I I I. Karly for Xmas Gifts Full Slock now in. family SHOE Store Third Ave. Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations for that Christmas visit to 1 lie Old Land early. For Tickets, Rale9 and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRS INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. The Home of Domestic Bread Dread is your best fpod. Eatjm.ore of il. Kept by the leading grocers. La Casse Bakery Phone 190. Third Aw. Prince Rupert B.C. Stove WOOD We have just received a car load of up river wood, guaranteed seasoned and dry. Size cut to order. For Prices, call HydeTransfer Phone 5S0. Service and Quality our Motto. KING GEORGE CAFE First Class CHOP SUEY and NOODLES. Furnished Rooms to Rent. Prices Reasonable. Phone Blue 471. Second Avs. REDUCE HIQH COST OF LIVING.. Eliminate the draught around your windows and use less coaL SEE OUR PATENT WEATHER STRIP For Doors and Window. G-lasa and Mirrors of, all kinds. T. ROSS MACKAY. Phone Blue 188. GOOD YALUES AT A Mr MP K KKS i Bla Big S... Sale I. Is Being BmTwell well Received Heceivetr Special Sale of Boys' Cloth ! Ing This Week j T.he Acme Importers, an old es. lablished men's and boys' clolh-' ing house, has been forced tol ft vacate its present preni.ses on jThinl Avenue owinp to the ex- Jpiration of the lease. Lipsih IHros, owners oi the business, I.n-A lit cnll mil IKaIk a. Hire t0,000 .tock at less than j :manufacturers' prices'. I This well known clothing em IMirmii) nas always carrien a lnr o.nif.ri. I i.k rmr viibiirn- ua-large and varied range of several ur phi ani ixij i am a dirrm-nt well known Knglish brands of m.,n- tna w,,uM ,- t m clothing and underwear. The I closing out sale, which com- menced last week, has tteen well,'"' ' nr-. , .... . . . . rfff-lnl nf price by Tin- T. MIHiurn Cm.. received. The genuineness of the Llm(lVdi 0Jn bargains offered has particularly appealed to the people of the city and the surrounding country, Many keen buyers are taking this opportunity to stock up their household with clothing. Xmas) shoppers are also taking ad vantage of Ihe sale to purchase j Vuletide gifts. While the sale by has been very well patronized to dale (here are still a great number of bargains being offered. This week the Aem,e Importer will put on a special week for boys. Their advertisement appearing. in (hii paperJtoday gives a few of the exceptional bargains offered. During Ihe term of the sale the Daily News , will carry advertisements setting out the iccial bargains. It will be to of Hie interests of every subscriber to read I lies.' advertisements and profit thereby. REBAKAH BAZAAR WAS FINE SUCCESS oi About $250 was Realized at An nual Lodge Affair on Saturday Afternoon The annua bazaar of Hie Ite- bekah Lodge held on Saturday afternoon was a very successful affair in every way and about 25.0 was realized. The booths were prettily decorated in pink and green. Mrs. Jack McKechnie and Mrs. Jack Mcintosh assisted at the tea tables. HUBERT WARD'S BOAT SANK SATURDAY NIGHT Considerable Damage Done to I Engine and Fittings of Pleasure Boat "Eva." I Hubert Ward's gasoline boat .. .... ol II. I. I..... a.u, uni t " ill. inn ,,.iir; wharf, sank on Saturday night due to rain penetrating and the sea water flowing through Hie ehausl. With nothing but Hie forepeak above water, the. craft was taken