Thursday, September 20, 1923. Dissolve in boiling water (At enough to get 4 6i lasting suds Big' lasting suds one secret of Rinso s amazing' power to dissolve dirt. If you don't get lasting suds, you have not used enough Rinso. COAST SAILINGS S.S. and FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Soak an hour or more V RM2W After soaking, only the most soiled clothes need a light rubbing with dry Rinso. Your clothe don't need boiling if you use Rinso. But if you like to boil your white cottons, use enough Rinso solution to get the suds you like. NOTEl la Jura" watr it lataa from J to I pacta (a . I Rias la a Ivb to mk good tad), la nrj Uati waiar you will aad (ram Y la 2 pacaaaattaa lab la (tl tka big Uatisg auaa tkal laaaao all Ut dirt. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO Have You Tried? Rupert Brand s OCKEYE ALMON andwiches Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT STEAMSHIPS FROM PRINCE RUPERT. PRINCE RUPERT PRINCE GEORGE. SEATTLE, Intermediate PACIFIC RAILWAY Services Points, Monday, Thursday, Saturday, n p.m. FOR ANYOX WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR 8TEWART FRIDAY, 10 p.m. SS. PRINCE ALBERT or PRINCE JOHN. For fart Slmpaon and Staararl Monday, S p.m. Vancauiar (la Quttn Charlotta Wanda Wadmadaj S p.m. ItMnt Kliir Parla Sundai a.m. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. leave I'rlnra tmprtl 4 p.m. Tor l'lllCK OEOIIC1E. EDXIO.NTO.X, WI.N-Ml'tO, ill (Milnl r.altrn Canada. I nil si suim. 0(NCV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINKS. City Tlckat Of flea, SiS Third Am., Prlnea Rupart. Phena 60. CANADIAN B.C. Coast Sailings from PrinceRupert S.S. PRINCESS LOUISE, 8.S. PRINCESS ALICE. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, Sept. 1, 8, 14, 25; Oct. 5. For Katchlkan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, Sept. 3, 10,21; Oct. 1. 8.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Hutedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocea.i Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every 8aturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner, of 4th 8treet and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Salliniri trora Prim liupert. or VANCOUVER, VIOTORIA, Falla, and Swanion Bar, Tuatda, B P.M. For VANOOUVER, VIOTORIA, Atari Bar, and Bwanaon Bay, Saturday Noon, ror ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Wat.. Iiland, Sunday S P.M. for PORT SIMPSON and Nan nur Cann.rlea, rrldiir A.M. J tnrt Avenue. I. Barnilay, Ao.nt. rrlnca r.upert. B.C STEWART Development of the Khloradu Krotip near the head of Salmon ('lacier Ibis year ha produced f)illK warrant lux I lie conslruc-t Ion of a couccnlration mill pro vldiiur tin' H3I1I process can be worked out to handle t lie ore. Tli in I tint statement nf T. V. W'iUon, president of J he Kl-dorado (iolil .Milling' (hi., of Seal-lie operating the properly. Con-nl riicl iia of the mill will be un- i'-r way before next summer, it i experled. Hob Mail iii. promiiieiit mining man ami pioneer of I hi camp ha relurneil and ha launched a campaign fir development of propertied In the 'fide; J.ake dis Iricl. - Cyril Jackson ha leff .for Van couver where he will he married to Mi Swan. iler of Mr. 11 Seovil and Mr. Will Jaucowski. O. It. llancrofl, field engineer for (he louooali Mininx I'O., ha urrived from Ontario to look over the camp. J. A. Stephen, public work en gineer, ha relumed to Slewart afler a month' trip Ihrouuli the Al list and Teleprapli Creek section. A. II. Ham ha arrived hef from Vntieotixer to join the staff of the Hank of Montreal. Pal Daly has left lor Ketchi kan. On hi return, it i um!-r-kIimm! he will liae with liiin I). J. William", well known north ern operalor.who will look over Ihe Tcxa llwt claim. Mi ('... ml.