4 tAfll SIX THI DAILY NIWS I!2!L2b,, n 1. 1 . 1 !(. iv HOUSEHOLD LINENS and Linens for Fancy Work .Pure "Meadow Bleach" Easy Drawing Linen, in 30, ii mid 5 1 inch widths, from . . . $1.75 a yard Handkerchief Linens, while mid colored ul . . $1.75 a yard Pure Linen Huck Towelling, J 8 inch, guest width, 'in Mauve and Pink, al $1.00 a yard Embroidered Linen Luncheon Sets, in honey color fadeless linen at per set of 5 pieces . . . $7.00 Various oilier ilems in pure Linen, TuWe Damask, Table Cloths, Towels, Towellings, elr lately arrived. Ask to see them. H. S. Wallace Co. Ltd. We stock Pictorial Review and Home Journal Patterns. Wc Prepay Mall Orders. DANCE At the Auditorium Every Wednesday and Saturday Evenings From 9 till 12 o'clock. Pryce's Orchestra. Admission Qentlemen 50c; Ladles 25c. Come and danco your sorrows away, and remember v'our miseries no more. L. .1. MAllllKN, Proprietor. Phone Black H9. FURS at . BENT'S READY-TO-WEAR STORE A representative of " the Yukon Fur Company, fpr which we are aprents, will arrive on the C.P.lt. boat on Saturday and will put on dis-: play Saturday afternoon a Selection of Fur Coats and .Veck Pieces. Orders for making or remodelling- of furs will be taken by this expert. BENT'S Ladies' , Ready-to-wear Third Avenuo. Agents for Yukon Fur Summer COAL Great satisfaction! Repeal orders bcintr filled every day for Nanaimo-Wellinglon Nut Coal Ouick Firel Lasts Longer! Cosls same as other Nut Alice Rupeic$ Coals. 16 phone 58. or 564. ca(tt vw.pmna- iihu Uhlifir'ri CAFEiO OKOPSuWVL Furnished Rooms f , al, (Il(3 Prices Reasonu UI1(J ,ntlt(!. Phone Blue8uil ,na(le M. 8eoond At measure. led To Fit. pday and wo will REDUCE HIO. , LIV Mderate. i:iiminateliANINQ flND around yrINO BY STEAM. use less Service Right. SEE r For filasj LING The Tailor i Second Ave. Phone 649. I Opp. Post Office Corner. m CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. I NOTICE IS 1IE11EBV GIVEN, Hut i po'-lion (if Ux k i If n Island llf.rve urryrd u Lot tiii, lucre 5. Co si District. Ii cancelled. i o. R. .AHE. I lputy Minister of Land. Land tieparuuent, I Vlctorl. B.C. Hth July, mu. mi CANCELLATION OF RUWVL NOTICE 13 IIEHEBV GIVEN Uilt the re-(rrve eilMlur over tbe lands formerlY held under Timber Licence No. lt?f P Is caoctlled. I a. ft. KADE.N. ! Drputy .Minuter of Lands. Laod Department. Victoria, B.C. ! Stb July. im. Advertise in th flailv News. Are you up-to-date? Don't be lias been' JOIN THE TECH I Class Commence Oct. 1st. at Prince Rupert, Terrace, llazelton, New llazeltou, I Smilhers, Telkwa, Prince ! (icorge. Surf Inlet, Swanson I Hay, Anyox, Alice Arm I felcwarl. Northern Polytechnic Institute o B.B. Syllabus issued shortly. Write for particulars to the Registrar, liox 882, Prince Rupert, or see the Local Representative. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, 8 to 6. Phone 686. Open Evenings Only For Special Appointment. IkBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBs uBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlJ TVLlttleDolirrty Conparf d with ordinary sited plan). Sewing .Machines, Pianos, Phono graphs ami Player Planus For Rent by Week or Month. Walker's Music Store Ltd. STORY OF PLAY TO BE SHOWN HERE TOMORROW When Knighthood Was In Flower Is Fascinating Tale of King Henry VIII. In the story of the play, "When Knighthood was in Flower," which comes to the West holme tomorrow ami Saturday nlslits, Kinjs Henry VIII.,' of Knpland, ives a tournament at Hampton Court in honor of the sixteenth lirthday of his younger sinter. list knight jut returned -from the wars in France, overcomes all contestants, including the proud Duke of lluckingliam. ltrandoii is Mii)iniiicd lo the royal box where I be Princess gives him a golden necklace ami the King a p. points hint Captain of the Royal Uuard. At