. ,ll ll.e officers look part in the j; mrwmlr. morning and .evening services at' tr urn, f UlllMIUt-ll SCOTCH INFLUENCE nirr nr nnnnnnTinu ! ' Dr. H. R. Grant preaches to Members of St. Andrew's Society at Presbyterian Church i P.AOR TWO. THE DA HA' NFAVa. Monday,-December Ji, jo. The Daily News aH kKHaLMalaH iH 1 Lv sLa hLe hil iLe hLi kLi kLv Vl Bl Bh BBi1BBT BBl BBl PRINCE tfUPEKT ... BRITISH COLUMBIA L.JbJbJbbJbJbbJHJbJHbhb bbI H H bblbblJblJbmJbbJHbb Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Princa Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. ' i SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month. .$1,00 lly mail to ull part of the British Empire and the United Stales, . in advance, per year. .$60)0 l'u all other win iilnes, in advance, per year. .$7.00 TELEPHONE ft Transient Display Advertising $1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page, .$2.80 per inch Local Render, per insertion. ...... . ,, . , . . . ,25c per Jine Classified Advertising, per insertion .2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion . . , , ...... 1 5c per agate line Contract Rates on Aoplication. All advertising should be in The Daily News Office on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. " Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Monday, December 3, 192.1. 0 A I V ATFfiM A DMV i,asis "f "",'r influence through JALVHllUll HlX fll l orl.J. They wee fro.,. COMMISSIONER a small country with a sniiUI .population ami Ihe conn try was in .many parts tirt a fertile uneA yet the Scottish people had hail a profound influence on the Visiting City and Several Meet- world, n was out or all projior-Ings Were Held! Over the jlionln tli size of the country or Week End 'he numlier of its people. The visit to Hip city of Com- INDIAN WOMAN "WMAn miHsioner Uo.l.ler. head of lhe.il1Um" Salvation Army in Western Can-,' AND BOY DROWN unit, sir, iiouner, 1,01. i ayior, fiidil seerelary for Veslen, Can. Boat t L Com ada l,H, n Mnndy, U.n.mission-, , Skeena Rlver WJlh er Jtoililer s private secretary, and : - .. U 1 Staff Onplain Oairuthers of ' casion for several special mocU .J. Mrs. .I'"' ,mlia" inps in the local citadel overN the week end. tkimmissioner Hod- Jarne.-woman of Port ."Million, aim her younger son, W'illio imn.l fl I Pierce. , , , . , 'I r r ui lll'll P roun der's party arrived on Saturday ,,,' . . . , , ... , . 'lay afternoon he ween 12 and 1 afternoon from Ketchikan where .' . . . ,.., ,. . , , clock when o a vrasboa m which -,n n.. i i i they attended a congress of jia- . . v.fri-..., .... i .. in "p we e conunfr down he :. ' " . '"" , Skeena lliv J.U.l III) I'lllllll .- 1 (it III. Today they are 'paying a visit In Mftla- kalla. JUa'pir. Jha,1k land iLieut.. Iti'iias of Anyox are also here in connection with the .visit" of jthe ker with James Pierce and an elder son4 aped 18, met 'with an accident near Salvtis. The engine of the boat storied and the craft hit a lopr. The stern end sank ami the boat was t-MituiiKKioiier. i ., , . . . . o..... . .. flooded. Hie unfortunate wonuin ,. wii ramrnuy evenn jr, uiere was . . , , . . ., 'a pubi c ,'mWW M&U- totfilti '"J'rmvi.e.1 ; in the xuL c, aM" l escape. James Pierce. rnrhiih.,, ii .nu-. , ho was workin? on the engine! ' " ' " YesteYHay afternoon. Commis- X ' sinner Hodder delivered highly b';a'' interesting . lecture on the Salva- tV? "? oI U"y , P"""' Imn Anmv In II- ,M1M l"I'IHK HMH If HO Ulnlr'it CTLi 1 1 T1 1 1 tr fin llin ilnlnnV.lA w- Z"Z a" ? ' younper boy out but not be- under the great organi.al ion off""! w" 'Pl Kas- HHVarmy ,he world over. Ensign .VrnT'-l f n7l 7 "Tn m i ,.i..- .. ... ...... of tlie canoe and (he body of the ARCHBISHOPS THEORY Letter to Ottawa Citizen Refers to Recent Artlcte In Church- IAK UKKY MliHAP Mi T 1 w recovered from IhelHiey toy away the evening hours. P.7,-",a:.wa" JrPatIy apf,rP: cabin fter the boat had been If Ihe vibrations of the human ;! n iiri,iril lj - i and llev. 0. 