WellMotherl Th children settled down in school i . -u 11 in UUL ,11V VIU L'.UUWII II faces you. It if up to a to provide everything for :umn and winter from boots t bot'tle of cough mixture. It's a busy time for you. .. .L.L.. i.j r i ... i t.. f J r .1 J . . L- t km i rt t. . kML. d f tmesor the approaching i . r J.J L "1 u i utw IV nv I ivu iv iiAppy, Let your newipaper u. A few. ''minutes day cay in in reading reading help ipent ry the !y store news in the adver. menri which the mer-nts have inserted for your ormation win save you ny fatiguing hours of shop Which stores can supply and most economically? Learn all this by readini daily store news com- it. .- . t . m ill w ill v i ii 1 1 ikjiiir i v w . . READ THE . VERTISEMENTS ha Mothara lima Savara Iv rrrltmt b) Ihr al Vl'loru. huI Ulri tn 'in r nrMt. -..t I in-iH-r X iff I. ' l,-mi'-k. luiuia, in arra atiuatrd wv jr ukr. I.ltrrln ctuo l"letr, 1 'ii I aiiuwnl tar t r h) i-Mt tnn nt.inn rrrH. TimBER SALE X 6495. I :xir l Iw iMHml f Ih z il- at irturta. ma Uit .21 1H ,f i tl.itk i ,:k :. Iur -r M0trr II.iXmI Weird Story ol Hsida Witch and Young Brave Told to Thomaa Deoay Al one M ill (here were five In.1 iilillll Inwns, OIK' behind Hie .II...p iiit Kwcy Kwcn, l.angnra Island i jlyirli Inwn win thickly iilali-.l i mm nit- ii-i'pi' men in peace aii'l iiiippinei. Ill tlieVl.lllse of mi dinighjer nf a witch who lived ih'i' berime engaged tu lie rar. ' l a very popular young man. They both tniuil tn h town wl(leh faced uh) Inward the ockhii. I lie witch ill limes .ncr. fot1i.'d wonders before the petiole whil.. Hi.- young man worked fur in proposed wife, living in the slum' hnne where she liteil. one morsi i msi tin1 iiinir man had breakfast in ., a, w(j,. tearing soi Iried rih made a nnie. which seemed In route from under the bed cmer. The wiMli tp-tillc,! Ii i m ami 0, , he would have tn u (nil ami spin I he cmt nf fl redar Inc. Thi young man wax much nf. fended niiil immediately rose mi inml,. wandering through tin wooijs, ramp In a lake located behind till' five towns. Haw A cfstar lrf' Klamlim: i.'i.l ih lukf and he i'lmiici) ii down, fplil iiit will, njwii.1 it uiilc ami piil n rj-u jiiccf into the m-arn. lie alo made a Ioiik rf ami coiled it lli Iy the Ine. Fierce Monster. Thin I he youne rnan went t . . nap mi ni inwn ami killed a cliHd and lakintr Hie hody to the jlake timl it In the end of I lie rope ,aml lei it down through Hie -plil loir to the holltim of I he lake. n iimner had it touched lh bottom 'limn he fell Aomelhinir moviiiK on the cud of the line. lle hauled il u ninl ii fierce lookinc tnouxlcr " lime to llii' wiirface Inddlu? the ileml clithl r it face. lie Imuleil it uj. face outward he Iwf-m the eiuU of the uplil Jog, kmwki'd oul the cro piece and lh Hi'ileo of the lojr came liigelher hnliliiii: the fierce mounter ticlil riiiI iuiiecxiiig il to death. The man at once Nkfrmeil the erealnre. look the kln lo hi mime inwn ami nnnito.i u fin n IlrMP. lie then ulniiucilta utoJIu: ekln in IIm' capfiirA of whale, which wer the chief fooij f t)tf ilaml. jJeelnir Aihnnlase to he'r'.elf in the pntect of her on' Hiirre. Iioiil. (lie witch told Die peo. w 'ih .ii. "r mI Pi" ''("I a vion and she s ..! ti..inr. ipre.liclc.1 iluii a preat whale win limb?'' ""i0 Im 'lelKiwI In the people the rani ,iar- .f it Chief nrr- j fultowlni; mnrilin?. Vhen the a " 2 '""TL wr-iinoniliig arrival, f.er prediction., icimie true unit li won Hie ad. TIMBER SALE X 5478. ...,,: r .... ... ,,.',,... itrmbr- iii U trreitrO if itr hi'fil ceremi.iilei eaflj eveniii nnd ' .l v'.r,"rt;.!f'7 lre,llrlAl that tluriiiK the iilpiit !,' Ill U til OrU4jr. , , tii lu "f l.lrenw X IJ,ilinle would he delivered iii iy her :!a' i; i:j.