court, ltrandoii trains further favor by teaching the Prince. Hie newest dance from France ami il i iiulle exiilent that she has fallen in love with the liamNouie knight. Itul the Princes is only a pawn in the King s gulne of imperial politics, ami he bids her receive I he amhaoador of foreign monarch eeking her hand in mar riage. King Louis XH of France, bills hiubet. hut when she sees Hie portrail of Hie decrepit old monarch. Mary repeals being marrieil to that withered wreck Yes, we have No Bananas but we have Cauliflower, C.u-ctimbe s. Ibad Lettuce, (ireen Onions. Par ley. Corn Cucumbers, (ireen Tomato. Pickling Onion. Pickling Cucumber, (ireen Tomata. Citron, Hubbard Squash. Turnips Carrots, Heel, Parsnip. Cabbage, ami Onion, mill like the merchant in the latest popular oug. w pride ourselves upon tin- high quality of our god ami the fart that we ell at the lowest market ' prices. ' ' WEEK END SPECIALS Maid of Clover Creamery Butter, in bulk, 3 lbs. for S1.25. We absolutely guarantee the quality of (his butter to ! superior lo any line on this market, ami we lake this opportunity of advising you that this price on butter will be a thing of the past within ten day. B.C. Fresh Pullet Eggs Week-em.' Special, 3 doz. for $1.25. We couider this Hue the best value in town today. They are fresh stock. Special This Week End Wealthy Apples, crated, Jumble Pack, box $1.95. "An apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away. There Is more t nil ft than poetry in this saying. Puy your apples by the box and let the kiddies eat plenty of them. An apple al night before retiring will preserve their teeth from decay. British Columbia Mcintosh Reds, the finest apple that grows.First shipment H.C. slock arriving for Saturday trade. See us for case price before you buy. "Salt Spring Island Jam." Ooim are I be days when mother worked (ill late at night putting up jam for Hie winter. Nowadays you can buy heller Jam in the store. Salt Spring Ilaml .Tain is heller jam than mother used Ii make became it i made under perfect conditions, nothing but the pure sugar and the very choicest berries are used. The berries are not culled or over-ripe from shipping. The Salt Spring Island berry growers must make Hie bet jam obtain, al le othrwise they will have no market for their produce. This I your guarantee. Packed only In Straw-borry, Raspberry and Loganberry. 4 lb. tins 95c. Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211-212-281. Saturday Phone 8ervice Starts 7 a.m. SUMMER COMPLAINT Cramps and Diarrhoea There la uo vlner kind tf dlaeaw that cuine vn u qulrily and with to lull wanilnr as an altark of buwel trouble. Otic may retire at mint, la um tt of bealln, and before luorulnr be aak.eiMl by terrific cramp and pains Hi the Hcun- acn followed ty diarrhoea, Uj.rnUry. . ... . . rtiuNlci ,TOIIU v. MV V. UVVVIff III iniiivv., .,! iiiiinr, mm lone funu or noiber. i.liarle nraudnit, a valiant l.ng At thli raxn of the )er. when buuel trouble are x relent, e would adle I lie preutlu vf atwa iiatltif on band a buttle of Dr. fowler' a Extract of Wild Strawberry o that )ou will he ready fur any aud all eiuerrrurlei. You will find that a few dote of thl valu able remedy, taken promptly, will be Um meaut of reeulior a treat deal of un- nereiar)' tufferlnr, ud many tlnie! Mte life. Mr. Yv; II. iudd, 17 1 Catherine St of a king. Consults Fortune Teller In her dilemma. .Mary consult a famous foriune-leiier lit disreputable Hilliiignle -eclioo o( Loudon. The Duke of I luck - iiigham trie to abduct her. but ltrandoii recue her ami kill two of Huekln.'liHin men. For tin he is n r re-tii I at u .l.uiee nt sister; Francis seeks your hand." "I would gladly marry I'ranris. brother, but iny husband might object." Cardinal Woley confirms the King's promise lo let, Hie Prince choose her