0. Hackex proposed, , . a volh of thanks to Commissioner ' jn ,a ' " J'a,,T "f ,,,rra.f Hoihlor, arrived this morning in Ihe city iriiiu " lerrace nringing .lames and 4 he .bodies, the latlern',''ivinr nijiy be assemble!, kers. of Ihe gave a most inlerevlinc mldrnua I lie reason why Scotland had on his work in Alaska and the bad such a great influence in the far north covering a period of 38 wor' was emphasized last nightjyears. He was In Ihe Yukon be-n his sermon by Dr. II. R. firant.'fore the gold rush and he told preaching especially fnr the of the progress of the country l-e-ierii f ,P member's of the 'and of the work of (he church ft. Andrew's Society, who were during J I'm! time, present in a body. Dr. r,raul ! Particularly interesting was welcomed the members 0r tn(, sj(l(. .reference in n,P address to ciety and said it was particularly Hie work among Jhe Kskimii in npnroj.riate, thai Ihey should Ihe A relic Circle, viril a Presbytf.riari church be-l There, was a large eonirreira. .nisi- i-rennyierianism, was peculiarly Scottish product. The following letter in the Citizen nfay prove of in terest to lhoe who have read of the experiments of Archbishop Du Vctnet. Editor. Citizen: Probably Aery few of J he lileners-in In the Ihe canoe tender. He -also got j"'?1''!.' programs broadcast irom many stations on.lnis continent have ever thought .of the full significance of 'ibis Jatel, wonderful invention' with which voice or musical instruments are mechanically sent pulsating through the ether and are made audible again at will wherever a A load of furs which Pierce was inlt "any mechanical cfmlrivance. bringing down the river was also "inre thought is primary ! lost. 1 speech Wflfe R0WE WAS TO SIZE OF COUNTRY I DDCrucD unirlu CHURCH LAST NIGHT Last nigld at the Anglican Chnrch Uishow Itowe of Alaska wtiy stiouui not tnouglit waves pulsale in similar fashion with- In a recent issue of the Can mlian Churchman appeared article by Archbishop Du Yernet i..l on "Radio-Mind.'1 The author has been experimenting with n siru- fple mechanical contrivance con sisting of a long pencil and a metal bob connected Ui tlie pen-riMij a short piece of siring; Ihe bob, as a pendulunv banging over an index card with Ihe letters of the alphabet conveniently arranged (hereon presumably something after the manner of ouija board. Dr. Du Yernet states Ihe purpose of this appliance is to "get a thought out of Ihe suli-cnnscinus mind and register it wiih .scienlific accur acy Hie reverse, he stales, of Dr. Cone's method. The doctor's views on the sub-conscious mind a lion present and Itev. J. S. Rrav- are interesting. He says, In part: jfield of Telkwa was present, and." '1''0 our conscious minds lend Dr. (Jranl spoke of flip native took ll.l rl in II honesty, the frugality, the in-f ' i , duslry and the religions fP f . Prosperous adv-rMsing . means Ihe Scotch people as being tbe'ronlar enntlqijnns dvertllne. " Those Who Enjoy n distinctive flavor, should try "SALADA" GREEN TEA Pure, Fresh and Pelicious at all tinea. Sold everywhere, Try it today. In individualize us, our sub-con cbus minds teml to unite us. We are all members of one vast mental complex, Slowly we are realizing our mental union with Ihe Universal MJnd." Does it not, therefore, help us o a conception of . re-incarnation. If wn rcrutrnizc that everv human .though! is immediately Caught up by Ihe ehcr nnd thus pernfailcntly' put '.on record by vibration? What is Ihis buta scientific eijilanatloh of Judgment Hook of the Jtible? These thought vibrations remain in Ihe elher a a legecy for Ihe soul which it seeks a new, physical body after ils sojourn In De. vaehan, i.e., the Hiblical Heaven, and re therefore the dclermin-ing factors in the next physical life of a human soul, Is it not time that the Church aided rather (hnn comlialed science? Slioul.t not triie thil DISCUSSED IN EAST -"';'' n'ter'wW" "" two- -C. V CRAtk. Ollaw.i. KLltNlLT KHMJUS IN LAUNCHING SUIT Insurance Company Prosecuting C.N.R. on Grounds Barge Was Not Seaworthy Ihe loss a couple of months ago of six carloads of pulp frmn the Canadian National Railway car