> me GOODYEAR TIRES Are better, last longer, ride easier and the famous Goodyear tread makes them safer, KAIEN MOTORS LTD. Chevrolet Dealers phone 52 and Black 379 John Lohes Riss His Life in Plunging From | The Daily x nen NORTHERN AND CENTRAL : ate a COLUMBIA’S NEWSPAPER . Crt ee cee a eet mee ,’ Tomorrow's Tides High *) 32.3 10:05 am. 19.4 ft. 22:52 p.m. 16.5 ft. LOW eee at 3:33 am. 9.2 ft. 16:46 pm. 6.5 ft. PRICE: rivé CENTS C0. OP | IS | Dominion Bank Block Unfortunate Man Struck His Head on Pavement at Cor+ ner of Hastings and Cambie Streets and Death Came Instantaneously VANCOUVER, Dec. 7:—John Loftus, aged 45, of V ouver, plunged 110 feet to his death here today when he} either jumped or fell from the eleventh storey of the Bank Building at the northw an- Do-| est corner of Hastings} minion and Cambie Streets. He struck the concrete pavement and it is believed death was instantaneous. *+¢+¢+¢4+¢+%7%7¢44 # ADVANCE. : * ITALY TO MAKE ITS + WAR DEBT PAYMENT # RECORDED : | *# ROM2, De 1:—Disregard- #| was + e appeals of other Euro- # Stocks Go Up on New York Market + iation tpone- # in Response to President's + me! f their payments, Pre- # Message to Congress # mier Benito Mussolini an- # —- + d yesterday that the #| NEW YORK, Dec. 7:—-Responding # Italian government had de- # i President Hoover’s message to # cided to make its war debt # urging the balancing of * payment of $1,245,000 to-the + he budget and international co-'|# United States when it becomes # eration, stocks advanced shamdly # due on December 15 + from one to five points on the New ¢@ + York Stock Exchange yeste1 ++ te eeee ee te @ turnover amounted nares rials closed at an average GENERAL iS ) up 3.06; rails closed at 68 2.22, and utilities at 26.69 sure mente) IN FLIGHT Business Men Chinese Commander and Are Charged © Thousand Men Retreat to Siberia Prominent Omaha Men Alleged to eB in Liquor Ring ——— Japan \ Nebraska, Dec. 7:—-The firm ve t the C g vy at 5 o'clock yesterday | genera ! had been out for 24 hours Siberia zy the , t local Tom Dennisson charged with op-)| the ¢ Sixteen rSITIHAI Mi huria. De MAHA case in whic! busin me vay unde ler, are liquor ring here Ru Salvation Army Laying Plans to One |" allon on See That All Have a Happy Xmas This Year, Especially the Children he Salvation Army announces that s laying » for Christmas relief and Christmas cheer this year a= lial lhe ; question of whe the " the re \\ ill be a ( hrist (inner provided as usual for the men who have eis | 20 has not heen deci led. sc wee on of the public. The first thing will he RD a= re umas the chiar } rim | most peopl known and the i tmas IS &@ 5S@a- d n when there hould be no feel- 0 { ! ing of oppres want hanging Ov-) r the hom ilvation Army! Dr { riving its vices to the people $75,000,000 Project to Connect 54" to act 4 their ents a an ee ; + every far is provi- Francisco and, Oakland ito see that ev famuy | ied with those things which dif- ded i ‘ , the SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 7 Con- | ferentiate Christmas from 0 her - 's will be let next spring for the " a Te witt os ane lew $" 000,000 br . «wiect con 1e iil vS Will ’ ridge projec! bearer a the heeti) ., s ae Oak ish the |! sf of dont l hand San Francisco and i rund, either in money or suitahle I fun | attabl t | ' t is not long until Chris It will be the second major bridge | 004 I , eed is great Project here, a start havin 1-{/mas and the n ready been made on the $32,000,000 | hoped that the re Qo ‘. ‘ ley Gate bridge. i‘ ral lans us- nlias sheer It is} ment to nowhere | h will de pend upon the to see that) | SUCCESS | Cape Breton Tramways Ltd. An- nounces Wage Increase SYDNEY, N.S., Dec. 7:—The value of co-operation was em- phasized when the Cape Breton Tramways Limited announced a 10% salary increase effective im- mediately. Owned by its employees, this system is one of the few tram lines on the continent showing a prefit. A vear ago employees, facing unemployment when the Cape Breton Electric Co, went into liquidation, pooled their sav- ings and bought the rolling stock and operating rights of the company " BEER BILL IS COMING Legislation to Modify Volstead Act Being Considered By United States Congress WASHINGTON, D.C., Following the defeat Dec. 7 day, new plans are and House at the present short sion of Congress The Senate judiciary now has under consideration the repeal @f the Amendment and the Volstead Act. The bill an anti-saloon clause It is likely that a bill wi idered by the tatives to provide for the and light wines with and 10c for | be con- beer $5 per barrel on beer wine _ DESTROYER UPTURNED Jap Warship, With 104 Members of Crew, Victim of Monsoon In China Sea TOKYO, Dec. 7:—The Japan- ese destroyer Sawarabi was drift- ing upside down in the east of the China Sea yesterday with 104 men of her crew probably drown- ed. The warship was the victim of 1 treacherous monsoon which struck the off Formosa Island on Monday. Sixteen survivors were up by sister destroyers, VISA FOR vessel picked EINSTEIN difficult than) German Scientist Permitted to En- ter United States After Being Held Up For a Time WASHINGTON, D.C,, Dec, 7: sidence in the United States, granted a vi ment yesterday and other matters Women’s Patriotic asked the bar Einstein The | tion had ponse will be lib- /country because of his alleged com- | ) munistic leanings, of Speaker Garner's repeal measure on Mon- being made to! push a beer bill through the Senate ses- committee a bill Eighteenth modification of contains House of Reneenens sale of a tax of per objected to being questioned in re-| gard to his views on communism | Associa- | State Depart- from this }raw Albert Einstein, German scien-| tist, who is planning to take up re- was sa by the State Depart- He had threatened to return to Germany because he| world’s champion woman 1e- -¥ 100 out < a possible 100 on a yard tai Arlayne Brown of St. Louis, 16, volver shot,’set"a new record « stanaard 20-1} NEW ERA. OF EXPANSION FOR MINING PREDICTED BY DISTRICT ENGINEER British Columbia Due to Establish Metal Making Industry In Addition to Producing Raw Material—Prince Rupert’s Local Advantages “A great e xpansion along new lines is due for the min- ing industry of this country,” declare ad Dr. J. T. ae resident mining engineer, in speaking before the Gyro Club yesterday. “Canada’s metal production far exceeds its consumption. We have prolific mineral resources, both developed and undeve loped, but we have not as yet estab- lished a metal-makinge industry of™ international ficance must have real salesmen to sell the A new era is dawning for the oods, Let us sell our mining indus- Canadian mining industry. In this, try to ourselves and to the world. I British Columbia is destined to play “'8¢ you to. become ‘mining cons- ciou an importa Prince Rupert, Importance of Industry too, is bound to play an important i part in this development, provicing cme er int ate played by it is on the qui vive and makes its ‘Continued on Page Two ) facilities and advantages know! SPOKANE UNEMPLOYED We need worry on the score of produ n of raw mater- SPOKANE, Dec. 7 Several hun-, ials, What we 1 now is the pro-;dred workle marched to. the} duction of finished, processed or|Court Hou here Monday to de jucts from these But, above all, we manufactured | mand more adequate materials ment reilef unemploy- | Canadian Softwoods to Be Used in Great Britain in Preference to Furopean LONDON, Dee, 7:—Announcement was made in the House of Commons yesterday that Canadian softwoods are to be used in place of Muropean woods in all major building contracts that come under the supervision of the Commissioner of Works. W. Grimsby Gore, Commissioner of Works, told the House that he had been advised that there would shortly be available supplies of Canadian products that would be used for carpentry, internal joinery and general building purposes. Fate of Sandbeach is Still Uncertain; May Have Been Blown Up Seven Additional Corpses Are Found in Bay of St. George, Newfoundland—Twenty-Five in All Believed to Have Perished ST. JOHN’S, Nfld., Dec. 7:—Several additional bodies from the ill-fated steamer Sandbeach, which is believed to have been wrecked off the coast of Newfoundland, were found on the shores of the Bay of St. George today. So far, seven bodies have been recovered, twenty-five members of the ship’s crew having supposedly lost their lives. Whe- ther the steamer was wrecked during the week-end gale or blown up by.’ a store of gun cotton she had on board has STEAMER LEAGUE IS IN CRISIS MISSING Lifeboat Bearing Name “Sand- | beach” Washed Ashore With | With Vexed Question of | Manchuria ’ j | | Body of Dead Sailor ——- ST. JOHN’S, Nftd., Dec. 7:— Wireless operators combed the North Atlantic Tuesday fer word of the steamer Sandbeach. It left Cornerbrook for Halifax Decem- ber 2 and has not been reported since. Fears for the safety of her | crew of about 25 were expressed when a message was received Tuesday by the government that stated that a lifeboat bearing the steamer’s name and containing against the Lytton report and the body of a dead sailor had been | against its consideration by the washed up on shore 12 miles west _ League. What transpires will of paaee, wen St. Geenga, | probably determine whether or CANNERY IS ===" the League as she has threatened DEMOLISHED President: Elect Wreckers Have Completed Work “ Back i In n Albany Old Tucks Inlet Plant in Prince Rupert Harbor GENEVA, Dee..7:—Faced with the greatest crisis in its history, the assembly of the League of Nations is now in session to con- sider the Lytton report and de- cide whether Manchuria is to be given back to China or whether is shall remain the so-called in- dependent state of Manchukuo under Japanese control. Japan has protested vigorously )} Governor Roosevelt Leaves South After Two Weeks’ Stay at Wreckers have completed the| Warm Springs work of tearing down the old Prince | HE. aks Rupert cannery in Tucks Inlet,| JERSEY CITY, Dec. 7:—Franklin Prince Rupert Harbor. The build- D. Roosevelt, after a two weeks’ | holiday at Warm Springs, Georgia, urrived here by special train last night enroute back to Albany where ings were recently sold for the lum- ; ber and other material which was | in them, the wharf and plant gen- 1 special session of the New Yo jerally having been in a state of St Leste) 8 will N by State Legislature will o ) - ! disrepair for some considerable an 5 ; pen on Fr ay time The Tucks Inlet cannery was ori- British Pound aud Canadian Dollar on ginally built by the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. by which con- | : cern it was operated for some) New York Exchange }years. Ten years or so ago, it was} 7 jsold to the interests which now| NEW YORK, Dec, 7:--Showing a form the B. C. Packers. It is years| gain of 1¥c over the day previous, since the cannery has been oper- | the British pound sterling closed at cated. $3.19% on the - local foreign ex- a |change yesterday. The Canadian | dol lar closed at 85c, Aged Farmer of lf tee eerereee | Aleza Lake Was + AMY JOHNSON TO TRY ‘ | Brwin d Recently ¢ FOR NEW FLIGHT MARK ¢ + CAPETOWN, Dec. ~Amy # | * Johnson Mollison announced # | PRINCE GEORGE, Dec. 7:;+~The)}# yesterday that-she would take # funeral took place last Thursday|* off from here for England at # jafternoon of Charles Stewart, a}# 7 o’clock next Sunday morn- # pioneer of the Aleza Lake district,|# ing in an attempt to break the # who passed away a few days pre-|* time record of her England to # ! vious. Deceased was 79 years of |* Capetown flight made on No- # lage and, until his last illness, had|* vember 18. + j been engaged in farming in the vi-|# + }cinity of Aleza Lake. +t? ttt ee ee 6 ee