second husband, but the Jealous Duke of lliickinghaui objects thai a Prince of the blood royal cannot marry a commoner- Where il p o u -M a r y wheedle Ihe King join making Hramlon Ihe Duke of Suffolk. Mary am! Hramlon, having successfully ,,.fi,., (wo Jr(H and (be tradition of ages, walk out of Ihe palace ami into n glorious kingdom of (heir own. the realm of true love. Moloi-ship F. C. Ilarnes lust nljfht from Kelchikan with a consignment of canned salmon for transshipment east over Hie Canadian National nail- ways, The house of .M. ,1. McNeill on Allin Avenue. Weslview, has been purchased by M. F. Mckerson, who will lake nn his residence there in Ihe near future. Mrs. W. Ollchrisl left by last nighF train hound 'for New York on a vacation (rip. CAUSE OF FAME Teacher - To what circum-slnnce wa Columbus Indebted for his fame? Smart biy .-i-To (lie ciiciiin-stance dial America was not already disriivereuV ll.itdou PRINCE RUPERT PLACES HER CASE FOR GRAIN ELEVATOR BEFORE GRAIN COMMISSION AT CITY HALL TODAY (continued from pate one) were not needed here. It. Heaumoitt corroborated the unlikelihood of there being port cliHrges here. At present this was n free port, lie told of the ad- autiiKc of the harbor and port ami its clociic to the siiitiuv circle of veeli from the south. I'be light handicap tu the Pan ama of 280 mile was almost no. thiiiu in it voyage of thoiisumU of inilto. There were plenty of ium site here where ships might lie aliiiitide the elevator There wa no coinpiiloi pilotaue and it was quite feasible lo ue tin port without any toll except Dominion government mull charge payable by all port in Cauuda. He uggetit (hut this port was deliiHl to become oil of the S. Ilitiiiitou. ont.. rite: -ul nm- reai irane pori oj i.aua.m no mer I hi J a terjr bJ aiurk of luuunrr matter what was tjoiie jul now. complalut, rrimr ami diarrhoea J I trlelj Good Site Her niany dtrtereul remedied, but I her dKl noli ... ,. ... , .. U " '"" eplllllie. the ,ee,n t beln ,e I lirartl nt tir ntibr!' Kitratt of Wild strawberry. o derided I facilities here. There wn a giHd would try It. I wily luuk few. di, eenlir ilv between PllUbliry and In a lxrt time I a better.' !li,n,i :m,l rlnnu- uilli i.l..nlv i,f Prlre 0f U.ttle; put up S)jr Th . . ,i... " , , . T. Nllburn Co, Limited. Torvnl. Ont l"""" '"r " n-u-i wa ticu n in insure expeuiuoug inoemeiil of grain. There wa no qu'-slioit that Prince Rupert had advantage uer any other i t. Ill A jl,,. I'jiruir pon. S. I.. Parker Mke of the pro-eel of the Peace Rter count r'- ami said an elexittor wit uee. sary to the ileelopmeitl f llf railway. P. II. PilUburv mentioned the Hampton U.nrt ami intprionl ,,r cilities uml it hearing in I he Tow er of I Ion. but Mary WM ra,M "PIB I'lislne. secures hi relea.e. DisituixNl ' J-Xlchnlls oullitnil possible a n boy. hr trie to .dope with ''Plil whleh miiiht .e rarrel Mramhtu In America, hut I hey are ,r""' ,n" " .vertaken nl an inn in HrHtol w,,M"i riuir enrgin., ..i. ii,e and arreteil afler a fight. jrnuwnv. ne ii.h .ii,i ne nmi n.e Hramloit i condemned lo "'' 'rtim one of the I.ik death, bill Just a be I motintitisr ""'Pl'ins companies dial their the Mock, ami Hie it.lmnn,,,',P woU,l "."r l"r' Prrt',,,, ne i noised. Mary win hi fMir-l",p,e laciiincs ami car . . . . i Ion by promiiux to marry the Kln of Francr with her brother, however, Uml that he hall be permitlel In ch'Mie her eeoml htibaiiil to uit The beaut i fill Kuglih prinrps is rereied vyjlh royal honors in Paris, hut old l.iuii soon discov ers that while hv for a queen, he has not trained a wife. Mary lead him a merry rhae and he soon dies. Imprisoned In Palace Hut Franc!' I., hi ucce.or to the Ihrone of Frnnre. ha fallen in love with ,fary and i determined to keep her by fair means or foul. She i iinpri-oiir-.l Hi the palace, from