-t in nr tlu .i:nirr liirrl- vla, H.' . nr Ituirirl lurwlrr, i ii"-t .; TIMBER SALE X C38G. i.annt, ai virwria. imh uirr .ill the (Tin rtjtf uf rtrnlrinlxT. ier wilt I alluwi-rt for r iiiiImt imrlinilnrn nf the r.hler Fon-a. It.C or Umlrlrt f'urel-r, .fl, II.' - ,riiui'i hi I im iHti'rtivnn i,v nil. ,.. . , fl at t iriona. not niirr .. '".!"' H" ttll liny of Octolier, ilm imreimv nf l.lpwi.'e X S4l, inn. nun f...., ... ........ u...,,.. M-li ... , .. . ' ' i'-'i't, .-iii',,.; iit lulmiin on an area altuutfil "'""I'lllull'ai C.iivb llr.nl,, ClmnmO. 'nM lilntrlrt. ."' t in ip HHP ll..l ... ... . ., irt,.; "'; """. or I lie i nirr. rnrra leilirla. I.llt.in. I,,. .-I... i,..,.r V fllltk..., V, ,wilH,., nil, u.v, . Made Big Haul and ami the the dm know i: Kiiiiiie niT. lunin iiuiL me winner were capturcti py wTO be ..W,e.l for re- Urr M)U. Uillg "Kill lf. Uli I tine paei tninir hmve pliiiini'd to make a hig haul TriKleis will lrcelatl by It of vliule in one night lirmuiup in ten. IUk inolher-ln-lnw tin iur-iiae .r Lircntr x isM. hrouvh her uncanny powers, be. .iinu r.el of spnire. llrmhirk.l ,i i i of this ami iinmedu mi on an area aiiuaieti ..n iiM-.rame aware f klll.. niver. at ihe mi and ft,.y predicted thai her poll was jiiui. lunar t, Coan Unrt . , 7 Koinp to deliver ten whnles, ami r- will lie allowed for rc- llllllM'l artli 'iijn uf Ilia Chlrf K'in"- II,' nr IMKirlrl riireMrr, Mirt. i. i TIMBER SALE X 5430. fan the people helieveil her. When morninu came the prent nionslcr was in siphl from the shore nml the people walcheil the peculiar looking creature, gradually in- 'rcnsliiK sire il came ' Ijuwla, at vuiorta, not later in as ai the ?in iiajr ur srpieniiwr, I nearer. Finally It came riphL up Hie nurrlhiae fif Llrrurn X tl30,. . . . , , , i..,i0 im jara fine TIm. mi an arw'ttt tht heach hnnginp ten whales, llwi norm alMire nr Francol ,, o. i...b ,,, f0r j iH tUunl Lrtiiil liimrli'l. . ., ,, .. . ....... IIUKC II M Ml I II . i lie WIICII WIMII down to meet it and claimed that it was her god that had brought I he whales. She, was dressed in TIMBER SALE X5611. Iir dancing ili-e. and rattles and lera wilt ! remit rd ti.v the the people were nilirll ImpresM'il, Kirwifr,. not later Uwn lt"n on iljn ' nf iitiii...f loiii r,,p llii. Just I hen, however. the "t MiTiii-r Miii, near siwin i young bridegroom rnnte oul of !ie(;i!irk,",riJ.rrrt ,,r ',tarv,", '"' in,M,Mi ,f ho wniw eri win be aiiowit for ra !aiu Insultingly said, il with irony ' r lltiiluti. ' . . i . . I ;.i linllM,.l..u ... I'....d ' .ill. Ill nin.L III' -..I ,.l 1 ,11, 1, t I'l'l-erl. It.C the puiH-tm nr lalrrnrp X ftMft. ri in nr niui rprurp; i nml Jufkiune iV on n arm 1 111 that uk..al. ..I - r l..wu.ld Itillim. i;(u, i...ri , ' ir will be allotted Tor re I Of I nil,... , ti. . .... ..... . . i . "' , It.li . or IHidrlc't Kuiwler. IUl. -, Ii j; TIMBER SALE X 5250. innt lie a won ioreicr, der.ful wilcli." So great was the TIMBER SALE X 5515. ! 