ferry while corning north In Ihis port from Swanson Ray re sulted in ieorge F. !yles, re ceiver for the Whalen Pulp Si Paper receiving permisiim in Yancouver courts lit inslilule soil against (be railway Ciiin-pany for damage. The cargo was insured wilh Ihe Firemen's Fund Insurance Co. of San rrancisco which has paid Hie loss, I2.40(. . The py'rpose of Mr. (iyles' applicaliou was to permit -the action being prosecuted by the Insurance Com. an puny with the AYbaleii Co. as I -. iiiMiiniiii juiiiniin so as in re cover insurance from Ihe barge's owner on the prouml" that is was uneaworthy. PRINCE JOHN HAD , MANY PASSENGERS C.N.R. Steamer Had Rough Voy age and Had to Anchor for Twelve Hours Friday Night Afler another rough passage Up the co.idt in hc course of which she had (o anchor for twelve hours off Port Clements on account of the raging -south east tempest Friday jiighl, C.N. il. steamer Prince John, com- manileil ),y ,Pr uew xkipper. Capl. Neil Mel. can, arrived from Vancouver via Ilia. Oucen Cliar- lolle Islands at l:3tf Sunday morning. The vessel had about 85 passengers for this port, many of Iheui icnmlntr from Thurston Harbor, where all but one of Ihe Whalen I'ulp Si Paper Co.'s logging camps pave closed down for Ihe winter. The most of (he passenger sailed for Ihe smith on the Prince Huperl last evening. Tlie Prijicn 7ohnJ loading lumber for llje south ' tiuday nnd is scheduled lo sail op her return tiothe Islands nnd Van couver al 8 o'clock Ibis evening. I.. .lessen, ,vic president of Hoyle. Hips,, Spokane,, diamond drilling concern, passed through the city on tlie Prince flupcrt Saturday afternoon Slewart. BUILDING OF MILL bound tO COMMENCE SOON! Construction of New Riant at Atll Inlet by T. A. Kelly Starting after New Year Construction of (he new saw mill at Alii Inlet. Queen Char lode Islands, which is In be built by T. A. Kelly, the well known logging operator, will commence early in Ihe Xew Year according lo word brought lo (be rity by Ihe steamer Prince .Inlin in from the Islands. Ten Years Ago In Pilnca Rupert December 3, 1913. llbilt a few weeks Ihe new II2I1I house al Cape SI. James on the sourti end of (he Queen (.harlolle Islands will be com pleieil slates It. w. Fraer, superinledenl of j,c lighthouse department t,t (he Department of Marine and Fisheries, who is in Ihe cily. - I he total value 0 fih landed al this port during Hie month of November was y,.m., of which l 8,000 rcpresenlcd halibut. The herring run has commenced and 30,000 pounds were landed here during November. Mrs. P. I. Palmer and Mrs, .1 C. .McLennan returned from Ihe south on (he Prince C purge IhU morning, Mrs. Palmer visited in Seattle while Mrs, McLennan spent a few days in Portland. TONGUE COATED, BAD TASTE IN MOUTH, EYES TINGED WITH YELLOW Liver Trouble the Causa Mr. A. C. tfon, OniuHH-iii. out. wrlliw! "I In tii Jh-co UcuiliM villi iuy liver for a fi-w .ypr Imik, in i h Imd l rtlil not fw thin to do my work. I bml wten ila In uiy iurn,h. to Ull I roulil liiinlly uliinl lliem it llinrs- nulrd loii kiii IihiI U4le in the moiitli, fKiil1y In Uhi nioriiliiri lillf or ryn linii 1111 j'HInw, mid liml 1 iniiilily alM mllnw roiuplloii. I liiMl tud rrml dul about Vlllmrn'. t.HJ. Liver flit ami dwiilnl I UijiM irv vial, and after laklnar two or Hires I found I ireally Improved, and ran KutlifMlly say that I fell iimt like llvlnr and ran now ilo my own nik wliliont any trouble." Mllliijrn'a l.ata-Llvr iMIla are .- vial at all dealers or lll be mailed flirerj 0 rerli by Tlie T. Vllbiini Co.; Limited, Toronto, 0n, for gjjBJBBJBJBJBjBJBJBJBBJJB Services by The Pound I WET WASH ' 'Pv THRIFT-SERVICE y SOFT FINISH ' 1 A, Your entire washing done for as lowjas 75c Can you afford to do it at home?w We think not. . ' , Phone us for particulars. CANADIAN Steam LAUNDRY Phone 8 "LUMINO" Is the best Aluminum War? on tlm inarkel Uhlnp Nv shapes and sizes. New cold handli'Si 4w on display in our window nt bargain pric.ey. , ' , KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Te' 3. We Oallvtr. p.o Box 1640.