y,4 y PAGE DIX. THE DAILY NEWS. Monday, December 3, f 923, NIAGRA MAID GLOVE SILK UNDERWEAR V? have just received a shipment of this pure Silk Underwear including Vests and Bloomers, in sizes 3Ml. Tliey come in Pink or White in Plain Weave or Drop-slilch. VESTS from S4.25 to $5.50 BLOOMERS from 5.00 to 5.50 For those who prefer something slightly chcapsr, we have a wonderful value in Vests, only Dropslitch style at 2.i5 each, and also a heavier quality plain weave, cnl Opera style, at 2.05 each H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. Phone 9. results because it is supplied with the wrong kind of coal. CON&UMUHS COAI. is picked for slove use. U is steady-healing, 'jriphLburning cual freed from choking impurities. Try CON- UMKItS. Peo how your stove will "behave." Consumers Goal Go. Ltd Phones 7 and 311, 3rd Ave. and Fulton Street. I Your Friends If there is one thing we do appreciate in this world U is our friends and to find a charming and sincere way in which to tell them so is a problem that is not easy to solve. There is. however, one season of the year when expression of appreciation and friendliness is appreciated. The Xmas Season No token of friendship is more effective than a LASTIXO (1IFT ho matter how small. It gives the-sterling riiiK of sincerity as nothing else can do in the years to come. OUR LARGE RANGE OF JEWELLERY, Diamonds, Watches. Clocks, Silverware,, Cut Glass, China, Genuine Ivory. Lmbrellas, Brassware, Lamps, Leather Goods, Amber Cigar and Cigarette Holders, Pipes and Novelties. Will Solve Your Problems. Quality. Servcie and Value is Our Motto. Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist. Billie Burke Famous Flannel Dresses From $13.50. JUNIORS from $7.50 "Demers" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, 9 to 8. Phone 68B. Open Evenings Only For Special Appointments. Many a good stove gives poor EPSON COAL We can now Supply our FAMOUS ED30N COAL in any quantity. Prince Rupert Feed Co Phone 68. BENNETT'S CHEMICAL LABORATORY. Assayers, Chemists, Metallurgists. Ore Shippers Agent. TACOMA, Washington, U.S.A. Phone 84 1 Cash & Carry We are giviuir the public a chance to save from about 8 to 15 on their grocery bills. Come in and inspect our slock. Here are c few sugses-lons for washday and general cleaning: It.G. Soap, 1 box ... .. 25c 5 boxes $1.15 Sunlight Soap, per box 25 o 13 bars ... $1.00 I.ilae Hose Soap, 12 for $1.00 Ivory Soap, 12 for . $1.00 Castile Soap, i bar . $1.00 Gold Dust. 3 pk?. for $1.10 Pearline, 3 pkg. for .. $1.00 Kels Naptha Soap, box 85c Dutch Cleanser, 6 for . 70o Lux,' Vfor 70o Lye, 2 for ,.25c Ileckilt's Blue. for .. 25o All Orders over $10.00 delivered. ECONOMY STORE 417 Fifth Ave. East. HOLTBY WEDDING WAS BRILLIANT AFFAIR AT VANCOUVER THURSDAY Honeymoon Being Spent on Van couver Island: Reception Follows Ceremony Gleaming candles, flowers and palms were used to decorate the chancel and altar or SI. James Church on Thursday evening when Miss Gladys Gwendoline (iibbins, daughter of Dr. Johnson (iibbins of this city, became Hie brjde of Alfred Lionel Hollby. son of Mr. and Mrs. A. It. Holt-by of Prince Hupert, says the Vancouver Province. The ser vice, which was choral, was read by Rev. YVilberforce Cooper. The bride, who is a native. daughter was viven in marriage by her father, was attired in while lunellc creic over while alio. The pleated side panels were ornamented with orantrc blossoms, and the wide Kgyptiah smile was fastened wflli a pearl and brilliant ornament. Her while embroidered net veil wa held in place wilh a coronet of orange blossoms and a tiny caji of Limerick lace. An old-fash ioned bouquet of Ophelia roses. lily of the valley and violets, lo get her 'wilh silver slippers, completed the dainty costume. The Attendants Slip was attended by her sisler Mrs. David Thomson, as matron of honor, who wore pale yellow jreorgelle with over dress of yellow and brown Persian lace. Ihe underskirl sliowinjr a wreath of French flowers in dull tones. Her hal was a brown and jroht lace, and void slippers com pleted the eoslume. She carried an old-fasbioned bouquet of bronze chrysanthemum. The lillle flower girl. Miss Daphne llemmel, wore