41 V . jr . . .i " 'III IHI lliat 111. d.e f Ikliiltatl shock to the woman who wns in Tqil1 iTTilii rm rXm ityfiTiltTnTTTini A daughter thinks Her mother's head Ik solid hone When she insists A Kirl still needs A chapfyone. come nitnig Iiang on, FEDERAL GEOLOGISTS a... m a a Send for, Free Recipe Book. 1-1S-JI The Man in the Moon SAYS:- Mite Chnptiel on Ihe sou! h and th" Al. askan unittiti i. lioundary i.ii in in i j on ,.ii Hie in., ii, norlli 1 1.. ap ! ...I... !... ii.toH .tit district litis year. I'V RETAIL MARKET Sugar and Smoked Meats go up and Butter Vyill FcJIoW Tl(e price fif flour i droppinsr on the liical market mid a reifun-tion in feed nriceM may lie exnecl ir you would like lo lie mire nf-ed within the next weekt alwayn havuiK a supply of fresh Tle (.ujrap market advanced imi'i' cotintry mUk from cioiccit twice lal'Nveek, l&c'on Tuesday miry cowh keep a few tin of ami i'.c on Frjday per hnndr' m. i.naricM miik in die houe all llij' lime. Lee it for every milk i ceil. All yroaei'K have it four i.c. linr' !piiii)und . on 'ilario solids Kra'rt; '. Itiii'ersiill litnf Jack Turnips, pep 100 . . . I pound. A raw Miliar advance on the New Yijrk iiinrk"l warrants further iiumeilinte ailv;uice liee hut tin londiliuu will. potiihlV eae off when the heavy canninp !eaoii i over. TU p,j r r : : rl tiieiime for hMiWive- JIK XIVIUCII VU. LiimilKU,n tin VANCOUVER. Condensary at South Sumas, B.C. their caimiiiif of, fall fruils I for price nre a I their lowest and the supply of peaches will soon' tie closing. Plums are ail oyer, (being replaced, by prunes ami Itrihsh Columbia pears are com. ing T.here are price' reductions in the mot of vegetable and, fruit lines. J'umpkiiis, liubbard squnsh, vegeialde niajrow, apd,. cijron are, just making their appearance here. Ihe midl or her .eremAny with The orange market is. very firm all the people wntcti.ng and with advances of from, 5nc to wondering, thai hc fell down and Sl.lirt a cae durinp the nasi fif- dled from cry shame. f.en days. Th- ory f tins witch ami the The potato market is firm on motislp- nre tolii in pictures on pood keeping ock while cheaper the Joiem of the (Inula family. grades grown by ihjiiee are weak at the nieriy of the buyers' St i.i. H mint-ill ' . nun B' i, 1 1 The butter market advanced Ihree cenln I'uesday prcced A lw;o tine cent advance during 2 the previous fourteen days. Hut. 'ter is il ill being miIiI in the city, liowover. at form.t'r price wbieh wjl advance, nimn, j GliW i" finn. having ad-itiiueiMl lc to 2c per week for the P sale I three weeks on Ihe whole. markeL Tin- retail market. M KM I (Kits of the grain com- '."wever. wil not permit of fur-mi. simi are here tryjng lo find l,,Pr 'lvance. 4 out if this Is n .uiiHhle outlet for 1 Br market is firm and lo-grniu on this cbasl. Wbj burden ral "'' ""' them wdli a stream of talk Jii.t M,,n r" ry uncertain and let them leak at the hnrhor'and JT not accepting onlerl then al the nmp. V"" 'Hverie ejiecially , ipork which i expected tu advance' NO married man netl read Ihe M"m-pau-ul meJielne ailverlimenls. , s"'l m"alM. ham ami bacon. Hi wife can IHI him what i. the '-! aotuii.