to Cow May by the Pachena yesterday afternoon. Considerable damage is done to Hie engine, fillings and interior of the boat. A salmon fishing boat also lied up at Hie Westview wharf sank at the same time. PICTURES AT THEATRE Work of Mooseheart Shown to; Audience and Address Delivered There was a very larire audi- lence in Hie NV'estholme Theatre yesterday afternoon' when nh- jiure of Mooseheart an ihe work lieing carried on by Ihe Moose Lodge at it industrial and tech nical insiiiuuon mere were shown. The films were of hlgl quality and proved ,a revelation lo inany of the audience. . waiustem, aisirici super- sots Net UK 5IlJPPrcH I1VPR mi wuyyuiwii viiuii. MA IK HIM KKKI IlKllWNY -...-'-.i.-, AllU llKtLI ALL lHt llMfc ; M Ustr j, WIihi j-inir iivr l-iiie luririh nl l,W)I'LK;.wr( Mif owls. They inanivf jimr M Viith Mirrw. imt when iflerw i nolhinp do- "?h """"jing and Ihc, when .on,e.hinp n a" "m u" ul - u -' I nilla tlutV ulll ft Hull I uUif fMU Vff 4Wiy , vttxr inrt p.MHi miu-r rmm ih im. tini prr-m, m-rii t r-iif'-. in iipii-ti.n iriir. rnmi a ne- ih in lirinr iiiJiriitr. Mr. E. huh. r.i n-miH-oiiie. s.b utIim: "1 id bwn irtubltHf ulih my iiit r aim irii un'-fi iiti urn sii iir-- .., -, ihiI,h,P "u" "'"nihp Irt , her lln.f. and i unabfr i d.t mr mora h- Ikmi.' Miibnm'5 Laia-Liw riiu are v visor of the Loval Order of Moose. delivered an, address and selections were played byplenty of chance In win n priie the orchestra, the services oftin which together with the use of ' . Hie theatre were kindly donated ; the management, i as The Man in the Moon SAYS:- OMK 'clergymen gel more excited over church union Jhan they do, over religion. WHAT Is heeded in all lines endeavor is 'men on tho con struction pans. Ihe SOME of the girls are wear so ing golf stockings. There are eighteen holes in I hem, nine in llie each and there seems little hope on me. game ever reing eniiei. in A RESIDENT of Ihe-United Stales says Canada is kept along their, northern Jioilndary lo acl as a filler through, which immi gration -front other countries ly may pas. After a few years in Canada I hey ' make splendid American citizens, declares our friend. - be LIFE is full of surprises. Some lay the mill will - ie running and it i possible ;no, one. will kick about, the way Ml i operated. ' That ' would ; be He greatest surprise, THE way o "enjoy an: election of lo have if iir some other country. THERE are .several old I driers MILLBANK Monday, Novembei .a L, PAGE FOUH. THH DAILY NEWS. BRINGING UB FATHER By George McManm Shoes l VkTEO TO I TA.LK WJTH -tOOrV HOW XCO JO'aT PS K J KNOW VHO'i i II - ' l II a I 1 I MMMV i I l WOCMTER r.eD WW THERE. rr-C n tMR"! OlC4 POT ME I'LL -SinOW voO POT Tim JCRR-HOC OOT or THE HOOtG! WHO'V) WWW M OOT For All Family Members " of the was j ffe l8 1 Select your - iers; - i 71 -v u. ty .v i i ii j i i. -i bbbbbv t i P,,ft wl,on 'v rcad Hie leading .ilnrv in lod:iv s tianor p r. I''N go out anp ti.em. T here !, an old iieci of '-P fn lhe Dally News ...lice if r(,prt ..ar(.iy. jwnrth while happens Ibey i silenl in the tree lon and lei Hie other birds enjoy life. -- WE get our cash from the Slates and give them men in exchange. I'rince Hapert has already handed the U.S. a I ill I quota of men, so now she has n In these days of advancement il is !. had lo (iae to scare up Ihe ghost of Charles