which llrmidon rescue her and they make a wild datr Ihroiii'li a driving rniiislorm fuj- freeibwn atid home. Ileilig cut off at a bridge by the purpl ing French soldiers. Ihey boldly leap their horses over I he pant-pet and so effect their eeape. Ill l.iiglaml Henry VIII. has just been informed that Franci I. wan!. lo uftirry Mary uml will gle even a belter price than hi pre. dereor when in walk V.. F. Duliy Mjke ufdfTci lulnber She larjrinra,,e ,n 'elnlhm lo grain, hip-.ut.vir ;menl am! uf the likely'develop. menl of the near future. Other speaker were Sf. p. McCaffrry. S. I. MrI.eNL S. K. Caml-MI. and II. St. (. I.ee. all of wlinm urged the erection of Ihn elevator uml strengthened Hie case for Ibis ! a ha bargained , . un niientiHui a nuiulier of the visitor altendel the luncheon of the Itnlary Club ami Inter were taken out on the harbor in Hie Fipa. They leave for the east tin evening. MAIL CONTRACT. SlAUtl Tt. Mil: IIS. arretted In the rouiunrr General, will be received at Ottawa until mum, on rrtdar. tin (lb; October. I Of J, fur the rontejaiK of He Mljetly't Malic, on proposed Contract Tor four lear. thirteen time per week on I tlie mule between I'rlnct Itupert and street Wter Uoea, etc.. from the PoM-matter GVneral' pleasure. Printed notice rontalnlne furtliee In. (Jie formation a to miditlona of proponed 'Imuran may ie seen and blank form of ...ili..g Pri..ces. Henry embraces j? ZiutX WKVvttSl iicrf ana ay: J , "nr o.c ttid at uw orrtn "You mils! return, lo France. B.C. I. r. Ml'flflAY. tnilrlcl Superlnlendent. Ilth Auruit Ift). Loggers 6 Prospectors BOOTS Men's Fine Shoes from $4.50 Men's 'Brown Calf Shoes, in Oooilvear Welt, wide or narrow loes, from $5.50 Hand Made Loggers' Boots from $8.50 REPAIRING. GEO. HILL The Shoeman. Next St. Regis Cafe. NEW BOSTON Grill Third Ave. The I.alest in Restaurants, Private Boxes for Ladles. Best Food Best Service. "Take her to Ihn Huston." OPEN DAY AND NIQHT. Phone 376 The House MQualily COATS For tlisiitit iiuii uiid charm our tate-t ltn , . tlerful. Kitrh model refle U beaiitv til workman Inp B j ' sign and all are in Hie la(et uiateri.il m,, , . Bolivia, Duvetyn and Suede Cold Some have collar and cuff or real 'kouk .nd while other are in plain hliu k Ihdivi.i. IT vim re looking for 'siiuiclhuiif different tteV it in these I o It fall slle. "'' Prices within tho range of all. $27.50 to $100.00 UNIVERSAL TRADING CoT Outfitters to the Whole Family. 8atlifactloti or Money Back. We Prepay Mall Ordtrt Prompt delivery to oil parts of Pruice b pn-i WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow, 7 and 9 Katherine The Woman Macdonald IN' Conquers' Hudson - Ihtv "u.. vvoinuu's I'otiulrv i -. . ! u,-hill he .iinc. he avv. he i iinpicrcd. , i ! Fifth At r line l" ally and warm Areltr hhiii i -i , S.- i-mil iiii tinte- BRYANT WASHBURN, MITCHELL LEWIS, BORIS KARLOFF and JUNE ELVIOQC THE NEW LEATHER PU8HERS, ROUND SO. X "THE CHICKASHA BONE-CRUSHER." FOX NEWS-GAZETTE. Admission 35e in 10c Shockley's ""il Arc now Sole Agents for the lumber o : " A r Royal Mills, Hanall, B.C. DIMENSION LUMBER. 8PRUCE AND CEDAR SHIPUP. 8pruce Planking and Cedar for Foundation Work. GET OUR PRICES IT WILL PAY YOU. Phone 383. Z , . . . .M.iBai-aMBlB These cool morning make one think at w ; i!; uml iiothliiK s more seasoiintdc than For the Boy A New Suit and a MackinavJ Coat Our n.i)V Department is fully slocked with Hi f nirivals in Hiiils ami Mackiiiitws for Ihe Hos. Suil' r Tvvee'ls mid Herges in brown, navy and ftny- -Hi r0'"1 sliiidcb this season. Prices run from $6.50 to $18.50 mid sizes from 20 In :ill. They can he Imd vv'lii dlliC" or two pairs of jiatits. . j We have also n large scleclioii or .Mucking 'WH Ihe latest shades. Prictis run from $4.50 to $10.00 mid sizes from a 2 to ;m. Jabour Bros. Ltl 1 1 1 V HI IU 0VIBIHIM