-e,, , oc ... mailer will, liimeir. i"' V',A" ,1 """"' """; , "'" j U. t.. Mackintosh apples, which YKS, we Iihvk no hitnanas, hut ure ihiiiK wj? hate the ttlimnle. THK llapjter shakes her little Itohhftf Insid, IhoXh mirror ahd winVars on n Utile' more rouge hihJ: powder wijli a touch or two to Hi.' eyelii'ows and mills a beauly xpol and then she nre recogiiiyni io lie rar superior lo Aii)erican grown Mackintoshes, will arrive during the coming week. The opening nrice will h nniarkn: Well, clothes, Tin. going Hrivil n 'It' niiHii inwn. it you ttiiin in A STITCH in Ijme, saves, a blush. JUS'i; list Jo the story Of Johnny Mcuirc Who rati Hi rough the streets With his trousers afire, .lie went to Ihe doctor Ami fainted with fright When li.bl wild a smile Thai his end was in sight. 1.. Mitui ft nil rt ....... r..M...Mn. ...... I in Ihe, ', , ' " ",'",a.,i'"' Present retail, prices prevailing in Ihe city are, as follows:)1 Alberta Ilollyhrook lYand'Tljonf Dairy X. 1 Buttery. Lard Cheese Napoleon I.iinberger iliijuefijrt ... . . . Yellow;. Hantapi Corn , ,., . pears in a volume, which Huh Just ;uliflower. per bend, I , issued fro,,, the f ral de-; ; t"' ':,r partmenl of mines. 'The report , let . was prepared by Dr. V. iTiiiitimlitnl Dolmage. (;u,.umllrs less luce iVe aches, per crafe quantities llbsV '5c Iq -I"'";'"" ' C.arUc, imt.orted, per lb,, n.app.t.g in he district. Ton,a'loes, oul.VooiV 2 IK v- ,.,...,v , ....,...., "i- Kic d Tomatoes. 5 In basket Penr, Vancouver Dartletli, 45c 45c' 40c .. 23q . 0e ?I,Q Alberta '.T 40C H.ii. Fresh ... 55c 11.(1 i'llllels 45c MAKE THEIR REPORTS '-1 - v,- volume i.sucu ov ueparunent of (:u AusL Onions Mines Containing Interesting Wrilla Walla Onions, Information for all In- H-U- Ojiions, sacks . . terested In Mining ;ll"r'. - . jltcels, per lb. .. .. A detailed report on sctilogical 'fot;' P01" ftP - condilions on the section or Ihe i" r in. ... coast, including holh iiiuinlitiiil Vari-ult.. per 100 ... . ami islands between Douglas 'u' " I.T.' '!!'. , b 35c 50t; 5Qc New Potnloes. top's 2.25 .... 1.25 . ... 25f .i. . . 4c. ... T. $2.50 . 25e 1 ! i : f 50 lbs. . Wale'rmelon e.Hacon. back 2.5u!naeoti, sliced . ? i Veal, shoulder Veal, loin . . . Veal, leg A WQVtkrWMk Reputation The head 9 one of this country's great manu-Cturing institutions says: 'The Man who builds and the man who buys are both beneficiaries, of reputation.. To, the. one it is, a continuous spur and incentiyeto te other, the strongest of all guarantees that what he buys is worthy." Patronize the manufacturer or merchant who, has a reputation for honesty and .fair dealing. Such motives must actuate the, consistent advertiser. The man who invests real money in, building a reputation, for himself and his merchandise cannot afford to risk any.1 of it by taking unfair advantage of his customers. He must retain the good-will of the buying public. Without this, his business cannot succeed Every time he advertises he puts his reputation in your, hands. His products or the wares he has for sale must make good. His service must bs as, adyertisedj. That is why it pays to. read, advertisements, to deal, with advertisers and to buy advertised goods. 45c!(iasalia melons ... ... ... 