- ha arrived from KeU'hikan ! lake charge of the litildic rliMid al Hydt'r. Viiht l.adc ha left for Van "HX-i ttliw he plan Hpendin lhewli.or. V FULLER'S MOVING SALE We are moviiiK into the Xew Store rerenlly occupied by the I'riuce Ituperl Mu-ic Store and which -will h kntjwii. hereafter a Atkl Meat '.MariiUv ; 1 . f61ltivviM(;PCiaily rwluciil prieeii to rlear ont''our Urplii tock and Mills avt moviuK. Pork ami Heaii". He:. 20c, Spe ; cial t for 5"c (NirkliM JMsiii. lter. 15c. Spe . rial. 0 fur 30c llniriii bulk, seedle.-., a IbaTur 50e. f .Mueall Hiiibi "jieeial, I lh .ft.r bxi. Malkin Hef lea, 7Uc Coffee 5e. 1 lb. bulk Cocoa fre with each pound of Mai kin's 'leu or Cof fer. lied Currant Jam, I'. Hep. $1.10 Special. 70c. Malkin Hot Marmalade. l Special. 75c. Corn and Pea. 2'., 15c. Pure Maple Syrup, bottle, 50c. Pure Maple Syrup. I in, UOc. ('.a lil i.i Ke. per lb. Or. I.iuolro for oilcloth, regular 50c now 25c. Crylal While and Mid her Hub bard Soap. ,t bar for 35c. FULLER'S GROCERY, Third Ave. TENDERS WANTED. M'alnl Ti'iuh-ra Mill lie rp-i'lnil by ll :n i:i'ik mi in :. p.m. Mi4itl.iv. orioiu-r mi. rr iiir illli'lunv nr aiu.nit iimtrlv Uil inii-ai ni, mr n iteii watrr Hum un tir-i Af lull ami fur in of u-iiiifi xufy im iui al Hie urriiv or thr liiiiliiticil. Tdiili'rr In m n lkiil (ill liw ..inuli- ir riopliiix' "TeiHler fur lillrli- In rubral nr any talter wtl nrrr- ni uy ai .-cifii. r. v i'Kno', cor FnalniHT 1J Plus 1c Per Piece. a pound FLOAT-IRONED Family Service Alt of your waahlng '80 par cant or your ironing1 everything ttturnad dry You (Imply touch up a few outer garments such as waists, blouses, house dreaars, with hand-Iron. Phone us today, CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. Phons 8. mi uAiiii niwi - PAOBTgW Local aid Persoial li.C. Undertakers, I'hone 41. 0 Hayuers. Under taksra, Phone 351. it 4 - llevf Father (iodfrey relumed from Ihe hoiilh on the I'rince (eorife yesterday afternoon. It. I.. Itrown relumed from Ocean Fall on Ihe leamer I'rince (ieorije yelerday after noon. . (!. MclJean of Ihe C.ti.M.M. of fice, Vancouver, w a aiiiomr the arrival from the outh on Ihe Prince (jeorge yesterday afler noon. H. Farr, agent of the While. Pa A Yukon llailway. Vancou ver, wa- aii arrival in the cily on Ihe Prince tSeorve yesterday aflernoon. Iluvh Itaillie, ailaut in'pec- lor of Ihe Canadian Hank of Commerce, arrived from Vancou ver on Ihe Prince (ieorjre ye lerday aflernoon. Charle Itankiii, inspector for Ceperley. llouiiefrll A Co.. Vancouver brokerase firm, wa an arrival in the cily on the Prince (ieorye ,yelerday afler noon. 4 Colonel C. V. Peck, V.C.. open ed Ihe fair lal week al Salt Spriny lland. He made a hort peech coti(ralulalinv the fair maiiasemeiit on Ihe ucce of their annual exhibition. - Coulahle IL W. Havie. H.C. M.P.. formerly talioned here and now al Telkwa, arrived from Vancouver mi Ihe Prince licorpe jej-lerday aflernoon and proceeded In Ihe interior by Ihe evening train. Xewciiarl have been prepared by-.tht deparlnieut of marine and fUherie through the liydrogra-phio survey runboat Paage and.aUo ofliiby Nlaud to Kennedy UJaiul. Thee have jut been published. , -'.IM. Ho'rli.WCJv.1l. general ffl-ftfil uiseiTli VailtiJuver. arrived from Ihe oulh' yi the Prince ieorKe yeieruay flitenioou. lit i ac0oiiiian.vinp Ihe lloyal liraiu Inquiry Comuiifoii in the cource iflll lour to hl district. - .1. P.(Kirkpalriek,iC.X.H. uper- inlendenl al Smilher. and Mr?. Kirkpalrick, returned by Ihe Prince Ceor?? yelenlay after noon afler a brief holiday trip oulh. They proceeded to Ihe in lerior on the x-venlnir train. The Yixititig coiniiiiioner, the la(T and Ihe ladies accoiu-panyiiiK them vero?lat ninhl the uuel of Fred Slork, M.P., and Mr. Slork at their home, Wel- view. nanciir.'