while net em broidered wilh French flowers and a while and pink bonnet, and carried a basket of pink flowers. Howe Holland support'' ed Hie groom, and James Wit- romb acted as usher. PACIFIC MILK - Contest WINNER ANNOUNCEMENT. No. 1 Prize Larce jardin- ere: winner Mrs. Place, 113 Ulli Ave. West. No. 2 Prize Medium jar- dinere; Mr. l'inder. Casino drill. No. 3 Prize li cup and saucers; Mrs. Mellior, 5 1 It Ave. West. SPECIAL THIS WEEK. New Navel Oranges, 13 for 25c ' Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211, 212, 281 Have you had your PASTEURISED MILK TODAY? VALENTIN'S DAIRY Sells Milk, Cream and Butter Phone 81, Daily Deliveries. FiJbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbL is BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBs Thp"UntDoIwly Conp&rvd wilh ordinary tiled piano WHY NOT HAVE A PIANO IN YOUR HOME FOR XMAS? For Sale and llent at ! Walker's Music Store Ltd 9 Oh no. Mother, there is no need to worry about Jim's health. These symptoms of piety and unnatural goodness are quite seasonable. You know what's coming next month. I Father need not worry about his pocket book either. Children demand things that are new and interesting and modern, rather than expensive gifts. J Yes, it is true he has a lot of young people to remember and buy presents for, but hundreds of factories know this and have been making things for twelve months to help him out of his difficulties. J From the new fur or the new winter suit you art hoping he may buy for you, to the tiniest toy for the smallest of the babies the advertisements in the paper should be your guide. J At this time of year when you are planning ahead, let your thinking be of some value. READTHE ADVERTISEMENTS B Early In TH Shop Following the ceremony a re ception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Witcomb. Third Avenue West, when Ihe sues! ! were received by the hostess, wbo wa attired in reida sreen silk velvet brocaded peorpelle and sold lace, wild which she wore a black lace hat. and a corsage bouquet of pink roses and vlotel.s. Mrs. Iloltby. mother of Ihe groom, wore a sown of black velvet wilh ermine fur and black add while hal. Her cor.-afcre bouquet was of pink roses. The lea table was decor ated with yellow and silver ribbon and centered with yellow chrysanthemums. Presiding al Ihe urns was Mrs. II. S. Wilson. while Mrs. A. A, Fairuie served the ices. Serviiur Ihe gues were Mis Man: a re I Wileoinb, in blue crepe de chine and black velvet hal. and Miss Margaret King, in wine-colored velvet with black haf. Honeymoon' on Island Later Mr. ami Mrs. llollby lefl for Vancouver Island where the honeymoon' will be speii' Ihe hridV' travelling in a costume of navy kitten's ear cloth, wilh vialka jojuirrel fur collar. Her small black hat was trimmed In silver, and the coaf opened over a blue cut velvet blouse. Laler Ihey will lake up I heir residence in Prince BRILLIANT YOUNG MAN IS RELATIVE OF LOCAL PEOPLE It. K. Jones, ?1 year-old grail uate of MeCdll University, who has gone lo F.uglaud lo speak for Premier Hahlwin's party in the election campaign now going on. is a grandson of Mrs. It. K. Jones who is at present visiting in (lie cily with her daughler, Mrs. W. S. Fisher, the young man aunt. Mr. Jones, who is speaking on Ihe tariff issue as it effects the oversea Dominion's, is a student al McOil taking post-graduate work In economics. His father is Hon. W. P. Jones, former solici tor-general in the cw Druns wick cabinet. ANNOUNCEMENTS Royal Purple and F.lks' Hazaar and Old Time Carnival. Klks' Home, December i and 5. Salvation Aniiy Ladies' Home League Hazaar, December n, Baptist Church Hazaar, Dec 12, in Church, parlors. Methodist Church Hazaar, December 15. ' High School Xmas, Concert December it). TELKWA At a meeting in (be otllce of Ihorp ,V Hoop., it was decided lo bold the Community Christ mas tree for the children on Saturday, December 22. .N'els Svenson is busy milling in a set of scales al the coal mine. This convenience will greatly assist those hauling. Jack Ticehurst and F. Dobfe came in from Home Mountain last week for a load of supplies. Ihe I Mine Mountain Cafe which opened last week is dolus a rubin business. The be! of everything, and the freshest things in season are served to guots. Hoy Wakefield has several leant busy hauling hay there is ju.l enough snow o that sleighs may be used. ' Tim. McLennan is erecting a house tui Ihe corner lot next to Hrab Hoops' residence. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert J. F. .Strang, James "ll. A. Steven. C. J. Deelh, J. A. Hob- lay, J. M. OHricii, T. M. panton. M. Ilockin, L. M. F.lllott, A. Freeman. II. F.wart, K. Deincrs. K. A. Nagel and W J. Henry, Vancouver; Mrs. Thus. Drasy. James Martin, Frank Kits and . W. Jakes, Massett: Fred Hen- sou and Waller Calvert. Metla- kaUl. Alaska; A. V. Itoulhicr ami J. W. Armstrong, lluckley Hay: Mrs. I.ouitc, Ketchikan. Alaska; S. Workman. Terrace; Frank Allen, Uazrllou; II. 0. Cunningham. Port F.ssington; J. H. Mc-Inlyre and Mr. and Mrs. Skinner. Smflhcr.; L. J. Allan, HydefT Central Lee lain and F.. Antrvw. sli'amer Prince Ituperl; J. )ra-ham, Cumshewa; Mr. and Mrs. Fred K. Wermig and H. Nelson, lluckley Hay; S. Shepsky, C.X.H.; II. S. Huck, city; J. Scott. Anyot. The county coiicl eae bclweeil S. W. Urugvy of Ajicc Arm and K. Olsen for payment of goods sold add delivered was ret this morning for hearing on Decem- her I i. M. Gomales of Williams, Manson & (ioiuales represents the plaintiff. I. S. Hoiiney, district foreslcr. is home after an official visit lo Interior points. Why Do They Use Others? mm Mrs. Armstrong, has written u a most mil-resting letter, highly complimentary- She asks if wh know why anyone uses an Kasern brand of milk "swheii I'acific is available "And llrilish Columbia milk is so much heller and nicer in flavor." We do not know why people use milk not put jip here, Mrs, Armstrong. Perhaps is is because they have not tried I'acific. Pacific Milk Go. Limited Head Office, Vancouver, B, C. Factories at Ladner and Ab- botsford, B. 0. $1 Deposit will secure a TURKEY at 35c per lb, if plnt-cd be. fore December 15, Aflcr that dale, imukct price prevails. ORDER NOW. GROCERIES AND MEATS. Lowest Price. Highest Quality. FARMERS Mar e Phone Blue 428. t Phone 376 SEBl Phone 376 The House of Quality THE VERY LATEST IN Evening Slippers Our New Evening Slippers have just arrived In time for the Festive Season. The season's very latest. Never shown in Prints llnpert before. fl"iiinne (urn sole with covered, Louis heels or low box heels. In choice HlnrK Brocade, Orey or HlacW .Suede, Patent leather wilh Mack or tirey Irjmmiiiir to match. All sizes to assure u perfect ftt. Pr pair $4.75 to $11.00 M08C0W RUBBER BOOTS FOR GIRLS. The only original ltoiaii loL with black. i un li astrakhan ruff, offered for sale hi Pntice Huperl UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Mail Orders Prepaid Phone 376. .Satisfaction or Money Hark, WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow, 7 and 9 anitaItewart Ml "The Love Piker" A scintillating drnma sparkling with life' brightest lhnie. The tory of n snob who rtne-l herself to, be a regular girl after all. A piker hi love who eventually wj brave enough to break down the barriers of society mid false pride. Nnblble ca.t includes Robert Fraxer aipl JleUy Francisco. COMEDY "WASHED ASHORE." PATHE REVIEW. Admission 35c and 10c. Canadian National Railways ' Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped lo handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3S5. Vlial von have been looking for SOMETHING NEW - Good, and Cheap We have n wonderful Xmas slock of . TOM SMITH'S FAMOUS YULETIDE CRACKERS, import ed direct from London, Kiigland. All the fun' of tlr fair nt the festive table. These tlrackers are the acme nf workmanship und each one contains a delightful gift, cc them iji our vvimlovv. Unsurpassed for table dt'curnll"'1' Hole Agent for PURDY'8 FAMOUS CANDIES, put up in beautiful Xmas boxes. Hay it with Purdy's ami make a killing, TOM SMITH'S IMPORTED TOY AUTOS, TRAINS, ETC., FILLED WITH CANDIES. Jusl the thing for the Xmas .Slocking, To introduce these famous goods lo llie puldic of Prince Hupert' we are offering them at Ihe lowest prices ever iiioled in Ihe city. Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Third Avenue. We Cash Chequ'