t. to aid us in a fighl fojr Sunday uiuic. That is what - is being done in Vancouver. TIIKHK are nr may be several candidate" in the field for Ihe mayoralty. Kleelnr- will have Hie big -lollerv-, . . ". T1IEHE is to be a new paper published in Vancouver known The Ladies' Mirror. If il is J-janylhifig like the ordinal-' mer-icury backed variety il should show a lot of ciirjou specipiens. especially if looked inlo in Ihe early imirning - : r H Sport 'Chat -a Ihe standard of play set in Senior b.skelball league this season in Ihe first three matches far played has left little" lo be desired from the standpoint of fans who have been treated each occasion to games that certainly have not been lacking excitement and closeness. Tonight the Colls and Sons of Canada again go to Hie floor both confident of success. They have proved themselves so even matched thai there can be nothing certain beforehand about the result.- In Hie Ladies' League Hie Adanars meH'tlie Teachers and Ihe Intermediate match will between the IHgh School and f'rollji. Senior League basketball scoring totals lo dale: W. Mit chell (Colt-O. 27 J. II. Mitchell (Teacher), 2; E. Smith (Coils'. I; II. Menzies (Sons Canada), A, Lane (Teachers ', 10; A. A. Easson (Colts). t(i; E. Mackintosh (Sons of Canada , 13. D, Oraliam Sons of Canada II II. Aslori Sons Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PER WOKO IN ADVANCE. No Adrtlmnt Taken for Lmm than BOc WANTED WANTED. Mcn and women toL learn barbcring. Paid while ' learning and tool free. Write for catalogue. MMer HarberJ, College. Vancouver. B.C. ( v .i a i fa at f kf i ( ifr In atl vale home, to follow up maternity case perferred, for short period. Phone Illue 3i8. DELIVERY HOY WANTED. - - Apply Mussalleui Sncery Store. Phone 18. If FOR SALE SNA I' EDISON PIIONOORAPII. new. with fifty records and attachment for needle record, cost 300.nn. cash price irf. Apply II. II. Hemming. Furniture Store. snn FOR RENT FOR RE.ST.Six nome, fur nished house for four month. Fourth Avenue West. Apply P.O. Ilos'VSl. City. 277 FOR RENT. Small furnl"lie. bungalow in Section 2. Apply, Prince Rupert Insurance Agencies. If FOR RENT. Furnished ivn roomed collage. Fully modern, close in. Phone Illue STEAM Heated Flat for rent. Besner apartments. M. M. Stephens. FOUR ROOMED FLAT to Rent. Steam heal. Apply Smith ,V Mailed. If FOR RILNT. Modern house, five rooms ami bath. Apply Monro Uros. tf MODERN four room flat for rent. Westenhnver Bros. tf ROOMS TO RENT in Wallace illock. Apply Slorc. tf LOST LOST. While rowboat in Prince Rupert harbor. Finder pleaso phone fireen 102. Reward. ROOM AND BOARD PALMER HOUSE. 106 Seventh Avenue West. Phone Red 49". Furnished suites. of Canada i; W. Lambie i Teacher;, 8; H. S. Hurn ('IVachers;. n; V. Menzie (Son of Canada ; , I; (i. Mitchell, J Kelly and S. Hazell .lone 'Coll), ; A. Mitchell (leach er , 2. Intermediate League II, Our- vlcli i;oiis), :i2; w. i;avaiier Elk., IT,; J. Kelly (Colts). 2d; D. Ourvich Mligh School). It; A. Mitchell rlligh Scl I). II W. Lambie Mirollo). 