. card and muic paed the lime pleasantly until about midui-jlil. Capt. A. II. C. (ierhardi, niana- viiMt direclur of the Homelake Mining Co, Ali(?e Ami aiidvMr. (ierhardi were pacnger goin;.' Ihrough on Ihe Prince (JeorKe yelerday ufleruoon relurninif norll afler it liusine (rip to Vancouver. A Speakers at (he Holury Club today were .Mr. Justice W. V. A. I'urm'oii, Dr. i, X Mc(!ibbon, lr. W. .1. Htilherford and .lame (ulhiie Scoll, all meniber of Ihe grain commission who are visilitu Ihe city. There were ilso a number of local visitor in addition o Ihe members of Ihe club. It. It. MctJri aor, of the pur chasing au'eul's deiiartinenl of the Canadian National Itailway at Vancouver, arrived in the cily on Ihe Prince (ieorge yesterday aflernoon with his bride. They were married last Monday in the south and will visit Smilhcrs in Ihe course of their 'honeymoon I rip norlli. The bride w as formerly Mi. F.. Halt. 4 .Mr. Florence SI. Clair, grand matron for Hrilish Cnluuihla of Ihe Order of Ihe Faslern Star, ar rived in tho cily On the Prince (ieorge yesterday afternoon lo pay a visit lo the local brunch ol Ihe order. She was accompanied norlh by her son, II. W. SI. Clair, who wenl on lo Alivnx where be will lake a position liUlm (Iran- ny tirug .store. MiSl. Cur will remain in Ihe city mil II Sat urday 10. H. i. in rr in Port Kssmgi "ii train. Miss Phoebe Senkler of Vancouver i visiting al" Nauiu with her siller, Mrs. Durisoit Manly. A. F. -Miicbell, assisiiiil engineer of Ihe federal public work department arrjtcd in Hie city from Victoria yesterday afler noon. -John Willmatv President of Ihe Kleanzn arrived from; Usk oiulasl evening' train and i regislered at the Hotel Prince Hupert. - - Hen Self left on lal night'. train' for Smilher aceouiianying the local baseball learn which is to play a .series al the Ilulkley Valley Fair. Whist Drive, SI. Andrew' Society, Ladies Auxiliary and membership friends. Friday, September 21 at 8 p.m. sharp. Admission 25c. Mr. and Mrs. Husswood. who have been visiting with relative at the Digby Island wireless slallon, left on last night's frain for Cleveland, Ohio. - . . Waller (tale, court registrar. who( ha beeif un a holiday trip south, returned lolhe cily on the Prince (ieorge yesterday afler-' noon.' .While in the south Mr. (Sale aliende.i a meelin? of Hie Provincial Hed Cross Society of which he i an ollicer. -Hew K. Cusliing and M. Molson of Mont real, vwho have been al-tending (be Canadian Club convention al Victoria, .arrived from Ihe south uti Ihe Prince (ieorge yesterday anernoon. They are on I heir way lo Mount Cavelt near Jasper Park where they will enjoy an oul'ing. C. S. Obaln. secretary of Ihe local Japanese Association, ac knowledges donation of ten ense of salmon by the Canadian Fish ('old Storage Co, to the Association for Japanese earthquake relief purposes. It will go for. v a ii I lo Japan together xxith Ihe oilier shipment by the C.U.M.M. seainer Canadian Skirmisher (his week. ANNOUNCEMENTS Hill CO. I.O.D.K., Hallowe'en Hiuuar, October I'ylbian SsVsfr, HaiaaK Nov, Premier-Gold Medal Beer The New Wonderful Beer There is only one way lo prove .that Pit KM I EH. "GOLD MR DA I' BRRU is best THY IT. Order from the Government Vendor Today. This, advertisement Ihe Liijuor Control Hoard Columbia. not published or displayed by or by the Government of British Select ELECTRIC BREAD. SUPPER-TIME SUGGESTION Serve Electric-bake Raisin Bread The Whole family Will Appreciate It. Made Fresh Every Day at the Electric Window Bakeries Third Avenue St Reffis LOGGERS" CLUB -O Situate in the old Kuiprcss Hotel Building. Cr a- Rooms to Rent by Day, Week CLJL 5 or the Month. .. . Steam Heated. Hot and Cold Prince Rupert's Leading Water. Restaurant. POOL TABLES. A Bakery Unsurpassed. First-class Restaurant In Third Avenue. connection. James Zarelll - Proprietor. Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE The Service Store." WE CASH CHEQUES. Agents For: N. and S. ENGINES Terms Arranged To Suit Purchasers. Phone Blue 91. IIU "1 4. a i i