50c Oraiges, Sunkist, ilot. 25c to L,e,mpns, ,uukisi, per upz. . . Itananas, 2 lbs. ... ... ... Grapefruit, Calif, 2 for . . . . Comb honey ... .. Dates, bulk, 3 lbs 5!;U Almonds 5c . . . . . l'ork, shoulder J!ork, loin . . . , . . Pork," leg .. lOo Heef, potronst, 5c, 10c Tjeef, boiling .. r.n. 50o n. i .. i. 40c 4o i5c lion of, the general characler or. (ir,,,:- pfckflng Tou,utoesf5lh. 25c !U?IW' """J. " lied Cabbage, II standpoint ami deals with all jinp,,,!;!,,., varieties of m'las inenliouing ,lunjmr, 's.Vuasli '. ." I most, of the iiimint jiropcrl If VBt'uW Marrow .. i cxisliug. II prcseiils very valu- ilron .V. abe informal hot for prospectors p Fruit and those interesje.l, in mining Apples. cooking,4lrs t,l,Til!'. lApiiles. aruveiib'iii'n.' . ..... 'The volinii') l fonlnjiUA liCaijlaloujies, . . ." 20c, am,25i report by J,.r(. WJ:k H'list mi Muskmel.ins . . . .T.'20c mti'. iSo. geOlogh'ai reconiinissani .('.rnpes, AfalaKas. 20c ii.-ittri-ii mi: ixiAiiii.t. oii.i i,i..ii, fi .j;; uper, niiiuys ... ... llivers lnV, r.a'. Di Hanson ..prunes per basket .. . 5( conlinued . 1 1 i similar work ..,i. In ... t iK., he ..... ...r..: . .t . f . .'i Heef, roast prime rib 40c Mutton, leg, ... -Al uj ton, chops . . Co Mutton, sjto.ubler, 6c Lamb, leg, ., fie Lamb, clj.ops A . fie llantlt; shjmblf r4 ... ... a ol Feed 25c Wheat, No. 6 .... S2.GQ lOeWhea), N.. 3 25c 5pc 1.50 Patfs run.... ... iyiorifS ... . Poullry Mash llay, carload, per ton uay, lass, per ton A 0 2.45 1.80 K90 2.40, 3'.Q0. Yes, it is worth your while to Read The Advertisements J?2.50 . . 8c' . 10c 75c 50c 35c! 25c j 40s 40c i Dates, Dromedary 30cl ilaisins, bulk, 2 lbs 35c Itnisius, package, lb. 20c' ' Nuts ::r 35ei II il riis.l f!tlaanfd lliiif.iin iiii'i tttt' a ... yainnls, 'California No tt'.l....l. M....l....t..' ... ttllllllld, .11(1111 11.11 14111 , Sugar Tiie. per too ... ... . V'eliow, Ser'10n ... Flour KJour, Ill's, No. 1 bread Pastry flour, til's .. . . Fish lied Salmon ... ... Halibut' . . 1 :ac 50c 25c lrt.fi5 ' 10.254 . 2.10 . 2.25. 25c 25c Meats Ham. boneless' .W 65c " j. Ham whole 1 0c to 50c .. .. 50c 15c to tiOe .... 1 8c .... 35o . . ..'25c 25c 35c 32c . ... 10c to 15c 8c lo 10c. 25c to 35c 35c 35o 2c 45c 45c 28. Ton. $48.00 $54.00 IQ.0.0 135.00 30.00 45,0Q 27.00 $Vo.oo 3 '.ii 4: p Canadian National, Ratilyf:ay .Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD ?PHn. Tr , fOfSgg, Ton FloaHng, ry. ea, EnglnMra, Kachlnlata, Bollermahara, lackarnltha, Pattern makers. Founders, Woodworkers, Clsu Electric and Acetylene Welding. Our plant Is equipped, to sadle all kinda of lUarirtP anil fr.A mprr.al W sy I;, .1 ii.uiiuv a,a, wwii iaiyafca r i (HOWS 43 Al VTWvOlUA. Sept. 2l. Hefugct's-; - W yn in tl ncKinrrcnpo -JYlA i i ia 1 IX Dr. Jos. lyiagure tRooms 7, 8, 9 Smith Block .atead of Vii, the quake sbatlered regions ripau who artie here during ja5Bek end on Ilm liners Ein- Office Hours, 9 to V Phone 575 Lady AatwUnt jr Asia and r.urpressi (C lia will proceeil lo Van- aboard the vessels instead Sg in Victoria. They ate uumher, according in Vports. Virtually all Vs are on the Australia. ,are aliead of schedule Of the iuake. 1 LEADER IS -J TO ALERT BAY SpetialTepoiSM W. have been, f.ortunale iu securing an assorted crat . ,,n H of Old English Teapots whfch we have priced "exceptionally i"1'1'11 l'1,Ml low. There are several styles' and sixes to choose Iran). on, of iTices run rrom 00c to $1.60. They are now' on display in our window. fsja'tt force in "W!l n