10; M lludenicli (tdl), 8; R. Smith Coll , 8; fl. Shenlon (Elk;, ;10; V. Meagher (Elk), rt; ) il'rizzell (Coll), W, W. Oray. W iWralhall ami . L. Anderson (Orotlo), 2; E. McLean (High School), 2; E. Crngg (Elk), I Ladies' League Miss Myra j Harvey (Maple Leafs), 20; Mi S. Caideione (Maple l,eafj, 16; Mis M. (irahani (Maple Leaf), 1 10; Mis M. Casey (Kaletis), 10; i.MIs l.eona Parker (Adanacs), V; Miss A. Morrison (Kalen, 7; Miss II. Ilrochu (Kaieus), I; Mis C. Milcliell fleaClier), .1 ; Mis N. Pryce and Miss M. Liud say ' TeiltlWlVf , 2; Me' A. Slenh ens (Maple Leaf), 2; Mis V. Shockley 'Ailanan), 2; Miss Willa Dyer' 'Adanacs), I. Prosperous advertising means regular continuous advertlelD. t4 .! "PIQS IS PIOS" but PURE BRED YORKSHIRES FOR 'SALE out of Mae of Ablere T. 5'J5o by Springdale Tornado 28.87 Hrt are the Iwst. Litlers of t(. 1.1 and 17. Write J. L. large. QueeU Charlotte City. AUCTION SALE. am.IHIA .i.h or high gra.leCblrlou tow, tni) j,,,,,",, , " , fiirnlliire- at S.30 p.m. Timr io in- nim. . Ta Mllre thai I. Thnrnaa X A M iv , November Vin.,ur - 3V. at , 23? i of Vmmitrr. B.C. unuiium I j. Fourth Avenue Wel. Chifrobe. ,,,,,,,, . ... . (.hesterfieltl and rhair, N nl- nut bedroom suite. Simoiula beds, bridtre lamit. l.imeire dinner set. I.runswick phonor graph. .-l limmiinily plate. , ... rugs, tables, curtains, pic- lures, linen, kitchen nien.il.. elc. Phllpotl, Evil i .V 0.. tii.li,M.M .un i BOARD. HOARD. The Inlander. 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. If FOUND FOUND. Two key, on string, Apply Dally News Ofllce. REPAIRINQ ANYTHINO IN CANVAS. Phone 786. d. LeClalre. Cow Hay. MISCELLANEOUS. (!. ANDERSON. S.iilmaker Sail and Tarpaulin made to order Mid repaired. Third Avenue, jpposile Pioneer Laundry Phone (ireen .192. P.O. Itox 723. 280 HELLOI OLD TRAPPER. Whether you are young or' old you waul to make money. Don't ell your fur ralrh until you have seen me. I want your fur you want my money. W. GOLDBLOOM, The Trapper's Friend. Second Ave. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone. (Call Georgs or Gust) Ross Brother. Prompt Service ami Comfort Day or Nlghl Stand: Boston Grill Third Avenue CHIROPRACTOR R. D. TASSIE, D.O. Chiropractor 3rd, Avenue, Prince Rupert, H.O. Hours: 10 to 12; 2 to 4; 7 lo 8. Phone Illue 625. Resilience, Oreen 136. AUCTION SALES. 0 I lloiighl. Sold or Exchanged H. H. HEMMINQS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave. Phone Illack 136 nnd Red 112. ri(H WARCMOUSf AND DOCK, fRINCI ftUPEflT, C. Tenilrr are Invlli-d for tli- pnliae nf a Hli W'arrlHiiise and N,rk al I'rliH'e lliilirrt, '.'.T.".'. H.C.. . ihii.di.ii ererleii In miT ia at a r.,,j .r approthiwlrly flT.tiHl (Hirlmliiifr Jill way spur i and It uule on a port Ion 5',..,- '"."."'.rS" "l"rk ,J"" - l-r iire llupert. II.C. V. .'" " nf fill ferl--Is lirld midrr Lease fn.lil Onnd Trunk I'arlrir Hallway .rjiinpsny. rii.ir-in it, itr rrrrivro iij liw iiihmt - iliemiibrr. al If nVlmk ilhsi and In be rri.ni.anirii uy a ilrpn -,r a' A "I Hie tiu.Mini oi irinirr. "ws4;i The loweNl tr am trmlrr lint rtrcr. arlly arrepted. ' inrinrr I'trilruljrt on appllratlnn, I'. J. i:oi I.TIUIlli. I.iiilclilr, llltnilii pivlnr Oi., or ll.f!. I.ld. Sew VVeainiliitlrr, (l.C. M, M. STri'lll'NA V 4.O., I.TIi., tprlill, Prince luifert, P.C. EXPERIENCED CORSETICRt Orders taken fur Sptrella Good Mrs. J, M. Qrahtman Kaien Shoe S' tm, 7 1 See ond jvenuYjf CHIMNEY CLEANINQ Modernle Pricey ' OLD NICK Prlnro Jtupcrl Cigar. 