone llwl U0 Furnisbesi auiies t mw.t,w. i lie iniauunr, a ju ,mkum ..i Sruind Avenue. Pliune 1ST irH l .it , .... ----- t z; uh with or without board. Hmii! rooking. Near hahlbillon buibl-j lug. Mlerale rate. Norfolk! HnoiH. Phone HUck 330. Iff STEAM Heated Flat MODKRX four room flat , renL Weatenhaver Urea. Conducted our rooms. TAXI Tail 87 Phone (Call (ieorgt or Out) Ross Brothers. Hesl Service in lhj City. Frnlays n p.M, Ktiiidayaa 7 p, m. From Stewart and Pramlar Saturday p,M, Tuesday ,m. wwmm NOTICE, ICL l lakJl,. oe tb- r tin Mr. -r Vll HM.. fttt III ' i-friwv Hmmn m-m i,,., Vmm AM - ...,.., , taie" ' ht4 l iiw for rent. 'Um t HmI. for tf ... - Anvwl.ere Anvlinie Itnv r Vivlil HOTICt imbv "m tmiMd iwilisii t mm. tu v iHWKb mm Mr r Un6 l Ifar bmhp A lrlt(ktt Mm l- tMItt fcirWMrj ! a.c tire iui. iu new, suiiame mr " ' t . . . Iner ausrlmrnts. M. M. IT.iS ;."1-'.L t'l:' Slephenji. & lo 7 roomed h.. n.i intra .nu w. I - In r I fl4 JrViO Iwl rapacity if K.noo lo AUCTION HALSS. rrH C4MIIM Qrt. PtU i Ut your home or l ,. wrMi Good alao aolil on n" omiiiisiiion. H. H. HEWimjNQS, Auctioneer, Third Avenue IP.., -u ani. rttM - i j " ii.n viy vivni . rnunt viav ana ursen "WW . -u,. Ml f rhl. ttMrs tlwtm fnttuwwit H CT, IHvtatM f Cumi It.-" tiHr M W' ' nsMi fiarta rf t- 1 n !Manw imi i immI. mh Mr tH ni4t m the Mat ' lit true or if iw" Ur trfiMininr a ftw ieUim. And furHwr Mk" ' fW sftMi as " for jhe lHM-IK "f ' iuiki inn rw ftn, VltB '' Mtl in IAH0 ACT. ! ( loltntMtn Ap'lf List. Hl-'Ut Land lin ' B Irtrt I'Mtf HWn " t mil mth4, ' llaTlay -aiKl rMiStnt a Tk tntlrc (Ml Vietirf. B.C. errni!'- InuiKl lo awr tw i" " tbs Us? fiUvtf "; os-nrinr at a put i'"'"' " if wlh plaisl ' ... ,uMM fAlfakfa,lll I'" Mill i.iauu i ... .... n.i . ...... . .1, t ..Lri llrlll- eirrpt Its' WW rf w" Hallway, ana mmfni.m or wn. rnv r ll.rbrrt Daud n gatut. Aur ntfc t Ayr1! U 1m a 1 il lil m Istjr. i- KIKIMl ACT ctKTtiCATC "or twesoviatsTi nortec lUtr, nl 5 S. Iltir Se I. atnas 1. M.h ..fc-Tiwa ... ud iv; MintHAL ACT. ctTlrlcTI"o7W0VI,l'T, N0TICC, IWW." "VI'HIM N" ' . 1, ., . " literal ctai'- , , sverna .vnmna noii"i' , ,. t.utrl't. WIbt t..ii ' nisiit un Wliah- '"',";' M, ,r Limited, free itr .ni , r. hrrrof. In atpl.v I"."" " It for irllfirie "f lint" , u piirisuic of ohttiiunr a ".' Ami fiirllMT takr ". " ..,-3 t iiuib-r Serlhoi ' h rf for lls iMiiaie-f "' " pnphivfiiienl , , .p patcdtlil Vov'kt 'V AP-"' "rniNCi aueiT 1. QUKCN CMARLOTTS ULAN0 Tun tit" to apply fur Mnuul ZuiuWM tt hIiI 11.10 '''' Jo" To Alaak. Points- Wj Hepl. 10 and 2. imithwe.icrty and full. l' '"J From Alaska Points- W Til A 7rJ m.T& Sept. H, Ll and 25, tr Lot i.t iZ ". To Queen Charlotte Island. .Points & 2 ffi&&3 from Queen Charlotte Points"d ".".i' tht" .... toU'SJY nui INfl ' ir'Ar" It rVV.. c' suuay a.m: