PAQ2 FOUH. THH'.PAILY NEWa Monday Pefterpr.ei BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManu Leckie IT tjURE.I"5ACRUE.LWORLO WELL-WHAT jnnniwii' BOY- THEte cein -vW. I D LIKE. TO . Xi A. WOLF Al-T OT-tL. A,Qlf.E. j! UlKg TOOROgH?j''' I V AN' ME H AV I N ' ON llV' AN'CACCACC COIL. CO 3 r Tl POTATOES MINCE PIE AN fRIN& MC NCLAJfc; A WDCLOf BCEH WITH Shoes A tau; COLLKR. OH T i .mi .1 ; . P? sMS YO S for Men, Women and Children Lowest Prices in Ihe City. Family SHOE Store Third Ave. Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations !: for that Christmas visit to Ihe Old Land early. For Tickets. Rales and ! ' Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship, Agency. -Prince Rupert, B.C. The Home of Domestic a Bread Bread is your best fond. llie Fat more of it. .Kept by the leading grocers. La Casse on Bakery Phone 190. Third Ave. Prince Rupert B.C. all Stove WOOD We have just, received a car load of up river wood, guaranteed seasoned and dry1. Size cut to order. For Prices, call HydeTransfer Phone 580. Service and Quality our Motto. KING GEORGE CAFE First Class CHOP SUEY and NOODLES. Furnished Rooms to Rent. Prices Reasonable Phone Blue 471'. Second Ave. GLASS and Glazing OfKvery Description. T. Ross Mackay Phone Blue 165. Movies and 1 Devoted to the doings and sayings of those who entertain the public. I I I MUM wmiULU' !! 1 I M, . 1UIU,1i WEEK AT THEATRE Monday and Tuesday Anita Stewart in "The Love f'iker." Com inly, "Washed ' Ashore." Pat he Review. Wednesday and Thursday ''Children of the Dust." Leather Pushers. Topics of the Day. ! Friday and Saturday "The Spoilers." hy Hex Beach, Comedy "Cellars and CuOV.-' Fox News Cazelle. 4 The Soul of the Beasl is a story of animals and love with particular appeal to young pyiple. The Dancer jf the Nile is pajonale am , fiery, a story of ,J&'i,;,Jr'"3of llnO'ul' ' "A Woman of Paris" has all the subtleness of humor with grimnes of tragedy. II was written and directed by Charles Chaplin and features Kdna Pun i a uc.e. Pmijola is the story of a girl. iim Airican vetui who mas querades asa man. Another slory In which a girl masquerades as a man- is "A Dangerous . Maid." - The girl is arrested and sent lo prison. - Now thai Valentino has 1een over I lie country ami met all the girls he wants io see, he is back getting ready to make some, more pictures. ' "ROBIN HOOD" BEST PHOTOPLAY OF 1923 Was First Choice of 300,000 Movie Fans In Vote Recently Taken "Douglas Fairbanks in Robin Hood," was Ihe firsl choice of photoplay "fans" in the United Stales, France and Mexico, as Ihe roost noted cinema p.-oduction of 1923, according to the returns from th Ihree countries which are now in. III the I'nited Slates, the pro- ductlon received the highest vole Johnny' Walker Palln h 'Children Movie People by more hart 300,000 in ihe con. test ronducled hy Ihe Photoplay, Magazine. Fairbanks will reeeivc the goldmedal, which is annually ;"The Spoilers" Best Known of 'offered. It will he inscribed: "To! Alaskan Stories Has Been Douglas' Fnirhanks for the Pro- durtiou of Kohin Hood." In France" and Mexico the "fans" Ihere also voted Fairbanks product ion fir.l hon- ors. The coirOsts were conducted by Ihe leading "fan" magazines of the two countries, and a eer- tificate of the vote has been for- warded lo Fairbanks. When voting, the people . were 'asked In ronslder eery angle of the picture the acting, the sel- lings, the apial. the story and the photography In each in- stance "Douplas Fairbanks in Robin Hood" received the nnjnr- :ity of the votes. !THE LOVE PIKER IS STORY OF SNOBBISH GIRL WHO REFORMS! 'The Love Piker" is the story of a sivdihisli, wealthy society 2irl who falls irFlo7- with a self made ' engineer, Who parents emigrated lo America from Holland before he was born showing at Welholme tonight. The love story ruik siiiooJhJy until "one day Ihe boy lakes his fiancee down mlo Ihe poor quarters ofjmosl virile authors, and started the town lo visit his old Dutch father who Ihes in a shanty, smokes a corncob pipe and is surrounded by his dof rat and parrot. After meeting him Ihe girl is almost on the point of breaking her engagement but finally deeides In go .through with it. However, when it comes to (fie wedding she knows- she should invite her prospective ifather - in - law but hasn't the nerve. The drainalic strength of the Gron,J.loyd Hadh " ' of Dait Showing at the Westliolme Theiilre Wei'ln'silay ami Thursday. slory routes at this point, a Ihe!" (tin finally goes through a sort of regenerating and on the day of the wedding drive J.iwn to Ihe shanty in her limousine ami make gnod j,y bringing life pnor-iild father to the wedding. REX BEACH STORY IS CuniUM it twrrirriin Onunil II nCIV EilU Refllmed "The Spoilers" to he shown thejhere at the week-end. is Ihe greatest story about the Klondike gold rush ever wrdlen. and one of Ihe most widely read of American Barbara Bedford novel. II established llet Beach's reputation as one of our the school of 'pul-of-door writers who have beei so popular In lAmerican magazines and books In Ihe past divide, a school in w hich no one (has surpassed Mr. lU-ach. Then, loo. The Spoilers' is a" Irue picture of early Alaskan history. It's slory of i Alexander MeXamarst who at. Ilempted lo jump the claim of men who discovered and worked he richest mine in the Klondike dlli Hie supnort of a corrupted court. Is laken directly from life. II is a Irue and wonderfullr Jramatlc pre-entalion of one of the most picluresques- epochs in our natural life, and an epoch which will never return. .o more rugged picture ..." a sturdy ix-ople fighting against nature to wrest her treasures froru. her has been written. When Rex Beach's novel was firsl piclurized, ten years ago hy Colonel Selig, f was Ihe most talked about and the biggest fi. nanrial ucce. -that Ihe films had vpr kix.wn. Bill since Ihn! lime, motion pictures have made gigantic strides forward in technique, in direction, in settings and actings, and llii new screen version of "The Spoilers." as far ahead of Ihe. original one as thai production was ahead of Ihe other features of that day. CHILDREN OF DUST ENTHRALLING STORY Boys Adopts a Father and Falls In Love Wealthy' Girl: Human Interest I Howii gruff' old man learns lo Inve children and the world when past sixty, is one of the absorbingly human angles of "Children of Ihe Dust." which! opens ul Ihe Westliolme Theatre 1 Wednesday. Archer, Ihe old man heals a boy severely for stealing a , flower for hi mother, ami is imprisoned", ipou his release llie loy adopts Archer. I lin follows Ihe enthralling slory of the lad's latter life; of his love for a wealthy girl, of his rival Vi" ISM v Hrrt. rtJtrmx Svc. It. Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PER WORD JN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken lor Loaa Ihon BOc WANTED SALESMEN! Wanted, Salesmen j in every town. The chance nf - a life.time with a concern ; uia na neen ootnfe' minions of dollars worth of busines.; on its reyular pr.Murt. now pom? ou I lie market willi a new one. Write for full par- tieulars, 1. II. Orr. Itox ' jf.nt. Winnipeg, Manitoba. S85 WA.NTFJl.A good horse and single harness suitable for milk deliverer wagon. Horej about 5 years ohl. In reply slate weight apd height. Valentin's Dairy. Prince Hu-pert, B.C. 2H WANTKll. Men and women to learn barbering. PaUl while learning and tools free. Write for catalogue. M"ler Harler College, Vancouver. B.C. FOR RENT FOR HKXT. Small furnished bungalow in Section 2. Apply, Prince Rupert In sura nee Agencies. tf STEAM Heated Flat for rent. Besner apartment. M. M. Stephens. FOL'It ROOMF.D F1.AT lo Rent. Steam heal. Apply Smith A Mallctt. If FOR II EXT. Modern house, five rooms and bath. Apply Munro Bros. tf ROOM AND BOARD PALMER HOUSE. 106 Seventh Avenue West. Phone Rd H9. Furnished suites. BOARD. BOARD. The Inlander, 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. tf aud Archer's part in hi romance. Borzage has inter-woven all of Ihe paljios and human inleresl of "llumor- esqn his previous great success, into this Intense drama in a manner Intriguing to Ihe most Ida1 theatregoer. Pauline. !aron, Johnny Walker, Lloyd- Hughes and Bert WifKilrufT head Ihe superb cast of all stars especially selected for Ibis screen epic. BOAT ARRIVALS Arrivals from Ihe south on the steamer Prince Rupert, Capl I). Donald, Saturday afleripnn included: , For Prince Rupert R. llreen- well, J. Dieth, E. -Abbott (Buck ley Bay), Mr. ami Mrs. D. Lat tice. M. E. Erland, J. W. Afrit strong (Buckley Bay), M. P. Me CalTery, Joseph Howe, J. Field Strang, Mrs. Thomas Deasy Massed, Mr. Peqk, Mrs. E. Hall. It. Hobday, Mr. Paxlon, Mrs. Ed. Jones, J. M. O'Brien ami A. V. Rulhicr. For Stewart Mr. and .Mrs. Dale L. Pitt, L. Jesson, Mr. Findlay, A. I.. Irwin, (i. H. Me. Donald, W. G. Cameron, X. D, Shaw and Miss F. Williams. Advirli In Mte tlxllv Nws PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Monday, December 3 High ...... U:0!) a.m. I'J.j ft. 2i:3i p.m. 17,6 ft. Low ...... 232 a.m. 6.8 " I5t35 p.m. 6.8 ' Tuesday, December, 4 High IOiOI a.m. 20.6 ft. 22:13 p.m. 18.5 Low 3:37 a.m. 6.K 16:36 p.m. 5.1 C . pia m pm- 4i , PURE BRED YORKSHIRES FOR SALE oul f Mae of Al(lerll,a ,5. . ,:.,,., rP. nado 2H.87U0 are the best. Litter of l, 13 and 17. Write J. L. IlarKe, Queen Charlotte CAly. 4' FOUND FOUND. Two keys on , string. Apply Daily News OOlce. REPAIRING ANYTHLVO IN CANVAS. Phone 78(1. P. LeCIaire. Cow Bay. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone, (Call fleorgs or Gust) Ross Brother. Prompt Scrvu-e and Comfort Day or Night Stand: Boston Grill Third Avsnue AUCTION SALES. QiM , iJouaht. sdd. or Exchanged H. M. HEMMINQS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave. Phones Black 136 and Red 412. EXPERIENCED CORSETIERE Orders taken for. Spirella Ooods Mrs. J. M. Grahlman Knlen Shoe Store, 714 Second Avenue West. CHIMNEY CLEANING fModrale Prices OLD NICK Prince Rupert Cigar Store Phone Blue MAIL SCHEDULE For the East Mondays, Wednesday, anrl PrlJUVi' BULIU5U lays, closes at 5jo p.m. From the East s . .Mondays, Thursdays and Sat unlays, t.30v p.m. v From Vancouver- Sundays ...P. M. Wednesdays 3 P.M. Fridays . A.M. Saturdays 3 P.M. C.P.R. November 12 and 26. To Vancouver-Tuesdays. Mall closes at I P.M Thursdays 10 P.M. Saturdays A.M. Sundnys 10 P.M C.P.R. "November 2. 16 ami 30 To Anyo, Alios Arm- Wednesdays 9 P.M, From Anyox, Alice Arm inursuays. 8 p.m. Tr. . Da. I alt w rwr guiipwn, miiov srm Anyox and Arrandale. Sundays Qnn.Uv. t 7 P.M. t. i From Port Slmoson. Allca Armi"1' " "i it. i Anyox and Arrandale Tuesdays , A.M. To Stewart and Premier Saturdays 9 p.Ml Sundays .". 7 P.M. From Stowart and Premier- Sundays 8 P.M, T-uesdays v.M. To Alaska Points November 12 and 26. From Alaska Points November 2, 10 and 30. To Queen Charlotte Island Points November 3 and 17 5.30 P.M. From Queen Charlotte Points November 2 and 15. To Naas River Points and Port Simpson-Thursdays ; io p.M'. From Naas River Points Saturdays ..... A.M, f HELLO! OLDrJRftPPER. , - Whether yuu arttiKju )'"' want to mnke rn "ur 'ur ealdi. yon wnni my tiwneyf -J tAJ oni nni rrmm i The Trapper 's V Second Ave ' CHIROPRACTOR R. D. TAS3IE. D.O. bniropracior 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert DC -.Hours: 10 lo 12; t to 4; 7 ' 8. Phone Blue 625 Residence, Green !3o, i CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. sotio: i HCRrar-xm-r :m : rr p'ltrni i iu.. I 111 ho Sltb ill tunlnrr mi CMt MlflI. uwl tutVAUxj- Timlvr Lioer title i IV. Lit IirtxMinral, vifut. n.t 1 1 ibiktoUf, WATta NOTtCC tut toTirr. siutT w. r IntlMii Ktmt. mUam Mt . aun. B.t . IU lf li ti.r 4 Uk titi m M.M t4-ii. a ml or MHN aMumrd ! :uisin of THkran Iwim n t. brfc fV. rlrlt aiMi Itmtraii Sir (Is in .M ,ii i wit of lwru-r V.f ill b dlvrfird Ir-mi U itX tin m i raitr wwtMi ..f Isdlas TINatv. a4 Ul bf mrttr ptrrw r n ttw land ' M4Ukilla Tti Tumt -a) f. Mt. t TM nullrv i-tlx- rnstad Mill da ' I A rnpy of M ..!' . Sk-atMi P'iraoMI IU- k. "W rt. UH." fB ttr ' lme tM Walt HN,tf.' It ma ) h ftl miUM4t- kwar M- with INT" ""Ttr Walre hirtU. I'arliinwiA, tuu ' iMla. .:. wlUttn llwfn . rrti aMfair ut ihta Ul or IM tvIK- I. ItrtnfU w r oiu.i' m liwliaii r-in riSH WSStMOUtX. AMO OOC. famcx sueisT, sc. TMKlrf ir- lnu-1 fur a tvb Varlnii n4 HatswL B.C. ,- tslr.l Oil''' IIJ..' hillsair iHtr, atsj uiut- -f lt I. Wrfnml tUmlr I. fr HBiti. nr.. LAX It- I. lis mt llh t ( HI rl 1 brKI m.J.. L ' Qrand TrHAk rnrir naltu TMwlr io In MVtKMl UP t ttXIUltin - inrmilr. al If ! rrimeanid hy a iVi niotliil of Irtwlrr. TIJIVS Ca.h. Ths lMt or asr ii-nW tartly eeH4i. FHrlhrr parllrulara ..ft iim ' r. J i.iii TlHril' IJl!i- ' llaam Patiitr . e Xrxe VVnuiiiii-i- ! M. M. STrtaiiV h ' II isj paoaATi. IN TMK SUeaiMK COURT Of SSITIIS ,- COLUMBIA. If Vf MtUrr of lhi wiifri and In Mm Vallrr of lh f os, lrrrfr4. rri'fd. Inl'iial. Inlrilil'. Till.' ,i,,-t Mv.r. .1... iui in rqi ' F. MrB, Voiinr. Hint. mlr JUi ah. iK'i.Kii' I t1rMnlilr l..r i,f tli- lli -i"n, iwai mi n r" r""" "" '" Mill .a.lnl rwirt io rii.-ni.n .hk i - i ir iwMuijr. a. tt if.i.. t. i liHii-tilrd Id the rtli irr "!' 1 iti" atiwunt if thrlr IM1i ' fiTlhmllh, TMO.MiS v, ,Jir.rnF offlrlal 'Wrsin ' ' . thin fth day it 5iiii'' SHCRirPS SAtC. Is ttia Suprama Court of BrllUlt Colm"J: IKs Ann Mlnlli.aul linfl'"" rasnnyM Imiu-d. flalnlirr orar V. nrr iikI an r 1' ' frnOitit. L , , ny vlrtiio nf a Warrant '', , Iwuwl In IliU rtta4i ami iHrw-t1 " I liave eli-il ilu )nirci:l, "r ,ur i rrtiitaau, orir W. ifJSIi'M v '",' ,. Oray, In thr fnllim-IM. JIlii ' ; 1 lltHlril up irr. ' " Wild now. Wild lnoc o. Wild r 'B .. . Mountain Oimii. Hay 'k H.k-ii!!"' ' , avM(ini rrarln. lilrh Mid nilrri' will ffer for stle liy I'mImU a 1 mv urn in llw r.iurl llousr l . nnprrl. n.C. on Wrdnrwliv. tt" of nTMnlMr, D93. II In I" ' noon. Trnm r.ah. . , . iOI SmijLKY, ;ti.Ti" comiiv nr mure ni",1r,; bilea it my office Jfprjbcr . I'"'