5re ' ' Phone lilue v LAND ACT. NalU af lalantla ta ! la rrckM lantf. In Oal IjihI Imirtrl. R, r..ntint ,lnrl of iTlnr huperl. aort lit opeytof. inUM w appir . t, .lo plirrliaMi Ihe fotfciamr derriU i rjnttwnrtnt at a t ilamed a rumhea Inlet. Uteti-' .UMiiMianr or T.u nil. ibetK "-r ' " t.i..: " M' aMiUierlt. ant tollnalnr lb Wf mam of Cunuhea InM u u p. . IJ!: r,tT' thovki . itu.r.r .... . .'' iiiiMi Harijffriir waib LAND ACT. , Nellca af IMaala la Aaalf U f arcktM Lisa. In Coatl Land Puuirt etMw t- Irttt of Prtwe, lioprrl.t .and ui Itlaml. tliWtVtHl4t l-V al the header AUi IttkL . - - Taie OH I . Thrn- tf- ( Vaneaier. t C areupali-rfi 1 . optftr, InletHl lo itpl It.r ta rsirfhiie the Mkivint drnVy ijimmrnniv ai a pntt piantMi abort if All) IhVI. tlxHil i rh- erljr rmm a line nt i,t t".' fc.ulh ll.lt rhamt: ibtnm eatl rbaina; I he we nnh l.f T -iiai rolhivlnr the hlfb i!t ru( Iv (adflt ut rrMMtteneenvnl. ami It M aerea. iwe of !. tiiomi a. untr im A i Paled septcrolier tlia if J, LANO ACT. j . NetUa af lataetla ta Apalf tVLeeM ta4. In Cal Und Imirtrt. hf,.r1iiijr Irttt of Ptinr hoperl. tb -n at the brad nr AIM Intrt. I T'" I-'' Luen r.barMle NUtul. TTZ.' Take .lotlee inn I, tlsi A, nf VatMwoier. H.C.. ofrnpailMi lit. t operator, inien.1 to apply for or In Irate Ihe rtdlealfif dVernird ' .Ham. Cunmenetaf at a pM pnlr, "" ' nor line of AUI Inlet, itiil :fe n nnrtneait of lb aohrat mrvr ' : ' 0Tr,. tnenrr 9. "il more or leaa. n Ihe opposite ah-fe ' AUI Inlet; Ibenre southerly, elerii fl diartherir. and foilnwlnr aild abor i -Ue pt4tif of rommrnrrncnt. and Ina SJ.tS a -rr a. nutr lets. TlloS A. trl VrT fiinie r Mi" " 1 haled .eptntier tilh. till L1ND ACT. . Netke of Intaatlan ta Apply ta Letts in nail IJinn tiitiriri. Heriirniua irlrt of pnnee nuperl. and In Cuioihrna Inlet, aiorer I Onreti rharlntle Itlanda. Tike Entire thai I. .Tbnmai Vk' 1 1 of Vaneoeter. B.C.. nernpatlon I ti Oprrator. Intend 10 apply f-ri ptani-ln Irate the flblrr ttlM,, " hnre: 1 1, i , .. mmmenrlnt at the aj.tnneet' nirnrr T.I.. : thrnre aoinh 1 rftamt u-"' 9.SS irr.. 11.11 rhaliu. tbrnre n. rhilni; Ibenre northerly and ne'leriv fnllnu In m ttw, aiwir nt r.tituanrlkt t lo the point of rnniinenrenieht. ariif lalninr 11.11 arret, mure or lettf THOMAS A. W.J.I.M Mame nf AprH'l1' Paled Srplrmhrr ttlb. I'll. CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. MOTICE IS IllliniV C.IVFN Out I'" reterre mverllill Chmiiel lMfrti il-at ihe ipouth of nirdnrr 'JBal. IWO" ,' (:,! intirlrt, and fnnneriv Aivt" ' 1 TlinlsT l.lrenry Tin. (If II It ranr. II. ! a. n. xurv Pepnfy MinKier iX I ni I andt tirpartinrni, Vlrtorla, B.C, tllti Ortober. I(ir , LAND ACT. J . . Citlltp Land Dlatrlct. Dlttrlct of A.lln, c; Tiki: iiTit:r: that iirrtnaiil h Allin, II.CT. iM-iupMli.il miner, line'"1' ; ...l.ltf In. ..r... I ... ... .......Iikcik tUP ' Inwlna (IctrrllM-il lamlt finniHien"" , p,,,, planted al Ihe imiiilli I " Grr,.k nMr f fll(Mw, " Tilb Like and mimliii VU 11 rr .oo .fifteen hundred f-"l. "", ' elerly In Uk r: llK-lirLir.- '" dine o IMiliit of nmiinrnreini'lll, 1 "ii"" r...... ....... ... i... i iKllAI.I' Blio'it' . Or fUth I(f1 CORPORATION Of TMf C1XT'of PRINCl fifth RaaaaH action S. ihe 1 " IMrrk up lo p.ni, on TiiiiMiii ' her to , lUf 3, rr llie ahovsfcWilk, ''. InrriMi.tilr.n Mf.,1 rr.rfu r iiA,lir inn' nhlalnrd al Ihe nfrire nr llie Cll? I"' err. The liiweM or' any Under Ij'd nef' arily acrrpled. J" Hy ordrr nf the cny CnunrU. . r. w rnui", city f-W.-t rtnvrmber to, '